Get involved in testing the system

When the project starts, a consultant will take all the requirements needed to implement Dynamics NAV. The consultant will determine which of those requirements will be covered with the standard application and which ones will be developed for you.

Implementing Dynamics NAV for a company is a unique process since it is going to cover specific needs of the company. Even for similar companies, there will be many differences in the processes that will make this implementation unique. No matter how much experience the implementer has in companies of your sector, you and the people in your company are the best testers to check that everything works as defined.

Usually, the implementer will install a second Dynamics NAV server for you, so that you can test the system before it goes in to production. The consultants and developers will conduct their own test before delivering the solution, but it is also important that you invest time in conducting a test too. Any issue found before the go-live day is much easier to solve than in a production environment.

Ask different people with different tasks within your organization to test the system. This way, all the areas will be covered by different people and more people can usually find more issues than just one person testing all the areas.

Testing with real data is one of the best tests you could do. Before going live, you could ask your users to perform the same activities using the old and the new system at the same time. This requires double work for a while, but testing with real data will bring you real issues.

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