Type-level programming

Type families bring functions to the type-level. Polymorphic kinds bring polymorphism to the kind-level. Type promotion bring datatypes and type-safety to the kind-level.

Two major problems of the Haskell kind system are solved by these extensions:

  • The kind system is too restrictive (because it lacks polymorphism)
    • Solution: Provide polymorphism on the kind level (PolyKinds)
  • The kind system is too permissive (kinds are too vague)
    • Solution: Promote datatypes to kinds to simulate a type-system on the kind-level (DataKinds)

Haskell98 already carried the seed for type-level programming by including multiparameter type-classes. Since then, the Haskell kind-system has been enriched with functional dependencies, GADTs, type families, kind polymorphism, and type-promotion.

Together, these extensions provide the building blocks for type-level programming in Haskell.

Returning to our earlier example, let's write a type-level function that computes type-level numbers. Since we have lists with types that encode their size, we can write an append function that encodes the appended list size in the return type:

vappend :: VecD e n -> VecD e m -> VecD e (Add n m)
vappend NilD         l   = l
vappend (ConsD x xs) ys  = ConsD x (vappend xs ys)

Add is a type level function that adds two type-level numbers. We can express this as a type family:

type family Add (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) :: Nat

The kind signature constrains the types in an analogous way to regular type signatures constraining terms. Instances of the family use pattern matching on types instead of pattern matching on data-constructors:

type instance Add ZeroD m = m
type instance Add (SuccD n) m = SuccD (Add n m)

Let's append two Vec data types:

xs = vappend (ConsD 3 (ConsD 5 NilD))
                      (ConsD 7 NilD)

-- xs :: VecD Integer ('SuccD ('SuccD ('SuccD 'ZeroD)))

The Add type-function calculates the combined vector size and demonstrates the humble beginnings of typelevel arithmetic (arithmetic that is executed during the type­checking phase). This is a well explored topic in the Haskell community (https://wiki.haskell.org/Type_arithmetic).

Promoting term-level programs to type-level

At this point in our discussion, type-level programming still lacks the expressiveness of term-level programming. In particular, we don't have these language features on type-level: case expressions, anonymous functions, partially applied functions, and let expressions.

This changed in 2014 when these features were added to type­level using template programming techniques (see Promoting functions to type families in Haskell by Eisenberg and Stolarek). The singletons library (https://hackage.haskell.org/package/singletons) flowed out of this work.

These extensions of the kind­system enable us to write ever more sophisticated code at the term­level and then automatically promote the code to type­level. Put another way, we can write code that operates at both term and type levels.

By further extending the type-level in these ways, we can write (more and more) code at term-level that can automatically be promoted to type-level. Put another way, we can write code that operates at both term and type levels.

Closed type families

In 2014, the type-family picture was completed (for now) with the addition of closed type families, where all instances of the type family are declared in one place. This restriction brings the benefit of type-inference, which is lost with open type families (refer to Promoting Functions to Type Families, 2014, Eisenberg et al):

  -- {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
  -- closed-type family
  type family IsZero (n::Nat) :: Bool where
    IsZero 'ZeroD = 'True
    IsZero ('SuccD n) = 'False

IsZero is a type-level function that matches pattern against types.

The history of type-level programming in Haskell

The following table shows a timeline of the key advances of the Haskell kind­-system:


Language extension

Advance in Type-level programming



Basis for Type functions



Type-level functions (relational-style)



Type refinement


TypeFamilies — Associated Types

Type-level functions, type-class bound


TypeFamilies — top-level and associated types unified

Type-level functions, top level and type-class bound


PolyKinds — Kind polymorphism

Type-level polymorphism


DataKinds — Type Promotion

Type-level datatypes, type-safety


TypeFamilies — Closed-type families

Type families with type-inference


Singletons library

Type-level: case, let, lambdas, currying

Type-level and generic programming

Type-level programming can be considered to be another pattern of generic programming. Furthermore, it interacts with two other types of generic programming:

  • As we saw in the examples of this chapter, type-level programming techniques are useful in implementing datatype generic programming. Also, there are some generic programs that can be written at type-level instead of term-level.
  • We also saw that template metaprogramming is used in type-level programming and datatype generic programming.

While template metaprogramming, datatype generic programming, and type-level programming all happen at different levels of abstraction and different phases of program execution, they also weave together and push each other forward.

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