Available resource limits

The following table enumerates the available resource limits on a typical Linux system (alphabetically ordered by the ulimit option switch column):

Resource limit ulimit option
Default value Unit
max core file size -c unlimited KB
max data segment size -d unlimited KB
max scheduling priority (nice) -e 0 Unscaled
max file size -f unlimited KB
max (real-time) pending signals -i <varies> Unscaled
max locked memory -l <varies> KB
max memory size -m unlimited KB
max open files -n 1024 Unscaled
max pipe size -p 8 512-byte increments
max POSIX message queues -q <varies> Unscaled
max real-time scheduling priority -r 0 Unscaled
max stack segment size -s 8192 KB
max CPU time -t unlimited Seconds
max user processes -u <varies> Unscaled
address space limit or max virtual memory -v unlimited KB
max file locks held -x unlimited Unscaled


There are a few points to note:

  • At a glance, some of the resource limit meanings are quite obvious; several may not be. Most of them are not explained here, some of them will be touched upon in subsequent chapters.
  • The second column is the option switch to pass to ulimit to display the current value for the particular resource limit in that row; for example, ulimit -s to print out the current value of the stack size resource limit (unit: KB).
  • The third column is Default value. This, of course, could vary across Linux platforms. In particular, enterprise-class servers may tune their default values to be much higher than, say, an embedded Linux system. Also, quite often the default value is a calculation (based on, say, amount of RAM installed on the box); hence, the entry <varies> in some cases. Also, as mentioned earlier, unlimited does not mean infiniteit implies that no artificial upper limit has been enforced.
  • Regarding the fourth column, Unit, the (bash(1)) man page (source: https://linux.die.net/man/1/bash) states the following:
[...] If limit is given, it is the new value of the specified resource (the -a option is display only). If no option is given, then -f is assumed. Values are in 1024-byte increments, except for -t, which is in seconds, -p, which is in units of 512-byte blocks, and -T, -b, -n, and -u, which are unscaled values. The return status is 0 unless an invalid option or argument is supplied, or an error occurs while setting a new limit. [...]
Also, unscaled implies it's just a number.

One can display all resource limits via the -a option switch; we leave it to you to try out the ulimit -a command.

Note that ulimit -a orders the resource limits alphabetically by option switch, just as we did in the table.

Also, it's really important to understand that these resource limits are with respect to a single processthe shell process (Bash)that invoked the ulimit command.

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