A. C. Nielsen Company, 721n. 17

Abbott Laboratories, 219220, 967

Abdel-khalik, A. Rashad, 1283n. 9

Abnormal shortages, 493

Absences, compensated, 712714

Accelerated Cost Recovery System (ACRS), 614

Accountability, 54


ethics in, 21

principles of, 5661

Accounting changes, see Change(s) in accounting entries

Accounting cycle, 89114

adjusted trial balance, 108

adjusting entries, 96108

closing, 110113

journalizing, 9192

post-closing trial balance, 113

posting, 9296

preparing financial statements, 108110

reversing entries, 113

steps of, 114

transactions and other events, identifying/recording, 8991

trial balance, 96

Accounting information system, 8489

Accounting policies:

accounting for changes in, 14041406

on balance sheets, 236, 237

disclosure of, 1491

MD&A of, 15111512

Accounting principle, changes in, see Change(s) in accounting principle

Accounting Principles Board (APB), 9, 27. See also Opinions of the Accounting Principles Board

Accounting Research Bulletins, 9

Accounting Research Study No. 13 (“The Accounting Basis of Inventories”), 481n. 5

Accounting standards:

economic consequences of, 17

need for development of, 7

politicization of, 2627

Accounting Standards Executive Committee (AcSEC), 10, 541n. 2, 557n. 6, 559n. 12

Accounting Standards Updates, 11, 12, 57n. 16

Accounting theory, cash basis accounting and, 118120

Accounts payable(s), 703

decrease in, 1425

increase in, 1422

indirect method of analyzing, 14181419

Accounts receivable(s), 349358

days to collect, 374

decrease in, 1421

disposition of, 365370

increase in, 1424

indirect method of analyzing, 1418

net, accounts receivable, 14381440, 1447

recognition of, 351352

trade, 363

uncollectible, 353358

valuation of, 352358

Accounts receivable turnover, 372


adjusting entries for, 102108

as class of adjusting entries, 97

in reversing entries illustration, 124125

Accrual basis accounting, 67

cash basis accounting vs., 118123

conversion to cash basis accounting, 120123

for warranties, 719720

Accrued expenses:

adjusting entries for, 104108

as class of adjusting entries, 97

Accrued interest, adjusting entries for, 105

Accrued revenue(s):

adjusting entries for, 103104

as class of adjusting entries, 97

overstatement of, 1369

Accrued salaries, adjusting entries for, 106107

Accrued wages, failure to record, 1368

Accumulated benefit obligation, 1187

Accumulated depreciation, 1422, 1425, 14481449

Accumulated other comprehensive income, 280

Accumulated other comprehensive loss, 847n. 21

Accumulated postretirement benefit obligation (APBO), 1220

Accumulated rights, 713

Acid-test ratio, 730

Acquisition costs, 556560, 605

ACRS (Accelerated Cost Recovery System), 614

AcSEC, see Accounting Standards Executive Committee

Activision Blizzard, 1411

Activity method for depreciation, 593

Activity ratios, 245, 1523, 1524

Actually refinancing, 706

Actual return on plan assets, 11911192, 1221, 12541255

Actuarial present value, 1188n. 7

Actuaries, 1187

Adaptec, 911

ADC Telecommunications, 347

Additions, 558

Additional paid-in capital, 826

Adecco, 83

Adelphia Communications, 54, 783, 1518

Adjunct account, 774

Adjustable-rate mortgage, 782

Adjusted subsequent events, 1551

Adjusted trial balance, 85, 108, 113, 129

Adjustments, 96108

for accruals, 102108

for bad debts, 107108

for deferrals, 97102

defined, 85

for depreciation, 100101

for insurance, 99100

prior period, 181

for statement presentation, 101102

types of, 97

for unearned revenues, 102

on worksheet, 127129

Adjustments columns, 127

Administrative expenses, on income statement, 164

Adverse opinion, 1511

Advertising costs, 669, 1504

AES, 176

After-closing trial balance, 85

Aging schedule, 357

Agricultural inventory, 530532

Agricultural produce, 530

Ahold NV, 1109, 1176

AICPA, see American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

AICPA Task Force on LIFO Inventory Problems, 479n. 3

AIG, 2, 31, 48, 364, 984

Airbus, 1553

Air France, 13321335

Airline industry, 215, 591n. 2

Air Products & Chemicals, 979n. 14

Airtran, 215

Alaska Airlines, 1307

Alberto-Culver Company, 240

Alcatel-Lucent, 1111, 1219

Allied Products Corporation, 835

Allowance accounts:

for multiple periods, 480

and net realizable value adjustments, 529

use of, 479480

Allowance method, 353358

Alltel Corp., 707

Almost Family, Inc., 107

Altera International, 965

Alternative minimum tax (AMT), 1140

Alterra Healthcare Corp., 217218

Altman, E. I., 226, 158, 159, 214, 224, 276, 427, 657, 821, 885, 899, 933934, 955, 965966

Ameren, 611

American Airlines, 102, 215, 708, 822, 1231, 1273, 13081309

American Bar Association, 822

American Express, 366

American Home Mortgage Investment Corp., 1041

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), 910, 597n. 6

and APB, 9

and big GAAP/little GAAP issue, 1550n. 29

changing role of, 10

and Committee on Accounting Procedure, 9, 26, 27

and GAAP standards development, 9

and government intervention, 29

and SEC, 7

Task Force on LIFO Inventory Problems, 479n. 3

American Maize-Products Company, 433

America Online, 650

Amgen, 831

AM International, 425


adjustment to net income for, 14341435

of bonds, 314315, 769770

corridor, 11991200, 12101211, 1223

defined, 590

effective-interest method, 314315

of intangible assets, 651653

on postretirement benefit plans, 1223

of prior service costs, 11941195, 1221

straight-line, 1195

of trademark, 14481449

on units-of-production basis, 657n. 3

years-of-service, 11941195

Amortization policies, 55

Amortized cost, 953, 10281029

Ampco-Pittsburgh Corporation, 596, 1358

AMR Corporation, 1231

AMT (alternative minimum tax), 1140

Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, 546, 999

Anheuser-Busch, 1525

Anixter Bros., Inc., 425

Annual interest rate, in compound interest tables, 292293

Annualized approach, 1505

Annual reports:

content and organization of, 247

on the Internet, 19

Annuity(-ies), 299313

deferred, 311313

due, future value of, 303306

due, present value of, 308311

ordinary, 291292, 306307, 309311

ordinary, future value of, 300302, 304306

present value of, 306311

Annuity due, 303306

future value of, 303306

present value of, 308311

Ante, S. E., 480

Antidilutive securities, 904, 908909, 921n. 22

APB (Accounting Principles Board), 9, 27

APBO (accumulated postretirement benefit obligation), 1220

APB Opinions (Opinions of the Accounting Principles Board), 9, 1113

Apple Inc. (Apple Computer), 189, 241, 349, 358, 488, 654, 657, 670, 718, 822, 1054, 1140

April-Marcus, Inc., 422

Arbitrageurs, 979

Arcady, A. T., 1214n. 18

AROs (asset retirement obligations), 723724


dividend in, 835

preferred dividends in, 707

Articulation, 52

Artificial loss, 1308n. 19

Artistic-related intangible assets, 655

Assessments, 718719


on balance sheet, 216

biological, 530

contingent, 758

current, 217220

defined, 52, 53, 79

depreciable base for, 590

fixed, 538, 599

held for disposal, 603604

in lessee accounting, 1278

noncurrent, 221222

of pension plans, 11971198, 1260

recognition of, 1125

sales price of, 1296

soft, 19

transfer of, 791

Asset expenditures, 557

Asset gains and losses, with pension plans, 11971198, 1260

Asset-liability method, 1144

Asset-linked bonds, 765

Asset retirement obligations (AROs), 723724

Asset turnover ratio, 611

Asset valuation, 556

Assumptions, 5456

Astra Zeneca Plc., 657658

Atlantic Richfield, 608

AT&T Inc., 90, 595, 888889, 1202, 1217, 1219

Attmore, R. H., 1227

Attribution period, 1219

Audit and Accounting Guides (AdSEC), 10

Auditor's report, 15081511

emphasis of matter in, 1510

and expectation gap, 1519n. 24

on going concern of entity, 1509

and lack of consistency, 1510

and management's responsibilities for financial statements, 1512n. 14

qualified/adverse/disclaimer opinion, 15101511

standards for, 1508

unqualified/clean opinion, 15081510

Automatic Data Processing, 768

Available-for-sale securities, 182n. 21, 218, 952, 955959, 962964, 968

Average-cost method:

for cost flow assumption, 429430

for security purchases, 962n. 6

Average days to sell inventory, 496

Avis, 1081

Avon Products, 236

AXA, 32

Ayers, B., 1122


Baan NV, 1109

Bad debts:

adjusting entries for, 107108

failure to adjust for, 13691370

Bahree, B., 607

Baker Hughes, Inc., 537

Balance sheet(s), 85, 214227, 243

accounting policies on, 236, 237

assets on, 216

and cash flows statement, 1415, 1421, 1423, 1429

classification in, 215226

classified, 215

columns on, 129

comparative, 1445

contingencies on, 236, 237

contractual situations on, 236, 237

current assets on, 217218

debit vs. credit balances on, 14431444

deferred tax reporting on, 11381140

elements of, 216

equity on, 216

errors on, 13661370

events after preparation of, 14951496

example, 115116

fair values on, 236, 238239

format of, 226228

liabilities on, 216, 222225

limitations of, 214215

noncurrent assets on, 221222

owner's equity on, 225226

presentation of, 185

stockholders’ equity on, 88, 225226, 847850

usefulness of, 214

Balance sheet (percentage-of-receivables) approach, 356357

Ball, J., 607


as lessors, 1271, 1302n. 16

loan losses, 344345

operating cash flows in, 14391440

treatment of purchases/sales of loans/securities by, 1414n. 2

Bank, David, 709

Bank accounts, 376377

Bank charges, reconciling, 378381

Bank credits, reconciling, 379

Bank errors, reconciling, 379

Bankers Trust, 979

Bankia Group, 364

Bank of America, 5, 83, 822, 984, 1269, 1273, 1307, 1440

BankOne, 897, 899

Bank overdrafts, 348

Bank reconciliation, 378381

Bankruptcy-prediction model, 226

Bank statements, 378381

Barclays, 984

Bargain purchases, 10831084

Bargain purchase option, 1277, 1298, 1338

Bargain purchase option test, 12751276

Bargain renewal option, 1334, 657

Barrick Gold Corporation, 523524

Barth, Mary, 890n. 6

Barth Industries, 716

Basic elements, 5253

Basis Technology, 965

Basket purchase, 482

Bearer (coupon) bonds, 765

Bear Stearns & Co., 224

Beaver, W. H., 161n. 2

Beijing Lenovo Parasaga Information Technology, 966967

Benchmark, verifiable, 56

Benefits/years-of-service actuarial method, 11891190, 1219n. 25

Beresford, Dennis R., 972n. 11

Berkshire Hathaway Inc., 32, 822, 1486

Bernanke, Ben S., 316

Beru AG Corporation, 700

Best Buy, 68, 114, 134, 352, 373, 419, 472474, 489, 727, 730, 785, 823, 849, 1509

Best Western, 1081

Bethlehem Steel, 1125, 1201

Bhamornsiri, Sak, 1064n. 19

Biddle, Gary C., 445n. 20

“Big GAAP versus little GAAP” issue, 1490, 1550n. 29

Biggs, Stanley F., 484n. 8

Bill and hold sales, 1050

Biological assets, 530

Birchall, J., 420

Black & Decker, 68

Bloom, R., 445

Bloomingdale's, 488

BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics), 440n. 9

Blumenstein, Rebecca, 557

BMC Industries, Inc., 716

BMW, 875

Boeing Capital, 1271

Boeing Corporation, 58, 100, 216, 416, 538, 556, 10671068, 1219, 1273, 1284

Boise Cascade, 484

Bonds, 763. See also specific types, e.g.: Discount bonds

between-interest-date issuance of, 770

convertible, 765, 884886, 890, 919920, 944946

corporate listings, 765766

effective-interest method for, 770774

and extinguishment of debt, 775776

face value of, 766767

and interest date, 768770

issuance of, 764, 768770, 816

monitoring investments in, 765766

notes vs., 777

par on interest date, issuance at, 768

premium, 766770, 1435

types of, 765

Bond amortization, effective-interest method of, 314315

Bond discount, amortization of, 1435

Bondholders, 1522

Bond indenture, 765

Bonds payable, 764776

and contra accounts, 774

decrease in, 1426

discount, 774

increase in, 1422

Bond premium:

amortization of, 1435

valuation of, 766770

Bonus agreements, 714715

Bonus payments, and change in accounting method, 13651366

Book depreciation, tax depreciation vs., 617

Book of original entry, 85, 91

Book value, 836

bonds, 101

for preference shares, 876

Book value per share, 850, 853854

BOP Clothing Co., 751753

Borrowing rate, 1335

Borrus, A., 768

Boston Scientific, 166

BP, 32

Brand images, 670

Briggs & Stratton, 715, 799

“Bright line” cutoffs, 1334n. 22

Brinker International Inc., 1282

British Airways, 1050, 1183

Broadcom, 831, 911

Brokers, 1414n. 2

Brokerage costs, 1030n. 44

Brown, K., 48

Brown, K. L., 1058n. 18

Brown, Robert Moren, 443n. 18

Brown Group, Inc., 845

Brown Shoe Company, 433

Budge, Bruce P., 1437n. 8

Buffet, Warren E., 1486

Building depreciation, 1422, 14481449

Burberry, 1032, 1033

Burden, 540

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 440n. 9

Burger King, 1081

Burlington Industries, 481n. 4

Burnap, N., 1204

Burton, John C., 8n. 4

Business combinations:

intangible assets acquired in, 650n. 1

as present value-based measurement, 289

Business-method patents, 656

Business organization, see Corporate form

Buyback(s), 830831

of outstanding stock, 837n. 12

sales with, 1049

of treasury stock, 837n. 12

Buyback agreements, 422423

Byrnes, Nanette, 1183, 1283

Byrnes, Tracey, 1053


Cablevision Systems, 836

Calhoun, Charles H., III, 1083n. 31

Callable bonds, 765, 775n. 8

Callable preferred stock, 835

Callaway Golf Co., 1315

Call option, 980

Calpine, 785

Campbell Soup Company, 621, 962963, 1231, 1412

Cannondale Corporation, 68

Canon, 666

CAP, see Committee on Accounting Procedure

Capettini, Robert, 554n. 10


contributed, 875

earned, 875

paid-in, 875

Capital allocation, 45

Capital assets errors, 1360

Capital expenditures, 536537, 557

Capitalization criteria:

avoiding, 13021303

for lessee, 12751278

for lessor, 1285

Capitalization period, 542

Capitalized lease accounting, 1272n. 1, 12731278

bargain purchase option test in, 12751276

economic life test in, 1276

recovery of investment test in, 12761278

transfer of ownership test in, 1275

Capital leases, 12751278, 1333

Capital lease method, 12781281

Capital maintenance approach, 163n. 4

Capital markets, integration of, 32

Capital One Financial, 236

Capital stock, 823824, 830

Capital structure, 13651366

Capital structure ratios, 1523n. 26

Captive leasing companies, 1271

Carcache, B., 614n. 15

Cargill, 822

Carrefour, 756, 1028, 1334, 1553

Carrybacks, 1116, 11321133, 1145

Carryforward(s), 1116, 1145, 11761177. See also Loss carryforwards

Carrying value (bonds), 770n. 3, 816

Cash and cash equivalents, 217218, 346349, 1413n. 1, 1437n. 7

alternate terminology for, 346n. 2

on balance sheets, 217218

basis of valuation of, 217

determining change in, 1416, 1417, 1420, 1423

internal control over, 376

from operating activities, 231

reporting, 346348

restricted cash vs., 347348

and statement of cash flows, 1480, 1481

Cash balances, physical protection of, 378

Cash-balance pension plans, 1214n. 18

Cash basis accounting, 6

and accounting theory, 118120

accrual-basis accounting vs., 118123

conversion to accrual basis, 120123

financial statements, 119

modified cash basis, 120

of pension plan, 1189n. 10

theoretical weaknesses of, 123

warranties, 719

Cash controls, 376381

and bank balances reconciliation, 378381

and imprest petty cash system, 377378

and physical protection of cash balances, 378

using bank accounts, 376377

Cash crunch, 233

Cash debt coverage, 234

Cash deposits, returnable, 707

Cash discounts, 351352, 427, 547

Cash dividends, 839840

Cash dividends payable, 1440

Cash flows, 7n. 2

classification of, 14131415

determining future change of, 550n. 7

evaluating, 14141415

free, 234235

net income vs., 232233

Cash flow hedge, 987989

Cash flow risk, 987

Cash flow statement, see Statement of cash flows

Cash funds, 346

Cash-generating units, 696

Cash over account, 377378

Cash payments:

classes of, 1429

and direct method, 14321433

for income taxes, 1432

for operating expenses, 14311432

special rules applying to, 1434

to suppliers, 14301431

Cash rebates, 721

Cash receipts:

classes of, 1429

from customers, 1430

and direct method, 14321433

special rules applying to, 1434

Cash-related items, 348349

Catanach, A., 1051

Caterpillar Financial Services Corp., 1271, 12781281, 1284, 12861289

Caterpillar Inc., 100, 442, 970, 979, 1271, 12911295, 12981300, 1498

CBS, 656, 830

CDs (certificates of deposit), 346n. 1

CECL (“Current Expected Credit Loss”) model, 374

Ceiling (upper), 475476

Cendant, 17

Cenker, W., 445

CenturyTel, 1198

Certificates of deposit (CDs), 346n. 1

Change(s) due to error, 1363

Change(s) in accounting (general), 1344

guidelines for, 13631364

motivations for, 13651366

from or to equity method, 13771380

Change(s) in accounting estimate, 180, 13571359, 1363, 1404

Change(s) in accounting policies, 14041406

Change(s) in accounting principle, 179180, 13441366

accounting for/reporting of, 179180, 13531354

direct/indirect effects of, 1355

disclosure of, 1493

and impracticability, 1356

prospective reporting of, 1345

and retained earnings adjustment, 1354

retrospective, 13451354

Change in cash, determining, 1416, 1417, 1420, 1423

Changes in equity, statement of, 877878

Change(s) in reporting entity, 1359, 1363

Change-in-the-present-value method, 12991300

Channel stuffing, 1053


outstanding, 379

paper, 378n. 17

postdated, 346

Check fraud, 378n. 17

Checking accounts, 377

Cheney, Richard E., 1525n. 27

Chesapeake Corporation, 237

Chesapeake Energy Corp., 785, 1419

Chevron, 32

ChevronTexaco, 608n. 10

China National Petroleum, 32

Chipotle, 166

Choice Point, Inc., 999

Christie, Rebecca, 1511

Chrysler Corporation, 31, 54, 444, 600n. 8, 1284, 1346

Ciba-Geigy, 469

Ciesielski, J., 883, 1189n. 9

CIFR (Committee for Improvements in Financial Reporting), 1343

Cinergy, 899

Cintas, 537

Cisco Systems, 61, 110, 161, 480, 654, 783, 979, 1437n. 7

CitiCapital, 13081309

Citicorp, 170n. 12

Cities Service Company, 729

Citigroup, 49, 170n. 12, 344, 345, 358, 364, 788, 979, 998, 11161117, 1119n. 1, 1137n. 6, 1271, 1284

CKE Restaurants Inc., 1282

Claims, 718719, 1492

Clarcor Inc., 713

Class B common stock, 836


of financial instruments, 975976

in statement of financial position, 278280

Classified balance sheets, 215

Clean opinion (unqualified opinion), 15081510

Clorox Co., 648, 649, 839

Closing, 110113

Closing entries, 85, 111113, 117

Closing prices, 110113

CMCS (Commercial Metals Company), 14961497

CNG (Consolidated Natural Gas Company), 332333

CNH Capital, 13351339

CNH Global, 13351339

Coach, Inc., 166, 14861487, 1498

The Coca-Cola Company, 20, 31, 76, 97, 151, 176, 203, 274, 404405, 522, 559, 635, 650, 658, 670, 690, 750, 813, 822, 843n. 17, 872, 897, 899, 940, 952, 979, 984, 997, 1024, 1107, 1173, 1184, 1248, 1402, 1412, 1478, 1546

“The Codification,” 14, 22

Codification Research System (CRS), 14

Cohen, A. J., 911, 1486

Cohesiveness of reporting, 185186

Collaterized receivables, 366n. 11

Collection float, 376

Columbia Sportswear Company, 677

Combination methods for depreciation, 597

Comcast, 1497

Comiskey, Eugene E., 1215n. 19, 1443

Commercial Metals Company (CMCS), 14961497

Commercial paper, 346n. 1

Commercial substance, 550554

Commitments, disclosure of, 1492

Committee for Improvements in Financial Reporting (CIFR), 1343

Committee on Accounting Procedure (CAP), 9, 27, 842n. 15

Commodity-backed bonds, 765

Common costs, 15001501

Common-size analysis, 15271528

Common stock, 824, 836, 875. See also Preferred stock

adjustment to net income for change related to, 1435

cash dividend paid for, 838n. 13

increase in, 1426

rate of return on, 849

in treasury at cost, 831n. 8

as worksheet entry, 1449

Commonwealth Edison Company, 295, 813

Company names (intangible asset), 654

Comparability, 51, 57

Comparative analysis, 1526

Comparative balance sheets, 1416, 1421, 1424, 1445

Comparative financial statements, correcting errors on, 13621363

Compensated absences, 712714

Compensating balances, 347

Compensation plans:

dilutive securities issuance in, 904n. 15

effective, 891

stock compensation plans, 891892

Completed-contract accounting method, 1057, 10631064, 1067

Completeness, 49

Completion-of-production basis, 1068

Complex capital structure EPS, 904912

antidilution, 908909

contingent issue agreement, 908

convertible securities—diluted EPS, 905907

options and warrants—diluted EPS, 907908

presentation and disclosure of, 909910

simple vs., 900

Components, 170

Component depreciation, 597n. 6, 638639, 1520

Composite depreciation rate, 596

Composite life, 596

Composite methods for depreciation, 595597

Composite rate, 357

Compounded continuously, 293n. 4

Compounded daily, 293

Compound instrument, 942

Compound interest, 290293

future value as variable in, 294

on IRAs, 302303

number of time periods, 294

present value as variable in, 294

rate of interest as variable in, 294

and Social Security, 291

tables for, 291293, 334343

variables fundamental to, 294

Comprehensive dollar-value LIFO method, 437438

Comprehensive income, 182186, 971972

defined, 53

display requirements of, 183n. 22

errors in, 1360

and IFRS, 205206

one-statement approach, 183

two-statement approach, 183, 184

Computer Associates, 899

ConAgra Foods, Inc., 511, 848

Conceptual framework, 4263

basic assumptions, 5456

basic elements, 5253

basic principles, 5661

constraints, 6163

defined, 42

development of, 4344

and IFRS, 7880

need for, 4243

objective of financial reporting, 45

qualitative characteristics of information, 4552

Condensed income statements, 166167

Conditional expenses, 715

Confirmatory value, 47

Conglomerate (diversified) companies reporting, 14971501

ConocoPhillips, 32, 829, 830

Conservatism, 49n. 8

Consigned goods, 422

Consignments, 10511053

Consignment shipment, 422

Consistency, 51, 57

Consolidated Edison, 539

Consolidated financial statements, 967

Consolidated Natural Gas Company (CNG), 332333

Consolidated statements of cash flows, 1434

Consolidations, 1027, 1359

Constant-currency financial reports, 55

Constraints, 6163

Construction contracts, 11101111

Continental Airlines, 215, 1307

Continental Trucking, 963

Contingencies, 757758

on balance sheets, 236, 237

defined, 237

disclosure of, 1492

errors in, 1360

gain, 715716

loss, 716725

presentation of, 728729

Contingent assets, 758

Contingent liabilities, 700701, 754, 757. See also Loss contingencies

Contingent shares, 908

Continuing franchise fees, 1083

Continuously compounded, 293n. 4

Contra accounts, and bonds payable, 774

Contracts, onerous, 757

Contract provisions, 757

Contract-related intangible assets, 655656

Contractual situations, on balance sheets, 236, 237

Contra items, 241

Contributed capital, 875

Contributions, accounting for, 555556

Contributory pension plans, 1184

Control device, 489

Controlling interest, 967

Convenience financial statements, 1523

Convergence, of U.S. and international standards, 21, 3638, 414415, 1346n. 1, 1554

Conversion, involuntary, 561

Convertible bonds, 765, 884886, 890, 919920, 944946

Convertible debt, 942946

Convertible debt accounting, 884886

Convertible preferred stock, 835, 886887, 920

Convertible securities, 905907

Coolidge, C., 1364

Coon, William R., 437n. 7

Copel CIA, 776

Copyrights, 655

Cornett, C., 1134n. 3

Corning, 911

Corporate bond listings, 765766

Corporate capital, 824834

Corporate form, 822824

capital stock/share system, 823824

and ownership interests, 824

state laws, 822

Corporate taxes, 710n. 6. See also Income taxes, accounting for


bonds issued by, 763

international accounting standards for, 31

Corrections of errors:

in income statement, 180181

reporting, 13591366

Corridor amortization, 11991200, 1202, 12101211, 1223

Cost, 474, 527

Cost allocation, 429n. 4, 590601. See also Depreciation

Cost approach, for valuation, 549n. 5

Cost-benefit analysis, 62

Cost-benefit relationship, 61

Cost constraint, 6163

Cost flow assumption, 421

average-cost method for, 429430

and first-in, first-out, 430431

identification, 428429

and last-in, first-out, 431432

Costs included in inventory, 421

period costs, 426

product costs, 426

and treatment of purchase discounts, 426428

Cost method, 489, 831, 961n. 5

Costs of financing, 426

Cost of goods available for sales or use, 420

Cost of goods sold, 420, 1296

multiple pools contributing to, 437n. 7

in periodic inventory system, 418

section of income statement, 164

Cost-of-goods-sold method, 478479, 528

Cost per unit of product, 606607

Cost-recovery accounting method, 10771078, 11101112

Cost-to-cost basis, 10591061

Coughlan, J. D., 591n. 1

Counterbalancing errors, 13671369

Counterparty, 981n. 18

Countrywide Financial Corp., 371

Coupons, 721722

Coupon bonds, 765

Coupon rate, 766

Coverage ratios, 245, 1523, 1524

CPC International, 358

Craig, Susanne, 959

Credits (Cr.), 8586

Credit balance, 85

Credit cards, 367n. 12

Credit crisis, 12, 588, 601

Creditors, 56, 232, 233

disclosure of claims by, 1492

short-term, 1522

Creditor calculations, 794

Credit quality, 768

Credit risk, disclosure of, 372

Credit risk rate of interest, 316

Creswell, J., 176, 657

Cron, William R., 441n. 10

Cross-reference items, 241

CRS (Codification Research System), 14

Cummins, C., 607

Cumulative catch-up, 1061

Cumulative-effect approach, 1345

Cumulative preferred stock, 835

Current assets, 217220

on balance sheets, 217220

cash, 217218

Current cash debt coverage, 234

“Current Expected Credit Loss” (CECL) model, 374

Current liability(-ies), 702715. See also specific types, e.g.: Accounts payable(s)

analysis of, 729730

on balance sheets, 222223

declared cash dividends as, 840

defined, 702

presentation of, 726729

Current maturities of long-term debt, 705

Current operating performance approach, 168

Current ratios, 729730

Current receivables, 349

Current tax expense (benefit), 1121, 1145

Curtailment, 1258

Cushing, Barry E., 443n. 17

Customary form, of balance sheets, 226n. 9

Customer-related intangible assets, 654655

CVS, 1283

CVS/Caremark Corp., 846

Cycle, accounting, see Accounting cycle


Daily compounding, 293

Daimler, 666, 1482

DaimlerChrysler, 1439

Dairy Queen, 1081

Dakdduk, Kenneth E., 1220n. 26

Darden Restaurants Inc., 1282

Date of declaration (stock dividends), 839

Date of payment (stock dividends), 839

Date of record (stock dividends), 839

Days outstanding, 374

Days to collect accounts receivable, 374

Debenture bonds, 765

Debits (Dr.), 8586

Debit balance, 85

Debt(s), 762763

bad, failure to adjust for, 13691370

continuation of, 792796

current maturities of, 705

extinguishment of, 775776

issue cost (SFAS No. 6), 774n. 5

long-term, see Long-term debt

settlement of, 791792

Debt investments, 10281031

Debtor accounting, 792n. 16

Debtor calculations, 793

Debt ratings, 768

Debt-rating triggers, 1493

Debt securities, 884

available-for-sale, 218, 952, 955959, 962964, 968

convertible, 942946

held-to-maturity, 218, 953955

trading, 953, 959960, 964, 1440

Debt to assets ratio, 787

Debt triggers, 1493

Decision-usefulness approach, 67, 4546

Declaration, date of (stock dividends), 839

Declared cash dividends, 839840

Declining-balance method, 595

Decreasing-charge methods for depreciation, 594595

Deductible amounts, 1120

Deductible temporary differences, 11271128, 1145

Deep-discount bonds, 765

Deere and Company, 505

Defaults, 10731075


adjusting entries for, 97102

defined, 97

in reversing entries illustration, 124125

Deferred annuities, 311313

Deferred costs, amortization of, 14341435

Deferred income taxes, 11191126

adjustment to net income for, 1435

and changes in tax rate, 11301132

Congressional acts affecting, 1131n. 2

on income statements, 11251126

in interperiod tax allocation (example), 11491150, 11521153

Deferred payment, 1047

Deferred-payment contracts, 547548

Deferred taxes, disclosure of, 1493

Deferred tax amount, 1119

Deferred tax assets (DTAs), 11161117, 1119, 11231126, 1145

asset recognition for, in company records, 1125

non-recognition of, 11751177

recognized as loss carryforwards, 1134n. 4

valuation allowance for, 11251126

Deferred tax benefits, 1124

Deferred tax consequences, 1145

Deferred tax expense (benefit), 1121, 1145, 11491150, 11521153

Deferred tax liabilities, 11191122, 1145

in company assessments, 1122

Congressional acts affecting, 1131n. 2

and SFAS No. 6, 1122

and SFAS No. 109, 1122

Defined-benefit plans, 11851186

Defined-contribution plans, 1185

DeFord, Mark L., 1360n. 7

Delhaize Group, 280

Dell Computer, 52, 215, 977978, 1276

Delta Airlines, 58, 102, 215, 979, 1138, 1268, 12731278, 1435

De Mesa Graziano, Cheryl, 1041

Denny's, 1081

Depletion, 604607

acquisition costs of, 605

defined, 590

development costs of, 605

exploration costs of, 605

and liquidating dividends, 607608

in oil and gas industry, 608609

and recoverable reserves, 607

restoration costs of, 605606

Depletion base, 604606


legally restricted, 348

in transit, 379

Deposit method, 10781079

Depositor errors, reconciling, 379

Depreciable assets, revaluation of, 642

Depreciable base, for assets, 590

Depreciable tax life (recovery periods), 614

Depreciation, 590601, 637, 638

activity method for, 593

adjusting entries for, 100101

and asset vs. liability accounting, 1278

changes in method of, 1358

decreasing-charge methods for, 594595, 611

defined, 590

factors involved in process of, 590

failure to record, 1369

group and composite methods for, 595597

hybrid or combination methods for, 597

issues in airline industry, 591n. 2

under partial periods, 598599

post-September 11, 2001 measures, 614n. 15

rate revision for, 600

and replacement of fixed assets, 599

straight-line method for, 593594

tax methods for, 614617

Depreciation expense, 1422, 1425, 14341435

Depreciation policies, 55

Derivatives, 977995

basic accounting principles for, 980984

cash flow hedge, 987989

characteristics of, 983

defined, 977978

disclosures for, 991

embedded, 989

and fair hedge value, 984987

hedging, 984989

Designated market value, 476

Detachable stock warrant, 888, 890

Development costs, 605, 694, 1520

Devon Energy Corporation, 238239

Dieter, Richard, 1302n. 15

Differential disclosure, 14891490, 15491550

Diluted earnings per share, 904908

convertible securities, 905907

factors in, 906907

illustration of, 918921

options and warrants, 907908

reconciliation for basic and, 910

Dilutive securities, 884892, 904, 941947

Diners Club, 366

Dingell, John, 29

Direct costs, incremental vs. internal, 12981299

Direct effects (accounting changes), 1405

Direct-financing leases, 12861289, 13371339

initial direct costs in, 1299

sales-type vs., 1296

Direct method:

for accounts receivable (net), 1439

for determining net cash flow from operating activities, 14271433

indirect vs., 14271428, 14331434

special rules applying to, 14331434

Direct verification, 51

Direct write-off method, 353

Disclaimer of an opinion, 1511

Disclosure(s), 372n. 15

of change in accounting estimate, 13581359

for derivatives, 991

of fair value, 9991003

in financial statements, 1067

of franchisors, 1084

full disclosure principle, 6061. See also Full disclosure in financial reporting

of interest rates, 289n. 2

for investment securities, 964

of lease data, 13001302

of LIFO inventory liquidations, 442n. 13

of operating activities, 1434

as present value-based measurement, 289

quality and quantity of, 1490

of restrictions on retained earnings, 846847

and Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, 726

and Statement of Position 94-6, 278

techniques of, 239243

Discontinued operations, 164, 170173, 921n. 21


cash, 351352

sales with, 10461047

volume, 1046

Discount bonds, 766, 767, 774, 782n. 13, 816

Discounting, 296297

Discount notes, 779

Discount rate:

leases, 1334

postretirement benefit obligations, 1221n. 27

Discover, 366

Discrete approach, 1503, 1507, 1552, 1553

Distributions to owners, 53

Diversified (conglomerate) companies reporting, 14971501

Dividends. See also Stock dividends

cash, 839840, 1440

date determining receipt of, 839n. 14

and economic recovery, 846

liquidating, 839840

number of companies paying, 846

property, 840

types of, 838843

Dividend in arrears, 835

Dividends payable, 707

Dividend policy, 837847

Dividend preferences, 852853

Dollar-value LIFO method, 435440, 489, 498500

and AICPA Task Force on LIFO Inventory Problems, 479n. 3

comprehensive, 437438

for determining cost of single item, 478n. 1

example, 436

and price index selection, 438440

specific-goods pooled approach vs., 435440

Dollar-value retail method, 436n. 5

Double-declining-balance method, 595

“Double dipping,” 1272

Double-entry accounting system, 86, 154

Double-extension method, 439

Dow Chemical, 821

Dow Jones & Co., 836

Dr. (debits), 8586

Dr. Pepper, 488

Dresser Industries, 203204, 654, 50, 427428, 965

DTAs, see Deferred tax assets

Dudley, Lola W., 899n. 12

Due process system, 1112

Duffy, Wendy A., 543n. 3

DuPont, 840

Durham, Timothy S., 822

Dynegy, 785


E. F. Hutton, 348n. 3

Eagle Clothes, Inc., 422

Eaglesham, J., 1117

Earned capital, 824, 875

Earned revenues, 1043


claim by stockholders, 824

retained, see Retained earnings

smooth, and changes in accounting method, 13651366

Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA), 592

Earnings management, 161

Earnings per common share, 177179

Earnings per share (EPS), 177179, 899

for complex capital structure, 904912

computations, 899912

diluted, 904908

illustration of, 916921

on income statement, 164, 165n. 7

interim reporting of, 1505

International Financial Reporting Standards for, 941947

for simple capital structure, 900904

Eastman Kodak Company, 68, 170n. 12, 358, 1138, 1489

Eavis, P., 228, 984

eBay, 999

Ebbers, Bernie, 28

EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization), 592

Ecolab, 236

Economic consequences, 17, 17n. 9, 591, 842n. 15

Economic crime, 8283

Economic entity assumption, 54, 79

Economic life, 1290n. 12

Economic life test (75% test), 1276, 13331334

Economic Recovery Act, 1134n. 3

Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981, 614

EDGAR (electronic data gathering and retrieval), 1516

Effective-interest method, 361, 778, 779

and accruing interest, 773

asset vs. liability accounting with, 1278

of bond amortization, 314315

for bonds, 770774

for bonds issued at discount, 771772

for bonds issued at premium, 772773

and IFRS, 815818

Effective interest rate, 359n. 9

Effective yield, 359n. 9, 767

Efficiency ratios, 1523n. 26

Efficient-market hypothesis, 1525

EITF (Emerging Issues Task Force), 1213, 176

Elective straight-line method, 616617

Electronic data gathering and retrieval (EDGAR), 1516

Electronic dissemination of financial reports, 1516

Eli Lilly, 658n. 4

Elliott, J., 170n. 12

Elmer's Restaurants, 13191320

El Paso Corporation, 607

Elstrom, P., 428

Ely, Michael, 1437n. 8

Embedded derivatives, 989

Emerging Issues Task Force (EITF), 1213, 176

Emerging market IPOs, 820821

Employees, as pension beneficiaries, 11851186

Employee discounts, 493

Employee payroll deductions, 712

Employee-related liabilities, 710715

Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) (1974), 12111212

Employee stock purchase plans (ESPPs), 896, 946


payroll taxes paid by, 712

and pension plan risks, 11851186

Employer-sponsored defined contribution pension plans, 1186n. 4

Enacted tax rate, 1130

Ending inventory, misstated, 424

Enhancing qualitative characteristics, 5052

Enron Corp., 5, 9, 17, 43, 48, 215, 364, 726, 776, 783785, 829, 959, 979n. 14, 996, 1488, 1493, 1493n. 4, 1518


economic entity assumption, 54, 79

as going concern, 1509

in reporting, 1359

Entity perspective, 6


adjusting, see Adjustments

reversing, see Reversing entries

Environmental liabilities, 289, 722726

EPBO (expected postretirement benefit obligation), 1220

Epictetus, 706

EPS, see Earnings per share


depreciation of, 1422

loss on sale of, 1425

purchase of, 1426

as worksheet entry, 1448

Equipment lease-versus buy analysis, 1513n. 15


on balance sheets, 216

defined, 53, 79

IFRS for, 875

owner's, 225226

presentation of, 877878

statement of changes in, 877878

on statement of financial position, 280281

Equity awards, share-based, 914

Equity classifications (securities), 884

Equity errors, 1360

Equity holders’ claims, disclosure of, 1492

Equity interest, 791792

Equity investments, 10311035

Equity investors, 56

Equity method, 965967, 13771380, 1435

changing from, 13771378

changing to, 13781380

and fair value options, 967968

and retrospective application, 1359n. 6

Equity securities, 960967

Erickson, Naomi, 1218n. 24

ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974), 12111212

Ernst and Young, 821

Error, information items free from, 4950

Errors, accounting, 13661374

on balance sheet and income statement, 13661370

correction of, 180181, 13591366, 1519

counterbalancing, 13671369

example of, 13611363, 13701373

fraud vs., 1494

noncounterbalancing, 13691370

preparation of financial statements with corrections to, 13731374

reporting correction of, 13591364

types of, 1360

ESPPs (employee stock purchase plans), 896, 946

Estée Lauder, 836


changes in, see Change(s) in accounting estimate

judgments and, 215

Estimated annual effective tax rate, 1505

E-tailers, 427428

Ethics, 21, 427

E*Trade Financial, 691

Euronext, 820

European Union, 950

Event, defined, 84

Exchange for noncash consideration, 962n. 6

Exchanges–gain situation, 552554

Exchanges–loss situation, 551552

Exchange price, 351

Exchange rate risk, 984

Excise tax, 1214

Ex-dividend date, 839n. 14

Executory contract, lease as, 1273

Executory costs, 1277, 1334

Exercise price, 980

Expectations gap, 18, 1519n. 24

Expected cash flow approach, 315317

Expected inflation rate of interest, 316

Expected postretirement benefit obligation (EPBO), 1220

Expected rate of return, 1197, 1201

Expected reversal date, 1140


classification of, 206208

conditional, 715

defined, 53, 79

on financial statements, 163

on income statement, 164

pension, 11891192

postretirement, 1221

prepaid, see Prepaid expenses

Expense expenditures, 557

Expense recognition errors, 1360

Expense recognition principle, 5860

Expenses subject to year-end-adjustment, 15041505

Expense warranty approach, 719720

Exploration costs of depletion, 605

eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBLR), 19, 1516

External environment, fraud and, 1518

External events, 84, 9091

External indexes, 438n. 8, 440n. 9

Extinguishment of debt, 775776

Extractive industries, R&D costs of, 667n. 12

Extraordinary items:

adjustment to net income for, 1437

determining, 174n. 15

frequency of, 174n. 14

on income statement, 164, 173176

interim reporting of, 1505

net-of-tax treatment for, 175n. 17

reporting, after September 11, 2001, 175176

Extraordinary losses, 175

ExxonMobil Company, 32, 90, 349, 416, 605, 607, 608n. 10, 768, 821, 830, 979, 984, 1270, 966


Facebook, 5, 836, 911

Face rate (interest), 293

Face value (bonds), 766

Factors, 366367

Factoring arrangement, 367n. 12

Factoring receivables, 366367

FAF (Financial Accounting Foundation), 10

Failure to adjust for bad debts, 13691370

Failure to record accrued wages, 1368

Failure to record prepaid expenses, 1368

Faircloth, Lauch, 29

Fair hedge value, 984987

Fair presentation, 281

Fair value(s), 5658, 78, 79, 409, 411

of asset, 555

of asset given up, 552

of asset received, 552

on balance sheets, 236, 238239

debt investments held at, 10291031

of derivatives, 980n. 16

disclosure of, 9991003

equity investments at, 10321035

and GAAP/IFRS, 7879, 10261027

hierarchy of, 57, 238, 980n. 16, 1000

of liabilities, 788

and long-term liabilities, 782783

and monetary exchanges, 553n. 9

of security, 953, 959, 969, 974975

of stock in lump-sum exchange, 826827

of stock issued, 841

of stock options, 892

Fair value accounting, economic consequences and, 17

Fair Value Adjustment account, 957

Fair value controversy, 969

Fair value hedge, 992993

Fair value hierarchy, 57, 238, 980n. 16, 1000

Fair value information, disclosure of, 19

Fair value less costs to sell, 639

Fair value method:

changing from, 1378

changing from equity method to, 13771378

of stock compensation, 892, 897899

for unrealized gains/losses, 1425n. 5

Fair value options, 57, 967968

Fair value principle, 5657

Fair-value tests:

for indefinite-life intangible impairment, 662663

for limited-life intangible impairment, 662

Faithful representation, 4850

Falconbridge Ltd. Nickel Mines, 601

Family Dollar Stores Inc., 846

Fannie Mae, 32, 899, 979n. 14

FASAC (Financial Accounting Standards Advisory Council), 11

FASB, see Financial Accounting Standards Board

FASB Codification Research System (CRS), 14

FASB Concepts, see Statements of Financial Accounting Concepts

FASB Statements, see Statements of Financial Accounting Standards

Federal Insurance Contribution Act (F.I.C.A.), 710711

Federal Reserve Bank, 316

Federal Unemployment Tax Act (F.U.T.A.), 711

Federated Department Stores, 1419

FedEx Corporation, 68

Feedback value, 1522

FFO (funds from operations), 597n. 7

Fiat, 31

F.I.C.A. (Federal Insurance Contribution Act), 710711

FIFO, see First-in, first-out

Final reconciling entry, 1451

Finance leases, 1332

Financial accounting, as discipline, 4

Financial Accounting Foundation (FAF), 10

Financial Accounting Standards Advisory Council (FASAC), 11

Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), 1013

on accounting changes, 1344

Accounting Standards Codification, 14, 22

Accounting Standards Updates of, 11

allowance method, 353354

APB vs., 1012

on basis for statement of cash flows, 1413n. 1

and capitalization of interest costs, 426

and cash and cash equivalents, 228n. 10

Codification Research System, 14

Concepts of, 13. See also Statements of Financial Accounting Concepts

conceptual framework, 42, 7880

convergence, 1554

and cost constraint, 61, 62

on differential disclosure, 14891490

on direct method on statement of cash flows, 1420

disclosure of receivables, 372

disclosure requirements, 1550n. 29

disclosures effectiveness project of, 1490

due process system of, 1112

and fair value, 17, 5658, 788, 969

and financial engineering, 785n. 14

on financial instruments, 975976

financial statement presentation, 159, 179, 281282, 411

and financial statements, 215216

and GAAP, 1013, 1490

and goodwill measurement, 660n. 6

and guarantees, 729n. 21

and held-to-maturity requirement, 953n. 2

and IFRS, 31

improved financial statement presentation, 1517

and investments, 950951, 1037

and irregular items, 168

and key elements of financial statements, 153

and lease accounting, 1274n. 2, 1283, 13031304, 13311332, 1339

on leased property, 1278

and liabilities, 818

on loan loss allowances, 374

and loss contingencies, 716

on offsetting, 243

on operating cash receipts/payments, 14331434

on pension plans, 11901191, 1205n. 14

on postretirement benefits accounting, 1217, 1221n. 27, 1225, 1227, 1263

Proposed Standards Updates, 55n. 15, 58n. 17, 790n. 15

and qualitative characteristics of accounting information, 4546

and revenue recognition, 1042

and sales, 369370

and SEC, 7, 8n. 4

and securities, 884n. 1

Standards of. See also Statements of Financial Accounting Standards

and statement of cash flows, 1482

and technical accounting issues, 1519

and transactions, 9091

on uncertain tax positions, 1143

Financial assets, IFRS and, 10271028

Financial components approach, 368

Financial crisis, 370n. 14, 1189

Financial engineering, 785n. 14

Financial Executives Institute, 39

Financial flexibility, 214, 229, 234

Financial forecasts, 15131516

Financial fraud, 13721373

Financial income, 1118, 11271130

Financial information, types of, 1488

Financial instruments, 238, 884n. 1, 975976. See also specific instruments

Financial liquidity, 234

Financial markets, 31

Financial position, statement of, 877. See also Balance sheet(s)

Financial projections, 15131516

Financial reporting, 4. See also Reporting

accuracy of, 2

ethics in, 21

and expectations gap, 18

full disclosure in, 14871520

general-purpose, 45

of international accounting standards, 20

objective of, 57, 45

and politically-influenced standard setting, 1617

Financial statement(s), 4. See also specific types of statements

and change, 158159

correcting errors on, 13611363

elements of, 162163

with error corrections, 13731374

example of, 247252

general-purpose, 7

installment-sales transactions presentation, 10751077

interest rate swap presentation, 994995

in interperiod tax allocation (example), 11501151, 11531154

inventory accounting for, 478n. 2

maintaining monthly vs. quarterly, 117

management's responsibilities for, 15121513

for merchandising company, 114117

notes to, see Notes to the financial statements

and ownership structure, 8889

pension plan reporting in, see Pension plan reporting

percentage-of-completion presentation, 10611063

preparing, 108110, 13731374

presenting, 958959

timeliness of, 19

worksheet preparation of, 130

Financial statement analysis, 15221528

comparative analysis, 1526

percentage analysis, 15271528

perspective on, 15221523

ratio analysis, 15231525

Financing activities, 229, 231, 1412, 1414

extraordinary items, 1437

on statement of cash flows, 1480, 14811482

Financing agreement, 706

Finished goods inventory, 416

Firm (as concept), 484n. 8

“Firm” contractual rights and obligations, 1274

Firm purchase commitments, 484n. 8

First Chicago, 1307

First-in, first-out (FIFO), 51

accounting for, 474

for assigning investment costs, 962n. 6

and cost flow assumption, 430431

and LIFO, 432433

Fisher, D., 1411

Fixed assets, 538, 599

Fixed percentage of book value method (declining balance), 595

Fixed-rate mortgage, 782

Fleming, Sir Alexander, 656n. 4

Flexibility, financial, 214, 229, 234

Float, collection, 376

Floating-rate mortgage, 782

Floor (lower), 475476

f.o.b. (free on board) destination, 421

Footstar, 176

Ford, 891, 1271

Ford Motor Company, 4, 18, 51, 54, 160, 236, 239240, 366, 416, 450, 600n. 8, 714, 715, 821, 822, 836, 891, 1219, 1284, 1344, 1439

Ford Motor Credit, 366, 1271

Foreign companies, SOX compliance by, 154

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 82

Foreign currency hedging, 984n. 23

Form 10-Q, 1501, 1502

Fortune Brands, Inc., 495

Foster, Taylor W., III, 842n. 16, 845n. 18

401(k) plan, 1185

Forward-looking information, 19

Fox (network), 656

Fox, J., 1140

Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements, 34

Franchise(s), 655656, 10811084

Franchise agreement, 1082

Franchise fees, continuing, 1083

Franchisor's cost, 1084

Fraud, check, 378n. 17

Fraudulent financial reporting, 15171520

accounting errors vs., 1494

causes of, 15181519

National Commission on, 1494n. 6

Free cash flow, 234235, 245

Free on board (f.o.b.) destination, 421

Freight costs, 493

Frequent-flyer programs, 722

Frito Lay, 45

Fruehauf, 1488

Fujitsu Limited, 588

Full-cost concept, 608

Full-costing approach, 540

Full disclosure in financial reporting, 14871520

of auditor's reports, 15081511

criteria for accounting/reporting choices in, 1520

current reporting issues with, 15131520

and differential disclosure, 14891490

of diversified companies, 14971501

on financial forecasts/projections, 15131516

and fraudulent reporting, 15171520

increase in reporting requirements, 1489

of interim reports, 15011508

on Internet, 15161517

issues with, 14931508

of management's reports, 15111513

and notes to financial statements, 14911493

of post-balance-sheet events, 14951496

as principle, 14881489

of special transactions/events, 14931495

and stock markets, 1511

Full disclosure principle, 6061

Functional expense classification, 164

Function-of-expense method, 207

Fund (term), 1184n. 1

Fundamental qualities, 4650

Funds from operations (FFO), 597n. 7

Fuqua Industries, 441

F.U.T.A. (Federal Unemployment Tax Act), 711

Future deductible amounts, 11231126

Future tax consequences, 1144

Future tax rates, 11301132

Future tax savings, 1134

Future value:

of annuity due, 303306

of an ordinary annuity of 1 (table), 291

computing for unknown, 294

of deferred annuity, 311312

of 1 (table), 291, 292

of ordinary annuity, 300302, 304306

of single sum, 295296

as variable in compound interest, 294


GAAP, see Generally accepted accounting principles


adjustment to net income for, 14351436

defined, 53

from discontinued operations, 172173

on financial statements, 163

on income statements, 164

on pension plans, 11971202, 1260

and postretirement expense, 1221, 1223

smoothing unexpected, 1260

Gain contingencies, 715716

Gains trading, 969

The Gap, Inc., 493, 506, 650, 709, 1270

Gap fillers, 658

GASB (Governmental Accounting Standards Board), 1227

Gates, Bill, 895n. 10

Gateway, 1489

GE, see General Electric

Genentech, 649

General checking account, 377

General Electric (GE), 32, 48, 68, 160, 170, 349, 358, 670, 707, 765, 766, 821, 822, 897, 899, 979, 984, 1140, 1217, 1219, 1248, 1497

General Electric Capital Corp., 707

General Electric Credit, 1307

General expenses, 164

General Foods, 1504

General indexes, 438n. 8

General journal entry, 9192

General ledger, 85, 9192

Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), 7, 1316

accounting changes and error analysis, 14041406

and actual interest capitalization, 542

balance sheet and statement of cash flows, 277278

“big GAAP versus little GAAP” issue, 1490, 1550n. 29

codification of, 22

comparability of changes, 51n. 9

conceptual framework, 7879

convergence of IFRS and, 156, 1554

depreciation, 637, 638

development costs, 1520

disclosure requirements, 15481549, 1550n. 29

earnings per share disclosures, 910n. 20

and fair value, 5658, 989n. 32

hierarchy, 14n. 6

and historical cost, 56

and IFRS, 31, 205206, 243, 278, 408409, 525, 693694, 700, 753754, 815, 874875, 942, 10261027, 11091110, 1175, 12501251, 1346n. 1, 14041405, 14801481, 1549

income statements, 205206

income tax reporting, 1175

intangible assets and impairments, 693694

inventory accounting, 525

investments, 10261037

lease accounting, 13311332, 1337, 1339

liabilities, 753754

major sources of, 13

for offsetting, 243

and OPEBs, 1189n. 8

organizations settings standards for, 713

pensions and postretirement benefits, 12501251

receivables, 408409

recovery of impairment loss, 410

and Regulation G, 61

and revaluation equity, 281

revenue recognition, 1042, 11091110

share-based compensation, 892

share issuances accounting, 875

statement of cash flows, 14801481

stock-based compensation plans, 910n. 20

stockholders’ equity, 874875

straight-line method, 815

transaction analysis under, 153

using judgment in applying, 14

and variable interest entities, 996999

General Mills, Inc., 107, 388

General Motors (GM), 32, 49, 51, 54, 539, 600n. 8, 817, 840, 899, 911, 1184, 1219, 1439

General-purpose financial reporting, 45

General-purpose financial statements, 5

General Tire and Rubber, 443n. 14

Georgia-Pacific, 214, 484, 561

Gerth, J., 607

GHGs (greenhouse gases), 730731

Gibson, Richard, 1282

Gift cards, 1045

Gilbert, D., 1419

GlaxoSmithKline plc, 666

Glencore International, 32

Global Crossing, 48, 555

Global tax rates, 11311132

GM, see General Motors

Going concern assumption, 55

Going concern concept, 1509

Goldman Sachs, 5, 1486

Golf Digest, 708

Goods in transit, 421422

Goodwill, 658661

impairment of, 663665, 696697

recording, 659661

as write-off, 661

Goodyear Tire and Rubber, 590, 776, 1138

Google, 52, 117, 650, 670, 822, 836, 977978, 1140

Gore, Richard, 597n. 7

Gotham Utility Company, 713

Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB), 1227

Government debt, 762763

Government grant approach, 731

Granof, Michael H., 443n. 15, 445n. 20

Grant date, 893

The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, 224225

Greenberg, Herb, 76, 592

Greenhouse gases (GHGs), 730731

Gross approach, 1251

Gross margin percentage, 486n. 11

Gross method of revenue recognition, 1051

Gross profit method (gross margin method), 485488

Gross profit on selling price, 486487

Gross profit percentage, 486487

Group methods for depreciation, 595597

Groupon, 5, 158, 159, 836, 911

Guarantees, 719721, 729n. 21. See also Warranties

Guaranteed residual value, 1277, 1338

in capitalization of lease, 1303

in lessee accounting, 12911293

in lessor accounting, 12941295

for sales-type lease, 1297

Guerra, F., 1117

Gujarathi, Mahendra R., 484n. 8


H. J. Heinz Company, 1542

Half-year convention, 599, 615

Hall, Ben, 17

Halliburton Company, 223, 10671068, 1348

Halperin, Alex, 836

Hanna, D., 170n. 12

Harley-Davidson, Inc., 1494

Hasbro, Inc., 220, 12541255

Hayes, Randall, 437n. 7, 441n. 10

Healthcare benefits, 1217n. 20, 12181219

Hedging, 979, 984989

Held-for-collection classification, 1028

Held-to-maturity debt securities, 218, 953955

Henry, David, 844

The Hershey Company, 5, 6, 444

Hershey Foods, 204, 825

Hertz, 1081

Herz, Bob, 21, 364

Hewitt, Conrad W., 3

Hewlett-Packard Company (HP), 372, 481n. 4, 670, 1184, 1287n. 11, 13011302, 1359, 1412

Hickok, Richard S., 1058n. 17

Hierarchy, 35

Historical cost, 56, 57, 78, 214, 638

Holiday Inn, 1081

The Home Depot, 54, 539, 1276, 1283, 1412, 1513

Homestake Mining Company, 1173

Homestore Inc., 1040

Honda, 51

Honeywell Inc., 830, 911

Honeywell International, 1202

Hoogervorst, Hans, 1304, 1554

Horizontal percentage analysis, 1527

Horngren, C., 42n. 2

Host security, 989

HP, see Hewlett-Packard Company

H & R Block, 1081

HTC, 657

Hudson, M., 371

Huffy Corp., 790

Hurricanes, 1496n. 8

Hybrid methods for depreciation, 597

Hybrid plans, 1214n. 18

Hybrid securities, 989

Hypo Real Estate, 588


IAASB (International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board), 156

IASs, see International Accounting Standards

IASB, see International Accounting Standards Board

IASCF (International Accounting Standards Committee Foundation), 33

IBM Corporation, 4, 5, 20, 48, 160, 216, 245, 256, 416, 424, 670, 821, 1119n. 1, 1217, 1271, 1285, 1315, 1489

IBM Global Financing, 1271

IDEA (Interactive Data Electronic Applications), 1516

If-converted method, 905906, 918919

IFRIC (International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee), 3435

IFRIC No. 14, 1257n. 33

IFRS, see International Financial Reporting Standards

IGo Corp., 1040

Ijiri, Yuji, 484n. 8

ILFC (International Lease Finance Corp.), 1271, 12731278

Illegal acts, 14941495

Imhoff, Eugene A., Jr., 1525n. 28

Impaired note receivable, 364

Impairments, 601604

GAAP/IFRS standards, 602, 603

of goodwill, 696697

and IFRS, 638640, 10351036

of indefinite-life intangibles, 696

of intangible assets, 695696

International Financial Reporting Standards for, 693699

of limited-life tangibles, 695

measuring, 382383, 602603

of receivables, 381383

recognizing, 381382, 601602

recoverability tests for, 602, 662

and restructuring, 792n. 17

reversal of, 1519

risk of, 665

of value, 969970

Impairment evaluation process, 409410

Impairment loss, 382383, 410, 603, 695696

recovery of, 1036

reversal of, 640641

Impairment test, 652

Implicit interest rate, 360361, 12771278

Implicit rate, 1332, 1334, 1335

Impracticability, 1356, 1406

Imprest bank accounts, 377378

Imprest system for petty cash, 377378

Improvements, 558559

Imputation, 363, 780

Imputed interest rate, 363, 780

Inadequacy, 591

Incentives, monitoring, 1419

Income, defined, 79

Income approach, 549n. 5

Income available to common stockholders, 904

Income before taxes, see Pretax financial income

Income bonds, 765

Income statement(s), 85, 160168

and accounting principle changes, 179180

alternate terminology for, 160n. 1

and cash flows statement, 14161417, 1421, 1424, 1429

and changes in estimates, 180

columns on, 129

and comprehensive income, 182186

condensed, 166167

and corrections of errors, 180181

deferred tax reporting on, 11261127, 11411143

and discontinued operations, 170173

and earnings per share, 177179

errors on, 13671370

example, 115

and extraordinary items, 173176

and extraordinary losses, 175

format of, 162168

illustration of, 1446

intermediate components of, 164166

irregular items reported on, 168179

limitations of, 160161

and quality of earnings, 161162

and retained earnings statement, 181182

segmented, 1498

single-step, 167168

and unusual gains and losses, 169170

Income statement (percentage-of-sales) approach, 356

Income statement method, see Direct method

Income tax(es):

deferred, adjustment to net income for, 1435

defined, 1145

as operating cash outflows, 1437

payable, in interperiod tax allocation (example), 11471154

on statement of cash flows, 14811482

Income taxes, accounting for, 11161145, 1434n. 6

accounting objectives, 11221123

asset-liability method, 1144

on balance sheet, 11381140

deferred taxes, 11191126, 1145

depreciation, 614617

differences between pretax and taxable income, 11271130

and future deductible amounts, 11231126

and future taxable amounts, 11191123

on income statement, 164, 11261127, 11411143

interim reporting, 1505

interperiod tax allocation (example), 11471154

intraperiod tax allocation, 171172

LIFO, 441n. 11

and net operating losses, 11321138

tax rate considerations in, 11301132

and uncertain tax positions, 11431144

and withholding, 711712

Income tax benefit, 1145

Income taxes currently payable, 1145

Income tax expense, 1145

Income taxes payable, 709710

Income taxes refundable, 1145

Incorporation acts, 822

Increasing-charge method, of depreciation, 597

Incremental borrowing rate, 1277, 1279n. 6

Incremental direct costs, 12981299

Incremental method, 827, 889890, 919920

Indefinite-life intangibles, 652, 662663, 696

Independent lessors, 1271

Independent third-party trustee, 1185

Indexes, computing, 438

Indirect effects (accounting changes), 14051406

Indirect method:

for accounts receivable (net), 1438

for determining net cash flow from operating activities, 14181419, 1428

direct vs., 14331434

special rules applying to, 14331434

Indirect verification, 51

Induced conversions, 885886

Indy Mac Bank, 9

Inflation, monetary unit assumption and, 55

Inflows, cash, 1444

Information, financial, 1488

Information overload, 1488

Information technology, international accounting standards for, 31

ING Group, 32

Initial direct costs (lessor accounting), 1299

Initial franchise fee, 10821083

Initial operating-losses, 669

Inland Steel, 593

In-process research and development (IPR&D), 693694


in depreciation, 593

measures of, 1058

Installment-sales accounting method, 10681077

Instruments, financial, see Financial instruments

In-substance defeasance, 775n. 7

Insurance, adjusting entries for, 99100

Intangible assets, 648653, 670672. See also specific types, e.g.: Limited-life intangibles

amortization of, 651653

on balance sheets, 222

characteristics of, 650

defined, 650

impairment of, 652, 662664, 694

International Financial Reporting Standards for, 693697

presentation of, 670672

recognition of, 673

valuation of, 650651

Integral approach, 1503, 1507, 1552

Integrated reports, 649

Intel, 31, 59, 102, 215, 256, 289, 480, 560, 670, 821, 997

Interactive Data Electronic Applications (IDEA), 1516

Interbrand Corp., 670

Interest. See also Compound interest

accruing with effective-interest method, 773

capitalization of, 426n. 3, 543544

components of, 316

computation of, 289293

costs of, 426

as pension expense, 1191

as period cost, 426

as postretirement expense, 12201221

residual, 875

and time value concepts, 289293

variables in computation of, 289

Interest-bearing notes, 359, 361363, 703704, 778779

Interest costs, incurred during construction, 638

Interest rate(s), 543544

in capitalization of lease, 1303

choosing, 316, 363

computation of, 310

disclosure requirement, 289n. 2

implicit, 360361

imputed, 363

as variable in interest computation, 289

Interest rate risk, 984

Interest rate swap, 994995

Interest revenue, 352, 546547

Interest tables, 291293

Interim period tax, 1505

Interim reports, 15011508

continuing controversy about, 15071508

and IFRS, 1549, 15521554

requirements for, 15031504, 15521554

unique problems of, 15031508

Internal controls, 18, 154, 376

Internal direct costs, 1299

Internal environment, fraud and, 1518

Internal events, 91

Internal indexes, 438n. 8

Internally created goodwill, 659

Internally created intangibles, 650651, 673

Internal Revenue Code, 11181119, 1145

Internal Revenue Service (IRS):

and indexes, 440n. 9

and LIFO conformity rule, 444

and purchases-only-approach, 501n. 16

International accounting convergence, see Convergence, of U.S. and international standards

International Accounting Standards (IASs), 20, 34

No. 1 (“Presentation of Financial Statements”), 408, 753, 874, 1404, 1554

No. 2 (“Inventories”), 525, 1519

No. 7 (“Cash Flow Statements”), 1480, 1481

No. 8 (“Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors”), 1404, 1405, 1519

No. 10 (“Events after the Balance Sheet Date”), 1548

No. 12 (“Income Taxes”), 1175

No. 13, 1110

No. 16, 1519, 1520

No. 17 (“Accounting and Leases”), 1285, 1332

No. 18 (“Revenue”), 525, 1042, 1109

No. 19 (“Employee Benefits”), 1250, 1253, 1257n. 33

No. 24 (“Related Party Disclosures”), 1548

No. 27 (“Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements”), 1026

No. 32 (“Financial Instruments: Presentation”), 874, 1251n. 28

No. 33 (“Earnings per Share”), 904, 941

No. 34 (“Interim Financial Reporting”), 1548

No. 36 (“Impairment of Assets”), 753, 1519

No. 37 (“Provisions, Contingent Liabilities, and Contingent Assets”), 753

No. 38 (“Intangible Assets”), 712, 1520

No. 39 (“Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement”), 408, 409, 874, 941, 995, 1026

No. 41 (“Agriculture”), 525

International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), 20, 31, 901, 904, 1346n. 1, 1517

adoption of IFRS, 155156

classified financial statements, 278280

conceptual framework, 7880

contingent liabilities, 700701

convergence, 1554

definition of entity, 54n. 13

development of standards, 81

disclosures effectiveness project of, 1490

and fair value, 788

and fair value accounting, 17

fair values, 969

on financial instruments, 975976

financial statement presentation, 159, 179, 281282, 411

and IFRIC, 35

investments, 950951, 1037

key elements of financial statements, 153

lease accounting, 1274n. 2, 1283, 13031304, 1333, 1334, 1339

on lease accounting, 1303, 1304

liabilities, 818

on loan loss allowances, 374

on offsetting, 243

and postretirement benefits, 1263

provisions in, 716

receivables, 409

recognition of pension assets, 1257n. 33

revenue recognition, 11091110, 1113

as standard-setting organization, 3233

in standard-setting structure, 3334

statement of cash flows, 1482

technical accounting issues, 1519

International Accounting Standards Committee Foundation (IASCF), 33

International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB), 156

International companies, 153

International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC), 3435

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), 20, 11091113, 1346n. 1

No. 2 (“Share-Based Payment”), 941, 1250

No. 7 (“Financial Instruments: Disclosure”), 408

No. 8 (“Operating Segments”), 1548, 1549, 1554

No. 9 (“Financial Instruments”), 411, 950, 976, 1026

accounting by the lessee, 13321337

accounting by the lessor, 13371339

accounting changes and error analysis, 14041406

accounting for financial assets, 10271028

accounting for leases, 13311339

accounting for property, plant, and equipment, 637638

accounting information system, 153156

adoption of, by U.S., 3638

agricultural products, 482

balance sheet and statement of cash flows, 277282

cash and cash equivalents, 1412

component depreciation, 638639

conceptual framework, 7880

and CPA exam, 10

debt investments, 10281031

development of, 3138

dilutive securities, 941947

disclosure requirements, 15481554

earnings per share, 941947

employee stock-purchase plans, 896

equity investments, 10311035

GAAP comparison to, 31, 205206, 243, 278, 408409, 525, 693694, 700, 753754, 815, 874875, 942, 10261027, 11091110, 1175, 12501251, 1346n. 1, 14041405, 14801481, 1549

hierarchy of, 35

impairments, 693699, 10351036

income statements, 205208

income taxes, 1145

income tax reporting, 11751178

intangible assets, 693697

inventory under, 525532

issuing of, 3234

liabilities, 753758, 815818

long-term debt, 706

markets, 474, 475

mineral products, 482

offsetting, 243

pensions and postretirement benefits, 12501263

receivables, 408411

recognizing impairments, 639640

revaluations, 638, 642643

revenue recognition, 1042

reversal of impairment loss, 640641

share-based compensation, 892

statement of cash flows, 14801482

stockholders’ equity, 874878

technical accounting issues, 15191520

International GAAP (iGAAP), see Convergence, of U.S. and international standards

International Lease Finance Corp. (ILFC), 1271, 12731278

International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), 33

International Paper Co., 240, 600, 610611, 911

International stock exchanges, 820

International Thoroughbred Breeders, 347


annual reports published on, 19

full disclosure in financial reporting on, 15161517

Interperiod tax allocation, 11471154

Intraperiod tax allocation, 171172

Intrinsic value, 981

Intuit Inc., 219

Inventory(-ies), 416420. See also related headings, e.g.: Periodic inventory system

alternative method for estimating, 486n. 11

analysis of, 495496

average days to sell, 496

on balance sheets, 219220

basis of valuation of, 217

comparable information about, 472473

control, 419420

costs included in, 425428

defined, 416

disclosure of, 14911492

estimating, using gross profit percentage, 486n. 11

gross profit method for, 485488

increase in, 14241425

International Financial Reporting Standards for, 525532

land as, 539

management of, 472473

method selection for, 443446

misstated, 424425

at net realizable value, 481482

obsolete, 495

presentation of, 494496

pricing methods, 1553

purchases of, 441n. 10

recovery of loss to, 529530

slow moving, 495

valuation of, 420, 445446, 481485

as worksheet entry, 1447

Inventory cost flow, 417

Inventory errors, 423425, 1360

Inventory methods, 420n. 1, 443n. 16

Inventory turnover, 496

Investing activities, 229, 231, 1412, 1414

extraordinary items, 1437

on statement of cash flows, 1480, 14811482

Investment(s), 950976

available-for-sale securities, 955959, 962964

debt securities, 952960

derivatives, 979995

equity method for accounting, 965966

equity securities, 960967

fair value controversy, 969

held-to-maturity securities, 953955

holdings of less than 20%, 961964

impairment of value, 969970

long-term, 221

measurement issues, 967970

by owners, 53

reclassification adjustments, 970974

security, 952n. 1

short-term, 218219

stock, as worksheet entry, 1447

trading securities, 959960, 964

transfers between categories, 974975

variable-interest entities, 996999

Investment carrying amount, 13771378

Investment in Debt Securities, 952960

Investors, equity, 56

Investors Technical Advisory Committee (ITAC), 11n. 5

Involuntary conversion, 561

IOSCO (International Organization of Securities Commissions), 33

I.O.U.s, 346

Ip, Greg, 154n. 4, 224

iPhone, 654

IPR&D (in-process research and development), 693694

Irregular items:

analyzing, 169

categories of, 169

and FASB, 168

on income statement, 168179

IRS, see Internal Revenue Service

Issuance, accounting at time of, 943944

Issue costs, 828

ITAC (Investors Technical Advisory Committee), 11n. 5

Ivanhoe Mines Ltd., 13351339


Jack in the Box, 48, 1282

Jaenicke, Henry R., 1044n. 8

Jakab, S., 1051

Japan, 51

Japan Post Holdings, 32

JCPenney Company, 415, 765

Jet Blue Airways, 537

Jiambalvo, James, 1360n. 7

Jiffy Lube International, 1082n. 30

Jim Walter's Corporation, 546

Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act of 2002, 614n. 15

John Deere and Company, 203, 275, 366, 444, 1184

John Deere Credit, 366

Johnson, L. Todd, 972n. 11

Johnson, Todd, 41

Johnson & Johnson, 584585, 611, 612, 666, 690691, 768, 829, 979, 1501, 1502

Jones, S. D., 48, 1282

Journal(s), 85, 9192

Journal entry, general, 9192

Journalizing, 9192

JP Morgan, 788, 999

JPMorgan Chase & Co., 49, 224, 822, 839, 1270

Judgments and estimates, 215

Junk bonds, 768

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