Kind polymorphism

Type families gives us functions at the type-level (through type functions). Analogously, the Polykinds language extension gives us polymorphism at the type-level.

Kind polymorphism (Giving Haskell a Promotion, by Yorgey et al in 2012) allows us to describe more generic data and functions. For example, when designing a type-class, the need may arise to cater for various kind-orders. Consider the multiple Typeable classes for multiple arities as an example:

class Typeable (a :: * ) where
  typeOf :: a -> TypeRep

class Typeable1 (a :: * -> *) where
  typeOf1 :: forall b. a b -> TypeRep

The same goes for the Generic type-class we encountered earlier: we need to define different type-classes for different kind arities.

To explore kind polymorphism, we'll work with a trivialized version of Typeable, where the typeOf function simply returns a string instead of a TypeRep:

class T0 a where
  f0 :: a -> String

instance T0 Int where
  f0 _ = "T0 Int"

instance T0 Char where
  f0 _ = "T0 Char"

The function f0 gives us the type as a string for each Int or Char value:

-- f0 (10::Int)
--   "T0 Int"
-- f0 'x'
--   "T0 Char"

We can involve higher-kinded types as instances, such as Maybe:

  instance T0 (Maybe a) where
    f0 _  = "T0 Maybe a"

However, we have to specify parameter a for Maybe :: * -> * to match the required kind * of T0. We cannot define instance T0 Maybe, for that we need to create another type-class to deal with the higher-kinded case:

class T1 m where -- m :: * -> *
  f1 :: Show a => m a -> String

instance T1 Maybe where
  f1 _ = "T1 Maybe"

The type­class T1 can deal with the higher­-kinded case but not the monomorphic case:

-- f1 (Just 10)
--   "T1 Maybe"

-- but not
--  instance T1 Int where
--    f1 _ = "T1 Int"

Polymorphic kinds allow us to unify these type-classes into one.

The PolyKinds language extension

A kind-polymorphic type-class looks quite normal at first glance:

-- {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
class T a where -- (a::k)
  f :: Proxy a -> String

Type a has kind parameter k. With the PolyKinds language extension, k is polymorphic by default, that is, k can take several forms (of kind signatures):

  class T a where
  -- (a::k)

  -- *
  -- * -> *
  -- * -> * -> *

The parameter k is a polymorphic placeholder for many possible kind arities.

The Proxy type is a kind-polymorphic phantom-type:

  data Proxy a = Proxy -– (a::k)
    deriving Show

The type parameter a has polymorphic kind, for example:

  (Proxy Int)    -- Proxy :: *        -> *
  (Proxy Maybe)  -- Proxy :: (* -> *) -> *

Proxy is used to generalize the kind of the function argument, for example:

  f :: T a => Proxy a -> String -- types
  --    k  =>   k     -> *      -- kinds  

The first argument of f can take a type with any kind-order (arity). Note that the type a in Proxy a is constrained by the type-class T a, which is also kind polymorphic in the type a.

If we interrogate the kinds before and after the PolyKinds language extension (for example, ghci> :k f gives the kind signature of f), we can see how the kind signatures are generalized by PolyKinds:

  -- kind signatures: before and after PolyKinds

  -- before
  f  :: *              -> *
  -- after
  f  :: forall k. k    -> *

  -- before
  Proxy :: *           -> *
  -- after
  Proxy :: forall k. k -> *

Note how the first argument of f is kind-polymorphic (thanks to the kind-polymorphic phantom type Proxy).

The forall keyword makes an appearance on the type-level in a way similar to how it is used with RankN types to describe nested function polymorphism. We can verify that the type parameter has polymorphic kind:

  instance T Int where -- Int :: *
    f _ = "T Int"

  instance T Maybe where -- Maybe :: * -> *
    f _  = "T Maybe"

  -- f (Proxy :: Proxy Maybe) -- "T Maybe"
  -- f (Proxy :: Proxy Int)   -- "T Int"

The particular type of Proxy we pass to f determines the type-class at which the function will be invoked. In this example, kind-polymorphism appears in three different guises:

  • T is a kind-polymorphic type-class
  • The Proxy datatype is kind-polymorphic (it takes types of any kind-order and returns a * kind)
  • The Proxy data-constructor is a kind-polymorphic function

Regular polymorphism over functions and types increases the opportunities for abstraction. The same is true for kind polymorphism at the type level.

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