
Chapter 1

Financial Accounting and Accounting Standards

We Can Do Better

Financial Statements and Financial Reporting

Accounting and Capital Allocation

What Do the Numbers Mean? It's the Accounting

Objective of Financial Reporting

What Do the Numbers Mean? Don't Forget Stewardship

The Need to Develop Standards

Parties Involved in Standard-Setting

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)

Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

What Do the Numbers Mean? You Have to Step Back

FASB Codification

Issues in Financial Reporting

GAAP in a Political Environment

Evolving Issue Fair Value, Fair Consequences?

The Expectations Gap

Financial Reporting Challenges

International Accounting Standards

What Do the Numbers Mean? Can You Do That?

Ethics in the Environment of Financial Accounting


FASB Codification

IFRS Insights

Chapter 2

Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting

What Is It?

Conceptual Framework

Need for a Conceptual Framework

What Do the Numbers Mean? What's Your Principle?

Development of a Conceptual Framework

Overview of the Conceptual Framework

First Level: Basic Objective

Second Level: Fundamental Concepts

Qualitative Characteristics of Accounting Information

What Do the Numbers Mean? Living in a Material World

What Do the Numbers Mean? Show Me the Earnings!

Basic Elements

Third Level: Recognition and Measurement Concepts

Basic Assumptions

What Do the Numbers Mean? Whose Company Is It?

Basic Principles of Accounting

What Do the Numbers Mean? You May Need a Map

Cost Constraint

Summary of the Structure

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Chapter 3

The Accounting Information System

Needed: A Reliable Information System

Accounting Information System

Basic Terminology

Debits and Credits

The Accounting Equation

Financial Statements and Ownership Structure

The Accounting Cycle

Identifying and Recording Transactions and Other Events



Trial Balance

Adjusting Entries

What Do the Numbers Mean? Am I Covered?

Adjusted Trial Balance

Preparing Financial Statements

What Do the Numbers Mean? 24/7 Accounting


Post-Closing Trial Balance

Reversing Entries—An Optional Step

The Accounting Cycle Summarized

What Do the Numbers Mean? Hey, It's Complicated

Financial Statements for a Merchandising Company

Income Statement

Statement of Retained Earnings

Balance Sheet

What Do the Numbers Mean? Statements, Please

Closing Entries

APPENDIX 3A Cash-Basis Accounting versus Accrual-Basis Accounting

Conversion from Cash Basis to Accrual Basis

Service Revenue Computation

Operating Expense Computation

Theoretical Weaknesses of the Cash Basis

APPENDIX 3B Using Reversing Entries

Illustration of Reversing Entries—Accruals

Illustration of Reversing Entries—Deferrals

Summary of Reversing Entries

APPENDIX 3C Using a Worksheet: The Accounting Cycle Revisited

Worksheet Columns

Trial Balance Columns

Adjustments Columns

Adjustments Entered on the Worksheet

Adjusted Trial Balance

Income Statement and Balance Sheet Columns

Preparing Financial Statements from a Worksheet

IFRS Insights

Chapter 4

Income Statement and Related Information

Financial Statements Are Changing

Income Statement

Usefulness of the Income Statement

Limitations of the Income Statement

Quality of Earnings

What Do the Numbers Mean? Four: The Loneliest Number

Format of the Income Statement

Elements of the Income Statement

Intermediate Components of the Income Statement

What Do the Numbers Mean? Top Line or Bottom Line?

Condensed Income Statements

Single-Step Income Statements

Reporting Various Income Items

What Do the Numbers Mean? Are One-Time Charges Bugging You?

Unusual Gains and Losses

Discontinued Operations

Extraordinary Items

What Do the Numbers Mean? Extraordinary Times

Noncontrolling Interest

Summary of Various Income Items

Earnings per Share

What Do the Numbers Mean? Different Income Concepts

Other Reporting Issues

Accounting Changes and Errors

Retained Earnings Statement

Comprehensive Income

Evolving Issue Income Reporting

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Chapter 5

Balance Sheet and Statement of Cash Flows

Hey, It Doesn't Balance!

Balance Sheet

Usefulness of the Balance Sheet

Limitations of the Balance Sheet

What Do the Numbers Mean? Grounded

Classification in the Balance Sheet

What Do the Numbers Mean? “Show Me the Assets!”

What Do the Numbers Mean? Warning Signals

Balance Sheet Format

Statement of Cash Flows

What Do the Numbers Mean? Watch That Cash Flow

Purpose of the Statement of Cash Flows

Content and Format of the Statement of Cash Flows

Overview of the Preparation of the Statement of Cash Flows

Usefulness of the Statement of Cash Flows

What Do the Numbers Mean? “There Ought to Be a Law”

Additional Information

Supplemental Disclosures

What Do the Numbers Mean? What About Your Commitments?

Techniques of Disclosure

Evolving Issue Balance Sheet Reporting: Gross or Net?

APPENDIX 5A Ratio Analysis—A Reference

Using Ratios to Analyze Performance

APPENDIX 5B Specimen Financial Statements: The Procter & Gamble Company

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Chapter 6

Accounting and the Time Value of Money

How Do I Measure That?

Basic Time Value Concepts

Applications of Time Value Concepts

The Nature of Interest

Simple Interest

Compound Interest

What Do the Numbers Mean? A Pretty Good Start

Fundamental Variables

Single-Sum Problems

Future Value of a Single Sum

Present Value of a Single Sum

Solving for Other Unknowns in Single-Sum Problems


Future Value of an Ordinary Annuity

What Do the Numbers Mean? Don't Wait to Make That Contribution!

Future Value of an Annuity Due

Examples of Future Value of Annuity Problems

Present Value of an Ordinary Annuity

What Do the Numbers Mean? Up in Smoke

Present Value of an Annuity Due

Examples of Present Value of Annuity Problems

More Complex Situations

Deferred Annuities

Valuation of Long-Term Bonds

Effective-Interest Method of Amortization of Bond Discount or Premium

Present Value Measurement

Choosing an Appropriate Interest Rate

What Do the Numbers Mean? How Low Can They Go?

Example of Expected Cash Flow

FASB Codification

Chapter 7

Cash and Receivables

Please Release Me?


What Is Cash?

Reporting Cash

Summary of Cash-Related Items

What Do the Numbers Mean? Luck of the Irish

Accounts Receivable

Recognition of Accounts Receivable

Valuation of Accounts Receivable

What Do the Numbers Mean? I'm Still Waiting

Notes Receivable

Recognition of Notes Receivable

Valuation of Notes Receivable

What Do the Numbers Mean? Economic Consequences and Write-Offs

Special Issues

Fair Value Option

Disposition of Accounts and Notes Receivable

What Do the Numbers Mean? Return to Lender

Presentation and Analysis

Evolving Issue A Cure for “Too Little, Too Late”?

APPENDIX 7A Cash Controls

Using Bank Accounts

The Imprest Petty Cash System

Physical Protection of Cash Balances

Reconciliation of Bank Balances

APPENDIX 7B Impairments of Receivables

Impairment Measurement and Reporting

Impairment Loss Example

Recording Impairment Losses

What Do the Numbers Mean? Lost in Translation

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Chapter 8

Valuation of Inventories: A Cost-Basis Approach

To Switch or Not to Switch

Inventory Issues


Inventory Cost Flow

Inventory Control

What Do the Numbers Mean? Staying Lean

Basic Issues in Inventory Valuation

Physical Goods Included in Inventory

Goods in Transit

Consigned Goods

Special Sales Agreements

What Do the Numbers Mean? No Parking!

Effect of Inventory Errors

Costs Included in Inventory

Product Costs

Period Costs

Treatment of Purchase Discounts

What Do the Numbers Mean? You May Need a Map

Which Cost Flow Assumption to Adopt?

Specific Identification


First-In, First-Out (FIFO)

Last-In, First-Out (LIFO)

Special Issues Related to LIFO

LIFO Reserve

What Do the Numbers Mean? Comparing Apples to Apples

LIFO Liquidation

Dollar-Value LIFO

What Do the Numbers Mean? Quite a Difference

Comparison of LIFO Approaches

Major Advantages of LIFO

Major Disadvantages of LIFO

Basis for Selection of Inventory Method

Evolving Issue Repeat LIFO!

Inventory Valuation Methods—Summary Analysis

FASB Codification

Chapter 9

Inventories: Additional Valuation Issues

Not What It Seems to Be


Ceiling and Floor

How Lower-of-Cost-or-Market Works

Methods of Applying Lower-of-Cost-or-Market

Recording “Market” Instead of Cost

Use of an Allowance

Use of an Allowance—Multiple Periods

What Do the Numbers Mean? “Put It in Reverse”

Evaluation of the Lower-of-Cost-or-Market Rule

Valuation Bases

Valuation at Net Realizable Value

Valuation Using Relative Sales Value

Purchase Commitments—A Special Problem

The Gross Profit Method of Estimating Inventory

Computation of Gross Profit Percentage

Evaluation of Gross Profit Method

What Do the Numbers Mean? The Squeeze

Retail Inventory Method

Retail-Method Concepts

Retail Inventory Method with Markups and Markdowns—Conventional Method

Special Items Relating to Retail Method

Evaluation of Retail Inventory Method

Presentation and Analysis

Presentation of Inventories

Analysis of Inventories

APPENDIX 9A LIFO Retail Methods

Stable Prices—LIFO Retail Method

Fluctuating Prices—Dollar-Value LIFO Retail Method

Subsequent Adjustments Under Dollar-Value LIFO Retail

Changing from Conventional Retail to LIFO

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Chapter 10

Acquisition and Disposition of Property, Plant, and Equipment

Watch Your Spending

Property, Plant, and Equipment

Acquisition of Property, Plant, and Equipment

Cost of Land

Cost of Buildings

Cost of Equipment

Self-Constructed Assets

Interest Costs During Construction

What Do the Numbers Mean? What's in Your Interest?


Valuation of Property, Plant, and Equipment

Cash Discounts

Deferred-Payment Contracts

Lump-Sum Purchases

Issuance of Stock

Exchanges of Nonmonetary Assets

What Do the Numbers Mean? About Those Swaps

Accounting for Contributions

Other Asset Valuation Methods

Costs Subsequent to Acquisition

What Do the Numbers Mean? Disconnected


Improvements and Replacements

Rearrangement and Reinstallation


Summary of Costs Subsequent to Acquisition

Disposition of Property, Plant, and Equipment

Sale of Plant Assets

Involuntary Conversion

Miscellaneous Problems

FASB Codification

Chapter 11

Depreciation, Impairments, and Depletion

Here Come the Write-Offs

Depreciation—A Method of Cost Allocation

Factors Involved in the Depreciation Process

What Do the Numbers Mean? Alphabet Dupe

Methods of Depreciation

Special Depreciation Methods

What Do the Numbers Mean? Decelerating Depreciation

Special Depreciation Issues

What Do the Numbers Mean? Depreciation Choices


Recognizing Impairments

Measuring Impairments

Restoration of Impairment Loss

Impairment of Assets to Be Disposed Of


Establishing a Depletion Base

Write-Off of Resource Cost

Estimating Recoverable Reserves

What Do the Numbers Mean? Reserve Surprise

Liquidating Dividends

Continuing Controversy

Evolving Issue Full-Cost or Successful-Efforts?

Presentation and Analysis

Presentation of Property, Plant, Equipment, and Natural Resources

Analysis of Property, Plant, and Equipment

APPENDIX 11A Income Tax Depreciation

Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System

Tax Lives (Recovery Periods)

Tax Depreciation Methods

Example of MACRS

Optional Straight-Line Method

Tax versus Book Depreciation

FASB Codification

IFRS Insights

Chapter 12

Intangible Assets

Is This Sustainable?

Intangible Asset Issues



Amortization of Intangibles

What Do the Numbers Mean? Definitely Indefinite

Types of Intangible Assets

Marketing-Related Intangible Assets

What Do the Numbers Mean? Keep Your Hands Off My Intangible!

Customer-Related Intangible Assets

Artistic-Related Intangible Assets

Contract-Related Intangible Assets

Technology-Related Intangible Assets

What Do the Numbers Mean? Patent Battles

What Do the Numbers Mean? The Value of a Secret Formula


Impairment of Intangible Assets

Impairment of Limited-Life Intangibles

Impairment of Indefinite-Life Intangibles Other Than Goodwill

Impairment of Goodwill

Impairment Summary

What Do the Numbers Mean? Impairment Risk

Research and Development Costs

Identifying R&D Activities

Accounting for R&D Activities

Costs Similar to R&D Costs

What Do the Numbers Mean? Branded

Presentation of Intangibles and Related Items

Presentation of Intangible Assets

Presentation of Research and Development Costs

Evolving Issue Recognition of R&D and Internally Generated Intangibles

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Chapter 13

Current Liabilities and Contingencies

Now You See It, Now You Don't

Current Liabilities

Accounts Payable

Notes Payable

Current Maturities of Long-Term Debt

Short-Term Obligations Expected to Be Refinanced

What Do the Numbers Mean? What About That Short-Term Debt?

Dividends Payable

Customer Advances and Deposits

Unearned Revenues

What Do the Numbers Mean? Microsoft's Liabilities—Good or Bad?

Sales Taxes Payable

Income Taxes Payable

Employee-Related Liabilities


Gain Contingencies

Loss Contingencies

What Do the Numbers Mean? Frequent Flyers

What Do the Numbers Mean? More Disclosure, Please

Presentation and Analysis

Presentation of Current Liabilities

Presentation of Contingencies

Analysis of Current Liabilities

Evolving Issue Greenhouse Gases: Let's Be Standard-Setters

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Chapter 14

Long-Term Liabilities

Going Long

Bonds Payable

Issuing Bonds

Types of Bonds

What Do the Numbers Mean? All About Bonds

Valuation of Bonds Payable—Discount and Premium

What Do the Numbers Mean? How's My Rating?

Bonds Issued at Par on Interest Date

Bonds Issued at Discount or Premium on Interest Date

Bonds Issued Between Interest Dates

Effective-Interest Method

Costs of Issuing Bonds

Extinguishment of Debt

What Do the Numbers Mean? Your Debt Is Killing My Equity

Long-Term Notes Payable

Notes Issued at Face Value

Notes Not Issued at Face Value

Special Notes Payable Situations

Mortgage Notes Payable

Fair Value Option

Reporting and Analyzing Liabilities

Off-Balance-Sheet Financing

What Do the Numbers Mean? Obligated

Presentation and Analysis of Long-Term Debt

Evolving Issue Fair Value of Liabilities: Pick a Number, Any Number

APPENDIX 14A Troubled-Debt Restructurings

Settlement of Debt

Transfer of Assets

Granting of Equity Interest

Modification of Terms

Example 1—No Gain for Debtor

Example 2—Gain for Debtor

Concluding Remarks

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Chapter 15

Stockholders’ Equity

It's a Global Market

The Corporate Form of Organization

State Corporate Law

What Do the Numbers Mean? 1209 North Orange Street

Capital Stock or Share System

Variety of Ownership Interests

Corporate Capital

Issuance of Stock

What Do the Numbers Mean? The Case of the Disappearing Receivable

Reacquisition of Shares

What Do the Numbers Mean? Buybacks—Good or Bad?

Preferred Stock

Features of Preferred Stock

What Do the Numbers Mean? A Class (B) Act

Accounting for and Reporting Preferred Stock

Dividend Policy

Financial Condition and Dividend Distributions

Types of Dividends

Stock Dividends and Stock Splits

What Do the Numbers Mean? Splitsville

What Do the Numbers Mean? Dividends Up, Dividends Down

Disclosure of Restrictions on Retained Earnings

Presentation and Analysis of Stockholders’ Equity



APPENDIX 15A Dividend Preferences and Book Value per Share

Dividend Preferences

Book Value per Share

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Chapter 16

Dilutive Securities and Earnings per Share

Kicking the Habit

Dilutive Securities

Debt and Equity

Accounting for Convertible Debt

Convertible Preferred Stock

What Do the Numbers Mean? How Low Can You Go?

Stock Warrants

Evolving Issue Is That All Debt?

Accounting for Stock Compensation

Stock-Option Plans

Restricted Stock

Employee Stock-Purchase Plans

Disclosure of Compensation Plans

Debate over Stock-Option Accounting

What Do the Numbers Mean? A Little Honesty Goes a Long Way

Computing Earnings per Share

Earnings per Share—Simple Capital Structure

Earnings per Share—Complex Capital Structure

What Do the Numbers Mean? Pro Forma EPS Confusion

APPENDIX 16A Accounting for Stock-Appreciation Rights

SARS—Share-Based Equity Awards

SARS—Share-Based Liability Awards

Stock-Appreciation Rights Example

APPENDIX 16B Comprehensive Earnings per Share Example

Diluted Earnings per Share

FASB Codification

IFRS Insights

Chapter 17


What to Do?

Investments in Debt Securities

Debt Investment Classifications

Held-to-Maturity Securities

Available-for-Sale Securities

What Do the Numbers Mean? What Is Fair Value?

Trading Securities

Investments in Equity Securities

Holdings of Less Than 20%

What Do the Numbers Mean? More Disclosure, Please

Holdings Between 20% and 50%

Holdings of More Than 50%

What Do the Numbers Mean? Who's in Control Here?

Additional Measurement Issues

Fair Value Option

Evolving Issue Fair Value Controversy

Impairment of Value

Reclassifications and Transfers

Reclassification Adjustments

Transfers Between Categories

Summary of Reporting Treatment of Securities

Evolving Issue Classification and Measurement—The Long Road

APPENDIX 17A Accounting for Derivative Instruments

Defining Derivatives

Who Uses Derivatives, and Why?

Producers and Consumers

Speculators and Arbitrageurs

Basic Principles in Accounting for Derivatives

Example of Derivative Financial Instrument—Speculation

Differences Between Traditional and Derivative Financial Instruments

Derivatives Used for Hedging

What Do the Numbers Mean? Risky Business

Fair Value Hedge

Cash Flow Hedge

Other Reporting Issues

Embedded Derivatives

Qualifying Hedge Criteria

Summary of Derivatives Accounting

Comprehensive Hedge Accounting Example

Fair Value Hedge

Financial Statement Presentation of an Interest Rate Swap

Controversy and Concluding Remarks

APPENDIX 17B Variable-Interest Entities

What About GAAP?

Consolidation of Variable-Interest Entities

Some Examples

What Is Happening in Practice?

APPENDIX 17C Fair Value Disclosures

Disclosure of Fair Value Information: Financial Instruments

Disclosure of Fair Values: Impaired Assets or Liabilities


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Chapter 18

Revenue Recognition

It's Back

Overview of Revenue Recognition

Guidelines for Revenue Recognition

Departures from the Sale Basis

What Do the Numbers Mean? Liability or Revenue?

Revenue Recognition at Point of Sale (Delivery)

Sales with Discounts

Sales with Right of Return

Sales with Buybacks

Bill and Hold Sales

Principal-Agent Relationships

What Do the Numbers Mean? Grossed Out

Trade Loading and Channel Stuffing

What Do the Numbers Mean? No Take-Backs

Multiple-Deliverable Arrangements


Revenue Recognition before Delivery

Percentage-of-Completion Method

Completed-Contract Method

Long-Term Contract Losses

What Do the Numbers Mean? Less Conservative

Disclosures in Financial Statements

Completion-of-Production Basis

Revenue Recognition after Delivery

Installment-Sales Method

Cost-Recovery Method

Deposit Method

Summary and Concluding Remarks

APPENDIX 18A Revenue Recognition for Franchises

Initial Franchise Fees

Example of Entries for Initial Franchise Fee

Continuing Franchise Fees

Bargain Purchases

Options to Purchase

Franchisor's Cost

Disclosures of Franchisors

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Chapter 19

Accounting for Income Taxes

How Much Is Enough?

Fundamentals of Accounting for Income Taxes

Future Taxable Amounts and Deferred Taxes

What Do the Numbers Mean? “Real Liabilities”

Future Deductible Amounts and Deferred Taxes

What Do the Numbers Mean? “Real Assets”

Deferred Tax Asset—Valuation Allowance

Income Statement Presentation

Specific Differences

Tax Rate Considerations

What Do the Numbers Mean? Global Tax Rates

Accounting for Net Operating Losses

Loss Carryback

Loss Carryforward

Loss Carryback Example

Loss Carryforward Example

What Do the Numbers Mean? NOLs: Good News or Bad?

Financial Statement Presentation

Balance Sheet

What Do the Numbers Mean? Imagination at Work

Income Statement

Evolving Issue Uncertain Tax Positions

Review of the Asset-Liability Method

APPENDIX 19A Comprehensive Example of Interperiod Tax Allocation

First Year—2013

Taxable Income and Income Taxes Payable—2013

Computing Deferred Income Taxes—End of 2013

Deferred Tax Expense (Benefit) and the Journal Entry to Record Income Taxes—2013

Financial Statement Presentation—2013

Second Year—2014

Taxable Income and Income Taxes Payable—2014

Computing Deferred Income Taxes—End of 2014

Deferred Tax Expense (Benefit) and the Journal Entry to Record Income Taxes—2014

Financial Statement Presentation—2014

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Chapter 20

Accounting for Pensions and Postretirement Benefits

Where Have All the Pensions Gone?

Nature of Pension Plans

Defined Contribution Plan

Defined Benefit Plan

What Do the Numbers Mean? Which Plan Is Right for You?

The Role of Actuaries in Pension Accounting

Accounting for Pensions

Alternative Measures of the Liability

Recognition of the Net Funded Status of the Pension Plan

Components of Pension Expense

Using a Pension Worksheet

2014 Entries and Worksheet

Amortization of Prior Service Cost (PSC)

2015 Entries and Worksheet

Gain or Loss

What Do the Numbers Mean? Pension Costs Ups and Downs

Corridor Amortization

Evolving Issue Bye Bye Corridor

2016 Entries and Worksheet

What Do the Numbers Mean? Roller Coaster

Reporting Pension Plans in Financial Statements

Within the Financial Statements

Within the Notes to the Financial Statements

Example of Pension Note Disclosure

2017 Entries and Worksheet—A Comprehensive Example

Special Issues

What Do the Numbers Mean? Who Guarantees the Guarantor?

Concluding Observations

APPENDIX 20A Accounting for Postretirement Benefits

Accounting Guidance

Differences Between Pension Benefits and Healthcare Benefits

What Do the Numbers Mean? OPEBs—How Big Are They?

Postretirement Benefits Accounting Provisions

Obligations Under Postretirement Benefits

Postretirement Expense

Illustrative Accounting Entries

2014 Entries and Worksheet

Recognition of Gains and Losses

2015 Entries and Worksheet

Amortization of Net Gain or Loss in 2016

Disclosures in Notes to the Financial Statements

Actuarial Assumptions and Conceptual Issues

What Do the Numbers Mean? Want Some Bad News?

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Chapter 21

Accounting for Leases

More Companies Ask, “Why Buy?”

The Leasing Environment

Who Are the Players?

Advantages of Leasing

What Do the Numbers Mean? Off-Balance-Sheet Financing

Conceptual Nature of a Lease

Accounting by the Lessee

Capitalization Criteria

Asset and Liability Accounted for Differently

Capital Lease Method (Lessee)

Operating Method (Lessee)

What Do the Numbers Mean? Restatements on the Menu

Comparison of Capital Lease with Operating Lease

Evolving Issue Are You Liable?

Accounting by the Lessor

Economics of Leasing

Classification of Leases by the Lessor

Direct-Financing Method (Lessor)

Operating Method (Lessor)

Special Lease Accounting Problems

Residual Values

Sales-Type Leases (Lessor)

What Do the Numbers Mean? Xerox Takes on the SEC

Bargain-Purchase Option (Lessee)

Initial Direct Costs (Lessor)

Current versus Noncurrent

Disclosing Lease Data

Unresolved Lease Accounting Problems

Evolving Issue Lease Accounting—If It Quacks Like a Duck

APPENDIX 21A Sale-Leasebacks

Determining Asset Use



Sale-Leaseback Example

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Chapter 22

Accounting Changes and Error Analysis

In the Dark

Accounting Changes

Changes in Accounting Principle

What Do the Numbers Mean? Quite a Change

Retrospective Accounting Change Approach

What Do the Numbers Mean? Change Management

Direct and Indirect Effects of Changes


Changes in Accounting Estimates

Prospective Reporting


Changes in Reporting Entity

Accounting Errors

Example of Error Correction

Summary of Accounting Changes and Correction of Errors

What Do the Numbers Mean? Can I Get My Money Back?

Motivations for Change of Accounting Method

Error Analysis

Balance Sheet Errors

Income Statement Errors

Balance Sheet and Income Statement Errors

Comprehensive Example: Numerous Errors

What Do the Numbers Mean? Guard the Financial Statements!

Preparation of Financial Statements with Error Corrections

APPENDIX 22A Changing from or to the Equity Method

Change from the Equity Method

Dividends in Excess of Earnings

Change to the Equity Method

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Chapter 23

Statement of Cash Flows

Show Me the Money!

Preparation of the Statement of Cash Flows

Usefulness of the Statement of Cash Flows

Classification of Cash Flows

What Do the Numbers Mean? How's My Cash Flow?

Format of the Statement of Cash Flows

Steps in Preparation

Illustrations—Tax Consultants Inc.

Step 1: Determine the Change in Cash

Step 2: Determine Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities

What Do the Numbers Mean? Earnings and Cash Flow Management?

Step 3: Determine Net Cash Flows from Investing and Financing Activities

Statement of Cash Flows—2013



Sources of Information for the Statement of Cash Flows

Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities—Direct Method

Evolving Issue Direct versus Indirect

Special Problems in Statement Preparation

Adjustments to Net Income

Accounts Receivable (Net)

What Do the Numbers Mean? Not What It Seems

Other Working Capital Changes

Net Losses

Significant Noncash Transactions

What Do the Numbers Mean? Cash Flow Tool

Use of a Worksheet

Preparation of the Worksheet

Analysis of Transactions

Preparation of Final Statement

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Chapter 24

Full Disclosure in Financial Reporting

High-Quality Financial Reporting—Always in Fashion

Full Disclosure Principle

Increase in Reporting Requirements

Differential Disclosure

Evolving Issue Disclosure—Quantity and Quality

Notes to the Financial Statements

Accounting Policies

Common Notes

What Do the Numbers Mean? Footnote Secrets

Disclosure Issues

Disclosure of Special Transactions or Events

Post-Balance-Sheet Events (Subsequent Events)

Reporting for Diversified (Conglomerate) Companies

Interim Reports

Evolving Issue It's Faster but Is It Better?

Auditor's and Management's Reports

Auditor's Report

What Do the Numbers Mean? Heart of the Matter

Management's Reports

Current Reporting Issues

Reporting on Financial Forecasts and Projections

What Do the Numbers Mean? Global Forecasts

Internet Financial Reporting

What Do the Numbers Mean? New Formats, New Disclosure

Fraudulent Financial Reporting

What Do the Numbers Mean? Disclosure Overload

Criteria for Making Accounting and Reporting Choices

APPENDIX 24A Basic Financial Statement Analysis

Perspective on Financial Statement Analysis

Ratio Analysis

Limitations of Ratio Analysis

Comparative Analysis

Percentage (Common-Size) Analysis

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IFRS Insights


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