Putting an End to a Direct Report's Procrastination


Directly address the issue of procrastination with someone who has had that problem in the past. Accept that you're going to need to get involved in one way or another. Consider setting “cheat” deadlines if possible to give yourself some protection. Most importantly, characterize the reason for the individual's procrastination and base your approach on the reason. Are they self‐destructive, always putting obstacles in their own path? Itemize and prioritize the obstacles the self‐destructive individual brings up. Are they simply lazy or undisciplined? Explain the consequence of failure to the lazy individual and give them a choice to bail out. Are they a thrill‐seeker who waits for the last minute to start? Ask the thrill‐seeker to commit to a start date and set benchmarks. Are they overextended, always taking on more than they should? Break down the project into smaller tasks for the overextended staffer. Or are they a perfectionist who never thinks the work is done because it could always be better? Take over the setting of standards from the perfectionist.


  • Attitude: You need to be direct but with a coaching approach.
  • Preparation: Categorize the reason for the individual's past procrastination and be ready to answer the common questions about time‐sensitive project assignments.
  • Timing: Provide as much time for the project as possible but be prepared to give a false early deadline to give yourself a cushion.
    Flow diagram depicting a course of action for 56. Putting an End to a Direct Report's Procrastination with an opening statement, situations, and responses.
    Flow diagram depicting a course of action for 56. Putting an End to a Direct Report's Procrastination with situations and responses.
  • Behavior: This is best done in person, but in their workspace, if possible. Bringing them into your environment could create pressure, which doesn't work with procrastinators. Going to them reinforces your commitment to be there for them so the deadline gets met.


This script can be modified to:

  • Put an end to a direct report's repeated errors or omissions.


  • Characterize the reason for the procrastination, based on prior experience, and base your approach on the reason.
  • Be direct but approach it as a coach rather than a taskmaster.
  • Understand you'll need to play a hands‐on management role in order to ensure the staffer meets the deadline.
  • Force closure in this conversation by leaving with a plan and a firm time for the next conversation.
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