

<a> element, 54

accessibility. See also WAI-ARIA

canvas element, 139

dragging and dropping, 184–185

multimedia, 110–113

outlining algorithm, 36–37

Accessible Rich Internet Applications. See WAI-ARIA

addEventListener method, 106–110, 199, 208

<address> element, 58

animating paintings, 134–137

APIs, retained-mode versus immediate mode, 124

<applet> element, 60

ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications). See WAI-ARIA

aria-* attribute, 63

aria-grabbed attribute, 185

aria-required attribute, 76

aria-valuenow attribute, 81–82

<article> element, 20–21, 37–42, 52, 54, 58, 111

block-level links, 38

comments as nested articles, 29–30

Asian languages, 55

<aside> element, 17, 19–20, 33, 52, 54

attributes attribute, 63

Audacity software, 101

<audio> element, 54, 94, 96, 99–100

autocomplete attribute, 74, 78

autofocus attribute, 75

autoplay attribute, 95


<b> element, 59

Baranovskiy, Dmitry, 124

base64 encoded assets, 133

beginPath method, 122–123

<big> element, 60

object> element, 92–93

<blink> element, 60

block-level elements, 38, 54

<blockquote> element, 28, 34–35

<body> element, 3–4, 5, 27–28, 34

boldface, <b> element, 59

bug reports, 12

<button> element, 54, 68


Camen, Kroc, 100

cancelEvent function, 179

canplaythrough and canplay events, 108

canPlayType method, 102–103

<canvas> element/canvases, 54

accessibility, 139

animating paintings, 134–137

basics, 118–119

capturing images, 126–129

data URLs, saving to, 132–133

drawing applications, 115–116

drawing state, 137

fill styles, gradients and patterns, 118–122

Harmony application, 115, 117

MS Paint replication, 115–116

paths, 122–124

pixels, pushing, 130–132

rectangles, 118

gradients and patterns, 118–120

rendering text, 138–139

resizing canvases, 122

transformation methods, 124–126

case sensitivity, pattern attribute, 78

<center> element, 60

character encoding, UTF-8, 2

charset=”utf-8” attribute, XHTML and XML versus HTML5, 2

checkValidity attribute, 86

checkValidity method, 85–86

Chisholm, Wendy, 51

cite attribute, 28

<cite> element, 58


attributes, 6, 8

names, Google index research, 6

clear attribute, 147

clearInterval method, 127

clearRect method, 125

clearWatch method, 190

codecs, 98–99

color input type, 74

Comet, 212, 215

<command> element, 62, 65

comments as nested articles, 29–30

Contacts API, 70

<content> element, 9

content models, 54

contenteditable attribute, 61

contentWindow object, 199

context object, canvas attribute, 126

contextmenu attribute, 62

controls attribute, 54, 95–96

cookies, 142–143

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), 26

coords object, 191

copyrights, <small> element, 18, 24, 60

Cotton, Paul, xii

createElement method, 121

createPattern method, 119–121, 126

createRadialGradient method, 120

Crockford, Douglas, 148

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 10

<body> element requirement, 11

display:inline, 54

headers and footers for body and articles, 27–28

IE, 5, 11–12

outlines, 35–36


CSS Basic User Interface module, 83

CSS Media Queries specification, 102


data-* attribute, 62, 112

data storage

cookies, 142

Web SQL Databases, 142, 152–162

Web Storage API, 142–151

data URLs, 132–133

<datalist> element, 74–75

date input type, 70–71

dates, machine-readable, 26

datetime attribute, 26

datetime input type, 71

Davis, Daniel, 55

<dd> element, 57

definition lists, 57

<del> element, 54

delete method, 68

Designing with Progressive Enhancement: Building the Web that Works for Everyone, 51

<details> element, 34, 52–54

<device> element, 94

disclaimers, <small> element, 18, 24, 60

display:block, 12

display:inline, CSS, 54

<div> element, HTML 4, 7–8

<dl> element, 57


<!doctype html> tags, 2

dragend event, 184

draggable attribute, 62

dragging and dropping

accessibility, 184–185

basics, 176–179

custom drag icons, 183

dragged data, interoperability, 180–182

enabling elements for dragging, 182–183

DragonFly plug-in, 150

dragover event, 178

dragstart event, 179, 183–185

draw function, 136

drawImage method, 126–130

dropEffect method, 185

<dt> element, 57

durationchange event, 108


Eich, Brendan, xii

<em> element, 54–55, 58–60

email input type, 69–70, 82

<embed> element, 54, 64, 92–93

embedded content models, 54

emphasis effect, 54–55, 58–59

enableHighAccuracy method, 194

end method, 107

error handling, 192–193

event object, 198–199

executeSql method, 154, 158–161


“fat footers,” 19–20

Faulkner, Steve, 50

ffmpeg library, 101

<fieldset> element, 34, 68, 86

<figcaption> element, 53

<figure> element, 34, 53

fill styles, gradients and patterns, 118–122

fillRect method, 119

fillStyle method, 119–121

fillText method, 138–139

Firebug plug-in, 149

Firefogg software, 101

Firefox Contacts addon, 70

flow content models, 54

<font> element, 60

<footer> element, 16, 18–20, 28

forEach method, 156

form attribute, 68

<form> element/forms

<button> element, 68

comments, 79

<datalist> element, 74–75

date pickers, 83

delete, 68

<fieldset> element, 68

form fields, 83

get, 68

<input> element, 68

onchange, 81

type=...autocomplete, 74, 78

type=...autofocus, 75

type=color, 74

type=date, 70–71

type=datetime, 71

type=email, 68–69, 82

type=...list, 74–75

type=...max, 74, 78

type=...min, 74, 78

type=month, 71

type=...multiple, 69, 74, 76

type=number, 72, 82

type=...pattern, 74, 76–78

type=...placeholder, 75–76

type=range, 72–73, 80

type=...required, 69, 76

type=search, 73

type=...step, 74, 78–79

type=tel, 73, 82

type=text, 68–69

type=time, 71

type=url, 70, 82

type=week, 72

update, 68


built-in, 68

JavaScript, 68

<keygen> element, 68

<label> element, 68

<meter> element, 68, 80

new types, 68

<object> element, 68

<output> element, 68

post, 68

<progress> element, 68, 80

<select> element, 68

sliders with values, 80–83

<textarea> element, 68

validation elements, 85–86

formats, consistent use, 3

formnovalidate attribute, 87

frames, removed from HTML5, 60

furigana/ruby, 55


geolocation API, xii, 187–195

get method, 68

getAttribute method, 112

getCurrentPosition method, 189–194

getData method, 178–180

getImageData method, 130–132

getItem method, 146–148, 151

getTime method, 156

getTweets method, 156

“The Guardian” case study, 42–47


h1..h6 elements, 54

H.264 specification, 98–101

Harmony application, 115, 117

<head> element, 2–4, 12

<header> element, 13–15

heading content models, 54

height attribute, 96–97

<hgroup> element, 13, 33–34

Hickson, Ian, iii, xi–xiii, 6, 175

hidden attribute, 62

highlighter pen effect, 54–55

hiragana alphabet, 55–56

Hiroshi Ichikawa, 212

<hr> element, 59–60

HSLA color picker, 88–89

<html> tags

importance, 4–5

optional tags, 3–4

primary language declaration, 4–5


<content> element, 9

history, x

<> tag, 5

philosophies, xiii

W3C specification, x

WHATWG (Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group) specification, x–xiv

XML and XHTML, xi–xii, xvi, 2–3,

“The HTML5 <ruby> element in words of one syllable or less,” 55

html5 shiv, 54

html5canvas library, 118

HTMLElement object, 112

<> tags, 5

Hyatt, David, xii


<i> element, 59

Ichikawa, Hiroshi, 212

IDs, names in Google index research, 6

<iframe> element, 54, 60

<img> element, 54, 94

importScripts method, 207, 210

“Incite a riot,” 58

inline elements, 54

<input> element

forms, 68

onchange attribute, 81

type attribute

autocomplete, 74, 78

autofocus, 75

color, 74

date, 70–71

datetime, 71

email, 68–69, 82

list, 74–75

max, 74, 78

min, 74, 78

month, 71

multiple, 69, 74, 76

number, 72, 82

pattern, 74, 76–78

placeholder, 75–76

range, 72–73, 80

required, 69, 76

search, 73

step, 74, 78–79

tel, 73, 82

text, 68–69

time, 71

url, 70, 82

week, 72

<ins> element, 54

INSERT statements, 156–157

insertId attribute, 158

interactive content models, 54

Internet Archive, 101

“Introduction to WAI-ARIA,” 51, 184

italics, <i> element, 59

item attribute, 63

itemprop attribute, 63


Japanese language, 55–56


<body> element requirement, 11

degrees to radians conversion, 120

element validation, 85–86

focus command, tabindex attribute, 63

form validation, 68

Modernizr library, 82

IE application of CSS to HTML5, 11–12

IE Print Protector, 12

library, 75

media API, 102–104

Modernizr library, 82

outlines, 31

pattern attribute, 77

polyfilling, 75

PPK on JavaScript, 112

jQuery library, 134

jQuery Visualize, 139

JSON library, 148


Keith, Jeremy, 58

key method, 146–147

<keygen> element, 54, 64–65, 68

Koch, Peter-Paul, 112, 141–142


<label> element, 54, 68

Langridge, Stuart, 54

legacy browsers

backwards compatibiity, 82–83

<body> element requirement, 11

input type problems, 68–79

multimedia elements, 100–101

<script> element, JavaScript default, 11

styling, 12

videos, 94–98

legal restrictions, <small> element, 18, 24, 60

Lemon, Gez, 51, 184

Levithan, Steven, 76

list input type, 74–75


definition lists, 57

ordered lists, 56–57

unordered lists, 16

load method, 102–103

loadeddata event, 108–109, 128

loadstart event, 108

localStorage method, 143–144, 146, 149–150, 200

loop attribute, 97


machine-readable data

dates and times, 16

microdata attribute, 65

MAMA crawler, Opera, 6

<mark> element, 54–55

<marquee> element, 60

max attribute, 74, 78

maximumAge method, 194

media. See also <audio> element; <video> element

accessibility, 110–113

attributes, 102–104

codecs, 98–100

H.264 specification, 98–101

handheld devices, 101–102

legacy browsers, 100–101

software, 101

<source> elements, multiple, 99–100

custom controls, 102–110

events, 102–104, 106–108

HTML5 shortcomings, 94

Internet Archive, 101

methods, 102–104

royalty-free, 101

media attribute, 102

<menu> element, 54, 62, 65

message property, 193

Messaging API, 198–200

<meta charset=utf-8> tags, 2

<meta> tags, XHTML and XML versus HTML5, 2–3

metadata content models, 54

<meter> element, 65, 68, 80

microdata attribute, 65

Microsoft Word 2007 outline view, 30

Mill, Bill, 134

min attribute, 74, 78

Miro Video Converter, 101

Modernizr library, 82

month input type, 71

moveTo method, 123

MS Paint replication, 115–116

multimedia. See media

multiple attribute, 69, 74, 76


Nas, Will, 73

<nav> element, 15–18, 33, 54

Newhouse, Mark, 16

Nitot, Tristan, 130–131

novalidate attribute, 87

number input type, 72, 82

NVDA screen reader, 51


<object> element, 54, 68


applicationCache, 164, 171–172, 174

browser-server process, 168–171


FALLBACK, 165–167, 172–173

killing caches, 174


serving manifests, 168

Ogg Theora and Vorbis codecs, 98, 101

OggConvert software, 101

<ol> element, 16, 56–57

onchange attribute, 81

ondragover event, 177

ondrop event, 177–178

onforminput event, 80

oninputchange event, 88–89

onload event, 121

onmessage event handler, 199, 202–206, 209–210, 213–215

open attribute, 53

openDatabase method, 154–155

ordered lists, 56–57

outlines/outlining algorithm

accessibility, 36–37

<article> element, 37–42

case study, 42–47

<hgroup> element, 33–34

JavaScript implementation, 31

Microsoft Word 2007 outline view, 30

<section> element, 31–33, 37–41, 41–42

sectioning content, 31

sectioning roots, 34–35

styling with CSS, 35–36

tool at, 31–32

<output> element, 68, 80–81


The Paciello Group, ARIA information, 50–51

paragraph-level thematic breaks, <hr> element, 59–60

Parker, Todd, et al, 51

path API/paths, 122–124

pattern attribute, 74, 76–78

pause method, 102–103

Pfeiffer, Silvia, 113

phrasing content models, 54

Pieters, Simon, 12

placeholder attribute, 75–76

play method, 102–103

playbackRate attribute, 109–110

polyfilling, 75

post method, 68

poster attribute, 96

postMessage method, 198–199, 202–210, 213

PPK on JavaScript, 112

preload attribute, 97, 109

processing.js library, 134

<progress> element, 65, 68, 80

progress event, 108

pubdate attribute, 27

public-key cryptography, 65

putImageData method, 132


radians, 120

range input type, 72–73, 80

Raphael library, 124

rectangles, gradients and patterns, 118–120

regular expressions, 76–77

removeItem method, 147

required attribute, 69, 76

Resig, John, 12, 134

restore method, 137

reversed attribute, 57

RGBA color picker, 88

role attribute, 63

role=main tags, WAI-ARIA, 9

rotate method, 124–126

Rouget, Paul, 130–131

rowAffected attribute, 158

rows attribute, 158

<rp> element, 55–56

<rt> element, 55–56

Ruby, Sam, xiv

<ruby> element, 55–56


save method, 137

saveTweets method, 156

scalar measurements, 65

scale method, 124

scoped attribute, 65

screen readers

HTML5 and ARIA, 51

problems, 64

<script> element, 11

search input type, 73

Searchhi script, 54

<section> element, 18, 33, 37–42, 54, 85–86

sectioning content, 18, 31

models, 54

sectioning roots, 34–35

<select> element, 54, 68

SELECT statements, 158

sessionStorage method, 143–151

setAttribute method, 112

setCustomValidity method, 84–85

setData method, 179–181

setDragImage method, 183

setInterval method, 125, 127, 203

setItem method, 146–148, 151

setOnline method, 173

setTimeout method, 203

sidebars, 17–18

Silverlight, 118

<small> element, 18, 24

<source> element, 99–100

spellcheck attribute, 63

SQLite, 152

src attribute, 98

Stachowiak, Maciej, xii

start attribute, 56

start method, 107

step attribute, 74, 78–79

strokeRect method, 119

strokeStyle method, 119

<strong> element, 55, 59

<style scoped> element, 65

subject attribute, 63

<summary> element, 52

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) API, x, 54, 124,

swapCache method, 171–172

syntax, consistent use, 3


tabindex (+”-1”) attribute, 63–64, 185

“Taming Lists,” 16

<td> element, 34

tel input type, 73, 82

testOnline method, 173

<textarea> element, 54, 68, 85–86


machine-readable, 26

UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), 26

<time> element, 16, 26–27

time input type, 71

timeout method, 194

timestamp object, 191

timeupdate event, 111, 128

TinyOgg software, 101

toDataURL method, 132–133

transaction method, 161–162

transform method, 124

translate method, 124–126, 137–138

Twitter API, 155–161

2D canvas API, 115, 117, 124

type attribute

<input> element, 54

autocomplete, 74, 78

autofocus, 75

color, 74

date, 70–71

datetime, 71

email, 68–69, 82

list, 74–75

max, 74, 78

min, 74, 78

month, 71

multiple, 69, 74, 76

number, 72, 82

pattern, 74, 76–78

placeholder, 75–76

range, 72–73, 80

required, 69, 76

search, 73

step, 74, 78–79

tel, 73, 82

text, 68–69

time, 71

url, 70, 82

week, 72

<menu> element, 54


<ul> element, 16

Universal Design for Web Applications, 51

unordered lists, 16

update method, 68

updateSeekable function, 108

url input type, 70, 82

usemap attribute, 54

UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), 26

UTF-8 character encoding, 2


valid attribute, 86


ARIA, 49

avoiding, 86–87

built-in for forms, 68

custom messages, 84–85

elements with JavaScript, 85–86

<> tag, 5

pros and cons, 5

validity attribute, 86

van Kesteren, Anne, xiv, 92, 102,

<video> element, 54

attributes, 95–98

legacy browsers, 100–101

reasons needed, 92–93

sources, 99–100

“Video for Everybody!”, 100

VLC software, 101

VoiceOver screen reader, 51



Geolocation API, 187

HTML5 specification, xiv

WAI-ARIA (Web Accessibility Initiative’s Accessible Rich Internet Applications) suite, 48–49


aria-required, 76

aria-valuenow, 81–82

document landmarks and structure, 49–50

HTML5, combining with, 50

information not built into HTML5, 50

resources, 50–51

role=main tags, 9

screen readers, 51

specification, 51

transitional accessibility, 81–82

watchPosition method, 189–194

Web Applications 1.0, xi–xii

“A Web Developer’s Responsibility,” 12

Web Sockets API, x, 212–215

Web SQL Databases, 142, 152–162, 208

Web Storage API, x, 142–151

Web Workers API, 198, 200–211

WebKit browsers, 82, 109, 147

week input type, 72

WHATWG (Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group), 111

width attribute, 96

willValid attribute, 86

Wilson, Chris, xiv

window object, 198–199

ws:// server protocol:, 213


XHTML versus XML and HTML5, 2–3

XML versus HTML5 and XHTML, 2–3

XMLHttpRequest object, 198, 203, 210, 212

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