Virtual memory

Unfortunately, the term virtual memory (VM) is often misunderstood or hazily understood, at best, by a large proportion of engineers. In this section, we attempt to clarify what this term and its associated terminologies (such as memory pyramid, addressing, and paging) really mean; it's important for developers to clearly understand this key area.

First, what is a process?

A process is an instance of a program in execution.
A program is a binary executable file: a dead, disk object. For example, take the cat program:
$ ls -l /bin/cat
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 36784 Nov 10 23:26 /bin/cat
When we run cat it becomes a live runtime schedulable entity, which, in the Unix universe, we call a process.

In order to understand deeper concepts clearly, we start with a small, simple, and fictional machine. Imagine it has a microprocessor with 16 address lines. Thus, it's easy to see, it will have access to a total potential memory space (or address space) of 216 = 65,536 bytes = 64 KB:

Fig 4: Virtual memory of 64 KB

But what if the physical memory (RAM) on the machine is a lot less, say, 32 KB?
Clearly, the preceding diagram depicts virtual memory, not physical.
Meanwhile, physical memory (RAM) looks as follows:

Fig 5: Physical memory of 32 KB

Still, the promise made by the system to every process alive: every single process will have available to it the entire virtual address space, that is, 64 KB. Sounds absurd, right? Yes, until one realizes that memory is more than just RAM; in fact, memory is viewed as a hierarchy  what's commonly referred to as the memory pyramid:

Fig 6: The Memory pyramid

As with life, everything's a trade-off. Toward the apex of the pyramid, we gain in Speed at the cost of size; toward the bottom of the pyramid, it's inverted: Size at the cost of speed. One could also consider CPU registers to be at the very apex of the pyramid; as its size is almost insignificant, it has not been shown.

Swap is a filesystem type  a raw disk partition is formatted as swap upon system installation. It's treated as second-level RAM by the OS. When the OS runs out of RAM, it uses swap. As a rough heuristic, system administrators sometimes configure the size of the swap partition to be twice that of available RAM.

To help quantify this, according to Computer Architecture, A Quantitative Approach, 5th Ed, by Hennessy & Patterson, fairly typical numbers follow:

Type CPU registers CPU caches RAM Swap/storage
L1 L2 L3
Server 1000 bytes 64 KB 256 KB 2 - 4 MB 4 - 16 GB 4 - 16 TB
300 ps 1 ns 3 - 10 ns 10 - 20 ns 50 - 100 ns 5 - 10 ms
Embedded 500 bytes 64 KB 256 KB - 256 - 512 MB 4 - 8 GB Flash
500 ps 2 ns 10 - 20 ns - 50 - 100 ns 25 - 50 us
Table 2: Memory hierarchy numbers
Many (if not most) embedded Linux systems do not support a swap partition; the reason is straightforward: embedded systems mostly use flash memory as the secondary storage medium (not a traditional SCSI disk as do laptops, desktops, and servers). Writing to a flash chip wears it out (it has limited erase-write cycles); hence, embedded-system designers would rather sacrifice swap and just use RAM. (Please note that the embedded system can still be VM-based, which is the usual case with Linux and Win-CE, for example).

The OS will do its best to keep the working set of pages as high up the pyramid as is possible, optimizing performance.

It's important for the reader to note that, in the sections that follow, while this book attempts to explain some of the inner workings of advanced topics such as VM and addressing (paging), we quite deliberately do not paint a complete, realistic, real-world view.

The reason is straightforward: the deep and gory technical details are well beyond the scope of this book. So, the reader should keep in mind that several of the following areas are explained in concept and not in actuality. The Further reading section provides references for readers who are interested in going deeper into these matters. Refer it on the GitHub repository.
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