One tool to do one task

In the Unix design, one tries to avoid creating a Swiss Army knife; instead, one creates a tool for a very specific, designated purpose and for that one purpose only. No ifs, no buts; no cruft, no clutter. This is design simplicity at its best.

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."
- Leonardo da Vinci

Take a common example: when working on the Linux CLI (command-line interface), you would like to figure out which of your locally mounted filesystems has the most available (disk) space.

We can get the list of locally mounted filesystems by an appropriate switch (just df would do as well):

$ df --local
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
rootfs 20640636 1155492 18436728 6% /
udev 10240 0 10240 0% /dev
tmpfs 51444 160 51284 1% /run
tmpfs 5120 0 5120 0% /run/lock
tmpfs 102880 0 102880 0% /run/shm

To sort the output, one would need to first save it to a file; one could use a temporary file for this purpose, tmp, and then sort it, using the sort utility, of course. Finally, we delete the offending temporary file. (Yes, there's a better way, piping; refer to the, Combine tools seamlessly section)

Note that the available space is the fourth column, so we sort accordingly:

$ df --local > tmp
$ sort -k4nr tmp
rootfs 20640636 1155484 18436736 6% /
tmpfs 102880 0 102880 0% /run/shm
tmpfs 51444 160 51284 1% /run
udev 10240 0 10240 0% /dev
tmpfs 5120 0 5120 0% /run/lock
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on

Whoops! The output includes the heading line. Let's first use the versatile sed utility  a powerful non-interactive editor tool  to eliminate the first line, the header, from the output of df:

$ df --local > tmp
$ sed --in-place '1d' tmp
$ sort -k4nr tmp
rootfs 20640636 1155484 18436736 6% /
tmpfs 102880 0 102880 0% /run/shm
tmpfs 51444 160 51284 1% /run
udev 10240 0 10240 0% /dev
tmpfs 5120 0 5120 0% /run/lock
$ rm -f tmp

So what? The point is, on Unix, there is no one utility to list mounted filesystems and sort them by available space simultaneously. 

Instead, there is a utility to list mounted filesystems: df. It does a great job of it, with option switches to choose from. (How does one know which options? Learn to use the man pages, they're extremely useful.)

There is a utility to sort text: sort. Again, it's the last word in sorting text, with plenty of option switches to choose from for pretty much every conceivable sort one might require.

The Linux man pages: man is short for manual; on a Terminal window, type man man to get help on using man. Notice the manual is divided into 9 sections. For example, to get the manual page on the stat system call, type man 2 stat as all system calls are in section 2 of the manual. The convention used is cmd or API; thus, we refer to it as stat(2).

As expected, we obtain the results. So what exactly is the point? It's this: we used three utilities, not one. df , to list the mounted filesystems (and their related metadata), sed, to eliminate the header line, and sort, to sort whatever input its given (in any conceivable manner).

df can query and list mounted filesystems, but it cannot sort them. sort can sort text; it cannot list mounted filesystems.

Think about that for a moment.

Combine them all, and you get more than the sum of its parts! Unix tools typically do one task and they do it to its logical conclusion; no one does it better!

Having said this, I would like to point out  a tiny bit sheepishly  the highly renowned tool Busybox. Busybox ( is billed as The Swiss Army Knife of Embedded Linux. It is indeed a very versatile tool; it has its place in the embedded Linux ecosystem  precisely because it would be too expensive on an embedded box to have separate binary executables for each and every utility (and it would consume more RAM). Busybox solves this problem by having a single binary executable (along with symbolic links to it from each of its applets, such as ls, ps, df, and sort).
So, nevertheless, besides the embedded scenario and all the resource limitations it implies, do follow the One tool to do one task rule!
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