

3D graphics, Getting the Context
? (question mark), in attributes, Geolocation’s Position Object
@-rules, Implementing @font-face


a element, Block Elements Inside Links, Validating HTML5 Documents
audio/video, Accessible Media, Accessible Media
canvas API and, Accessibility Concerns, Accessibility Concerns
hovering and, Pseudo-classes
nav element and, The nav Element, The nav Element
required attribute and, The required Attribute
WAI-ARIA, WAI-ARIA, Further Reading
Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) (see WAI-ARIA)
action attribute, The form Element
:active pseudo-class, Pseudo-classes
addColorStop method, Variations on fillStyle , Variations on fillStyle
addEventListener method, Introducing the Media Elements API, Introducing the Media Elements API, Playing and Pausing the Video, Playing and Pausing the Video
adjacent sibling selector, Relational Selectors
::after pseudo-element, Generated Content
alpha value, RGBA
animate method, Rotating a Spinner with Raphaël
animation property, The Shorthand animation Property, The Shorthand animation Property
animation-delay property, animation-delay , animation-delay
animation-direction property, animation-direction , animation-direction
animation-duration property, animation-duration , animation-duration
animation-fill-mode property, animation-fill-mode , animation-fill-mode
animation-iteration-count property, animation-iteration-count , animation-iteration-count
animation-name property, animation-name , animation-name
animation-play-state property, animation-play-state , animation-play-state
animation-timing-function property, animation-timing-function , animation-timing-function
animations, Transitions, Accepting Dropped Elements
(see also Drag and Drop API)
(see also transitions)
about, Animations, Animations
browser support, Animations
keyframes, Keyframes, Keyframes
multiple, The Shorthand animation Property
properties for, Animation Properties, animation-play-state
properties shorthand, The Shorthand animation Property, The Shorthand animation Property
anonymous functions, Variations on fillStyle , Variations on fillStyle
APIs (Application Programming Interface), Why should I care about HTML5?
about, What is HTML5?, What is HTML5?
for database interaction, Web SQL and IndexedDB, Web SQL and IndexedDB
for dragging/dropping (see Drag and Drop API)
for drawing (see Canvas API)
for geolocation (see geolocation API)
for graphics (see SVG)
for offline site access (see offline site access)
for running scripts in background, Web Workers, Web Workers
for two-way communication, Web Sockets, Web Sockets
for video (see video API)
for web storage (see web storage)
application cache, How It Works: the HTML5 Application Cache, How It Works: the HTML5 Application Cache
arc method, Drawing Other Shapes by Creating Paths, Drawing Other Shapes by Creating Paths
article element, The article Element, The article Element, Structuring The HTML5 Herald , Structuring The HTML5 Herald
aside element, The aside Element, The aside Element, Structuring The HTML5 Herald , Structuring The HTML5 Herald
async attribute, The async Attribute for Scripts, The async Attribute for Scripts
at-rules, Implementing @font-face
attribute selectors, Attribute Selectors, Attribute Selectors
attribute values, What about other XHTML-based syntax customs?, Validating HTML5 Documents
browser support, The Current State of Play, The Current State of Play, What combinations work in current browsers?, What combinations work in current browsers?, What about audio?
captions, Accessible Media, Accessible Media
controls, What about audio?, What about audio?
muting, The audio Attribute, The audio Attribute
audio attribute, The audio Attribute, The audio Attribute
audio codecs, Audio Codecs, Audio Codecs
audio element, What about audio?
autocomplete attribute, The autocomplete Attribute, The autocomplete Attribute, The form Element
autofocus attribute, The autofocus Attribute
autoplay attribute, The autoplay Attribute, The autoplay Attribute, What about audio?


b element, Bold Text, Bold Text
background images, Multiple Background Images
(see also gradients)
multiple, Multiple Background Images, Multiple Background Images
sizing, Background Size, Background Size
background property, Multiple Background Images
background-color property, Multiple Background Images
background-image property, Multiple Background Images
background-size property, Background Size, Background Size
backwards selectors, Relational Selectors
::before pseudo-element, Generated Content
big element, Big and Small Text, Big and Small Text
block elements, A New Perspective on Types of Content, Block Elements Inside Links, Block Elements Inside Links, Validating HTML5 Documents, Getting Older Browsers on Board, Getting Older Browsers on Board, Translation
blur distance, Drop Shadows
bold text, Bold Text, Bold Text
Boolean attributes, What about other XHTML-based syntax customs?
border-radius property, Rounded Corners: border-radius , Rounded Corners: border-radius
box-shadow property, Drop Shadows, Inset and Multiple Shadows
basic, Putting It into Practice, Putting It into Practice
rounding corners, Rounded Corners: border-radius , Rounded Corners: border-radius
shadows, Drop Shadows, Drop Shadows
breaks, column, Column Breaks, Column Breaks
browser cache, How It Works: the HTML5 Application Cache, How It Works: the HTML5 Application Cache
browser support
about, The Varied Browser Market, The Varied Browser Market
for 3D graphics, Getting the Context
for animations, Animations
for audio, The Current State of Play, The Current State of Play, What combinations work in current browsers?, What combinations work in current browsers?, What about audio?
for background sizing, Background Size, Background Size
for canvas API, Canvas
character encoding and, The head Element
for columns, CSS3 Multicolumn Layouts, The columns Shorthand Property, Column Breaks, Spanning Columns, Spanning Columns, Progressive Enhancement, Progressive Enhancement
for debugging, Creating Various Font File Types: Font Squirrel, Creating Various Font File Types: Font Squirrel
for Drag and Drop API, Drag and Drop, Drag and Drop
for File API, Drag and Drop
for fonts, Declaring Font Sources, Declaring Font Sources, Creating Various Font File Types: Font Squirrel
for geolocation, Geolocation, Privacy Concerns
graceful degradation, transition-duration
for gradients, CSS3 Gradients and Multiple Backgrounds , Linear Gradients, Linear Gradients, The W3C Syntax, The Old WebKit Syntax
for HTML5, Why do these changes still work in older browsers?, Why do these changes still work in older browsers?, Getting Older Browsers on Board, Getting Older Browsers on Board
for image manipulation, Security Errors with getImageData , Security Errors with getImageData
for media queries, Browser Support
for obsolete elements, The Word “Deprecated” is Deprecated
for offline API, Offline Web Applications, Offline Web Applications
for pseudo-classes, Pseudo-classes, Pseudo-classes, Structural Pseudo-classes
for required fields, The required Attribute
for rounded corners, Rounded Corners: border-radius
for shadows, Drop Shadows, Drop Shadows, Inset and Multiple Shadows, Inset and Multiple Shadows, Text Shadow
for transforms, Transforms, Translation, Changing the Origin of the Transform, Support for Internet Explorer 8 and Earlier, Support for Internet Explorer 8 and Earlier
for unrecognized elements, Leveling the Playing Field, Leveling the Playing Field
for video, The Current State of Play, The Current State of Play, What combinations work in current browsers?, What combinations work in current browsers?, What about Internet Explorer 6–8?, What about Internet Explorer 6–8?
for WAI-ARIA, The Current State of WAI-ARIA, The Current State of WAI-ARIA
for Web Sockets API, Web Sockets, Web Sockets
for Web SQL, Web SQL and IndexedDB, Web SQL and IndexedDB
for web storage, Web Storage, Web Storage, Local Storage
for Web Workers API, Web Workers, Web Workers
buffered attribute, Attributes
button input, The required Attribute


cache, refreshing, Refreshing the Cache, Caching the Cache
cache.manifest file, The cache.manifest File, The cache.manifest File, Pointing Your HTML to the Manifest File, Caching the Cache, Caching the Cache
calculations, displaying, The output Element
calendar control, Dates and Times
callbacks, Retrieving the Current Position
canplay event, Events
canplaythrough event, Introducing the Media Elements API
canvas API
2D vs 3D, Getting the Context, Getting the Context
about, Canvas, A Bit of Canvas History
accessibility issues, Accessibility Concerns, Accessibility Concerns
browser support for, Canvas
clearing canvas, Displaying Text on the Canvas
color, Filling Our Brush with Color, Filling Our Brush with Color
color to grayscale, Converting an Image from Color to Black and White, Converting an Image from Color to Black and White, Manipulating Video with Canvas, Manipulating Video with Canvas
coordinate system, The Canvas Coordinate System, The Canvas Coordinate System
creating elements, Creating a canvas Element, Creating a canvas Element
displaying text, Displaying Text on the Canvas, Displaying Text on the Canvas
drawing an image, Drawing an Image to the Canvas, Drawing an Image to the Canvas
drawing circles, Drawing Other Shapes by Creating Paths, Drawing Other Shapes by Creating Paths
drawing complex shapes, Drawing Other Shapes by Creating Paths
drawing on canvas, Drawing on the Canvas, Drawing on the Canvas
drawing rectangles, Drawing a Rectangle to the Canvas, Drawing a Rectangle to the Canvas
gradients, Variations on fillStyle , Variations on fillStyle
manipulating an image, Manipulating Images, Manipulating Images
pattern fills, Variations on fillStyle , Variations on fillStyle
resources, Further Reading
saving drawings, Saving Canvas Drawings, Saving Canvas Drawings
security issues, Security Errors with getImageData , Security Errors with getImageData
setting context, Getting the Context, Getting the Context
SVG vs, Canvas versus SVG, Canvas versus SVG
canvas element, Creating a canvas Element, Creating a canvas Element
CanvasGradient object, Filling Our Brush with Color, Variations on fillStyle
CanvasPattern object, Filling Our Brush with Color, Variations on fillStyle
CanvasRenderingContext2D object, Getting the Context, Getting the Context
captions, Accessible Media, Accessible Media
case, upper vs lower, What about other XHTML-based syntax customs?, Validating HTML5 Documents
character encoding, The head Element, The head Element, Why do these changes still work in older browsers?
:checked pseudo-class, Pseudo-classes
child elements, selecting, Structural Pseudo-classes, Structural Pseudo-classes
child selector, Relational Selectors
Chrome, Introducing HTML5 and CSS3
(see also browser support)
geolocation prompt, Privacy Concerns, Privacy Concerns
local storage viewing/changing, Viewing Our Web Storage Values with the Web Inspector, Viewing Our Web Storage Values with the Web Inspector
circle element, Drawing in SVG
cite element, A cite for Sore Eyes, A cite for Sore Eyes
clear input, Search
clear method, Removing Items and Clearing Data
clearPosition , Geolocation Methods
closePath method, Drawing Other Shapes by Creating Paths
closing tags, Shouldn’t all tags be closed?, Shouldn’t all tags be closed?, What about other XHTML-based syntax customs?, Validating HTML5 Documents
codecs, Video Codecs, Audio Codecs
collapsible text, The details Element, The details Element
converting to grayscale, Converting an Image from Color to Black and White, Converting an Image from Color to Black and White
fills, Filling Our Brush with Color, Filling Our Brush with Color
grayscale conversion, SVG Filters, SVG Filters
HSL notation, HSL and HSLA, HSL and HSLA
opacity property, Opacity, Opacity
pre-CSS3, CSS3 Colors, CSS3 Colors
RGBA notation, RGBA, RGBA
for shadows, Drop Shadows
transparency, Filling Our Brush with Color, Displaying Text on the Canvas
color input, The required Attribute, Colors, Colors
color picker, Colors
color stops, The W3C Syntax, The Old WebKit Syntax, The Old WebKit Syntax, Linear Gradients with SVG, Variations on fillStyle , Variations on fillStyle
color-stop function, The Old WebKit Syntax
column-count property, The column-count Property, The column-count Property
column-fill property, Columns and the height Property
column-gap property, The column-gap Property, The column-gap Property
column-rule property, The column-rule Property, The column-rule Property
column-span property, Spanning Columns, Spanning Columns
column-width property, The column-width Property, The column-width Property
Columnizer, Progressive Enhancement
about, CSS3 Multicolumn Layouts, CSS3 Multicolumn Layouts
borders on, The column-rule Property, The column-rule Property
breaking, Column Breaks, Column Breaks
browser support, CSS3 Multicolumn Layouts, The columns Shorthand Property, Column Breaks, Spanning Columns, Spanning Columns, Progressive Enhancement, Progressive Enhancement
gaps between, The column-gap Property, The column-gap Property
height of, Columns and the height Property, Columns and the height Property
hyphenation in, Other Considerations, Other Considerations
shorthand, The columns Shorthand Property, The columns Shorthand Property
spanning, Spanning Columns, Spanning Columns
specifying number, The column-count Property, The column-count Property
width of, The column-width Property, The column-width Property
columns property, The columns Shorthand Property, The columns Shorthand Property
compatibility mode, Declaring Font Sources, Declaring Font Sources
content, semantic types, A New Perspective on Types of Content, A New Perspective on Types of Content
content-type, setting, MIME Types, MIME Types, Setting the Content Type on Your Server, Setting the Content Type on Your Server
context menu, Playing and Pausing the Video, Playing and Pausing the Video
context object, Getting the Context
context, 2D or 3D, Getting the Context, Getting the Context
controls attribute, Enabling Native Controls, Enabling Native Controls, What about audio?
cookies, Local Storage
geolocation API, Geolocation’s Position Object, Geolocation’s Position Object
in canvas, The Canvas Coordinate System, The Canvas Coordinate System
latitude/longitude, Grabbing the Latitude and Longitude, Grabbing the Latitude and Longitude
asymmetrical, Rounded Corners: border-radius
rounding, Rounded Corners: border-radius , Rounded Corners: border-radius
createLinearGradient method, Variations on fillStyle
createPattern method, Variations on fillStyle , Variations on fillStyle
createRadialGradient method, Variations on fillStyle
about, What is CSS3?, Why should I care about CSS3?
Modernizr and, Using Modernizr with CSS, Using Modernizr with CSS
older browsers and, Why do these changes still work in older browsers?, Getting Older Browsers on Board, Getting Older Browsers on Board
CSS3 Sandbox, Tools of the Trade
CSS3, Please, Tools of the Trade
cubic-bezier function, transition-timing-function
currentSrc attribute, Attributes
currentTime property, Responding When the Video Ends Playback, Updating the Time as the Video Plays


database APIs, Web SQL and IndexedDB, Web SQL and IndexedDB
datalist element, The datalist Element and the list Attribute, The datalist Element and the list Attribute
DataTransfer Object, The DataTransfer Object, The DataTransfer Object
date and time inputs, Dates and Times, Dates and Times
dates, dynamic, Dates and Times, Dates and Times
dates, encoding (see time element)
datetime attribute, The time Element, The time Element
datetime input, Dates and Times
datetime-local input, Dates and Times
debugging tools, Testing If the Application Cache Is Storing Your Site, Testing If the Application Cache Is Storing Your Site
:default pseudo-class, Pseudo-classes
defer attribute, The async Attribute for Scripts, The async Attribute for Scripts
definition lists, Description (not Definition) Lists, Description (not Definition) Lists
deprecated, vs. obsolete, The Word “Deprecated” is Deprecated, The Word “Deprecated” is Deprecated
descendant selector, Relational Selectors
description lists, Description (not Definition) Lists, Description (not Definition) Lists
details element, The details Element, The details Element
determineLocation method, Are we online?
dialogue, encoding, Description (not Definition) Lists, Description (not Definition) Lists
disabled attribute, The disabled Attribute, The disabled Attribute
:disabled pseudo-class, Pseudo-classes
:disabled pseudo-class, The disabled Attribute
displayOnMap function, Retrieving the Current Position, Grabbing the Latitude and Longitude
div element, The header Element, The section Element, Structuring The HTML5 Herald
dl element, Description (not Definition) Lists, Description (not Definition) Lists
doctype, The Doctype, The Doctype, Why do these changes still work in older browsers?, Why do these changes still work in older browsers?
document outline, The Document Outline, The Document Outline, The hgroup Element, The hgroup Element
document ready check, Loading a Map
double colon, Pseudo-elements and Generated Content
DPI, Background Size, Background Size
Drag and Drop API
about, Drag and Drop, Drag and Drop
browser support, Drag and Drop, Drag and Drop
dropping objects, Accepting Dropped Elements, Accepting Dropped Elements
getting/setting data, The DataTransfer Object, The DataTransfer Object
making draggable, Making Elements Draggable, Making Elements Draggable
resources, Further Reading, Further Reading
draggable attribute, Making Elements Draggable, Making Elements Draggable
dragover event, Accepting Dropped Elements
draw method, Drawing on the Canvas, Drawing on the Canvas
drawImage method, Drawing an Image to the Canvas
drawOneFrame functio, Manipulating Video with Canvas
drop event, Accepting Dropped Elements
drop shadows, Drop Shadows, Drop Shadows
duration attribute, Attributes
dynamic dates, Dates and Times, Dates and Times


moving, Translation, Translation
resizing, Scaling, Scaling
role attribute, How WAI-ARIA Complements Semantics, The Current State of WAI-ARIA
rotating, Rotation, Rotation
selecting, Attribute Selectors (see selectors)
(see also selectors)
skewing, Skew, Skew
em element, Italicized Text, Italicized Text
email input, Email Addresses, Email Addresses
embedded content, A New Perspective on Types of Content
:empty pseudo-class, Structural Pseudo-classes
:enabled pseudo-class, Pseudo-classes
ended event, Responding When the Video Ends Playback, Responding When the Video Ends Playback
error event, Events
error handling
getImageData , Displaying Text on the Canvas
try/catch, Storage Limits, Storage Limits, Displaying Text on the Canvas
error messages, customizing, Email Addresses, Email Addresses
exceptions, handling, Storage Limits, Storage Limits
explicit section, The cache.manifest File
eXtensible Markup Language (XML), SVG


fallback section, The Fallback Section, The Fallback Section
figcaption element, The figure and figcaption Elements, The figure and figcaption Elements
figure element, The figure and figcaption Elements, The figure and figcaption Elements
File API, Drag and Drop
fillRect method, Drawing a Rectangle to the Canvas
fillStyle property, Filling Our Brush with Color
fillText method, Displaying Text on the Canvas
for gradients, Linear Gradients with IE Filters, Linear Gradients with IE Filters
for shadows, Drop Shadows
in SVG, SVG Filters, SVG Filters
for transforms, Support for Internet Explorer 8 and Earlier
Firebug, Creating Various Font File Types: Font Squirrel
Firefox (see browser support)
:first-child pseudo-class, Structural Pseudo-classes
::first-letter pseudo-element, Pseudo-elements and Generated Content
::first-line pseudo-element, Pseudo-elements and Generated Content
:first-of-type pseudo-class, Structural Pseudo-classes
flash of unstyled text (FOUT), Other Considerations
Flash Player plugin, A Bit of History, What about Internet Explorer 6–8?
float property, CSS3 Multicolumn Layouts
flow content, A New Perspective on Types of Content
focus, The required Attribute, The required Attribute, The autofocus Attribute
focus event, The required Attribute
:focus pseudo-class, Pseudo-classes
font property descriptors, Font Property Descriptors, Font Property Descriptors
Font Squirrel, Creating Various Font File Types: Font Squirrel, Creating Various Font File Types: Font Squirrel
font stack, Applying the Font, Applying the Font
using @font-face , Implementing @font-face , Implementing @font-face
font-face rule, Web Fonts with @font-face , Web Fonts with @font-face
font-family declaration, Implementing @font-face
browser support, Declaring Font Sources, Declaring Font Sources, Creating Various Font File Types: Font Squirrel
converting formats, Creating Various Font File Types: Font Squirrel, Creating Various Font File Types: Font Squirrel
declaring sources, Declaring Font Sources, Declaring Font Sources
file size, Creating Various Font File Types: Font Squirrel
in canvas, Displaying Text on the Canvas
licensing issues, Legal Considerations, Legal Considerations
performance issues, Other Considerations, Other Considerations
property descriptors, Font Property Descriptors, Font Property Descriptors
setting font stack, Applying the Font, Applying the Font
troubleshooting, Creating Various Font File Types: Font Squirrel, Creating Various Font File Types: Font Squirrel
unicode support, Unicode Range, Unicode Range
web font services, Legal Considerations
footer element, The footer Element, The footer Element
for attribute, The output Element
form attribute, The form Attribute, The form Attribute
form attributes
about, HTML5 Form Attributes, HTML5 Form Attributes
accessibility, The required Attribute
autocomplete , The autocomplete Attribute, The autocomplete Attribute, The form Element
autofocus , The autofocus Attribute
disabled , The disabled Attribute, The disabled Attribute
form , The form Attribute, The form Attribute
list , The datalist Element and the list Attribute, The datalist Element and the list Attribute
multiple , The multiple Attribute, The multiple Attribute
pattern , The pattern Attribute, The pattern Attribute, Numbers
placeholder , The placeholder Attribute, Polyfilling Support with JavaScript, Dates and Times, Dates and Times
readonly , The readonly Attribute, The readonly Attribute
required , The required Attribute, The required Attribute, Pseudo-classes, Pseudo-classes
form element, The form Element, The form Element
form elements
basic structure, Dependable Tools in Our Toolbox, Dependable Tools in Our Toolbox
datalist , The datalist Element and the list Attribute, The datalist Element and the list Attribute
form , The form Element, The form Element
HTML5 vs XHTML, Validating HTML5 Documents, Validating HTML5 Documents
keygen , The keygen Element, The keygen Element
optgroup , The optgroup Element
output , The output Element, The output Element
textarea , The textarea Element, The textarea Element
form inputs (see input types)
future-proofing, On to the Real Stuff, On to the Real Stuff


general sibling selector, Relational Selectors
generated content, Generated Content, Generated Content
geo-location-javascript library, A Final Word on Older Mobile Devices
geolocation API
about, Geolocation, Geolocation
browser support, Geolocation, Privacy Concerns
checking browser support, Checking for Support with Modernizr, Checking for Support with Modernizr
coordinates available, Geolocation’s Position Object, Geolocation’s Position Object
getting current position, Retrieving the Current Position, Retrieving the Current Position
getting latitude/longitude, Grabbing the Latitude and Longitude, Grabbing the Latitude and Longitude
getting timestamp, Geolocation’s Position Object
loading a map, Loading a Map, Loading a Map
methods, Geolocation Methods, Geolocation Methods
mobile devices, A Final Word on Older Mobile Devices
privacy issues, Privacy Concerns, Privacy Concerns
getContext method, Getting the Context
getCurrentPosition method, Geolocation Methods, Retrieving the Current Position, Retrieving the Current Position
getImageData method, Manipulating Images, Manipulating Images, Security Errors with getImageData , Security Errors with getImageData
getItem method, Getting and Setting Our Data, Getting and Setting Our Data, The Shortcut Way
Google Maps, Grabbing the Latitude and Longitude, Grabbing the Latitude and Longitude, Loading a Map, Loading a Map
graceful degradation, transition-duration
Gradient Generator, Tools of the Trade
about, CSS3 Gradients and Multiple Backgrounds
images vs., CSS3 Gradients and Multiple Backgrounds
in canvas, Variations on fillStyle , Variations on fillStyle
linear (see linear gradients)
radial (see radial gradients)
repeating, Repeating Gradients, Repeating Gradients
grayscale, converting to, Converting an Image from Color to Black and White, Converting an Image from Color to Black and White, Manipulating Video with Canvas, Manipulating Video with Canvas, SVG Filters, SVG Filters


h5o, The Document Outline
head element, The head Element, The head Element
header element, The header Element, The header Element, Structuring The HTML5 Herald
heading content, A New Perspective on Types of Content, The Document Outline, The Document Outline
height attribute, The Markup
height property, Columns and the height Property, Columns and the height Property
hgroup element, The hgroup Element, The hgroup Element
Hickson, Ian, The nav Element
hidden input, The required Attribute
high attribute, The progress and meter Elements
hints, on forms, The placeholder Attribute
:hover pseudo-class, Pseudo-classes
HSL notation, HSL and HSLA, HSL and HSLA
.htaccess file, MIME Types, MIME Types, Setting the Content Type on Your Server, Caching the Cache
html element, The html Element, The html Element
about, What is HTML5?, Why should I care about HTML5?
basic page structure, A Basic HTML5 Template, The Rest is History
changes to existing features, Changes to Existing Features, Description (not Definition) Lists
choice of new elements, The footer Element, The footer Element
content types, A New Perspective on Types of Content, A New Perspective on Types of Content
older browsers and, Why do these changes still work in older browsers?, Why do these changes still work in older browsers?, Getting Older Browsers on Board, Getting Older Browsers on Board
specifications, Would the real HTML5 spec please stand up?, Would the real HTML5 spec please stand up?
validation changes, Validating HTML5 Documents, Validating HTML5 Documents
XHTML vs, Shouldn’t all tags be closed?, What about other XHTML-based syntax customs?, Validating HTML5 Documents, Validating HTML5 Documents
HTML5 shim (see HTML5 shiv)
HTML5 shiv, Leveling the Playing Field, Leveling the Playing Field, Getting Older Browsers on Board, Support for Styling HTML5 Elements in IE8 and Earlier
hyphenation, Other Considerations, Other Considerations


i element, Italicized Text, Italicized Text
image method, Drawing an Image to Raphaël’s Container
converting color to grayscale, Converting an Image from Color to Black and White, Converting an Image from Color to Black and White
drawing, Drawing an Image to the Canvas, Drawing an Image to the Canvas
as fills, Variations on fillStyle , Variations on fillStyle
gradients vs., CSS3 Gradients and Multiple Backgrounds
manipulating, Manipulating Images, Manipulating Images, Security Errors with getImageData , Security Errors with getImageData
rotating, Rotating a Spinner with Raphaël, Rotating a Spinner with Raphaël
implied sections, The Document Outline, The hgroup Element
:in-range pseudo-class, Pseudo-classes
:indeterminate pseudo-class, Pseudo-classes
IndexedDB, Web SQL and IndexedDB, Web SQL and IndexedDB
Inkscape, Using Inkscape to Create SVG Images, SVG Filters
inline elements, A New Perspective on Types of Content, Translation, Scaling
input types
color, The required Attribute, Colors, Colors
date and time, Dates and Times, Dates and Times
email address, Email Addresses, Email Addresses
full list, HTML5 New Form Input Types, HTML5 New Form Input Types
numbers, Numbers, Numbers
phone numbers, Telephone Numbers, Telephone Numbers
range, The required Attribute, Ranges, Ranges
search, Search, Search
inset shadows, Inset and Multiple Shadows, Inset and Multiple Shadows
integer/string conversion, Converting Stored Data, Converting Stored Data
interactive content, A New Perspective on Types of Content
Internet Explorer, Introducing HTML5 and CSS3
(see also browser support)
font support, Declaring Font Sources, Declaring Font Sources
gradient filters, Linear Gradients with IE Filters, Linear Gradients with IE Filters
HTML5 support, Getting Older Browsers on Board, Getting Older Browsers on Board
Modernizr and, Support for Styling HTML5 Elements in IE8 and Earlier , Support for Styling HTML5 Elements in IE8 and Earlier
offline API and, Offline Web Applications
transforms support, Support for Internet Explorer 8 and Earlier, Support for Internet Explorer 8 and Earlier
unrecognized elements, Leveling the Playing Field, Leveling the Playing Field
:invalid pseudo-class, Pseudo-classes
:invalid pseudo-class, Styling Required Form Fields
italic text, Italicized Text, Italicized Text
itemtype attribute, Microdata Namespaces, Microdata Namespaces


lang attribute, The html Element
:lang pseudo-class, Structural Pseudo-classes
:last-child pseudo-class, Structural Pseudo-classes
:last-of-type pseudo-class, Structural Pseudo-classes
Lawson, Bruce, The section Element
line breaks, The textarea Element
linear gradients
about, Linear Gradients, Linear Gradients
browser support, Linear Gradients, Linear Gradients, The W3C Syntax, The Old WebKit Syntax
color stops, The W3C Syntax, The Old WebKit Syntax, The Old WebKit Syntax, Linear Gradients with SVG
direction, The W3C Syntax, The Old WebKit Syntax
in Internet Explorer, Linear Gradients with IE Filters, Linear Gradients with IE Filters
from Photoshop, Putting It All Together, Putting It All Together
stripes, The W3C Syntax
SVG files, Linear Gradients with SVG, Linear Gradients with SVG
tools for creating, Tools of the Trade, Tools of the Trade
W3C syntax, The W3C Syntax, The W3C Syntax
WebKit syntax, The Old WebKit Syntax, The Old WebKit Syntax
linearGradient element, Linear Gradients with SVG
link element, The head Element, Why do these changes still work in older browsers?
lint tools, Validating HTML5 Documents
list attribute, The datalist Element and the list Attribute, The datalist Element and the list Attribute
datalists, The datalist Element and the list Attribute, The datalist Element and the list Attribute
description/definition, Description (not Definition) Lists, Description (not Definition) Lists
ordered, Customized Ordered Lists, Customized Ordered Lists
loadeddata event, Events
loadedmetadata event, Events
local storage, Local Storage, Local Storage, Viewing Our Web Storage Values with the Web Inspector, Viewing Our Web Storage Values with the Web Inspector
localStorage[key] , The Shortcut Way, The Shortcut Way
loop attribute, The loop Attribute, The loop Attribute, What about audio?
low attribute, The progress and meter Elements


manifest attribute, Pointing Your HTML to the Manifest File, Pointing Your HTML to the Manifest File
mark element, The mark Element, The mark Element
max attribute, The progress and meter Elements, Numbers, Ranges
media queries, Media Queries , Further Reading
browser support, Browser Support
syntax, Syntax
meta element, The head Element
metadata content, A New Perspective on Types of Content
metadata, loading video, Events
meter element, The progress and meter Elements
about, Microdata, Microdata
adding, The Microdata Syntax, Understanding Name-Value Pairs
item types, Microdata Namespaces, Microdata Namespaces
resources, Further Reading, Further Reading
semantic elements vs, Aren’t HTML5’s semantics enough?, Aren’t HTML5’s semantics enough?
MIME types, MIME Types, MIME Types
min attribute, The progress and meter Elements, Numbers, Ranges
Miro Video Converter, Encoding Video Files for Use on the Web
mobile devices, The Growing Mobile Market, The Growing Mobile Market, The preload Attribute, Background Size, Background Size, Declaring Font Sources, Geolocation’s Position Object, A Final Word on Older Mobile Devices, Offline Web Applications
(see also offline web applications)
about, Modernizr, Modernizr
with CSS, Using Modernizr with CSS, Using Modernizr with CSS
geolocation API and, Checking for Support with Modernizr, Checking for Support with Modernizr
HTML5 shiv and, Getting Older Browsers on Board
Internet Explorer and, Support for Styling HTML5 Elements in IE8 and Earlier , Support for Styling HTML5 Elements in IE8 and Earlier
with JavaScript, Using Modernizr with JavaScript, Using Modernizr with JavaScript
placeholder attribute, Polyfilling Support with JavaScript
resources, Further Reading, Further Reading
video API and, Introducing the Media Elements API
month input, Dates and Times
multiple attribute, The multiple Attribute, The multiple Attribute
muted attribute, Muting and Unmuting the Video’s Audio Track
muting/unmuting, The audio Attribute, The audio Attribute, Muting and Unmuting the Video’s Audio Track, Muting and Unmuting the Video’s Audio Track


names, in citations, A cite for Sore Eyes, A cite for Sore Eyes
nav element, The nav Element, The nav Element, The Current State of WAI-ARIA, The Current State of WAI-ARIA
navigator.onLine property, Are we online?, Are we online?
negative delays, transition-delay
NEWT (New Exciting Web Technologies), What is HTML5?
nightly builds (WebKit), Linear Gradients
no-js class, Using Modernizr with CSS
normalization (of date/time) (see time element)
:not pseudo-class, Structural Pseudo-classes, Structural Pseudo-classes
novalidate attribute, The form Element
:nth-child pseudo-class, Structural Pseudo-classes
:nth-last-child pseudo-class, Structural Pseudo-classes
:nth-last-of-type pseudo-class, Structural Pseudo-classes
:nth-of-type pseudo-class, Structural Pseudo-classes
number input, Numbers, Numbers
numeric pseudo-classes, Structural Pseudo-classes, Structural Pseudo-classes


obsolete, vs. deprecated, The Word “Deprecated” is Deprecated, The Word “Deprecated” is Deprecated
offline site access
application cache, How It Works: the HTML5 Application Cache, How It Works: the HTML5 Application Cache, Testing If the Application Cache Is Storing Your Site, Testing If the Application Cache Is Storing Your Site
application cache size, Limits to Offline Web Application Storage, Limits to Offline Web Application Storage
browser support, Offline Web Applications, Offline Web Applications
cache refresh, Refreshing the Cache, Caching the Cache
cache.manifest file, The cache.manifest File, The cache.manifest File, Pointing Your HTML to the Manifest File, Caching the Cache, Caching the Cache
handling load failure, The Fallback Section, The Fallback Section
manifest attribute, Pointing Your HTML to the Manifest File, Pointing Your HTML to the Manifest File
prompting for, Getting Permission to Store the Site Offline, Getting Permission to Store the Site Offline
resources, Further Reading, Further Reading
setting content type, Setting the Content Type on Your Server, Setting the Content Type on Your Server
testing functionality, Going Offline to Test, Testing If the Application Cache Is Storing Your Site
testing whether user is online, Are we online?, Are we online?
ol element, Customized Ordered Lists
online/offline condition, testing, Are we online?, Are we online?
:only-child pseudo-class, Structural Pseudo-classes
:only-of-type pseudo-class, Structural Pseudo-classes
opacity property, Opacity, Opacity
(see also transparency)
Opera (see browser support)
optgroup element, The optgroup Element
optimum attribute, The progress and meter Elements
:optional pseudo-class, Pseudo-classes
ordered lists, Customized Ordered Lists, Customized Ordered Lists
origin-based security, Security Considerations
origin-based security issues, Security Errors with getImageData , Security Errors with getImageData
originalEvent method, The DataTransfer Object
:out-of-range pseudo-class, Pseudo-classes
outline, document, The Document Outline, The Document Outline, The hgroup Element, The hgroup Element
output element, The output Element, The output Element


page structure, Defining the Page’s Structure, Structuring The HTML5 Herald
parseInt method, Converting Stored Data, Converting Stored Data
paths, Drawing Other Shapes by Creating Paths, Drawing Other Shapes by Creating Paths
pattern attribute, The pattern Attribute, The pattern Attribute, Numbers
pause method, Playing and Pausing the Video
paused attribute, Playing and Pausing the Video
persistent storage (see local storage)
phone number input, Telephone Numbers, Telephone Numbers
phrasing content, A New Perspective on Types of Content
placeholder attribute, The placeholder Attribute, Polyfilling Support with JavaScript, Dates and Times, Dates and Times
play method, Playing and Pausing the Video
playbackRate attribute, Attributes
playing event, Events
polyfills, The Varied Browser Market
Position object, Geolocation’s Position Object, Geolocation’s Position Object
poster attribute, The poster Attribute, The poster Attribute
prefixes, vendor, Why should I care about CSS3?, Why should I care about CSS3?
preload attribute, The preload Attribute, The preload Attribute, What about audio?
preventDefault method, Accepting Dropped Elements
progress element, The progress and meter Elements, The progress and meter Elements
progress meter, The progress and meter Elements, The progress and meter Elements, Using Inkscape to Create SVG Images, SVG Filters
pseudo-classes, Structural Pseudo-classes
(see also specific pseudo-classes by name, e.g. :visited )
attribute or state, Pseudo-classes, Pseudo-classes
numeric, Structural Pseudo-classes, Structural Pseudo-classes
structural, Structural Pseudo-classes, Structural Pseudo-classes
pseudo-elements, Pseudo-elements and Generated Content, ::selection
pubdate attribute, The time Element, The time Element
putImageData method, Converting an Image from Color to Black and White


radial gradients
about, Radial Gradients, Radial Gradients, The W3C Syntax
W3C syntax, The W3C Syntax, The W3C Syntax
WebKit syntax, The Old WebKit Syntax, The Old WebKit Syntax
range input, The required Attribute, Ranges, Ranges, Pseudo-classes, Pseudo-classes
Raphaël Library, Using the Raphaël Library, Rotating a Spinner with Raphaël
Raphael method, Drawing an Image to Raphaël’s Container
:read-only pseudo-class, Pseudo-classes
:read-write pseudo-class, Pseudo-classes
readonly attribute, The readonly Attribute, The readonly Attribute
readyState attribute, Attributes
redundant values, What about other XHTML-based syntax customs?
regular expressions, matching, The pattern Attribute, The pattern Attribute
relational selectors, Relational Selectors, Relational Selectors
removeItem method, Removing Items and Clearing Data, Removing Items and Clearing Data
repeating gradients, Repeating Gradients, Repeating Gradients
required attribute, The required Attribute, The required Attribute, Pseudo-classes, Pseudo-classes
required fields
encoding, The required Attribute, The required Attribute
error messages, The required Attribute, The required Attribute
styling, Styling Required Form Fields, Styling Required Form Fields
:required pseudo-class, Pseudo-classes
:required pseudo-class, Styling Required Form Fields, Styling Required Form Fields
Resig, John, Leveling the Playing Field
reversed attribute, Customized Ordered Lists
reversed sliders, Ranges
RGB to grayscale formula, Converting an Image from Color to Black and White
RGBA notation, RGBA, RGBA, Filling Our Brush with Color
rivers, in text, Other Considerations, Other Considerations
role attribute, How WAI-ARIA Complements Semantics, The Current State of WAI-ARIA
:root pseudo-class, Structural Pseudo-classes
rotate function, Rotation, Rotation


Safari, Introducing HTML5 and CSS3
(see also browser support)
local storage viewing/changing, Viewing Our Web Storage Values with the Web Inspector, Viewing Our Web Storage Values with the Web Inspector
offline file loading, The Fallback Section
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) (see SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics))
scale function, Scaling, Scaling
scoped element, Scoped Styles, Scoped Styles
scoped styles, Scoped Styles, Scoped Styles
screen pixel density, Background Size, Background Size
screen readers (see accessibility)
script attribute, The async Attribute for Scripts, The async Attribute for Scripts
script element, The Rest is History, The Rest is History, Why do these changes still work in older browsers?
scripts, running in background, Web Workers, Web Workers
search input, Search, Search
section element, The section Element, The section Element, Structuring The HTML5 Herald
sectioning content, The header Element, A New Perspective on Types of Content, The Document Outline, The Document Outline
sectioning roots, The Document Outline
sections, implied, The Document Outline, The hgroup Element
security issues
image manipulation, Security Errors with getImageData , Security Errors with getImageData
:visited pseudo-class, Pseudo-classes
web storage, Security Considerations, Security Considerations
seeked event, Events
seeking event, Events
::selection pseudo-element, ::selection
about, CSS3 Selectors, CSS3 Selectors
attribute, Attribute Selectors, Attribute Selectors
backwards, Relational Selectors
pseudo-classes, Pseudo-classes, Pseudo-classes
pseudo-elements, Pseudo-elements and Generated Content, ::selection
relational, Relational Selectors, Relational Selectors
structural, Structural Pseudo-classes, Structural Pseudo-classes
semantic elements
about, Defining the Page’s Structure, The section Element, The section Element, The footer Element, The footer Element
article , The article Element, The article Element, Structuring The HTML5 Herald , Structuring The HTML5 Herald
aside , The aside Element, The aside Element, Structuring The HTML5 Herald , Structuring The HTML5 Herald
footer , The footer Element, The footer Element
header , The header Element, The header Element, Structuring The HTML5 Herald
microdata vs, Aren’t HTML5’s semantics enough?, Aren’t HTML5’s semantics enough?
nav , The nav Element, The nav Element, The Current State of WAI-ARIA, The Current State of WAI-ARIA
section , The section Element, The section Element, Structuring The HTML5 Herald
semantics, Defining the Page’s Structure, How WAI-ARIA Complements Semantics, The Current State of WAI-ARIA
session storage, Session Storage, Session Storage, Viewing Our Web Storage Values with the Web Inspector, Viewing Our Web Storage Values with the Web Inspector
setCustomValidity method, Email Addresses, Telephone Numbers
setItem method, Getting and Setting Our Data, Getting and Setting Our Data
setTimeout method, Manipulating Video with Canvas
drop, Drop Shadows, Drop Shadows
inset, Inset and Multiple Shadows, Inset and Multiple Shadows
text, Text Shadow, Text Shadow
sibling selectors, Relational Selectors, Relational Selectors
skew function, Skew, Skew
sliders, Ranges
small element, Big and Small Text, Big and Small Text
source element, Adding Support for Multiple Video Formats, source Order
span tags, The progress and meter Elements
spread distance, Drop Shadows
src attribute, The Markup, Adding Support for Multiple Video Formats, Adding Support for Multiple Video Formats, Attributes
src property, Declaring Font Sources
standards mode, Why do these changes still work in older browsers?, Why do these changes still work in older browsers?
start attribute, Customized Ordered Lists
step attribute, Numbers, Ranges, Dates and Times
storage object, Getting and Setting Our Data, Getting and Setting Our Data
storage, web (see web storage)
strict validation, Validating HTML5 Documents
string/integer conversion, Converting Stored Data, Converting Stored Data
strokeRect method, Drawing a Rectangle to the Canvas
strokeStyle property, Filling Our Brush with Color
strong element, Bold Text, Bold Text
style element, Scoped Styles, Scoped Styles
default HTML5, Getting Older Browsers on Board, Getting Older Browsers on Board
for required fields, Styling Required Form Fields, Styling Required Form Fields
scoped, Scoped Styles, Scoped Styles
stylesheets, linking to, The head Element
summary element, The details Element, The details Element
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
about, SVG, SVG
browser support, SVG, SVG
canvas vs, Canvas versus SVG, Canvas versus SVG
drawing shapes, Drawing in SVG, Drawing in SVG
filters, SVG Filters, SVG Filters
font format, Declaring Font Sources
gradients, Linear Gradients with SVG, Linear Gradients with SVG
Inkscape, Using Inkscape to Create SVG Images, SVG Filters
Raphaël Library, Using the Raphaël Library, Rotating a Spinner with Raphaël
rotating objects, Rotating a Spinner with Raphaël, Rotating a Spinner with Raphaël
# (hash), in cache.manifest file, The cache.manifest File
$ (dollar sign), in attribute selectors, Attribute Selectors
* (asterisk)
in attribute selectors, Attribute Selectors
in cache.manifest file, The cache.manifest File
:: (double colon), Pseudo-elements and Generated Content
^ (caret), in attribute selectors, Attribute Selectors
| (vertical bar), in attribute selectors, Attribute Selectors
~ (tilde), in attribute selectors, Attribute Selectors


target attribute, Validating HTML5 Documents
:target pseudo-class, Pseudo-classes, Pseudo-classes
tel input, Telephone Numbers, Telephone Numbers
text, Other Considerations
(see also fonts)
bolding, Bold Text, Bold Text
collapsing, The details Element, The details Element
displaying in canvas, Displaying Text on the Canvas, Displaying Text on the Canvas
FOUT effect, Other Considerations
italicizing, Italicized Text, Italicized Text
rotating, Rotation, Rotation
text shadows, Text Shadow, Text Shadow
text-shadow property, Text Shadow, Text Shadow
textarea element, Validating HTML5 Documents, The textarea Element, The textarea Element
time element, The time Element, The time Element
time input, Dates and Times
timeupdate event, Updating the Time as the Video Plays, Updating the Time as the Video Plays
toDataURL method, Saving Canvas Drawings
track element, Accessible Media, Accessible Media
transform-origin property, Changing the Origin of the Transform, Changing the Origin of the Transform
about, Transforms, Transforms
browser support, Transforms, Translation, Changing the Origin of the Transform
in Internet Explorer, Support for Internet Explorer 8 and Earlier, Support for Internet Explorer 8 and Earlier
order of, Rotation
rotation, Rotation, Rotation
scaling, Scaling, Scaling
setting origins, Changing the Origin of the Transform, Changing the Origin of the Transform
skew, Skew, Skew
translations, Translation, Translation
transition property, The transition Shorthand Property, The transition Shorthand Property
transition-delay property, transition-delay , transition-delay
transition-duration property, transition-duration , transition-duration
transition-property , transition-property , transition-property
transition-timing-function , transition-timing-function , transition-timing-function
about, Transitions, Transitions
delaying start of, transition-delay , transition-delay
duration, transition-duration , transition-duration
multiple, Multiple Transitions, Multiple Transitions
older browsers and, transition-duration
pace of, transition-timing-function , transition-timing-function
properties available, transition-property , transition-property
shorthand for, The transition Shorthand Property, The transition Shorthand Property
translate function, Translation, Translation
animations, Keyframes
in canvas, Filling Our Brush with Color, Displaying Text on the Canvas
colors, RGBA, RGBA, HSL and HSLA, Opacity, Opacity
opacity property, Opacity, Opacity
shadows and, Drop Shadows
try/catch blocks, Storage Limits, Storage Limits, Displaying Text on the Canvas
two-way communication, Web Sockets, Web Sockets
type attribute, The head Element, The Rest is History, The Rest is History, Adding Support for Multiple Video Formats


:valid pseudo-class, Pseudo-classes
:valid pseudo-class, Styling Required Form Fields
client-side, HTML5 Forms
customizing error messages, Email Addresses, Email Addresses
of email addresses, Email Addresses
of HTML5 files, Validating HTML5 Documents, Validating HTML5 Documents
of phone numbers, Telephone Numbers
of required fields, The required Attribute
of URLs, URLs
value attribute, The progress and meter Elements
vendor prefixes, Why should I care about CSS3?, Why should I care about CSS3?
autoplaying, The autoplay Attribute, The autoplay Attribute
browser support, The Current State of Play, The Current State of Play, What combinations work in current browsers?, What combinations work in current browsers?, What about Internet Explorer 6–8?, What about Internet Explorer 6–8?
captions, Accessible Media, Accessible Media
color to grayscale conversion, Manipulating Video with Canvas, Manipulating Video with Canvas
custom controls (see video API)
disabling "save as", Playing and Pausing the Video, Playing and Pausing the Video
encoding for the web, Encoding Video Files for Use on the Web, Encoding Video Files for Use on the Web
licensing issues, What combinations work in current browsers?, What combinations work in current browsers?
looping, The loop Attribute, The loop Attribute
MIME types, MIME Types, MIME Types
multiple sources, Adding Support for Multiple Video Formats, source Order
muting, The audio Attribute, The audio Attribute
native controls, Enabling Native Controls, Enabling Native Controls, Introducing the Media Elements API
preloading, The preload Attribute, The preload Attribute
setting dimensions, The Markup, The Markup
teaser image, The poster Attribute, The poster Attribute
video element, The Markup
video API
about, Creating Custom Controls, Creating Custom Controls
addEventListener , Introducing the Media Elements API, Introducing the Media Elements API, Playing and Pausing the Video, Playing and Pausing the Video
attribute list, Attributes, Attributes
canplaythrough event, Introducing the Media Elements API
custom controls, Some Markup and Styling to Get Us Started
events, Events, Events
HTML code, Some Markup and Styling to Get Us Started, Some Markup and Styling to Get Us Started
muting/unmuting, Muting and Unmuting the Video’s Audio Track, Muting and Unmuting the Video’s Audio Track
playing and pausing, Playing and Pausing the Video, Playing and Pausing the Video
resetting to start, Responding When the Video Ends Playback, Responding When the Video Ends Playback
timer, Updating the Time as the Video Plays, Updating the Time as the Video Plays
videoEl variable, Introducing the Media Elements API, Introducing the Media Elements API
video codecs, Video Codecs, Video Codecs
video containers, Video Container Formats, Video Container Formats
video conversion, Encoding Video Files for Use on the Web, Encoding Video Files for Use on the Web, Manipulating Video with Canvas, Manipulating Video with Canvas
video element, The Markup, What about Internet Explorer 6–8?, What about Internet Explorer 6–8?, Creating Custom Controls, Playing and Pausing the Video, Playing and Pausing the Video
video object, Manipulating Video with Canvas
videoEl variable, Introducing the Media Elements API, Introducing the Media Elements API
videoHeight attribute, Attributes
videoWidth attribute, Attributes
:visited pseudo-class, Pseudo-classes
volumechange event, Muting and Unmuting the Video’s Audio Track, Muting and Unmuting the Video’s Audio Track


W3C, Would the real HTML5 spec please stand up?, Would the real HTML5 spec please stand up?
WAI-ARIA, The required Attribute, Feeding the WAI-ARIA Cat, WAI-ARIA, Further Reading
watchPosition , Geolocation Methods
web font services, Legal Considerations
Web Inspector, Testing If the Application Cache Is Storing Your Site, Testing If the Application Cache Is Storing Your Site, Viewing Our Web Storage Values with the Web Inspector, Viewing Our Web Storage Values with the Web Inspector
Web Sockets API, Web Sockets, Web Sockets
Web SQL, Web SQL and IndexedDB, Web SQL and IndexedDB
web storage
across domains, Security Considerations, Security Considerations
browser dependence, Local Storage
browser support, Web Storage, Web Storage
clearing data, Removing Items and Clearing Data, Removing Items and Clearing Data
converting data, Converting Stored Data, Converting Stored Data
data format, What Web Storage Data Looks Like, What Web Storage Data Looks Like
databases and, Web SQL and IndexedDB, Web SQL and IndexedDB
exception handling, Storage Limits, Storage Limits
getting/setting data, Getting and Setting Our Data, Getting and Setting Our Data, The Shortcut Way, The Shortcut Way
local storage, Viewing Our Web Storage Values with the Web Inspector, Viewing Our Web Storage Values with the Web Inspector
resources, Viewing Our Web Storage Values with the Web Inspector
size limits, Storage Limits, Storage Limits
types of, Two Kinds of Storage, Local Storage
Web Workers API, Web Workers, Web Workers
WebGL, Getting the Context
WebKit browsers, Introducing HTML5 and CSS3, URLs, Linear Gradients
(see also browser support)
webkit-gradient property, The Old WebKit Syntax
week input, Dates and Times
WHATWG (Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group), Would the real HTML5 spec please stand up?, Would the real HTML5 spec please stand up?
whitelist, The cache.manifest File, The cache.manifest File
width attribute, The Markup
window.offline event, Are we online? event, Are we online?
"work offline" option, Going Offline to Test
wrap attribute, The textarea Element
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