Creating listeners in the CLI

To create a listener, use the neutron lbaas-listener-create command shown here:

neutron lbaas-listener-create
[--tenant-id TENANT_ID]
[--description DESCRIPTION]
[--connection-limit CONNECTION_LIMIT]
[--default-pool DEFAULT_POOL]
[--name NAME]
[--default-tls-container-ref DEFAULT_TLS_CONTAINER_REF]
[--sni-container-refs SNI_CONTAINER_REFS [SNI_CONTAINER_REFS ...]]
[--loadbalancer LOADBALANCER] --protocol
--protocol-port PORT

The --tenant-id argument is optional and can be used to associate the listener with a project other than the creator. The tenant or project ID specified should match the respective load balancer.

The --description argument is optional and can be used to provide a description for the listener.

The --connection-limit argument is optional and can be used to limit connections per second to the listener. The default is unlimited (-1).

The --default-pool argument is optional and sets the default pool for the listener.

The --admin-state-down argument is optional and can be used to set the listener in a DOWN state at creation.

The --name argument is optional and can be used to set a name for the listener.

The --loadbalancer argument is optional and can be used to specify the associated load balancer.

The --protocol argument is required and is used to specify the protocol for the listener. Options include TCP, HTTP, HTTPS, and TERMINATED_HTTPS.

The --protocol-port argument is required and is used to specify the port for the listener.

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