Asking Your Supervisor for a Deadline Extension


The secret to asking for a deadline extension is to make it clear that your only problem is time; nothing else is wrong. Rather than coming in to your supervisor with an apology and series of reasons why you're not going to be able to meet the established deadline steer the discussion as quickly as possible to solutions. The schedule established was clearly unworkable, and now you need help in coming up with ways to deal with the situation. Offer alternatives but make it clear that delivery as intended is impossible.


  • Attitude: This is a time neither to fall on your own sword nor to assign blame to others. It's not important who or what is to blame. What's important is deciding the next step. The more you adopt this attitude, the more likely your supervisor will as well.
  • Preparation: Don't waste time determining why you won't be able to deliver on time—invariably it's because the schedule was overly optimistic; there's nothing you can do about it now. Instead, come up with as many alternative solutions as you can. There are usually three variations: getting more time, hiring outside help to deliver on time, or submitting a draft on the due date with the final product to follow later. Be prepared to advocate one alternative over the others in case your supervisor is unwilling to take responsibility.
  • Timing: It's essential you have this conversation as soon as you realize you're not going to meet your deadline. Procrastination can only hurt you since you don't know if there are other issues involved. The sooner you realize the deadline is unworkable and convey that to your supervisor, the better. The longer you wait, the more this will look like a failing on your part.
    Flow diagram depicting a course of action for 13. Asking Your Supervisor for a Deadline Extension with an opening statement, situations, and responses.
    Flow diagram depicting a course of action for 13. Asking Your Supervisor for a Deadline Extension from a Project with situations and responses.
  • Behavior: Remain objective and rational. Don't let anger put you on the defensive or fear get the better of you. You, your supervisor, the project, and the company will all be best served by your continuing to steer the conversation around to solutions rather than postmortems.


This script can be modified to:

  • Mollify a client or customer.
  • Ask a client or customer for more time.


  • Present the failure to meet the deadline as a given and go directly to offering alternative solutions.
  • If you're asked for a reason, just say the schedule was unworkable and launch into your suggestions.
  • If your supervisor expresses anxiety, anger, or disappointment, say these feelings are understandable, but immediately shift the topic to solutions.
  • Solutions generally involve either getting more time, bringing in outside help, or presenting an outline on time with the finished product to follow later.
  • If your supervisor seems unwilling to select from your set of solutions be prepared to advocate one approach.
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