Associated type synonyms

As a unifying example for the next sections, we return to Chapter 6: Patterns of Generic Programming, where we created a List' type along with its type representation RList:

data List' a
  = Nil' | Cons' a (List' a)
  deriving (Show)

data U = U                 
  deriving (Show)

data Choice a b = L a | R b   
  deriving (Show)

data Combo a b = Combo a b     
  deriving (Show)

type RList a = Choice U (Combo a (List' a))

In addition to this, we defined functions fromL and toL to mediate between the type and representation:

  fromL :: List' a -> RList a
  toL   :: RList a -> List' a

We embedded this in the container type EP as follows:

data EP d r = EP {from_ :: (d -> r),
                 to_ ::  (r -> d)}

Using functional dependencies

Instead of the container type EP mentioned above, we could have used a multi-parameter type-class with functional dependencies:

-- requires
-- {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
class GenericFD d r | d -> r where
  from :: d -> r
  to   :: r -> d

instance GenericFD (List' a) (RList a) where
  from Nil'            = L U
  from (Cons' x xs)    = R (Combo x xs)
  to (L U)             = Nil'
  to (R (Combo x xs))  = (Cons' x xs)

  from :: GenericFD d r => d -> r
  from (Cons' "1" Nil') :: RList [Char]
  from (Cons' 1 Nil') :: Num a => RList a

  main = print $ from (Cons' "1" Nil')

The from function is constrained to functionally-related types d and r. The functional dependency (d -> r) tells the compiler to only accept one r for every d; for example, we can't declare an alternative target representation for (List' a):

  instance GenericFD (List' a) (AltRList a) ...

Multiparameter type-classes became more useful once there was a way to constrain the relationship between parameters (in the absence of which, type inference is not possible).

Mark Jones (2000) found the first solution to this problem in the form of Functional Dependencies, which introduced the notion of a type function (albeit implicitly, through type relations). Type functions, in turn, unleashed a wave of type­level programming in the Haskell community.

In 2005, five years after the introduction of functional dependencies, associated type synonyms were introduced as an alternative way to specify a relationship between multiple type-class parameters as explicit type functions.

Let's rewrite our Generic type-class using associated types.

Associated type synonyms

The key observation that leads us from functional dependencies to associated type synonyms is that the (GenericFD d r) type-class doesn't really have two parameters, but rather one parameter d, which uniquely determines the other parameter r:

-- {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
class GenericA d where
  type Rep d :: *
  fromA :: d        -> (Rep d)
  toA   :: (Rep d)  -> d

Rep is a type function (or “type family”, or “associated type”). In contrast to functional dependencies, associated type synonyms make the type function explicit.

The generic functions fromA and toA are indexed against types that are themselves indexed by types! In this way, associated type synonyms extend type-classes by allowing for type-indexed behavior.

The type-class instance needs to specify a value for the type function Rep, that is, the instance mixes type functions with type-class functions.

instance GenericA (List' a) where
  type Rep (List' a) = (RList a)
  -- Rep type params must match the class params
 fromA Nil'             = L U
 fromA (Cons' x xs)     = R (Combo x xs)
 toA (L U)                = Nil'
 toA (R (Combo x xs)) = (Cons' x xs)

main = print $ fromA (Cons' 1 Nil')

This is precisely how generics are implemented in the GHC ( Moreover, GHC.Generics provides automatic instance generation with deriving Generic.

Associated types versus functional dependencies

It turns out that associated types and functional dependencies have similar expressive power. Having said that, associated types have some clear benefits:

  • Associated types provide explicit type functions contrary to the implicit relations of functional dependencies
  • Type functions allow us to reduce the number of type parameters for a typeclass
  • Type functions are more idiomatically functional than relational-style functional dependencies
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