Appendix A

Bill M. Woods taught the second course ever on map librarianship at the Library School, University of Illinois beginning in 1951. The course outline and reading list for LS306, Map and Cartobibliographical Aids, was filed in the University Archive on Feb. 6, 1951, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Archives, Record Series 18/1/15, Box 46. The Archive's staff kindly provided the document to be viewed. Below is a derivative work, an updated summary of the contents. Unfortunately, the mid-20th century typewriter ambiance is missing, but all briefly listed readings are expanded to full citations.

University of Illinois Library School 1951

Woods (1951) described the course as “an examination of the problems involved in cataloging, classification, and care of maps … the student will become acquainted with the major cartobibliographical and related aids in the field” (p. 1). The course was for two credit hours and required three oral and written reports as well as a final exam.

The first one-third of the course was an Introduction to Maps and Map Libraries with four subsections: (a) map nomenclature; (b) history of maps; (c) map activity; (d) map libraries. The reading list shown below was modified from Woods' original outline.

LS 306 Readings: Introduction to Maps and Map Libraries

Map Nomenclature

Boggs, S. W., Lewis, D. C., & Special Libraries Association. (1945). The classification and cataloging of maps and atlases. NY: Special Libraries Association.

History of Maps

Bagrow, L. (1935). Imago mundi: A periodical review of early cartography. London: H. Stevens & Stiles.

Brown, L. A., & Lessing J. Rosenwald Reference Collection (Library of Congress). (1949). The story of maps. Boston: Little, Brown.

Holman, L. A. (1926). Old maps and their makers considered from the historical & decorative standpoints: A survey of a huge subject in a small space. Boston: Charles E. Goodspeed & Co.

Jervis, W. W. (1938). The world in maps: A study in map evolution. NY: Oxford University Press.

Raisz, E. (1948). General cartography. NY: McGraw-Hill Book Co.

Tooley, R. V. (1949). Maps and map-makers. London: Batsford.

Map Libraries

New York Public Library, Brown, K., Wright, W. E., & Rankin, R. B. (1941). A guide to the reference collections of the New York Public Library. NY: The New York Public Library.

“Platt, E. T., Map department of the American Geographical Society” (Woods, 1951). Although this resource was not located, Yonge (1955) seems the closest match.

The Library of Congress. (1946). Departmental & divisional manuals. No. 15 map division. Washington, DC.

United States. (1938). Map collections in the District of Columbia. Washington, DC.

Yonge, E. L. (March 01, 1955). The Map Department of the American Geographical Society. The Professional Geographer, 7(2), 2–5.

The second section of the course was on cartobibliographic aids with nine subsections: (a) works treating maps in general; (b) cartobibliographies proper; (c) catalogs of individual collections; (d) catalogs of governmental mapping agencies; (e) catalogs of commercial mapping agencies; (f) catalogs of societal mapping agencies; (g) periodicals; (h) atlases; (i) gazetteers and miscellaneous aids. Woods' reading list was modified from the outline and is shown below.

LS 306 Readings: Cartobibliographic Aids

Works Treating Maps

Birch, T. W. (1949). Maps, topographical and statistical. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Eardley, A. J. (1942). Aerial photographs: Their use and interpretation. NY: Harper & Bros.

Greenhood, D., Graeter, R., & Eichenberg, F. (1944). Down to earth: Mapping for everybody. NY: Holiday House.

Hinks, A. R. (1944). Maps and survey. Cambridge, England: University Press.

Modern Cartography. (1949). Lake Success, NY: United Nations.

Raisz, E. (1948). General cartography. NY: McGraw-Hill Book Co.

United States. (1947). Manual of instructions for the survey of the public lands of the United States, 1947. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

Cartobibliographies Proper

American Geographical Society. (1930). A catalogue of maps of Hispanic America: Including maps in scientific periodicals. NY: American Geographical Society.

Chubb, T., Skells, J. W., & Beharrell, H. (1927). The printed maps in the atlases of Great Britain and Ireland: A bibliography, 1579–1870. London: The Homeland Association, Ltd.

Copyright Office. (1947). Catalog of copyright entries. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. [“Vol. 4” is in the outline, but not sure this is the exact citation intended.]

Foncin, M., & Sommer, P. (1949). Bibliographie cartographique internationale, 1946–1947. Paris.

Karpinski, L. C., Jenks, W. L., & Michigan Historical Commission. (1931). Bibliography of the printed maps of Michigan, 1804–1880: With a series of over one hundred reproductions of maps constituting an historical atlas of the Great Lakes and Michigan. Lansing, MI: Michigan Historical Commission.

University of Chicago, & Kuhlman, A. F. (1936). Atlases in libraries of Chicago: A bibliography and union check list, the University of Chicago libraries, document section. Chicago.

Catalogs of Individual Collections

Catalogue of the printed maps, plans, and charts in the British Museum. (1885). London: British Museum.

Edward E. Ayer Collection (Newberry Library), & Smith, C. A. (1927). List of manuscript maps in the Edward E. Ayer collection. Chicago.

Geographic Board of Canada. (1922). Catalogue of the maps in the collection of the Geographic Board. Ottawa: F. A. Acland.

Library of Congress, & Le Gear, C. E. (1950). United States atlases: A list of national, state, county, city, and regional atlases in the Library of Congress. Washington, DC.

Library of Congress, & Phillips, P. L. (1901). A list of maps of America in the Library of Congress: Preceded by a list of works relating to cartography. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.

Library of Congress, Phillips, P. L., & Le Gear, C. E. (1909). A list of geographical atlases in the Library of Congress: With bibliographical notes. Washington, DC: s.n.

Lowery, W., Phillips, P. L., & Library of Congress. (1912). The Lowery collection: A descriptive list of maps of the Spanish possessions within the present limits of the United States, 1502–1820. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.

Winsor, J. (1886). The Kohl collection of maps relating to America. Cambridge, MA: Issued by the Library of Harvard University.

Catalogs of Governmental Mapping Agencies

Bowman, N. M. (1953). Publications, maps and charts sold by U.S. government agencies other than the superintendent of documents. Special Libraries, 44(2), 53–65.

Thiele, W., Kuhlman, A. F., & American Library Association. (1938). Official map publications: A historical sketch, and a bibliographical handbook of current maps and mapping services in the United States, Canada, Latin America, France, Great Britain, Germany, and certain other countries. Chicago: American Library Association.

U. S. Geological Survey. [This is as specific as Woods was in the course outline.]

United States. (1940). United States Government publications monthly catalog. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

Catalogs of Commercial Mapping Agencies

Check library vertical files.

Catalogs of Societal Mapping Agencies

Check library vertical files and card catalog.


Geographical Review. (1916). NY: American Geographical Society of New York.

Journal of Geography. (1917). Indiana: Ed. National Council for Geographic Education.

Library Journal. (1954). NY: Cahners Publishing Company.

Surveying and Mapping. (1949). Washington, DC: American Congress on Surveying and Mapping.

The Geographical Journal. (1939). Great Britain: Royal Geographical Society.

The Journal of Geology. (1942). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

The Professional Geographer. (1949). Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.


Ristow, W. W. (1945). A survey of the world atlases. Library Journal, 70(2), 54–57, 100–103.

Wright, J. K., & Platt, E. T. (1947). Aids to geographical research: Bibliographies, periodicals, atlases, gazetteers and other reference books. NY: Published for the American Geographical Society by Columbia University Press.

Selected Atlases

Adams, J. T., & Coleman, R. V. (1943). Atlas of American history. NY: Charles Scribner's Sons.

Bartholomew, J. G. (1922). The Times survey atlas of the world. London: The Times.

Bartholomew, J., & John Bartholomew and Son. (1947). The citizen's atlas of the world. Edinburgh: John Bartholomew & Son, Ltd.

Bertarelli, L. V., & Touring Club Italiano. (1951). Atlante internazionale del Touring Club Italiano. Milano: Touring Club Italiano.

Clark, A. W., & W.W. Hixson & Co. (1943). Atlas of Champaign County, Illinois, 1943. Rockford, IL: W.W. Hixson & Co.

Goode, J. P. (1943). Goode's School atlas: Physical, political, and economic, for American schools and colleges. NY: Rand McNally.

Great Soviet world atlas. (1948). Ann Arbor, MI: Edwards Bros.

Hudson, G. D., & Encyclopaedia Britannica. (1942). Encyclopaedia Britannica world atlas: Unabridged. Chicago.

Illinois Post-War planning commission committee on resources.

Nielsen, N., & Kongelige Danske geografiske selskab. (1949). Atlas over Danmark: Atlas of Denmark. København: Det Kongelige Danske geografiske selskab.

Paullin, C. O., Wright, J. K., & American Geographical Society of New York. (1932). Atlas of the historical geography of the United States. Washington, DC.

Rand McNally and Company. (1800). Commercial atlas and marketing guide. Chicago.

Rand McNally and Company. (1951). Cosmopolitan world atlas. Chicago.

Rimli, E. T., & Visintin, L. (1949). Neuer Welt-Atlas: Land und Wirtschaft aller Staaten [in über 500 geographischen, politischen, wirtschaftlichen, klimatischen, geologischen und konfessionellen Karten und Stadtplänen]. Zürich: Franmünster.

Sanborn-Perris Map Co. (1897). Urbana, Campaign [sic] Co., Ill., Nov. 1897. NY: Sanborn-Perris Map Co.

Siborne, W. (1946). History of the war in France and Belgium in 1815 vol 1: Containing minute details of the battles of Quartre-Bras, Ligny, Wavre, and Waterloo. Place of publication not identified: T. and W. Boone. [Potential equivalent to: Comité National Fracasis de Géographie, Altas de France.]

Stieler, A., Haack, H., Carlberg, B., & Schleifer, R. (1934). Stieler's Atlas of modern geography: 263 maps on 114 sheets engraved on copper. Germany: Justus Perthes.

Gazetteers and Miscellaneous Aids

Irish, K. (1950). What about gazetteers? Library Journal 75, 447–448.

Selected Gazetteers and Aids

Educators Progress Service. (1940). Educators index of free materials. Randolph, WI: Educators Progress Service.

Great Britain. (1941). Syria: Index gazetteer showing place-names on 1:200,000 map series [Gazetteer]. 1:200,000. Cairo: Survey Directorate.

Heilprin, A., & Heilprin, L. (1906). Lippincott's new gazetteer: A complete pronouncing gazetteer or geographical dictionary of the world, containing the most recent and authentic information respecting the countries, cities, towns, resorts, islands, rivers, mountains, seas, lakes, etc., in every portion of the globe. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott.

National Geographic Society Cartographic Division. (1948). North Central United States. Washington, DC: The National Geographic Society.

Permanent Committee on Geographical Names for British Official Use. (1926). List of names in Romania. London: for the Permanent Committee on Geographical Names by the Royal Geographical Society.

Seely, P. A., & Sealock, R. B. (1955). Place name literature, United States and Canada, 1952–1954. Berkeley: University of California Press for the American Name Society.

U.S. Army Map Service. (1945). Gazetteer to maps of Formosa (Taiwan): Map series AMS L792, scale 1:50,000, January 1945 [Gazetteer]. 1:50,000. Washington, DC: War Department, Army Map Service, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army.

United States Board on Geographical Names. (1935). Decisions of the United States Board on Geographical Names. Washington, DC: Board on Geographical Names.

United States Geographic Board. (1933). Sixth report of the United States Geographic Board, 1890 to 1932. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

United States. (1950). Supplement to Hydrographic Office publication no. 123a, sailing directions for Japan, volume I. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. (1949). United States coast pilot. Gulf Coast, Key West to Rio Grande. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.

Webster's geographical dictionary: A dictionary of names of places with geographical and historical information and pronunciations. (1949). Springfield, MA: Merriam.

Writers' Program of the Work Projects Administration in the State of Illinois. (1939). Illinois: A descriptive and historical guide. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co.

The final section of the course was on physical care and treatment, classification, cataloging, and rare maps. Physical care covered mounting and storage. An overall classification system suggested the record order was area, area-subject, and subject. An overall cataloging system was shown by author, title, imprint, technical notes, and subject headings. Several different classification and cataloging systems were presented that had printed manuals. Storage, cataloging, and classifying aspects of rare maps were discussed separately, and lastly, the use of maps was covered. Reading lists were modified from Woods' outline, shown below.

LS 306 Readings: Physical Care, Classifying, Cataloging, and Rare Maps

Physical Care and Treatment of Maps

U.S. Library of Congress Division of Maps. (1949). Maps; Their care, repair and preservation in libraries. Washington, DC.

Classification of Maps

American Geographical Society of New York, Yonge, E. L., & Hartzell, M. E. (1952). Manual for the classification and cataloguing of maps in the society's collection. NY: American Geographical Society.

Boggs, S. W., Lewis, D. C., & Special Libraries Association. (1945). The classification and cataloging of maps and atlases. NY: Special Libraries Association.

Heaps, J. D. (1998). Tracking intelligence information: The office of strategic services. American Archivist, 61(2), 287–308. Available from;view=1up;seq=803 Heaps details the process, explaining lost and destroyed OSS records as well as the Research and Analysis Branch (R&A) index cards with abstracts of OSS reports and Central Information Division (CID) Decimal Classification Filing system that are now located in the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).

Parsons, E. J. S., & Great Britain. (1946). Manual of map classification and cataloguing: Prepared for use in the directorate of military survey, war office. London.

Library of Congress. (1954). Classification. Class G; geography, anthropology, folklore, manners and customs, recreation. Washington, DC.

United States. (1947). Guide to the Williams system map subject classification and cataloging in use at Map Library, the Army Map Service. Place of publication not identified.

U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS), Cataloger's manual – This document was not located, but an article may be of interest is Heaps (1998), as shown above.

Wilson, L. S. (1948). Library filing, classification and cataloging of maps: With special reference to wartime experience. Place of publication not identified: publisher not identified.

Cataloging of Maps

American Geographical Society of New York, Yonge, E. L., & Hartzell, M. E. (1952). Manual for the classification and cataloguing of maps in the society's collection. NY: American Geographical Society.

American Library Association. Division of Cataloging and Classification. (1949). A.L.A. cataloging rules for author and title entries (2nd ed.). Chicago: American Library Association.

Anderson, O. C. (1950). No best method to catalog maps. Library Journal, 75, 450–452.

Boggs, S. W., Lewis, D. C., & Special Libraries Association. (1945). The classification and cataloging of maps and atlases. NY: Special Libraries Association.

Library of Congress. (1949). Rules for descriptive cataloging in the Library of Congress. Washington, DC: Library of Congress, Descriptive Cataloging Division.

Murphey, M. (1945). The Army Map Service Library-map cataloging. Special Libraries, 36(5), 157–159.

Parsons, E. J. S., & Great Britain. (1946). Manual of map classification and cataloguing: Prepared for use in the directorate of military survey, war office. London.

Snider, F. E. (1945). Suggested map arrangement for the general library. Library Journal, 70, 471–474.

United Nations, & United Nations. (1949). Nomenclature of geographic areas for statistical purposes. Lake Success, NY: United Nations.

Wilson, L. S. (1948). Library filing, classification and cataloging of maps: With special reference to wartime experience. Place of publication not identified: publisher not identified.

Old and Rare Maps

Brown, L. A. (1941). Notes on the care & cataloguing of old maps. Windham, CT: Hawthorn House.


Woods B.M. LS306 Map librarianship course outline, Record Series 18/1/15, Box 46. Urbana-Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Archives; 1951.

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