Insisting on Better Hygiene from a Direct Report


Having to tell someone their breath or body odor is offensive may be one of the most awkward situations you'll ever face in the workplace. Yet sometimes it's essential that you act, not only for the comfort of you and other coworkers, but for the company and the person's future as well. Such problems are almost certain to undermine the image of the company if the offending employee comes in contact with clients. Hygiene problems will erode their standing in the company and will block any future progress in the organization. Begin with the assumption that they aren't conscious of the problem. Start off by subtly suggesting the same tool(s) you use to avoid similar problems. If they take the hint, let the matter drop. If your subtext isn't understood, you'll have to press further.


  • Attitude: Try not to be embarrassed. The other party will be embarrassed enough for both of you. Remember, you're doing this for the person's own good.
  • Preparation: Buy some breath mints or look around for a nearby drug store.
  • Timing: Do this immediately after lunch and privately. That way you minimize embarrassment and have an excuse for your actions.
  • Behavior: Start off being subtle, but if necessary, shift to sincere concern. There's no need to be apologetic since you're doing the person a favor.
Flow diagram depicting a course of action for 53. Insisting on Better Hygiene from a Direct Report with an opening statement, situations, and responses.


This script can be modified to:

  • Discuss hygiene problems with a teen.
  • Discuss hygiene problems or erratic behavior with a parent or older relative.


  • Start off subtly, but if necessary, be direct.
  • If they take the hint, drop the issue.
  • If they don't take the hint, be direct.
  • If they get angry, say it's a business problem too.
  • If they say it's none of your business, explain why it is something you need to be concerned with.
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