What does that mean?

The English word monolith literally means a large single upright block of stone:

Figure 5: Corinthian columns  they're monolithic! 

On the Linux OS, applications run as independent entities called processes. A process may be single-threaded (original Unix) or multithreaded. Regardless, for now, we will consider the process as the unit of execution on Linux; a process is defined as an instance of a program in execution.

When a user-space process issues a library call, the library API, in turn, may or may not issue a system call. For example, issuing the atoi(3) API does not cause glibc to issue a system call as it does not require kernel support to implement the conversion of a string into an integer. <api-name>(n) ; n is the man page section. 

To help clarify these important concepts, let's check out the famous and classic K&R Hello, World C program again:

#include <stdio.h>
printf(“hello, world ”);

Okay, that should work. Indeed it does.
But, the question is, how exactly does the printf(3) API write to the monitor device?

The short answer: it does not.
The reality is that printf(3) only has the intelligence to format a string as specified; that's it. Once done, printf actually invokes the write(2) API – a system call. The write system call does have the ability to write the buffer content to a special device file – the monitor device, seen by write as stdout. Go back to our discussion regarding The Unix philosophy in a nutshell : if it's not a process, it's a file! Of course, it gets really complex under the hood in the kernel; to cut a long story short, the kernel code of write ultimately switches to the correct driver code; the device driver is the only component that can directly work with peripheral hardware. It performs the actual write to the monitor, and return values propagate all the way back to the application.

In the following diagram, P is the hello, world process at runtime:

Fig 6: Code flow: printf-to-kernel

Also, from the diagram, we can see that glibc is considered to consist of two parts:

  • Arch-independent glibc: The regular libc APIs (such as [s|sn|v]printf, memcpy, memcmp, atoi)
  • Arch-dependent glibc: The system call stubs
Here, by arch, we mean CPU.
Also the ellipses (...) represent additional logic and processing within kernel-space that we do not show or delve into here.

Now that the code flow path of hello, world is clearer, let's get back to the monolithic stuff!

It's easy to assume that it works this way:

  1. The hello, world app (process) issues the printf(3) library call.
  2. printf issues the write(2) system call.
  3. We switch from User to Supervisor (kernel) Mode.
  4. The kernel takes over – it writes hello, world onto the monitor.
  5. Switch back to non-privileged User Mode.

Actually, that's NOT the case.

The reality is, in the monolithic design, there is no kernel; to word it another way, the kernel is actually part of the process itself. It works as follows:

  1. The hello, world app (process) issues the printf(3) library call.
  2. printf issues the write(2) system call.
  3. The process invoking the system call now switches from User to Supervisor (kernel) Mode.
  4. The process runs the underlying kernel code, the underlying device driver code, and thus, writes hello, world onto the monitor!
  5. The process is then switched back to non-privileged User Mode.

To summarize, in a monolithic kernel, when a process (or thread) issues a system call, it switches to privileged Supervisor or kernel mode and runs the kernel code of the system call (working on kernel data). When done, it switches back to unprivileged User mode and continues executing userspace code (working on user data).

This is very important to understand:

Fig 7: Life of a process in terms of privilege modes

The preceding diagram attempts to illustrate that the X axis is the timeline, and the Y axis represents User Mode (at the top) and Supervisor (kernel) Mode (at the bottom):

  • time t0: A process is born in kernel mode (the code to create a process is within the kernel of course). Once fully born, it is switched to User (non-privileged) Mode and it runs its userspace code (working on its userspace data items as well).
  • time t1: The process, directly or indirectly (perhaps via a library API), invokes a system call. It now traps into kernel mode (refer the table System Calls on CPU Architectures shows the machine instructions depending on the CPU to do so) and executes kernel code in privileged Supervisor Mode (working on kernel data items as well).
  • time t2: The system call is done; the process switches back to non-privileged User Mode and continues to execute its userspace code. This process continues, until some point in the future.
  • time tn: The process dies, either deliberately by invoking the exit API, or it is killed by a signal. It now switches back to Supervisor Mode (as the exit(3) library API invokes the _exit(2) system call), executes the kernel code of _exit(), and terminates.

In fact, most modern operating systems are monolithic (especially the Unix-like ones).

Technically, Linux is not considered 100 percent monolithic. It's considered to be mostly monolithic, but also modular, due to the fact that the Linux kernel supports modularization (the plugging in and out of kernel code and data, via a technology called Loadable Kernel Modules (LKMs)).
Interestingly, MS Windows (specifically, from the NT kernel onward) follows a hybrid architecture that is both monolithic and microkernel.
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