Using the OpenStack command-line interface

Prior to the openstack command-line client coming on the scene, each project was responsible for maintaining its own client. Each client often used its own syntax for managing objects and the lack of consistency between clients made life for users and operators difficult. The openstack client provides a consistent naming structure for commands and arguments, along with a consistent output format with optional parsable formats such as csv, json, and others. Not all APIs and services are supported by the openstack client, however, which may mean that a project-specific client is required for certain actions.

To invoke the openstack client, issue the openstack command at the Linux command line:

The openstack shell provides commands that can be used to create, read, update, and delete the networking configuration within the OpenStack cloud. By typing a question mark or help within the openstack shell, a list of commands can be found. Additionally, running openstack help from the Linux command line provides a brief description of each command's functionality.

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