

Adaptability: Apple's case study on corporate culture's impact on; creating change, customer focus, organizational learning dimensions of fig; Domino's Pizza (2001, 2003, 2004, 2006) fig fig fig fig fig; GE Healthcare's CSW (Clinical Systems Wuxi) [2007] fig fig fig; global purchasing department's strategic alignment of fig; GT Automotive's HVAC North America fig fig fig fig; Polar Bank (2004) fig; Swiss Re Americas Division (2000 and 2002) fig; Vale (2006) fig fig; Vale versus Inco (2006) fig fig

Agnelli, Roger

Alstom (France)

AmBev (Brazil)

AMCI Holdings

Americas Division. See Swiss Re's Americas Division

Anheuser-Busch (USA)

Apple: adaptability of App Store innovation of mindset focusing on customer ecosystem



Artifacts: definition of fig; organizational cultural level of analysis


Bad habits: rethinking and trying again in case of new fig unlearning and leaving behind old fig

Bad new habits: GE's approach to improving product quality GT Automotive's service learning methods in European transformation; rethinking and trying again Vale's centralized approach to integrating the Inco acquisition

Bad old habits: fiefdoms at Vale old HR process at Domino's; sales process at DeutscheTech; unlearning and leaving behind fig

Bain Capital: Domino's Pizza purchased by; reporting on Domino's investment by; strategy based on people as competitive advantage

Bartlett, Chris

Beerli, Andreas

Beliefs: definition of fig; organizational cultural level of analysis

“Belonging” standard

Bharti Airtel


Board restructuring

Boer Wars (South Africa)

Bombardier (Canada)

Boston Consulting Group (BCG)

Bottom half improvement

Boudreau, John

Brandon, David

BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) countries

Buffett, Warren

Building sense of belonging

Business performance: cultural traits in organizations with high-vs. low- four main ways that corporate culture impacts



Capability development: Domino's Pizza (2001) fig fig fig fig fig; integration lesson on building cross-business

Capacity: Domino's Pizza case study on frontline support to increase Ritz-Carlton Hotels case study on involvement to increase

“Cargo cult” (Trobriand Islanders)

Case studies: DeutscheTech; Domino's Pizza; following the change process using GE Healthcare's CSW (Clinical Systems Wuxi) GT Automotive's HVAC Division; IKEA Polar Bank Ritz-Carlton Hotels Swiss Re's Americas Division Toyota Vale. See also Corporate culture change

Change. See Corporate culture change

Charan, Ram

China Haidian Holdings

China State Construction

Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)


Cho Fujio

Chopra, Deepak

Churchill, Winston

Colleen, Lief

Collins, Jim

Communicating: corporate strategy dialogue (CSD); one strategic vision

Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD). See also Vale case study

Consistency: core values, agreement, coordination and integration factors of fig; corporate culture's impact on; Domino's Pizza (2001) fig fig fig fig fig; GE Healthcare's CSW (Clinical Systems Wuxi) [2007] fig fig fig; global purchasing department's strategic alignment of fig; GT Automotive's HVAC North America fig fig fig fig; Polar Bank (2004) fig; Swiss Re Americas Division (2000 and 2002) fig; Toyota case study on quality founded on Vale (2006) fig fig; Vale versus Inco (2006) fig fig

Consumer focus: Domino's Pizza (2001) fig fig fig fig fig; recognizing that we are all in the service business

Coordination and integration. See Integration

Core values: consistency rooted in set of; corporate cultural analysis of; definition of fig; Domino's four guiding principles and; Domino's Pizza (2001) fig fig fig fig fig; IKEA's mission growing out of One-Hundred-Year-Old Manufacturing Company assessment of their fig; overinvesting at the outset in inculcating Ritz-Carlton Hotels. See also Culture profile

Corporate centers

Corporate culture change: Canon's approach to planning for future using case studies to follow the process of culture profile used to determine needed developing new habits as part of Domino's Pizza (2001) fig fig fig fig fig; exporting how it impacts everyone in the organization steps for leading in global organizations fig; tracking the transformation process of trading old habits for new framework for understanding the importance of routines for. See also Case studies; Integration; Leader lessons

Corporate cultures: challenge of managing your; cultural incompatibility of different; description and importance of GE Healthcare case study on challenge of integrating different of high-vs. low-performance organizations how business performance is impacted by how rituals, habits, and routines make up; iceberg image of fig; knowledge embedded in fig; recognizing that strategy is based on; three different levels of analysis of. See also Cultures; Integration; Organizations

Corporate strategy dialogue (CSD)

Cross-business capability

CSW (Clinical Systems Wuxi) [China]: challenge of integrating cultures at continued focus on the value segment by Culture Survey (2007) results for fig; Culture Survey (comparing 2007 to 2009) results for fig fig; Denison and Lief's role at; lessons for leaders from experience of moving toward a global strategy origins of quality improvement through new product development at tracking the process made at; vision-led strategy used at

Cultural incompatibility issue

Culture profile: description and measures used to create; leading culture change to improve fig; more color is better rule for interpreting; One-Hundred-Year-Old Manufacturing Company fig. See also Core values

Culture Survey: design and purpose of DeutscheTech use of; Domino's Pizza (2001) fig fig; GE Healthcare's CSW (Clinical Systems Wuxi) [2007] fig fig fig; GT Automotive's HVAC North America fig fig fig fig; interpreting culture profile; Polar Bank (2004) fig fig fig; Vale (2006) fig fig; Vale versus Inco (2006) fig fig

Cultures: collective wisdom and knowledge embedded in; used as competitive advantage in emerging markets definition of; external adaptation and internal integration problems of all; national versus organizational unique characteristics and identity of different. See also Corporate cultures


Daimler-Chrysler merger

Datex-Ohmeda (D-O) [Finland]: CSW's culture integration of processes of; GE Healthcare's acquisition of; GE Healthcare's bridging cultural gap between Zymed and; Zymed's adaption of D-O technology

Davenport, Tom

Denison, Daniel R.

DeutscheTech case study: characteristics of DeutscheTech culture Denison and Lief's role during the; on strategic alignment; on taking the time to implement a new strategy unlearning and leaving behind the old sales process; Vision Index used during

DeutscheTech Vision Index: application of the five times making up the illustration of the fig

Domino's Pizza case study: Culture Survey (2001) comparison fig fig; Culture Survey (2001) comparison fig; Culture Survey (2001) comparison fig; Culture Survey (2001) results fig; Denison and Lief's consulting work during; Domino's four guiding principles; on importance of supporting front line people; improved organization and culture outcomes during lessons for leaders learned from on “OBI” provision; origins and early development of Domino's preserving the franchise OBI clause; strategy for supporting frontline people tracking the progress made for frontline support unlearning and leaving behind the old HR process

Doyle, Patrick




Einstein, Albert

El Sewedy Electric (Egypt)


Emerging markets (global business building from): importance of vision for lessons for leaders on Vale case study on

Emerging markets (global business building in): using culture as a competitive advantage in examples of building a global business in GE Healthcare's CSW case study on building business in lessons for leaders on theory of globalization applied to. See also Global Challengers

Emerging markets lessons: on benefits of acquiring a “competitor,” 128; on importance of vision on the truth that organizational subcultures are everywhere

Employees: balancing empowerment and professionalism of corporate culture's impact on involvement of; Domino's empowerment of fig fig fig fig fig; Domino's Pizza case study on supporting front line job rotation of

Empowerment: balancing professionalism and Domino's Pizza (2001) fig fig fig fig fig

Eterna (Switzerland)

Exporting culture change: examining the possibility of examples of successful GT Automotive's HVAC Division's case study on lessons for leaders on national culture versus organizational culture issue

External adaptation problem


FDA approval requirements (U.S.)

Feedback: Polar Bank's use of 360-degree; Vale's use of 360-degree

Felix Resources (Australia)

Feynman, Richard

Fitzgerald, F. Scott

FORTUNES's 100 Best Places to Work, list

Frontline people: additional strategies for supporting creating a corporate system supporting Domino's Pizza case study on supporting JetBlue Airways lesson on need to support lessons learned from Domino's Pizza case study on supporting Marine “gravel crunchers” as

Frontline strategies: Domino's Pizza case study on examining other organizational approaches to five guidelines on how leaders can implement Lawler's “know more, care more, and contribute more,” 46; Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse versus street sweepers

Frontline support lessons: lead with personal touch but follow up with structure we are all in the service business what you keep is as important as what you change

A Furniture Dealer's Testament (Kamprad)

Fylkesbanken (Norway)


Galanz (China)


GE Healthcare case study: background information on building the management team challenge of integrating cultures during continued focus on the value segment during Culture Survey (comparing 2007 to 2009) results for fig fig; Culture Survey results (2007) during fig; Denison and Lief's role during the; lessons for leaders from the moving toward a global strategy during quality improvement through new product development during rethinking approach to improving product quality on using their CSW business to build global business; tracking the progress during; vision-led strategy used during

Gerstner, Lou

GE's John F. Welch Technology Centre (Bangalore)

Ghoshal, Sumantra

Global business building (from emerging market): importance of vision for lessons for leaders on Vale case study on

Global business building (in emerging market): using culture as a competitive advantage for examples of using emerging markets for GE Healthcare's CSW case study on lessons for leaders on using emerging markets for theory of globalization applied to

Global business building lessons: balancing professionalism and empowerment on benefits of acquiring a “competitor,” 128; on importance of vision putting your own house in order first; on the truth that organizational subcultures are everywhere

Global Challenger Emeritus

Global Challengers: BCG (Boston Consulting Group) list of importance of vision by three stages of adaptation process by Vale case study on becoming a. See also Emerging markets

“Global Challengers” list

Global Leadership Forums (Vale)

Global purchasing department: comparing executive team's and buyers’ view of strategic alignment fig; lessons for leaders on strategic alignment

Globalization process: using culture as a competitive advantage GE's John F. Welch Technology Centre (Bangalore) example of internalization stage of; localization stage of ownership stage of; Pfizer-Shanghai Pharmaceutical joint venture example of

Goddard, Jeff

Good habits: inventing and perfecting new fig preserving and strengthening good fig

Good new habits: GE Healthcare China's vision-led integration inventing and perfecting fig Polar Bank's new system of governance Swiss Re Americas Division's new operating model

Good old habits: Domino's franchise agreements: the OBI clause; GE Healthcare's focus on the value segment Polar Bank's maintaining a local presence preserving and strengthening fig

Governance: creating one board following merger creating one corporate center for; Polar Bank's new system of

“Gravel crunchers,” 25

GT Automotive case study: acquisition of S&H Fabrication; business teams involved duringt; Denison and Lief's role during; exporting culture change examined through HVAC Division transformationt; HVAC North America's Culture Survey used during fig fig fig; improved HVAC culture change resultst; involvement meetings during lessons for leaders from North America/Europe culture change duringtt; rethinking service learning methods in European transformation

Gunfire at Sea (Morrison)

Guo Song


Habits: changing culture by changing fig; difficulty of changing evolution of naval artillery innovation story on as the “flywheel of society,” 154; introduced as framework for leading culture change fig; inventing and perfecting good new fig learning to trade old ones for new preserving and strengthening good old fig rethinking and retrying bad new fig unlearning and discarding old bad fig. See also Knowledge; Rituals; Routines

The Halo Effect (Rosenzweig)

Hansen, Katarina: creating one leadership development process creating one Polar Bank board creating one team; Culture Survey response by; decisions regarding misaligned managers; developing one strategy at Polar Bank as Polar Bank's CEO; tracking Polar Bank's transformation by

Harrah's Entertainment

Hindalco (India)

Holliday, Chad

Hooijberg, Robert

Hormosan Pharma (Germany)

HP-EDS merger: background information on integration challenges faced during

HVAC North America. See GT Automotive case study



IBM Consulting

Iceberg image fig

IKEA: flatpack element of IKEA system “The IKEA Way” strategy; mission grows out of core beliefs and assumptions


Inco (Canada): cultural differences between Vale and Culture Survey results on Vale versus Inco (2006) fig; Culture Survey results on Vale versus Inco (2008) fig; rethinking Vale's centralized approach to integrating; Vale's acquisition of

Indal (India)

Innovation: habits as framework for culture change and naval artillery

Institute of Computing Technology (CAS)

Integration: communicating one message for creating one board for creating one corporate center for; creating one leadership development process for creating one team for; developing one strategy for Domino's Pizza (2001) fig fig fig fig fig; GE Healthcare case study on challenge of culture of Inco and Vale's cultures fig; lessons for leaders on merger challenge of; Polar Bank case study on tracking the transformation for. See also Corporate culture change; Corporate cultures; Mergers; Strategic alignment

Integration lessons: build cross-business capability; create a common governance structure engage leaders in building common strategy; make quick decisions about misaligned managers

Integration strategy: creating an integration plan cultural incompatibility issue for; deciding on how much integration fig

Interbrew (Belgium)

Internal integration problem

International Bank of Denmark (IBD)

Involvement: corporate culture's impact on; Domino's Pizza (2001) fig fig fig fig fig; empowerment, team orientation, capability development characteristics of fig; GE Healthcare's CSW (Clinical Systems Wuxi) [2007] fig fig fig; global purchasing department's strategic alignment of fig; GT Automotive's HVAC North America fig fig fig fig; Polar Bank (2004) fig; Ritz-Carlton Hotels case study on capacity created through Swiss Re Americas Division (2000 and 2002) fig; Vale (2006) fig fig; Vale versus Inco (2006) fig fig





James, William

JetBlue Airways

JFK International Airport shutdown (2007)

Jing, Lucy

Job rotation system

Jobs, Steve

John F. Welch Technology Centre (Bangalore)


Kamprad, Ingwar

Kaplan, Robert

Katzenbach, Jon

Kawasaki (Japan)

Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands (Conaway)

Knowledge: embedded in organizational culture fig; how rituals, habits, and routines capture. See also Habits; Routines

Kotter, John

Kuppler, Tim


Ländesbanken (Sweden)

Lane, Nancy

Lawler, Edward E.

Leader lessons: adapt as you go on building a global business in an emerging market on building global business from an emerging market on changing to support the front lines do what you know best; on exporting culture change on integration lead with personal touch but follow up with structure on strategic alignment we are all in the service business what you keep is as important as what you change. See also Corporate culture change

Leaders: corporate culture change steps required by fig; Domino's Pizza case study on frontline support by five guidelines for supporting front line preparing frontline supervisors to become

Leadership development alignment

Lehtonen, Matti

Lenovo (China)

Liang Qingde (“Uncle De”)

Lief, Colleen

Likert, Rensis

Liu Chuanzhi

Lundgren, Gillis

Lupin Pharmaceutical (India)


Mailloux, Patrick


Marine “gravel crunchers,” 25

Marketplace: Apple's mindset focusing on customer ecosystem; asking frontline employees about realities of

Marks, Mitchell Lee

Mars management meeting story

McGregor, Douglas

Meng, Kevin

Mergers: Daimler-Chrysler; developing one strategy following different types of fig; HP-EDS integration challenges during Polar Bank case study on. See also Integration

Mickey Mouse (Walt Disney) fig

Mirvis, Philip H.

Mission: corporate culture's impact on; Domino's Pizza (2001) fig fig fig fig fig; GE Healthcare's CSW (Clinical Systems Wuxi) [2007] fig fig fig; global purchasing department's strategic alignment of fig; GT Automotive's HVAC North America fig fig fig fig; IKEA's core values foundation of Polar Bank (2004) fig; strategic direction alignment with fig Swiss Re Americas Division (2000 and 2002) fig; Vale (2006) fig fig; Vale versus Inco (2006) fig fig

Mitarai Fujio

Mittal Steel

Monaghan, Jim

Monaghan, Tom

Morrison, Elting


National culture

Naval artillery innovation story


Nonaka Ikujiro

Norms: definition of fig; organizational cultural level of analysis

Norton, David

Nunnelly, Mark


One-Hundred-Year-Old Manufacturing Company culture profile fig

Organizational learning: Domino's Pizza (2001) fig fig fig fig fig; of good habits fig

Organizations: cultural traits of high-vs. low-performance external adaptation and internal integration problems of all; leading culture change in global. See also Corporate cultures


Papua New Guinea

Pfizer-Shanghai Pharmaceutical joint venture

Polar Bank case study: background information of Culture Survey results (2004 and 2006) during fig fig fig; Denison and Lief's role during the; on integrating three different acquisitions into one culture; lessons for leaders learned from maintaining a local presence during new system of governance created during tracking the transformation during

PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting

Pride in belonging

Procter & Gamble

Professionalism-empowerment balance


Research in Motion

Rituals: challenge of creating new changing culture by changing fig; description of. See also Habits; Routines

Ritz-Carlton Hotels case study: core values of; on involvement creating capacity on “Three Steps of Service” standard

Roche Vitamins

Roger. See Agnelli, Roger

Rosenzweig, Phil

Routines: challenge of creating new changing culture by changing fig; how they capture knowledge; as requiring a shared mindset among participants understanding the importance of. See also Habits; Knowledge; Rituals



Santamaria, Jason

Schein, Edgar

Service learning

Shanghai Pharmaceutical-Pfizer joint venture

Siemens (Germany)

Strategic alignment: Apple's successful; creating cycle of formulation and implementation for DeutscheTech case study on Domino's Pizza (2001) fig fig fig fig fig; implementation of new of leadership development Mars management meeting story on. See also Integration

Strategic alignment implementation: creating cycle of formulation and formulating versus in global purchasing fig; lessons for leaders on mobilizing mindset for successful culture change impact during taking the time to

Strategic alignment lessons: on deciding who to trust on how transformation impacts everyone on reasons for lack of alignment on shared sense of purpose

Strategic vision message

Stumpf, John

Subprime mortgage crisis

“Superstitious learning,” 5

Supporting front line. See Frontline people

Swiss Re's Americas Division case study: comparing 2000 to 2002 Culture Survey results fig; on crisis-driven top-down strategic change; Denison and Lief's role during on how culture change impacts everyone in organization new operating model created during performance 2001 during fig



Tata (India)

Tata Nano

Tata, Ratan

Team orientation: Domino's Pizza (2001) fig fig fig fig fig; Polar Bank's creation of single orientation following merger

Teams: building the CSW distinguish between single-leader work groups and; GT Automotive case study on businesst; Polar Bank's creation of one team following merger

360-degree feedback: Polar Bank's use of; Vale's use of

Toyota case study: on consistency as foundation for quality on the Toyota Way and Toyota Production System

Trobriand Islanders’ “cargo cult,” 5

Tube Investments Ltd.


Underlying beliefs: definition of fig; organizational cultural level of analysis

University of Michigan

U.S. FDA requirements


Valassis Communications

Vale case study: background information on becoming an internationally diversified company on creating global corporation from local base; Culture Survey results (2006) fig; Culture Survey results (2008) fig; Culture Survey results on Vale versus Inco (2006) fig; Culture Survey results on Vale versus Inco (2008) fig; Denison and Lief's role during the; getting the Brazilian business in order Global Leadership Forums used during; international vision adopted during; lessons for leaders from rethinking centralized approach to integrating Inco acquisition; unlearning and discarding fiefdoms at Vale the “Vale way,” 138; Vale's Global Challenger Emeritus status. See also Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD)

Vale's Corporate University

Values. SeeCore values

Vision: communicating one strategic Domino's Pizza (2001) fig fig fig fig fig; GE Healthcare CSW's use of vision-led strategy importance for global business building from emerging market importance for global business building in an emerging market Vale's international

Vision Index (DeutscheTech)


Walt Disney fig

Weick, Karl

Welch, Jack

Wilmar International

Wilmot, Patti

Wong Mai Min

Wu, Kevin


Yanzhou Coal Mining Company (China)


Zhang, Maggie

Zhang Yukun

Zymed (China): adaption of D-O technology by CSW's culture integration from processes used at GE Healthcare's acquisition of; GE Healthcare's bridging cultural gap between D-O and; GE's rethinking of product quality approach at

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