Origami programming


"Recursive equations are the 'assembly language' of functional programming, and direct recursion the go-to"

 --Jeremy Gibbons, Origami Programming (The Fun of Programming), 2003

In the previous section, we wrote a generic function for the recursive types Tree and List. In this section, we look at origami programming, a style of generic programming that focuses on the core patterns of recursion: map, fold, and unfold.

Tying the recursive knot

There is a primal type that underlies recursive datatypes, known as Fix:

  data List' a = Nil'   | Cons' a (List' a)
  data Tree  a = Leaf a | Node  a (Tree a) (Tree a)

  data Fix s a = FixT {getFix :: s a (Fix s a)}

The parameter s represents the shape, while a refers to an instance of the type. The Fix datatype is named after the fixed point of a function, which is defined by:

  f (fix f) = fix f

To express Tree and List in terms of Fix, we need to rewrite them using implicit recursion:

  data List_ a r = Nil_    | Cons_ a r
    deriving (Show)
  data Tree_ a r = Leaf_ a | Node_ a r r
    deriving (Show)

Here, we replaced the explicit recursive reference with a more vague type parameter r. This allows us to express ListF and TreeF in terms of Fix:

  type ListF a = Fix List_ a
  type TreeF a = Fix Tree_ a

The List_ and Tree_ types don't explicitly recur, so Fix ties the recursive knot around the shape (refer to Datatype-Generic Programming by Gibbons). We can construct a List_ instance in a similar way:

aList1 = Cons_ 12 Nil_ 
­­-- aList :: List_ Integer (List_ a r) 
aList2 = Cons_ 12 (Cons_ 13 Nil_)  
­­-- aList2 :: List_ Integer (List_ Integer (List_ a r)) 

Although the type signatures show that this is quite different from regular lists, to construct the ListF lists, we need to wrap the FixT constructor around each nesting:

aListF :: ListF Integer -- Fix List_ Integer
aListF = FixT (Cons_ 12  
                      (FixT (Cons_ 13  
                                  (FixT Nil_))))

Generic map

We deconstructed List and Tree into the generic recursion type Fix. This means we can write generic functions against the Fix type.

To find our way toward a generic map, let's write a map function for the recursive type ListF:

mapL f listF = case list_ of
   (Cons_ x r) 
        -> FixT $ Cons_ (f x) (mapL f r)
        -> FixT Nil_
  where  list_ = getFix listF

showListF :: (Show a) => ListF a -> String
showListF (FixT (Cons_ x r)) 
  = (show x) ++ ", " ++ (showListF r)
showListF (FixT (Nil_)      
  = "Nil_"

main = putStrLn . showListF $ mapL (*2) aListF

This is clumsy because in both clauses of the case statement we have to unwrap the list (with getFix) and then wrap the result again (with FixT). The BiFunctor typeclass gives us what we need to clarify our mapL function:


"It turns out that the class Bifunctor provides sufficient flexibility to capture a wide variety of recursion patterns as datatype-generic programs."

 --Gibbons, Datatype­Generic Programming

The Bifunctor type-class is just a Functor that can have two functions applied to it instead of one (which is already defined in Data.Bifunctor):

class Bifunctor s where
  bimap :: (a -> c) -> (b -> d) -> (s a b -> s c d)

Let's make List_ and Tree_ types instances of the BiFunctor type-class:

instance Bifunctor List_ where
  bimap f g Nil_        = Nil_
  bimap f g (Cons_ x r) = Cons_ (f x) (g r)

instance Bifunctor Tree_ where
  bimap f g (Leaf_ x)       = Leaf_ (f x)
  bimap f g (Node_ x rl rr) = Node_ (f x) (g rl) (g rr)

Now, we can write a generic map:

gmap :: Bifunctor s => (a -> b) -> Fix s a -> Fix s b
gmap f = FixT . bimap f (gmap f) . getFix

main = putStrLn . showListF $ gmap (*2) aListF

Generic fold

We can also use the bimap function to implement a generic fold function :

gfold :: Bifunctor s => (s a b -> b) -> Fix s a -> b
gfold f = f . bimap id (gfold f) . getFix

Again, we unwrap the list with getFix, but this time, instead of rewrapping, we apply f. In other words, gfold replaces all occurrences of FixT with f:

-- FixT (Cons_ 12 (FixT (Cons_ 13 (FixT Nil_))))
-- f    (Cons_ 12 (f    (Cons_ 13 (f    Nil_))))

To fold together a sum, we create an adder:

addL (Cons_ x r) = x + r
addL Nil_        = 0
main = print $ gfold addL aListF

Where fold is a consumer of data structures, unfold is a producer that unfolds a structure from a single value. To unfold a regular list, we need a value and some functions:

unfoldL stopF nextF val
  = if stopF val -- stop if True
    then []
    else val : 
         (unfoldL stopF nextF (nextF val))

main = print $ unfoldL (< (-10)) (x -> x - 1) 10

We can use the bimap function to create a generic unfold:

gunfold :: Bifunctor s => (b -> s a b) -> b -> Fix s a
gunfold f = FixT . bimap id (gunfold f) . f

For example, we can use gunfold to generate a list of values from a single value:

toList 0 = Nil_
toList n = (Cons_ n (n-1))

main = putStrLn . showListF $ gunfold toList 10
--     10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Nil_

Generic unfold and fold

Composing unfold with fold makes sense because by doing so, we are connecting a producer with a consumer:

main = print $ gfold addL (gunfold toList 100)

(Refer to Gibbons' Origami programming and Datatype-generic programming, where you will find this pattern under hylomorphisms.)

The unfold and fold functions are each other's mirror images:

  gunfold f = FixT . bimap id (gunfold f) . f
  gfold f   = f    . bimap id (gfold f)   . getFix

The hylo function is their composition:

hylo f g = g . bimap id (hylo f g) . f
main = print $ hylo toList addL 100

"The beauty of all of these patterns of computation is the direct relationship between their shape and that of the data they manipulate"

"The term origami programming for this approach because of its dependence on folds and unfolds"

 --Gibbons, Datatype-Generic Programming

Origami design patterns

Jeremy Gibbons demonstrates that four Gang of Four design patterns are captured by the recursion operators of Origami Programming:

  • Composite pattern: This pattern is at the center of the origami pattern constellation. Recursive datatypes express the composite design pattern (as we discussed in Chapter 1, Functional Patterns – the Building Blocks).

    Since the recursive type Fix captures a whole class of recursive datatypes, Fix captures the composite pattern most concisely.

  • Iterator pattern: An iterator gives linear access to the parts of a composite pattern in such a way that the shape of the structure being traversed is preserved.

    In Chapter 4, Patterns of Folding and Traversing, we discussed how the iterator pattern is captured most generally by applicative traversals.

    We can construct generic applicative traversals in the origami style we have seen here, and thereby capture the iterator pattern.

  • Visitor pattern: In Chapter 1, Functional Patterns – the Building Blocks, we saw how this pattern is captured by polymorphic dispatch. More generally, the visitor pattern is concerned with structured traversal of a composite; this is precisely what fold enables.

    The generic fold function allows us to visit the elements of a Composite pattern. Visitor, like fold, does not generally preserve the shape of the data structure being visited. This is why it is said that an Iterator views a composite structure as a "container of elements", while a Visitor views the shape of a composite as insignificant.

  • Builder pattern: This pattern separates the construction of a complex object from its representation, so that the same construction process can create different representations (refer to Design Patterns by Gamma et al.).

    We can express the structured construction of data structures with unfold. The hybrid hylo function (unfold + fold) also allows for data generation. In this way the origami style captures the Builder pattern.


Refer to Jeremy Gibbons' Design Patterns as Higher-Order Datatype-Generic Programs for more information on this.

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