Putting an End to aCoworker's ChronicInterruptions


Chronic interrupters threaten not only your presentations but your image in the office. After repeated occurrences, the situation will become either comical or embarrassing to the rest of the staff, and the content or import of what you say will be lost. Try to deal with this in private first, even accepting some of the responsibility. If that elicits an apology, leave well enough alone. Denials should be met with examples and a blunter request. Attacks, on the other hand, should be met with a sharp rebuke and even a veiled threat. If the problem crops up again, respond with all the ammo you can muster. Failing to be forceful at that point will guarantee that the problem becomes worse.


  • Attitude: There's no excuse for rudeness. Still, realize that bending over backward is the best way to stop their behavior. But be prepared to get tough if your sensitivity doesn't work.
  • Preparation: Have an example in mind in case you're met with denial.
  • Timing: Bring this up as soon as possible after an incident.
  • Behavior: Hold this conversation privately in the other party's work area. The more secure their surroundings, the more likely they'll apologize. If it happens again, however, respond immediately and publicly, regardless of where it takes place.
Flow diagram depicting a course of action for 87. Suggesting Better Hygiene to a Coworker with an opening statement, situations, and responses.


This script can be modified to:

  • Put an end to any form of repeated public rudeness.


  • Bring the matter up in private first.
  • Cast it as a mutual problem.
  • Criticize the timing, not the content.
  • Accept apologies graciously.
  • Respond bluntly to denials.
  • Respond in kind to attacks or to future incidents.
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