Chapter 18

Optical Sensors for Corrosion Monitoring

C.R. Zamarreño; P.J. Rivero; M. Hernaez; J. Goicoechea; I.R. Matías; F.J. Arregui    Sensor Research Laboratory, Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department, Universidad Pública de Navarra, Edif. Los Tejos, Campus Arrosadia, Pamplona, Spain


The new regulations imposed by the environmental protection agency (EPA) in the USA and REACH in Europe has forced manufacturers to use chromate-free corrosion protection. These new treatments and paints may perform differently to the traditional protection coatings based on chromates. Therefore, quantitative information about corrosion is a key parameter in these structures treated with the new protection. This chapter covers the different techniques and devices for the detection of corrosion by means of optical methods. Most of these methods pursue a nondestructive evaluation of the structure to be monitored that can be from a civil construction to an aircraft. In the former case the detection of corrosion has to be performed in reinforced concrete. In the latter, the whole structure is metallic. Usually, these sensors measure the by-products generated by corrosion, and therefore, are in fact chemical sensors that monitor specific substances that can give information about corrosion. Other approaches involve the coating of an optical fiber with a metallic film that can suffer a similar corrosion to the structure that the device is monitoring. This chapter reviews all of these techniques.



Optical fiber

Optical sensitive coatings

Fiber Bragg gratings

Chloride ions

Metallic sacrificial layers

Relative humidity

pH sensing

Civil engineering

Reinforced concrete damage prevention

Corrosion in bridges

Corrosion in aircrafts


This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation TEC2010-17805.

18.1 Introduction

From the carved caves in the rocks and straw huts to the high skyscrapers and offshore windmills of the last century, human beings have shaped the world for their own convenience. Although made to last, all of these structures and facilities have deteriorated in the course of the years, either damaged severely or even collapsed by adversities, sometimes unpredictable, which affect their expected lifetime severely.

The term structural health monitoring (SHM) refers to the technology developed in order to provide a way to evaluate the properties of these structures and ensure their safety, durability, serviceability, and sustainability. Therefore, SHM systems can consist of a wide number of sensors and transmission systems for an adequate data management and health diagnosis. A big effort is being done by the scientific community as well as companies attracted by the growing market in the development of advanced sensors with high performance to monitor loads, environmental factors, and deterioration of structures for SHM.14 Some of the key parameters to be monitored for SHM are temperature, humidity, acidity, salinity, UV radiation, carbonization, deformation, strain, fatigue damage, and corrosion. Among them, corrosion is one of the main problems in structures such as industrial plants as well as other types of metallic assemblies, especially those exposed to harsh environments such as oil ducts and aircrafts. Corrosion has become a main concern in the last years owing to the high repairing costs and the risks associated to the possible failure or collapse of civil structures. Given that corrosion can cause serious deterioration in structural performance, early detection and monitoring of the corrosion damage of a structure is critical.5,6

Concerning the important role of corrosion in SHM there is a great demand for developing nondestructive, real time, and low-cost techniques to give an early indication of corrosion in new and existing constructions with the aim of reducing both the maintenance and the risks associated with corrosion problems.7 Optical fiber sensors (OFSs) are emerging as a superior technology capable of carrying out this purpose as well as offering other attractive performances derived from the particular characteristics of the silica, such as small size, light weight, large durability, immunity to electromagnetic fields, low losses at optical frequencies, large bandwidth, easy integration in existing and new structures, and resistance to high temperature and corrosive and hazardous environments. Besides, the easy multiplexation in wavelength and the compatibility with large distance optical communication systems enable it to perform multiple point remote measurements as well as fully distributed measures with good spatial resolution using a single optical fiber.3,5,811 Because of the intrinsic interdisciplinary field of SHM, optical fibers and corrosion sensing mechanisms, researchers from a wide spectrum of disciplines, such as civil engineering, chemistry, optoelectronics, and physics, have been attracted to the study and development of OFS for corrosion detection.

This chapter examines the more recent findings in OFS for corrosion detection, highlighting some of the achievements and describing some of the challenges that remain. Some of the most typical optical fiber detection techniques are described in Section 18.2 while Section 18.3 describes some interesting applications of optical fiber sensing devices for corrosion detection in reinforced concrete structures, aircrafts, or oil pipes, among many others.

18.2 Optical Fiber Interrogation Principles

OFS consist basically of amplitude, phase, frequency, or polarization state modulations induced by the selected measure and in the light traveling through the optical fiber. OFS systems consist of a transducer, a communication channel, and an associated subsystem for generating and/or detecting, processing, and conditioning the signal. It is usually distinguished from intrinsic when the fiber acts both as transducer and communication channel, or from extrinsic OFS when the fiber simply operates as the communication channel. Attending to the application of OFS in real-life applications, it is also possible to distinguish three different types of arrangements: localized, multiplexed, and distributed sensor systems. Some of the main optical fiber sensing configurations are reviewed in the next few paragraphs.

18.2.1 Fiber Bragg gratings

Fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) are optical filters that allow the transmission of some wavelengths and reflect others; this is achieved by introducing a variation in the refractive index of the core of the fiber periodically along a certain length. FBGs are generally fabricated with the help of a laser by writing a periodic pattern at the core of the fiber for a short length (close to 1 cm). The reflections originated at the core due to refractive index changes in the pattern produce a back reflection at a certain wavelength known as resonant frequency.12 Resonant wavelength can be obtained by Bragg's law from Equation (18.1):


si1_e  (18.1)

where lB is the resonant wavelength, neff is the effective refractive index of the fiber core, and Λ is the pitch length of the grating or period of the grating.

Thus, any change in the pitch length or refractive index will induce a shift in the resonant wavelength. Consequently, temperature, strain, cracks, or deformations of the fiber can be monitored by the corresponding resonant wavelength shift.13

A strong point of FBGs are their capability of multiplexing in wavelength that enable multiple point or quasi-distributed sensing. FBG sensors have been successfully developed by different companies (,,, as represented in Figure 18.1, and are extensively applied in real-life applications.3

Figure 18.1 Commercial FBG sensors for strain measurements. Courtesy of FBGS (

FBG sensors are usually embedded into a fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite or welded to steel structures to protect the brittle optic fiber against breakage.1 Here embedded FBG sensors should be correctly matched with the stiffness of the structural matrix in order to obtain consistent information from civil structures.

18.2.2 Interferometers

Interferometric sensors rely on phase change detections produced by the selected measurand on the light traveling through the optical waveguide. Interferometric sensors can be used in corrosion sensing applications as well. In the case of an optical fiber, the light launched into the fiber is reflected back at two different interfaces forming an interferometric cavity or etalon, as schematically represented in Figure 18.2.

Figure 18.2 Schematic representation of an interferometric cavity at the distal end of the optical fiber where n is the refractive index of each material and R is the reflectivity of the interface between the materials.

The variation of the transmitted power is originated by interference between the multiple reflections of light between the two reflecting surfaces. Interference can be constructive or destructive when the transmitted beams are in-phase or out-of-phase, respectively. The phase difference (δ) for each reflection is given in Equation (18.2):


si2_e  (18.2)

where λ is the wavelength of the light in vacuum, θ is the angle of the light traveling through the etalon, is the thickness of the etalon, and n is the refractive index of the material that forms the cavity.14 From Equation (18.1) phase changes in general can be given by changes either in the length, index, or geometry of the etalon. Thus, changes of the cavity parameters, which can be either passive or active, induced by the measurand modify the interference pattern and can serve as the transducer mechanism. The interference pattern can be originated using both coherent and low-coherence techniques depending on the cavity size.

Multiple groups and companies ( and have exploited this structure for strain, pressure, displacement, vibration, chemical, and humidity sensing, and some of their commercial devices are represented in Figure 18.2.

18.2.3 Distributed sensing

Distributed measurements exploit the optical fiber as the sensing. Here, an optical pulse is launched into the fiber. Then, the light power that emerges at the launch end as a result of the linear or nonlinear effects in the fiber is time resolved in order to provide information about the state of the fiber. The collected information can be correlated with the spatial position by means of the speed of the light in the fiber as a function of distance and light. Whithin optical fiber distributed sensors, we can include from the traditional optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR) and signal processing techniques that enable to measure optical power attenuations associated with cracks, micro, and macrobends to the more recent as well as more complex nonlinear phenomena based on Raman and Brillouin scattering effects and their corresponding measurement techniques, such as Raman optical time domain reflectometry (ROTDR) or Brillouin optical time domain reflectometry (BOTDR, setup represented schematically in Figure 18.3), which are both temperature and strain dependent.1517

Figure 18.3 Typical configuration for a BOTDR system. FUT is the fiber under test or distributed transducer, LO is the local oscillator, and CW is the continuous wave. Reprinted from Ref. [17] under Creative Commons License.

18.2.4 Optical intensity modulations

Light intensity modulations based on the direct interaction of the measurand are a conventional method for the fabrication of OFSs. These sensors are based on the contour conditions of the total internal reflection phenomenon that occurs at the interface between two mediums, the first with high refractive index (guiding medium) and the latter with lower refractive index (reflecting medium). In the boundary of these mediums the light is totally reflected, but some part will enter through the low refractive index medium, which is called evanescent field. The main problem of these devices is that the light entering in the low refractive index medium will decay exponentially as a function of the penetration depth, making it paramount to come as close as possible to the guiding part in order to obtain good sensitivity. In the case of optical fibers the interaction of the evanescent field and the measurand is related to the opto-geometrical parameters of the fiber. Different configurations have been proposed in order to enhance evanescent field interaction by means of the modification of the optical fiber geometry, such as polished fibers, cladding removed fibers, chemically etched fibers, stretched fibers, microstructured fibers or D-shape fibers. Then, the detection will just resort on direct or indirect interactions of the evanescent field with the selected measurand. An example of evanescent field based OFS for pH sensing is shown in Figure 18.4.

Figure 18.4 Evanescent field optical fiber pH sensor. Courtesy of Ocean Optics (

18.2.5 Surface plasmon resonances

Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) refers to the excitation of surface plasmons (SPs), which are electromagnetic waves coupled on the surface between a metal and a dielectric medium (or air) propagated along the interface of the metal and dielectric material (or air) as it is schematically represented in Figure 18.5.

Figure 18.5 Basic structure of an optical fiber surface plasmon resonance sensor. Reprinted from Ref. [21] with permission from Elsevier.

SPR devices are fabricated typically by adding a thin-metal layer (normally gold or silver) close to the optical fiber core. Consequently the evanescent field excites the SPs at the fiber core-metal layer interface. The correct coupling and SP generation strongly depend upon light wavelength, fiber parameters, fiber geometry, and metal layer properties.1820

Many optical sensing systems have been developed using the SPR phenomenon thanks to the high sensitivity of the resonant wavelength to changes of refractive index of both the metal layer and the sensing medium as well as thanks to the thickness of the metal layer and overlayer. Thus, the proper selection of sensitive thin-films enables researchers to easily obtain SPR-based devices for a wide range of applications including corrosion detection.21,22

18.3 Corrosion Measurements

The potential application of OFS for corrosion monitoring includes a vast field of areas, such as renewable energies, transportation, civil engineering, and oil and gas, among many others, which will be reviewed in this section.

Four basic approaches to corrosion sensing can be distinguished: direct measurement of corrosion degradation effects, measurement of corrosivity by relating the degradation of the sensor itself to the degradation of an adjacent structure, measurement of corrosion products or precursors, and measurement of environmental parameters in order to predict corrosive effects.8,9

18.3.1 Direct measurements of corrosion

Strain and deformation of a structure at an early stage can give valuable information about its mechanical properties and particularly the corrosion of the same. Optical fibers fully integrated into structures are able to monitor directly the initiation and progress of corrosion-induced mechanical degradation. The sensors are commonly embedded into a structure to form a novel self-strain and temperature monitoring system. The embedded sensor, due to its extremely small physical size, can provide the information at a high accuracy and resolution without influencing the dimension and mechanical properties of the structure. A common application consists of temperature and strain detection in reinforced concrete structures where cracks can be developed and propagated as a result of corrosion originating strain, deformation, or displacements. A few works have studied FBGs strain sensors to monitor the corrosion rate in civil engineering structures at single or multiple points.2327 In Ref. [26] it is presented and experimentally demonstrated the utilization of a new fiber glass-reinforced polymer (FGRP) optical fiber Bragg gratings (OFBG), which is merged within the stay cable (see Figure 18.6) in bridges for corrosion detection. This work shows the importance of the optical fiber embodiment and armor in order to withstand the harsh working conditions and obtain large durability of the sensor.

Figure 18.6 Cross-section of cable with FGRP-OFBG bars. Reprinted from Ref. [26] with permission from Elsevier.

Strain and deformation sensing in reinforced concrete structures has been also addressed by means of optical fiber interferometers.2832 In particular, the location of the sensor in Ref. [29] enables the detection of tensile strain perpendicularly to the plane of the reinforced steel bars. This configuration enables to monitor the strain or delamination associated to the longitudinal cracks along the reinforcing bars resulting from the radial expansion of the corroding rebars, particularly in those places where visual inspection is not possible. In Ref. [28] the strain response of an OFS based on white light interferometry (WLI) and FBGs is compared showing the feasibility of obtaining low-cost and stable sensors for corrosion detection. Additionally, WLI corrosion sensors (WLI-CS) were embedded in concrete and subjected to corrosion tests showing good agreements with other sensing technologies.

OTDR techniques enable distributed sensing in order to monitor optical fiber bents associated to corrosion in structures and can be a cost-effective solution.33 Cutting-edge detection techniques based on BOTDR enable distributed sensing of strain in steel-reinforced concrete in long-distance applications and with high spatial resolution.3437 A novel arrangement based on Brillouin scattering, known as fiber optic coil winding, is described in Ref. [36]. Here, the authors exploit the distributed sensing ability of the technique to directly measure the expansion strain caused by corrosion. The sensing element is quite simple and consists of winding the optical fiber around the steel rebar, as in Figure 18.7. Thus, the fiber optic will be stretched when the steel rebar expands due to corrosion and will be monitored using the BOTDR analyzer.

Figure 18.7 Basic packaging structure of the Brillouin corrosion expansion sensor. Reprinted from Ref. [36] under Open Access License.

In Ref. [35], the authors describe a novel method in order to overcome some of the challenges of long-distance embedded optical fiber sensor (LEOFS), such as the fragility of the optical fiber or interference with construction techniques. This method employ air-blowing in order to lay the optical fiber into the preinstalled tubes and uses the vacuum grouting technique to fix the optical fiber tightly inside the tubes. Given that this technique enables LEOFS to be installed into the tubes separately, it has no interference in the construction and the sensors can be easily replaced and repaired if necessary.

Moving out from reinforced concrete structures, the degradation of civil and military airframes is a main concern because they are operating in many cases far beyond their original expected lifetime. Here, corrosion is also an important factor that can lead to material loss and cracks, which can be costly to support in terms of reparations and human lives. The role of OFS and the accurate interpretation of their signals can be crucial in order to proceed with the correct maintenance.7 For example, in Ref. [38] it is shown the utilization of a LPG sensor to measure corrosion in aging structures as well as to avoid the temperature dependence of FGB sensors with the same characteristics, while in Ref. [39] the detection of the delamination of metals using a FGB sensor is simulated. A different application consists of corrosion monitoring in marine environments.31 Here, the authors employ a metal-coated optical fiber that acts as a corrosion fuse that interrupts the optical fiber transmission when it is corroded, as is schematically represented in Figure 18.8.

Figure 18.8 Sensing principle of stressed aluminum-coated optical fiber corrosion sensor: (a) sensor prior to exposure to corrosive solution, (b) aluminum jacket corrodes in the presence of a corrosive solution, and (c) silica fiber is exposed and sensor fiber breaks.

Apart from the mentioned continuous in situ corrosion monitoring structures, also described can be other devices, handhold devices, intended for discrete study and characterization of corrosion as a function of the color40 or roughness4143 of the samples. Table 18.1 summarizes the characteristics and main features of the sensors described in this section.

Table 18.1

Summary and Characteristics of OFS for Corrosion Sensing Based on Direct Measurements

Sensing TechnologyMeasurandMain FeaturesApplicationRef.
FBG/LPGStrain/refractive index66/101 nm/RIUAircrafts38
Etched cladding FBGRefractive index1 nm shift after 70 daysSteel rebars27
FBGStrainMass loss per time modelStructures23
Integration of fibers with steel barsStay cables in bridges26
Prestrained FBG with 3.2 nm shift rangeCivil engineering24
LPGCorrosion rate of reinforcement steel rebarStructures25
BrillouinCoil winding methodSteel-reinforced concrete36
Fiber-reinforced polymer cablesStay cables in bridges34
Novel embedding method in concreteReinforced concrete35
Detection and location of initial cracksPrestressed steel in reinforced concrete37
White light interferometryDeformation1/100 mm resolutionConcrete structures32
Fabry-Perot interferometerStrainCorrosion induced strain perpendicularly to the plane of reinforced steel barsReinforced concrete29
White light interferometryLow costReinforced concrete28
InterferometryDistributed sensing of echoed acoustic signalsReinforced concrete in bridges30
TransmissionStressed metal-coated optical fibers/corrosion fuseOil pipes31
Optical time Domain reflectometryOptical fiber bentsLow costStructures33
ReflectometryColorSimple and low costStructures40
ScatteringRoughnessSpatially resolved profilesCorroded metals42
ReflectanceResolution of 0.1 mmPipe inspection41
Low cost device based on plastic optical fiberPipe inspection43


18.3.2 Corrosivity direct measurements using metallic sacrificial layers

The sensors proposed here do not detect the corrosion of the material in a direct way. Instead, a layer made of a material similar to that which degradation is going to be monitored coats the chosen optical fiber architecture. In other words, the corrosion of the structure of interest is estimated by monitoring the corrosion of a similar material deposited onto an optical fiber. The sensors are placed near the structure that needs to be preserved. Most commonly, degradation is detected on metals using this strategy. Some examples are aluminum, steel, copper, and nickel and are of special importance in construction, civil engineering, and aeronautics. Nevertheless, some of these structures can be also applied to detect the degradation of other materials such as paintings or protective coatings.

Different optical fiber topologies have been used as corrosion detectors, from typical transmission configurations to FBGs or sensors based on SPRs. Obviously, the dynamical range of these sensors strongly depends on the thickness of the deposited coating. For this reason, this parameter has a crucial importance, and it has to be chosen according to the concrete application of the sensor.

One of the simplest sensing architectures applied to this kind of sensor is based on a reflection setup. The sensing device consists of an optical fiber tip perpendicularly cleaved coated by a layer of the material to be monitored. If the reflectivity of this material is high enough, most of the light sent through the fiber will be reflected and the reflected optical power will present its maximum value. As long as the coating is suffering from degradation, its thickness and the value of the reflected optical power will decrease. This way, when the coating has been completely removed from the optical fiber tip, the reflected optical power will reach its minimum value.

Some examples of this configuration can be found in Refs. [4447] where the authors use this simple configuration to develop OTDR multipoint sensing systems devoted to the detection of aluminum and steel degradation, respectively. As an example, in Figure 18.9 the response of an array of optical fiber corrosion sensors is shown. A 200 nm-thick iron coating was sputtered onto each sensor. The sensing devices were placed at variable distances from seawater, which explains the differences in the output signal of each sensor.

Figure 18.9 Response of an OTDR array of optical fiber steel corrosion sensors based on reflection. Reprinted from Ref. [47] under Creative Commons License.

Another topology widely applied in corrosion sensing is the absorption configuration. The cladding of a portion of optical fiber is replaced by a high-reflecting coating of the same material to be monitored. This way, a significant attenuation of the higher order modes is produced in this coated zone. For this reason, the transmitted optical power will be significantly lower. As the coating corrodes, the cladding around the core is removed, the absorption losses decrease, and the transmitted optical power increases.48

Sensors used to detect corrosion on aluminum,49,51 copper,52 nickel,53,54 or steel55,56 are present in the bibliography. These examples apply different deposition methods to create the sensitive coatings, such as sputtering, thermal evaporation, or electrodeposition, depending on the material to be deposited.

In Ref. [49] the authors develop and characterize transmission sensors for detecting aluminum corrosion. Aluminum coatings were deposited via thermal evaporation onto the optical fiber core. For a coating thickness of 2 μm, the response of the output optical power when the sensitive zone is immersed in nitric acid (1 N, 10-1 N, and 10-2 N) is shown in Figure 18.10. It can be clearly appreciated how the transmitted power rises as far as the aluminum layer corrodes. This rise is faster if the concentration of nitric acid is higher.

Figure 18.10 Response of an aluminum corrosion sensor based on absorption when it is subjected to different concentrations of nitric acid. Reprinted from Ref. [49] with permission from Elsevier.

SPR OFSs have been also used to detect the corrosion of metals. Abdelmalek studied the optical properties of gold-aluminum films, using a sensor based on this phenomenon.57 When the sensitive region is immersed in water, the SPR peak shifts slightly to higher angles of incidence due to the difference between the refractive index of water and air. After 3.5 h, the corrosion of aluminum produces an important shift of the peak and a change in its shape, as can be seen in Figure 18.11. A deeper study of this phenomenon where a combination of SPR and FBGs is applied to the fabrication of corrosion sensors can be found in Ref. [58].

Figure 18.11 Shift and shape change of the SPR when the aluminum layer is corroded after (a) 2 h and (b) 3 h 30 min. Reprinted from Ref. [57] with permission from Elsevier.

Some other authors have taken advantage of the sensitivity of FBGs to strain by developing optical fiber corrosion sensors.59,60 In 1996, Green et al. proposed corrosion sensors based on prestrained short-period gratings and LPGs.61

Decades later, Hu et al. developed an FBG sensor for steel corrosion monitoring.62 In particular, a steel sensing film of 12-15 μm thick is electroplated on the surface of the FBG. When this film is corroded, it suffers a longitudinal change that causes the strain of the FBG. Consequently, the optical output of the FBG will experience a wavelength shift that can be detected with a spectrometer. As FBG are also sensitive to temperature, an FBG without steel coating is used as reference. In order to induce accelerated corrosion of the film, sensors are immersed into NaCl solutions (0.5 M). In Figure 18.12, the shift of the FBG peak during an 18-day experiment is shown.

Figure 18.12 Bragg wavelength shift at different moments during an 18-day experiment. Reprinted from Ref. [62] with permission from Elsevier.

One main peak can be observed in the spectrum of the sensor before being introduced into the NaCl solution. This peak shifts to a higher wavelength 4 days later. Eight days after the immersion, multiple peaks are observed, and, finally, after 18 days in the cabinet, they merge into one major peak. The authors conclude that the multiple peaks are related to nonuniform strain and, consequently, can be used as a critical signal of the intense corrosion of the steel.

There are other examples of OFSs for indirect corrosion monitoring, but those presented here are the most representative. A summary with the main features of the approaches reviewed in this section is given in Table 18.2.

Table 18.2

Summary and Characteristics of OFS for Corrosion Sensing Based on Indirect Measurements

Sensing TechnologySensing MaterialCoating Fabrication MethodRef.
Reflection + OTDRAlEvaporation44,45
IntensityThermal evaporation48,49
Transmission AttenuationElectroless53,54,65


18.3.3 Measurement of corrosion products and precursors

The detection of corrosion precursors and by-products derived from progressive deterioration can be perfectly monitored when a proper coating is deposited onto an optical fiber. The results obtained can help the engineer to make a final decision about the need for preventive maintenance or premature replacement of the structure. In Figure 18.13, a scheme about the chemical elements of analysis (precursors and by-products) is shown using embedded optical fibers in order to help ensure the safety of the structure.

Figure 18.13 Scope of the optical fiber technology to detect corrosion precursors and by-products derived in terms of chemical analysis. Detection of corrosion precursors

The ingress of harmful ions such as carbon dioxide, nitrate, sulfur dioxide, or chloride has a deteriorating impact on the performance of engineering materials because the ions are capable of inducing a higher corrosion rate, compromising the integrity of the structure.6 However, not only these ions can accelerate the corrosion process, but also the presence of microorganisms, such as sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), which can have an important role in localized corrosion.69 Of all these, the waterborne chlorides are one of the most influential factors in the rapid development of the corrosion. Their presence can be due to the use of deicing salts on roadways or bridges to lower the melting point of the ice, during which process some of these salts react with the H2O that transports the chloride into cracks near metal.70,71 Several studies have reported that the rate of corrosion strongly depends on the amount of chlorides present within the structure. Once chloride ion penetration occurs, active corrosion is initiated with a sequence of events such as cracking and spalling.72 The process is slow and complex as a function of the involved materials and environmental variables. An interesting aspect is that the corrosion process is accelerated in marine places in comparison with other environments such as inland structures due to the higher presence of chloride ions in coastal areas.

In order to detect chloride ion penetration in concretes, the usual methods are based on a chemical analysis in an external laboratory. However, this analysis shows inherent limitations, such as being destructive and expensive, and do not provide continuous information in real time because it is necessary to collect the sample and a further analysis to know the chloride content. To overcome these limitations, the use of optical fiber as a nondestructive technique allows us to obtain the information in situ with high accuracy through remote measurements and to control the state of the structure.3 Once optical fibers are embedded in a concrete structure, most of the sensing schemes to detect corrosion are based on a spectroscopic analysis of the surface of the material in which light signals are reflected from both corroded and uncorroded areas. A relevant study is reported in Refs. [11,10], where the use of a twin-fiber technique (separate transmit and receive fibers) can determine the presence of corrosion via color modulation of the broadband input signal. However, this spectroscopic technique is based on a local inspection of the corrosion area due to a color shift, but it is not possible to estimate the chloride ion concentration present in the final structure.

An interesting approach is proposed in Ref. [73], where an absorbance-based sensor is developed to monitor the chemical interaction of silver nitrate-fluorescein-chloride mixture, which results in a red coloration. The end of an optical fiber is coated by a solid net that contains the mixture of fluorescein and silver nitrate. If the chloride ions penetrate this net, a colorimetric change is immediately observed. The range of chloride detection is from 0 to 40 mM, and higher values of absorbance correspond to the higher values of chloride concentration. However, all the measurements are made in a short period of time after the addition of chloride, a critical parameter in the development of the sensor. The absorption peak is located in the 500 nm region and can be perfectly measured with blue or green laser diodes. The signal remains stable for the first 10 minutes, but a higher period of time results in a total precipitation. In addition, once the chemical interaction has occurred, the process is completely irreversible.

According to the previous results, it is necessary to implement an optical sensor more attractive in terms of reversibility and time dependence in order to detect the chloride concentration. The use of a fluorescence-based sensor combined with optical fiber is one of the most promising alternatives.74,75 In these cases, the sensors are based on fluorescence quenching, by which the excited reagent is deenergized by nonradioactive collision with the molecules of the analyte (halide ions). The collisional quenching is a reversible process whereby the emitted fluorescence intensity decreases linearly when the quencher concentration is increased. This process can be described by the Stern-Volmer equation:



IFo, fluorescence intensity in the absence of quencher; IF, fluorescence intensity in the presence of quencher; [Q], quencher concentration; KSV, diffusion dependent Stern-Volmer constant.

The extinction mechanism is composed of a contact between the excited state of the fluorescent specie (dye) and the quencher (chloride), as can be observed in Figure 18.14.

Figure 18.14 Scheme of both fluorescence and fluorescence quenching mechanisms as a function of the presence of chloride ions (analyte).

First experiments with fluorescence-based sensors to detect chloride concentration were reported in Refs. [73,74], where the use of two different quinoline derivatives dyes (ABQ and MEQ) is presented. The results indicate that ABQ displays higher fluorescence efficiency than MEQ. The next steps were a further immobilization of both dyes in a microporous silica coating using the sol-gel technique, and then the coating of a declad optical fiber. The desired configuration for in situ chloride detection was an evanescent wave excited coating. However, once the sol-gel coating was applied onto the optical fiber, no fluorescence signal was detected. The main reason could be because smaller analyte molecules (chloride) can penetrate the microenvironment of the sol-gel matrix; as a result, no interaction between anlayte and dye was observed. Different sol-gel formulations at different pH values were investigated, but none was successfully proved as an evanescent-wave sensor.

An interesting approach using an optical fiber combined with luminescence measurements for free chloride ion detection in concrete is presented in Ref. [75]. In this case, the use of a new fluorophore, known as lucigenin, is of great interest because it has a higher quenching sensitivity than other products and its Stern-Volmer's constant (KSV) is the highest for chlorine indicators. Here, a sol-gel method was also chosen to encapsulate the dye into a polymeric matrix at the end of the optode. The term optode refers to detectors that are transducers between the measured quantity and optical fibers. The optical design of the sensor is shown in Figure 18.15, where the four elements of the fluorescence system are present (an excitation source, indicator for the analyte detection, wavelength filters, and the detector). In addition, multimode optical fibers are used to connect the emission module to the optical probe (optode). Two experimental tests, hot maritime climate and cold continental climate, were performed in a controlled environment to determine the chloride content. The results can detect free chloride concentration between 30 and 350 mM with a good reproducibility and a good stability.

Figure 18.15 Instrumental setup to determine ion chloride. Reprinted from Ref. [75] with permission from © IOP Publishing. All rights reserved.

Other optical fiber based techniques have also been reported76,78 for chloride detection, which do not require expensive optical sources or detection systems as was previously thought in the fluorescence-based sensors. Of these, the use of long period grating pair (LPGP)79 is of great interest because small quantities of chloride ions in NaCl solutions can be detected (10 ppm). In addition, the results reveal that through monitoring the induced wavelength shift, the LPGP could reach a better precision (over six times) than single LPG when changes in the refractive index of the surrounding medium were monitored. This high sensitivity makes possible the use of LPGP in early stage monitoring for corrosion of materials in both the marine environment and for salt sprays used for deicing road surfaces in cold climates. Detection of corrosion by-products

In this section, the design of OFSs to detect the presence of corrosion by-products is shown. More specifically, different optical fiber approaches are presented to detect the release of metal ions when the corrosion process is active. This release corresponds to divalent (Ca2 +, Cu2 +, Mg2 +) as well as trivalent (Al3 +) ions that are the most used in alloys and whose monitoring can determine the health status of the structure.

The mostly optical fiber corrosion sensors are based on the variation of an optical signal when a metalized optical fiber core is immersed in corrosive solutions. Different techniques are used to metalize the fiber core, and a change in the light transmission of the waveguide is observed when the metal is corroded.49,52,54,55 The degradation of this metallic film is correlated with the degradation of the final structure. An interesting approach is presented by Refs. [80,81] in where an optical fiber Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) evanescent wave absorption spectroscopy is used to detect aluminum hydroxide Al(OH)3, one of the most principal corrosion products of the aluminum alloys. However, no information about concentration of this corrosion product is shown.

The first studies to determine the presence and concentration of corrosion by-products are based on the use of LPG chemical sensors in inaccessible regions of aircraft.82,83 A chelating polymer coating is deposited onto the surface of the LPG, which has an affinity to divalent metal ions (Cu2 +). Once metal ions are present, a chemical crosslink between the metallic ions and the chelating polymer is observed, forming an increase of the polymer density that results in an increase in the refractive index at the surface of the fiber. The principle of the sensor operation is that light traveling through the optical fiber will be scattered out of the grating at different optical wavelengths when the refractive index of the coating is changed due to the presence of the target molecule absorption (metal ions). In fact, a shift in the wavelength of the spectral loss peak is observed when the LPG metal ion sensor is exposed to CuSO4 solution, and then, after washing with DI water, this shift do not come back to the original wavelength position, indicating that a chemical crosslink between the ions and the chelating polymer has been observed. In addition, the response of this LPG sensor is a function of the cation concentration (Cu2 +) where a shift in the spectral loss peak wavelength is increased with Cu2 + concentration in a range of 0.5-5 mM. The minimum detection level of the LPG metal ion sensor corresponds to 32 ppm.

The use of fluorescent fiber optic sensors as it was used to detect chloride ions also makes possible the detection of aluminum cations from an early stage of the corrosion process. However, the sensing mechanism used in the detection of these specific ions is based on fluorescence emission and not the quenching process. A novel method for sensing the corrosion of aluminum alloys is reported in Ref. [84], where an indicator, known as 8-hydroxyquinoline (8-HQ), forms a fluorescent metal-ion complex with aluminum, known as Tris(8-hydroxyquinolyl) aluminum (Alq3).85 In addition, 8-HQ is insoluble in water with the advantage of eliminating the problem of leaching of the fluorophore by water. The end of an optical fiber was coated with a polymeric porous matrix (3-PEG/PU) that contains the indicator, and a fluorescent signal was detected when aluminum ions were in contact with the dye. However, several limitations of the 3-PEG/PU polymeric system, including swelling or health hazards associated to the cross-linker used (isocyanate), indicate the need of exploring safer alternatives to encapsulate the dye.

An interesting approach focused on the detection of by-products of the corrosion aluminum alloys is presented in Ref. [86], using both 8-HQ and MNIP (molecularly non-imprinted polymer), which is a polymer with a chemical affinity for the ions without the need of being previously synthesized in the presence of the mentioned ion. The results show that the optical sensor has an adequate sensitivity to the aluminum ions and its detection is not influenced by the presence of other by-products of the corrosion process, such as Ca2 +, Na+, Mg2 +, and Cu2 +. More specifically, Ca2 + and Mg2 + induce fluorescence of the MNIP, whereas Na+ and Cu2 + ions do not show fluorescence behavior. In addition, the higher intensity of the Al3 + fluorescence peak allows its detection and the separation of the contribution from other ions (Ca2 + or Mg2 +). An important consideration is that the MNIP should have enough available sites for the bonding of Al3 + ions for a successful detection, and these sites should not be fully occupied by other sensitivity fluorescence ions (Ca2 + or Mg2 +). However, emission spectra evolution indicates that the presence of Al3 + ions can be perfectly detected, even if the MNIP was exposed to the other by-products. The limit of aluminum ion concentration is 10-4 M, showing an increase of the fluorescence intensity with higher aluminum concentrations. Similar results are presented in Ref. [87] with a linear concentration range of Al3 + between 0.5 and 5.0 mM, using a fluorescent dye morin immobilized on the fiber's distal end.

In all the previous experiments, the optical sensor has to be in close proximity to the corrosion affected area in order to detect the presence of corrosion by-products. To overcome this limitation, the development of a novel method to measure aluminum ions released in aluminum alloy corrosion is presented.88 Here, an exposed-core microstructured optical fiber (MOF) is reported that has a micron-scaled core and several holes in the transverse cross-section to confine light by reducing the effective refractive index of the cladding. The sensor is fabricated using a glass extrusion process and chemical etching, respectively. This specific design allows a better evanescent field interaction and greater fluorescence than can be achieved with other conventional fibers. In this case, the selection of a fluorophore, known as lumogallion, which acts in acidic conditions, is of great interest because corrosive environments tends to reduce the pH of the surrounding medium. The results indicate that the detection limit is ~ 200 nM with a linear response from 500 nM to 20 μM to aluminum ions.

To conclude this section, Table 18.3 summarizes the published works on corrosion precursors or by-products sensors with their respective sensing mechanisms and interesting observations for each one.

Table 18.3

Summary and Main Characteristics of Optical Fiber Corrosion Sensors Based on the Detection of Corrosion Precursors and By-Products

Sensing TechnologyAnalyteMain FeaturesRef.
AbsorbanceChlorideFormation of a red precipitate73
Irreversible process
Fluorescence quenchingDye: Quinoline derivatives (ABQ, MEQ)74
No measurements
pH dependence sol-gel matrix
Dye: Lucigenin75
Detection: 30-350 mM
Simulation tests (hot maritime and cold continental climate)
LPGP transmissionMonitoring refractive index7678
Detection of small quantities of chloride ions (10 ppm)
CopperMonitoring refractive index82,83
Range detection: 0.5-5 mM
Minimum detection level: 32 ppm
Fluorescence emissionAluminumDye: 8-hydroxyquinoline (8-HQ)86
CalciumPolymeric matrix: MNIP
MagnesiumDetection limit of 10− 4 M
AluminumDye: 8-hydroxyquinoline (8-HQ)84
Limitations of matrix 3-PEG/PU
Dye: Morin87
Linear range: 0.5-5.0 mM
Dye: Lumogallion88
Linear range: 500 nM-20 μM
Detection limit: 200 nM


18.3.4 Relative humidity monitoring for corrosion control

Presence of water is one of the most frequent causes of infrastructure deterioration. Water acts as a transporter for aggressive agents, such as chloride or sulfate ions. In addition, water is a reaction medium in some destructive chemical processes. In general, water plays a key role in the processes of corrosion. For this reason, it is of great importance to implement sensing tools to allow the early detection of the humidity in order to avoid the structures damage and the presence of water, which will remediate the situation before the damage to the structures is produced.

A huge number of optical fiber humidity sensors can be found in the bibliography.89,90 Several optical fiber topologies have been applied for the fabrication of these devices, such LPGs, FBGs, sensors based on evanescent field, sensors based on lossy mode resonances (LMR), and interferometers.9199 An important part of these devices have been specifically designed for early corrosion detection.100106 Some examples are presented in this section.

Mendoza et al. developed a distributed optical system for detecting humidity and pH changes in aircraft joints.102,103 This system consists of optical fiber pH and humidity sensors based on the evanescent field. The fabrication of the humidity sensors involved the doping of the optical fiber permeable polymer cladding with a solvatochromic reagent. The color of this indicator strongly depends on the presence of humidity in the ambient. When the humidity increase, the dye absorbs at a different wavelength, and, consequently, the fiber loss will depend on the humidity percentage. This way, a difference of more than 1 dB (at a wavelength of 1300 nm) can be appreciated between the attenuation due to the evanescent field when the sensor is placed in a wet medium and the same magnitude when it is in a dry medium.

In Ref. [106], the authors fabricate an OFS based on a LPG. First of all, they inscribed the gratings by focused beam of CO2 laser onto single mode fibers with core and cladding diameters of 8.2 and 125 μm, respectively. Once the LPG was ready, they deposited a nanocoating made of polyallylamine hydrochloride (PAH), polyacrylic acid (PAA) poly-sodium 4-stirenesulfonate (PSS), and alumina (Al2O3) by using the LbL technique. According to the authors, the purpose of the PAH/PAA nanofilm is to increase the sensitivity of the sensor, while the Al2O3/PSS nanofilm increases the water absorption. The response of the coated LPG when it is subjected to relative humidity variations from 20% to 90% is shown in Figure 18.16a. A double effect can be distinguished. On one hand, the resonance shifts to the left, showing a change of 3.6 nm. On the other hand, an intensity variation of 6.978 dBm is appreciated. Both responses are more clearly shown in Figure 18.16b.

Figure 18.16 (a) Transmission spectra of the coated LPG for a RH variation from 20% to 90%, and (b) dependence of LPG resonance wavelength and intensity on RH. Reprinted from Ref. [106] with permission from SPIE.

These data suppose a wavelength sensitivity of 0.051 nm/%RH and an intensity sensitivity of 0.099 dBm/%RH. In addition, this optical fiber humidity sensor showed a small dependence to temperature changes, what make it suitable for implementation of concrete structures health monitoring.

Other optical fiber humidity sensors designed for corrosion control are summarized in Table 18.4.

Table 18.4

Summary and Main Characteristics of Optical Fiber Corrosion Sensors Based on the Detection of Humidity

Sensing TechnologySensing MaterialCoating Fabrication MethodRef.
FBGHydrophilic medium-93
Evanescent fieldSolvatochromic reagentDiffusion102,103
Evanescent field (POF)HEC/PVDFDip-coating107


18.3.5 Optical pH sensors for corrosion control

Among other physical and chemical conditions, such as moisture (see Section 18.3.4) or chloride ions concentration (see Section 18.3.3), the pH of a medium is a parameter that is altered when corrosion occurs. Therefore it is very important to have information about the stability of the pH of the medium in which corrosion may occur as long as it can provide an early warning signal prior to the massive degradation of the metallic structure, and it may be possible to take predictive maintenance actions. It has been demonstrated that acidic pH conditions below pH 9 can damage the steel structures, and therefore long-term monitoring of pH values in the range of 9-13 with a resolution of about 0.5 pH units can be very useful for early detection of potential corrosion condition.8

The most common approaches to optical pH sensing are based on a primary transducting material which transforms the pH of the analyzed medium into a useable optical signal that can be collected using an optical fiber. Basically it is possible to differentiate two main approaches regarding the optical phenomena underneath the chemical-optical transduction: fluorescence-based sensors and colorimetric sensors.

This last group involves probably the most straightforward method to get optical information from the pH of a medium because there are many pH indicators traditionally used in acid-base titration. Nevertheless, other fluorescence-based approaches for optical fiber pH sensing for corrosion detection can be found. In a basic OFS configuration, the colorimetric or the fluorescent dyes are immobilized into a proton permeable membrane and the changes of their UV-VIS spectra or fluorescence emission can be monitorized using an optical fiber or an optical fiber bundle. Some authors have reported different immobilization media for creating the sensitive areas such as polyurethanes,109111 hydrogels,112,113 and celluloses.114116 But one of the most used immobilization media are the sol-gel matrices 117120 because they are fully inorganic matrices, mechanically robust, optically transparent, and permeable to H+ and OH ions.117

All those matrix materials can be used to place the pH indicators or fluorophores within the light path of a measuring optical system, and therefore any optical change in the indicators can be registered. This region where the indicators interact with the external medium and at the same time with the light conducted by the optical fiber is often called sensitive region, or sensitive coating (or chamber), depending on the particular application. The configuration of this sensitive region is not always the same, and it strongly depends on the nature of the indicator (colorimetric or fluorescent). When fluorescent indicators are used it is very important to maximize the collection of the emitted fluorescent signal and at the same time minimize coupling of the excitation light as it can mask the fluorescence signal at the detector. This is shown in Figure 18.17a and B, where the excitation light interacts with the fluorescent material, and passes through it, reflecting back only in a small proportion. The emitted fluorescent light is emitted in all directions, and some of this emission will be collected by the optical fiber and further analyzed. Figure 18.17C shows an alternative transmission setup arranged in a U-bend typically used with colorimetric indicators. In such configuration white light can be used as excitation for the sensor, and the transmitted light is guided towards the detector (spectrometer). Changes in the UV-VIS absorption spectrum will give information about the pH of the colorimetric indicator immobilized into the sample chamber. Other simpler approaches can be used replacing the white light source and the spectrometer by LEDs and simple photodetectors 121 to achieve information only at the sensitive bands of the colorimetric indicators.

Figure 18.17 Schematic representation of various sample chamber locations on the optical fibers. The probe cladding is indicated by the darkened area. (a) and (b) show a typical fluorescent probe while (c) shows a typical absorbance sensor located within the path of the fiber at the side of the probe. Fluorescent sensors may also be located in this position because fluorescent light is emitted in all directions. Reprinted from Ref. [138] with permission from Elsevier.

One of the most robust optical approaches for civil engineering applications is a reflection setup using a multiple fiber optode.122 As it is shown in Figure 18.18, those fiber bundles use a complex structure of peripheral optical fibers to maximize the amount of illumination light (excitation), and a central optical fiber to collect the reflected optical spectrum.

Figure 18.18 pH multiple fiber optode. Depending on which indicator is immobilized into the pH-sensitive disc, it is possible to make fluorescence or colorimetric-based measurements.

Habel and coworkers have developed colorimetric dye-based pH optodes and have successfully measured pH in situ a steel-reinforced concrete structure for more than 6 years installed in cooling towers of a power plant.8 They have used multi-wavelength measurements that give ratiometric information about the acid-basic state of the pH indicator, which is more robust to optical power fluctuations or even signals to the detector. The colorimetric or fluorescent indicator is immobilized into a disc-shaped matrix (polymeric, sol-gel, etc.), where optical properties are altered by the pH of the external medium. When fluorescent indicators are used the peripheral optical fibers excite the fluorescence in the sensitive disc and only a small portion of this excitation optical power is collected by the central interrogation fiber. As the fluorescence is emitted omnidirectionally, this signal can be collected and analyzed at the detector. When colorimetric indicators are used, the optode ends with a mirror that focuses back the transmitted light into the central sensing fiber, keeping the information of the optical absorption of the dyed disc. Such optical fiber bundles have become a very robust choice for pH optical sensing8 and some of them are commercially available.123 It has been observed than the most serious attacks concerning stability of pH-sensitive membrane occurred in the first few months.8 In Figure 18.19 a real application of pH colorimetric optodes is shown. The optical pH sensors are immobilized close to the steel structure prior to the concrete pouring during the construction of a cooling tower of a power plant. The color (pH) of the sensitive elements could be monitored remotely for more than 6 years.

Figure 18.19 Picture of a real application of pH optodes into a steel-reinforced concrete. These sensors use a colorimetric approach, and they were embedded into a cooling tower in a power plant. Reprinted from Ref. [8] with permission from Springer.

Other researchers have proposed alternative colorimetric pH-sensitive dyed matrices. For example, Carmona and coworkers have proposed a colorimetric approach for monitoring the acidity in historic monuments and prevent the stone degradation.119 In their work they propose a sensitive coating using Chlorophenol Red integrated into an inorganic silica matrix fabricated using the sol-gel technique. Figure 18.20 shows the chemical change in the pH colorimetric indicator, and the change in the absorption spectrum of the sensitive coating as pH is varied in a Kesternich chamber.

Figure 18.20 Evolution of the optical absorption of the Chlorophenol Red dye as the pH is decreased into a Kesternich chamber. All coatings were initially submitted to basic buffered solution (pH 10), exposed to different SO2 concentrations: (a) 0 ppm, (b) 10 ppm, (c) 20 ppm, and (d) 50 ppm. Reprinted from Ref. [119] with permission from Elsevier.

Alternatively use of fluorescence-based optical pH sensors is commonplace because fluorescent labeling is a widely used tool in biology and medicine to study tissues of even intracellular mechanisms. Consequently there is very wide knowledge of the fluorophores and the techniques for immobilizing them into substrates, and it is possible to find in the literature a lot of fluorescent-based optical fiber pH sensors124,125 for applications such as ammonia sensing,126,127 CO2 monitoring,128131 or oxygen detection.132,133 Nevertheless the implementation of fluorescent OFSs in civil engineering has fewer applications than do other scientific disciplines. The main drawbacks of fluorescence-based pH sensors in civil or industrial engineering environments are the higher degradation rates in fluorescence dyes compared to colorimetric ones in harsh environments and the high attenuation of the optical fiber at the typical excitation wavelengths that strongly limits the distance of the optode from the excitation light source.

Nevertheless, some authors have proposed alternative approaches for metal corrosion detection and characterization using the variation of fluorescence to detect the local changes in pH. Some researchers have used fluorescence microscopy to study and characterize the corrosion mechanisms in the surface or interfaces of metals.134136 Alternatively Walt and coworkers present an interesting fiber optic sensor tip that can easily get images from a surface.137 In this case an optical fiber bundle is placed very close to the observed surface (see Figure 18.21). Each optical fiber collects the emitted light of a small portion of surface, acting as a single pixel of an image, so it is possible to reconstruct the fluorescence of the emitted surface with some spatial resolution, having an image. Using this approach they have been capable of visualizing corrosion sites and measuring local chemical concentrations in a real-time corrosion monitorization process. Figure 18.21 (bottom) shows the apparition of a corroded region denoted by a dark region where the pH locally decreases and this results in a fluorescence quenching.

Figure 18.21 In the upper image there is a view of the multifiber optode used for imaging. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [139]. Copyright (1997) American Chemical Society. In the bottom pictures, it is possible to see three different stages of the corrosion of an aluminum-clad copper wire. (a) 30 s, (b) 7 min, and (c) 17 min of exposure to a phosphate buffer solution (pH 6.2, 0.1 M KCl). The dark region denotes that the fluorescence is being quenched due to local pH decreasing as corrosion occurs. Reproduced from Ref. [137] with permission from The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC).

18.4 Conclusion and Future Trends

The potential application of OFS for corrosion monitoring includes a vast field of areas of interest such as renewable energies, transportation, civil engineering, and oil and gas, which have been mentioned in this chapter. Optical fiber sensing devices for corrosion monitoring have been demonstrated as an attractive approach that can equal or even overcome other conventional sensors providing remote and distributed measurements, large durability, easy integration and installation, or enhanced reliability.

A complete review of optical fiber corrosion detection techniques has been presented in this chapter. The reviewed techniques include direct methods to detect the degradation of materials and to detect the consequences of this degradation (i.e., strain or deformations in different structures), indirect measurements to detect the corrosion of a material similar to that which degradation is going to be monitored, sensing of different corrosive agents or products of corrosion (i.e., the presence of chloride or oxygen ions), or environmental parameters such as humidity, as well as the detection of pH variations.

Furthermore, a brief illustration of OFS sensing techniques, such as FBG, FP, SPR, and other intensity approaches, already demonstrated for corrosion sensing, as well as their main technical characteristics, their principal measurands, and some of the manufacturers and commercial distributors have been also given in this chapter.

Many successful applications of optical fiber corrosion sensors have been reported in the recent years, and some of them have been presented in this chapter. However, the continuous advance in civil engineering and the utilization of both existing and novel structures in harsh and hostile environments still needs more research in order to use this sensor technology in practical, real-life applications and to solve the practical problems associated with these sensors, such as durability, robustness, low cost, distributed sensing, or easy replaceable. Consequently the demand of novel and improved techniques for corrosion monitoring will continue to be a hot topic for researchers and companies in the future.


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