Locking concepts

There are several forms of synchronization in software; one of the commonly encountered ones, and indeed one that we shall be working with quite a bit, is callelocking. A lock, in programming terms, and as seen by the application developer, is ultimately a data structure instantiated as a variable.

When one requires a critical section, just encapsulate the code of the critical section between a lock and a corresponding unlock operation. (For now, don't worry about the code-level API details; we shall cover that later. Here, we are just focusing on getting the concepts right.)

Let's represent the critical section, along with the synchronization mechanism—a lock— using a diagram (a superset of the preceding Figure 3):

Fig 5: Critical section with locking

The basic premise of a lock is as follows:

  • Only one thread can hold or own a lock at any given point in time; that thread is the owner of the lock.
  • Upon the unlock, when more than one thread attempts to get or take the lock, the kernel will guarantee that exactly one thread will get the lock.
  • The thread that gets the lock is called the winner (or the lock owner); the threads that tried for but did not get the lock are called the losers.

So, visualize this: say that we have three threads, A, B, and C, running in parallel on different CPU cores, all attempting to take a lock. The guarantee of the lock is that exactly one thread gets it—let's say that thread C  wins, taking the lock (thus thread C is the winner or owner of the lock); threads A and B are the losers. What happens after that?

  • The winner thread sees the lock operation as a non-blocking call; it continues into the critical section (probably working on some shared writable resource, such as global data).
  • The loser threads see the lock operation as a blocking call; they now block (wait), but on what exactly? (Recall that a blocking call is one in which we wait upon an event occurring and get unblocked once it occurs.) Well, the unlock operation, of course!
  • The winner thread, upon (atomically) completing the critical section, performs the unlock operation.
  • Either thread A or B will now get the lock, and the whole sequence repeats.

In a more generic manner, we can now understand it as: if N threads are in competition for a lock, the guarantee of the lock operation (by the OS) is that exactly one thread—the winner—will get the lock. So, we shall have one winner and N-1 losers. The winner thread proceeds into the code of the critical section; in the interim, all the N-1 loser threads wait (block) upon the unlock operation. At some point in the future (hopefully soon), the winner performs the unlock; this re-triggers the whole sequence again: the N-1 losers again compete for the lock; we shall have one winner and N-2 losers; the winner thread proceeds into the code of the critical section. In the interim, all the N-2 loser threads wait (block) upon the unlock operation and so on, until all the loser threads have become winners and have hence run the code of the critical section.

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