• accountability
    • analyzing in CSCs
    • in bureaucratic administration
    • citizen participation and
    • comparing heterarchies and hierarchies
    • comparing options for delivery of goods and services
    • contracting out and
    • controls in
    • CSCs and
    • dimensions of democratic accountability
    • ensuring
    • fostering democratic accountability
    • foundation concepts of democratic accountability
    • future of CSCs and
    • heterarchical leadership and
    • integrated approach to mutual accountability
    • IPSPs and
    • networks and
    • New Public Governance paradigm and
    • New Public Management and
    • overview of
    • partnerships/PPPs and
    • review
    • social media and citizen engagement and
    • state employment training case study
    • traditional
    • trust and
    • twenty-first century government
    • value creation and
    • vertical nature of traditional
  • Accountable Care Organizations (ACO)
    • mutuality in approach of
    • response to health care crisis and
  • action networks
    • in delivery of services for the homeless
    • types of networks
  • activation skills
    • government skills needed for network management
    • needed for New Public Governance model
  • ad hoc collaboration
    • moving beyond
    • policy and delivery options available to public managers
  • adaptation (change management)
    • advantages of IPSPs for public managers
    • risk allocation and
  • administration, public. See public administration
  • administrative organization, of networks
  • administrative reform
    • network management approach
    • New Public Governance model
    • New Public Management reform movement
    • reactions to New Public Management (NPM) reform
    • reforming bureaucratic state
    • reframing approaches to administration
    • transformational stewardship (Kee and Newcomer)
    • twenty-first century orientation
  • The Administrative State (Waldo)
  • Affordable Care Act. See Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2010)
  • agency dilemma. See principal-agent problem
  • AidMatrix, IPSP example
  • air quality, role of IPSPs in meeting environmental challenges
  • Allen, Thad W.
    • adapting leadership areas to CSCs
    • brief biography of work in public service
    • on building trust
    • on gaining wider perspective
    • on generating support
    • on leading outside of formal roles
    • outcome-based performance in Hurricane Katrina response
  • allocation efficiency, competition achieving
  • allocation of risk. See risk allocation
  • analytical framework
    • accountability and
    • analytical approaches
    • best value analysis
    • case studies
    • communication needs
    • contracting strength and weaknesses
    • determining nature of task or challenge
    • IPSP strengths and weaknesses
    • monitoring and evaluation and
    • networks strengths and weaknesses
    • one sector vs. multisector solutions
    • organizational capacity
    • overview of
    • partnership strengths and weaknesses
    • performance measures in
    • political factors
    • private market vs. nonprofit solutions
    • program or project design
    • program or project planning
    • public interest considerations
    • resources needs
    • review
    • risk allocation
    • risk analysis
    • risk identification
    • state employment training case study
    • summary of
  • Anti-Federalists
  • assessment
    • advantages/disadvantages of contracting
    • applying to Kansas foster care and adoption program
    • of contracting
    • of employee skills
    • of partnerships
  • assigning employees, to collaborative partnerships
  • asymmetrical information
    • agency dilemma and
    • market failure and
  • attributes, of partnerships
  • authority
    • comparing heterarchies and hierarchies
    • vertical nature in traditional accountability
  • autonomy, flexibility of IPSPs and


  • balanced scorecards
    • for accountability
    • emphasizing outcomes in public sector
  • BCBSM (Blue Shield of Michigan), role of IPSPs in responding to health care crisis
  • Behn, Robert
  • benchmarks, in evaluating contracting
  • best-value analysis
    • cost-benefit analysis
    • cost-effectiveness analysis
    • overview of
    • value for money analysis
  • bidding process, PPPs and
  • Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: The Family Homelessness Project
  • Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM), role of IPSPs in responding to health care crisis
  • Boyer, Eric, about the authors section
  • Bozeman, Barry
  • bureaucratic model
    • advantages of
    • control-based accountability in
    • disadvantages of
    • historic origins of
    • Hurricane Katrina example
    • incompatibility with CSCs
    • reforming bureaucratic state
  • Bush, George W.


  • capacity
    • assessing organizational capacity
    • balancing control with
    • government capacity as issue in partnerships
    • government capacity for CSC. See government, creating capacity for CSC
    • needs and capacity analysis
    • strategic objectives of CSC and
  • Carlee, Ron
    • adapting leadership areas to CSCs
    • brief biography of work in public service
    • on building trust
    • on gaining wider perspective
    • on generating support
    • on leading outside of formal roles
  • Caterpillar Corporation, role in First Response Team of America
  • CCSA (Child Care Services Association)
  • Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
  • challenges
    • analyzing nature of
    • to bureaucratic model
    • to contemporary governments
    • creating need for collaborative approach
    • creating need for new administrative models
    • evolving nature of governance and
    • facing local, state, and federal governments
    • facing public managers
    • to governance of CSCs
    • of involving private and nonprofit sectors in CSCs
    • natural disasters
  • change management (adaptation)
    • advantages of IPSPs for public managers
    • risk allocation and
  • Channel Industries Mutual Aid (CIMA)
  • charitable organizations
  • Child Care Services Association (CCSA)
  • childhood obesity, illustrating need for collaboration
  • Childhood Obesity Prevention Coalition
  • Children and Homeless Collaborative
  • CIMA (Channel Industries Mutual Aid)
  • citizen participation/engagement
    • advantages of networks
    • enhancing
    • leadership in heterarchical structures and
    • New Public Governance paradigm and
    • social media and citizen engagement
    • twenty-first century government
  • citizens
    • perspective on creation of public value
    • responsiveness to needs of
    • sources of influence for public managers
  • City of Dallas, partnership example
  • civil service, hierarchical (Weberian)
  • Clean Air Act (1970)
  • Climate Action Plan
  • climate change
    • challenges facing governments
    • IPSPs in meeting challenges of
    • Joint Venture-SV initiatives
    • one sector vs. multisector solutions
    • Oregon Environmental Council mission
  • coalition building, leadership in heterarchical structures and
  • Coalition for the Homeless
  • Coast Guard. See US Coast Guard (USCG)
  • collaboration
    • benefits of IPSPs
    • benefits of networks
    • building government capacity for
    • leadership in heterarchical structures and
    • moving from contracting to
    • networks in facilitation of
    • in successful partnerships
  • collaborative communication
  • collaborative contracts
    • characteristics of
    • public managers and
  • command-and-control solutions
  • communications
    • analyzing CSC options
    • building trust between partners
    • in bureaucratic model
    • disadvantages of IPSPs
    • elements of network governance
    • in heterarchies and hierarchies
  • Community Care of North Carolina
    • innovation in approach of IPSPs
    • IPSPs responding to health care crisis
  • COMPARE method. See assessment
  • compensation methods, in contracts
  • competence, strategic objectives of CSC and
  • competence trust
  • competition
    • allocation efficiency and
    • competitive advantage of nonprofits in meeting some social needs
    • consumer power and
    • driving force in cost reduction
    • managed competition
  • complexity
    • risk allocation
    • risk identification
  • conservatives, advocating market mechanisms over government programs
  • construction
    • examples of traditional contracts
    • PPPs and
    • risk allocation
    • risk identification
  • consultants, managing
  • contracting out
    • accountability
    • advantages/disadvantages of
    • applying to public health example
    • assessing pros/cons of
    • clarity of expectations and
    • collaborative contracts
    • comparing options for delivery of goods and services
    • criteria in contract design
    • efforts to reduce government role
    • emerging structures filling void in government services
    • EPA example
    • evaluation during and following
    • evolution of governance and
    • global implications of
    • history in U.S.
    • inherently governmental and critical functions and
    • Kansas foster care and adoption program
    • monitoring
    • moving to collaboration
    • moving to principal-principal relationships
    • overview of
    • policy and delivery options available to public managers
    • process of
    • rationale for
    • state employment training case study
    • traditional contracts
    • transitioning between public service delivery options
    • transparency in avoiding fraud and abuses
    • vs. outsourcing
  • contractual trust
  • control
    • balancing with administrative capacity
    • command-and-control solutions
    • comparing options for delivery of goods and services
    • leadership in heterarchical structures and
    • traditional public accountability based on
  • coordination, moving to collaboration
  • corporate social responsibility (CSR)
    • examples
    • overview of
    • private sector and
  • corruption, ways to avoid in contracting process
  • cost-benefit analysis (CBA)
    • analyzing CSCs
    • managing partnerships and
    • types of analytical approaches
  • cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA)
    • analysis of CSCs
    • comparing with CBA and VfM analysis
    • comparing with CEA and VfM analysis
    • types of analytical approaches
  • cost-reimbursement contracts
  • costs
    • competition as driving force in cost-reduction
    • disadvantages of networks
    • rationale for partnerships
  • cross-sector collaboration (CSC)
    • analyzing options in. See analytical framework
    • contracting. See contracting out
    • cross-sector partnerships. See partnerships
    • defined
    • future of. See future of CSCs
    • government capacity for. See government, creating capacity for CSC
    • imperative for. See imperative for CSCs
    • IPSPs. See independent public services providers (IPSPs)
    • networks. See networks
    • nonprofit role
    • partnerships. See partnerships
    • PPPs and. See public-private partnerships (PPPs)
    • private role of
    • public role of
    • rationales for. See rationales, for CSC
  • CSR. See corporate social responsibility (CSR)
  • customers service


  • Dallas Public Library, partnership example in delivery of goods and services
  • DC Capital area Hot Lanes program, example of PPP for infrastructure
  • debt, issues facing U.S. government
  • decision making, in hierarchies
  • Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Coast Guard response
  • Deepwater Program (USCG)
    • assessing resources and capacity
    • best-value analysis
    • communication needs
    • performance measurement system
    • public task/challenge of
    • risk identification and allocation
  • defense contracts, collaborative nature of
  • deliverables (outcomes), strategic objectives of CSC
  • democratic accountability
    • creating value and
    • dimensions of
    • enhancing citizen participation
    • fostering
    • foundation concepts
    • integrated approach to mutual accountability
    • outcome-based performance in
    • social media and citizen engagement
    • trust in
  • democratic values, NPM concepts as threat to
  • Department of Homeland Security (DHS), network response to Hurricane Katrina
  • Department of Systems Management for Human Services (DSMHS)
    • cutting across silos
    • Fairfax county example
    • measuring network performance
  • deregulation, neoliberalism and
  • design
    • financial forecasting and
    • planning and design development stage for PPPs
    • of programs or projects
    • of request for proposal (RFP)
    • specifications in contracting criteria
  • developmental networks
    • in delivery of services for the homeless
    • types of networks
  • direct government provision
    • applying to public health
    • comparing options for delivery of goods and services
    • overview of
    • policy and delivery options available to public managers
    • responses to market failure
    • transitioning between public service delivery options
  • disaster response/recovery
    • clearing roadways
    • heterarchies in
    • social media in response to Haiti earthquake
    • transformational stewardship model (Kee and Newcomer) model
  • disease, challenges facing governments
  • dispute resolution, in contracts
  • divergent interests
    • managing partnerships
    • negotiating motivational differences in collaboration
  • diversity of supply, benefits of CSCs
  • documentation, of lessons learned
  • Drug Abuse Resistance Education, network example
  • Dunford Bridge, PPP example in UK


  • EAP (Environmental Action Programme)
  • Eastern Europe, Caucasus Central Asia (EECCA)
  • economic rationales, for CSC
    • agency dilemma and
    • competition and
    • competitive advantage of nonprofits
    • market failure and
    • overview of
    • ownership structures impact on employee incentive and behavior
  • economics
    • of partnerships
    • risk allocation
    • risk identification
  • Economy and Society (Weber)
  • educational purpose, types of nonprofit organizations
  • efficiency, in assessing contracting
  • Eisenhower, Dwight
  • emissions, reducing greenhouse gases
  • empires, historical examples of contracting
  • employees
    • assessing and assigning
    • ownership structures impact on employee incentive and behavior
  • empowerment, benefits of CSCs
  • engagement. See citizen participation/engagement
  • entrepreneurship, advantages of IPSPs
  • Environmental Action Programme (EAP)
  • environmental protection
    • IPSPs in
    • Joint Venture-Silicon Valley example
    • Oregon Environmental Council example
    • Rainforest Alliance example
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  • evaluation. See monitoring and evaluation
  • expectations, contracting and
  • expertise
    • in IPSPs
    • in partnerships
  • externalities, example of market failure


  • facilitation (framing) skills, government skills needed for network management
  • failure
    • learning from
    • market failure
    • of network governance
    • nonmarket failure (Wolf)
    • risk allocation and
    • risk identification and
    • voluntary failures of nonprofit sector
  • Fairfax county human services
    • assessing resources and capacity
    • best-value analysis
    • communication needs and
    • delivery of
    • measuring performance
    • as network administrative organization
    • outcome-based performance
    • public task/challenge of
    • risk identification and allocation
  • fairness trust, democratic accountability and
  • FCA (foster care and adoption), contracting example
  • FDOT (Florida Department of Transportation), example of outcome-based performance
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
    • government challenge in facing natural disasters
    • network response to Hurricane Katrina
  • federal government
    • bureaucratic model and
    • challenges facing
    • declining size of workforce
    • in definition of public sector
    • dynamics of collaboration in
    • emerging structures filling void in government services
    • legal issues related to collaboration
    • low level of public confidence in
    • managed competition
    • market failure and
    • natural disasters and
  • The Federalist Papers
    • bureaucratic model and
    • democratic accountability and
  • fees, skepticism regarding CSCs and
  • FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
    • government challenge in facing natural disasters
    • network response to Hurricane Katrina
  • feminism, criticisms of bureaucratic model
  • financial forecasting, designing PPPs and
  • financial measures
    • nonprofit sector and
    • private (for-profit) sector and
  • financial modeling, skills needed by government staff
  • financial risks
    • allocation
    • identification
  • financing
    • need for alternatives
    • public vs. private
  • First Response Team of America (FRTA), examples of IPSPs
  • fixed-price contracts
  • flexibility
    • bureaucracies and
    • in heterarchies
    • leadership in heterarchical structures and
    • need for new administrative models and
  • Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), example of outcome-based performance
  • food shortages, challenges facing governments
  • formalization, control and
  • for-profit sector. See private (for-profit) sector
  • Forrer, John J., about the authors section
  • forums, learning by doing
  • foster care and adoption (FCA), contracting example
  • framework for learning
    • assessing and assigning employees
    • deciphering and integrating external knowledge
    • discussing and documenting lessons from direct experience
    • monitoring and evaluation and
    • overview of
  • framing (facilitation) skills, government skills needed for network management
  • free trade, neoliberalism and
  • Friedman, Milton
  • FRTA (First Response Team of America), examples of IPSPs
  • funding, sources of influence for public managers
  • future of CSCs
    • advantages/disadvantages to public sector
    • challenges of governance and
    • example applying IPSP to neglected tropical diseases
    • example applying PPP to infrastructure
    • improving public services
    • New Public Governance paradigm
    • overview of
    • public value and
    • review


  • GAO (Government Accountability Office). See Government Accountability Office (GAO)
  • gender-bias, criticisms of bureaucratic model
  • GHG (greenhouse gases), reducing
  • Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)
  • Global Fund, example of global network
  • Global Network for Neglected Tropical Disease (GNNTD)
    • characteristics and approaches of IPSPs
    • coordination of resources
    • emergency response and
    • example of IPSP
    • large scale social issues illustrating pragmatic need for collaboration
    • private sector collaboration with federal government
    • public health and
    • response to natural disasters
    • role of IPSPs in
    • strengths and weaknesses of IPSPs and
  • Global Partnership Initiative, US State Department
  • Global Sustainable Tourism Council
  • global warming. See climate change
  • globalization
    • challenges facing public managers
    • IPSPs and
    • networks and
    • PPPs and
  • goodwill trust
  • governance
    • challenges in
    • complexity of network governance
    • consequences of CSC
    • elements of network governance
    • failure of network governance
    • hollowed-out government and
    • involving nonprofit sector in CSC
    • involving private sector in CSC
    • IPSPs in meeting challenges of
    • lead organization networks
    • legal issues in CSC
    • loss-of-control problem and
    • modes of network governance
    • moving to principal-principal relationships
    • negotiating divergent interests
    • networks and
    • New Public Governance paradigm
    • overcoming challenges to good governance in networks
    • power sharing and
    • public value and
    • shared or self-governed networks
  • government
    • capacity needs and partnerships
    • efforts to reduce role of
    • market mechanisms vs. government programs
    • opposition to welfare state
    • reasons for partnering with private and nonprofit sectors
    • regulation. See regulation
    • transformational stewardship (Kee and Newcomer) model
    • in twenty-first century
  • government, creating capacity for CSC
    • assessing and assigning employees
    • building collaboration capacity
    • core issues in learning
    • deciphering and integrating external knowledge
    • discussing and documenting lessons from direct experience
    • framework for learning
    • learning how to improve
    • monitoring and evaluation and
    • overview of
    • skills needed for IPSPs
    • skills needed for network management
    • skills needed for PPPs
    • system approach to learning
    • transit development case study
  • Government Accountability Office (GAO)
    • contract transparency and
    • monitoring contracts
    • traditional public accountability and
  • Government Performance Results Act (1997)
  • Grace Commission (1982)
  • Green Chemistry initiative, of Oregon Environmental Council
  • greenhouse gases (GHG), reducing


  • Haiti earthquake, social media in response to
  • health care
    • applying contracting to
    • childhood obesity issue and
    • government challenge in meeting costs of
    • one sector vs. multisector solutions
    • role of IPSPs in meeting crisis in
  • HEART Program, action network delivering services for homeless
  • heterarchical structures
    • communication in
    • comparing with hierarchies
    • delivery of services by
    • leadership in
    • public manager role in
    • roles in
  • hierarchical structures
    • in bureaucratic model of administration
    • communication in
    • comparing with heterarchies
    • control and
    • Global Fund combatting
    • IPSP example
  • hollowed-out government
    • governance challenges
    • “hollow government” (Goldstein)
  • homeland security, large scale social issues illustrating pragmatic need for collaboration
  • homeless, networks delivering services for
  • Hoover commissions, administrative reform and
  • horizontal relationships, compared with traditional hierarchical structures
  • hospitals, example of contracting out
  • housing, example of overlap of private and public sectors
  • Houston Ship Channel, IPSP example in transportation infrastructure
  • human (social) services
    • contracting and
    • expanding role of nonprofits in
    • Fairfax county program for
  • human nature, assumptions underlying NPM concepts
  • Hurricane Katrina
    • Coast Guard response
    • effectiveness of response to
    • flexibility vs. bureaucracy and
    • government challenge in facing natural disasters
    • network response to
    • network strengths and weaknesses
  • Hurricane Rita
  • Hurricane Sandy
  • hybrid organizations


  • ICT (Information and communication technology)
    • future of CSCs and
    • supporting citizen participation
  • imperative for CSCs
    • challenges creating need for collaborative approach
    • lack of resources
    • overview of
    • public dissatisfaction with public sector
    • societal expectations and transformations
  • impermanence, disadvantages of IPSPs for public managers
  • incentives, contract negotiation and
  • independent public services providers (IPSPs)
    • accountability in
    • addressing global issues
    • advantages/disadvantages for public managers
    • applying to public health
    • approach of
    • challenges of governance and
    • characteristics of
    • comparing options for delivery of goods and services
    • comparing with other CSCs
    • comparing with quasi-governmental entities
    • emergency response and
    • environmental protection and
    • evolution of governance and
    • flexibility of
    • government capacity for
    • growth of quasi-governmental and hybrid organizations
    • health care crisis and
    • innovation in approach of
    • measuring performance of
    • monitoring and evaluation and
    • mutuality in approach of
    • New Public Governance paradigm and
    • overview of
    • policy and delivery options available to public managers
    • principal-principal relationships and
    • public managers and
    • review
    • risk allocation and
    • sharing expertise and resources
    • state employment training case study
    • strengths and weaknesses
    • transitioning between public service delivery options
    • transportation infrastructure and
  • India, international experience with PPPs
  • Indiana Economic Development Council
  • informal networks
  • information. See also knowledge
    • asymmetrical. See asymmetrical information
    • comparing information exchange in heterarchies and hierarchies
    • importance of transparency in IPSPs
    • sources of influence for public managers
  • Information and communication technology (ICT)
    • future of CSCs and
    • supporting citizen participation
  • infrastructure
    • challenges facing governments
    • DC Capital area Hot Lanes program
    • helping local government implement transportation infrastructure
    • IPSPs in transportation infrastructure
    • operating environment in infrastructure partnerships
    • PPPs for
  • innovation
    • advantages of IPSPs
    • advantages of networks
    • criticisms of bureaucratic model and
    • leadership in heterarchical structures and
  • integration, in collaborative structures
  • intermediate-term partnerships
  • International Finance Corporation, of World Bank
  • investment, in U.S. infrastructure


  • Joint Venture-Silicon Valley (Joint Venture-SV)
    • IPSPs in environmental protection
    • mutuality in approach of


  • Kansas, foster care and adoption program
  • Kaplan, Lori
    • adapting leadership areas to CSCs
    • brief biography of work in public service
    • on building trust
    • on gaining wider perspective
    • on generating support
    • on leading outside of formal roles
  • Kee, James Edwin (Jed), about the authors section
  • Kennedy, John F.
  • Kestenbaum Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (1955)
  • key performance indicators (KPIs), for accountability
  • knowledge. See also information
    • government learning by deciphering and integrating external knowledge
    • knowledge transfer as network advantage
  • KPIs (key performance indicators), for accountability


  • Latin American Youth Center (LAYC)
  • laws/legality, governance challenges in CSC
  • lead organization network
  • leadership
    • adapting leadership areas to CSCs
    • advantages of IPSPs for public managers
    • broad perspective of
    • building trust
    • communication and
    • comparing heterarchies and hierarchies
    • comparing public and nonprofit sectors
    • critical elements of
    • generating support
    • in heterarchical structures
    • interviews with senior executives
    • leading with purpose
    • leveraging action vs. decision making
    • need for new administrative models and
    • from outside formal roles
    • overview of
    • picking participants in network governance
    • review
    • state employment training case study
  • learning, by government
    • assessing and assigning employees
    • building collaboration capacity
    • core issues
    • deciphering and integrating external knowledge
    • discussing and documenting lessons from direct experience
    • framework for
    • making improvements
    • monitoring and evaluation and
    • systems approach to
  • learning by doing
  • legitimacy, New Public Governance paradigm and
  • Legitimacy in Public Administration: A Discourse Analysis (McSwite)
  • Let’s Move campaign (Michelle Obama)
  • leveraging action, vs. decision making
  • “liberation management” (Light)
  • “life-cycle of collaboration” (Norris-Tirrell and Clay)
  • local cluster development, shared values and
  • local government
    • bureaucratic model and
    • challenges facing
    • in definition of public sector
    • dynamics of collaboration in
    • managed competition
  • long-term partnerships
    • types of cross-sector partnerships
    • U.S. examples
  • long-term perspective, advantages of IPSPs for public managers
  • loss-of-control problem, governance challenges


  • male-bias, criticisms of bureaucratic model
  • malnutrition, IPSPs in address to
  • managed competition, outsourcing vs. contracting and
  • management
    • leadership. See leadership
    • public administration. See public administration
  • management skills, needed for network governance
  • “managerialism” (Terry)
  • Manhattan Project, example of private contracting
  • market failure, economic rationales for CSC
  • markets
    • advocates of market mechanisms over government programs
    • benefits of CSCs and
    • shared value and
  • McSwite, O. C.
  • Medicaid, crisis in health care
  • Medicare
    • crisis in health care
    • one sector vs. multisector solutions
    • partnership applied to public health
  • military, contracting approach in
  • mission drift
    • IPSP issues
    • partnership issues
  • mobilization, government skills needed for network management
  • models, for public administration
  • modulation skills, New Public Governance model and
  • monitoring and evaluation
    • analyzing in CSCs
    • contracting and
    • designing government standards for
    • future of CSCs and
    • government skills needed for network management
    • partnerships and
    • PPPs and
    • traditional accountability and
  • monopolistic/oligopolistic effects, competition and allocation efficiency and
  • moral hazard, managing divergent interests in partnerships
  • motivation, bureaucratic model and
  • multisector aspect, of IPSPs
  • multisector solutions
  • mutual accountability
    • citizen participation
    • four pillars of
    • integrated approach to
    • outcome-based performance
    • overview of
    • trust
    • value creation
  • mutuality
    • advantages of IPSPs
    • elements of network governance


  • N Street Village (NSV)
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
  • National Performance Review
  • NDOs. See nonprofit sector
  • Neglected Tropical Disease (NTDs)
    • applying IPSP to
    • IPSP strengths and weaknesses and
  • negotiation, government skills needed for network management
  • neoliberalism
    • advocating market mechanisms over government programs
    • economics of
  • network capture, disadvantages of networks
  • networks
    • accountability
    • administrative organization of
    • advantages/disadvantages of
    • as alternative approach to public administration
    • communications and
    • comparing IPSPs with
    • comparing options for delivery of goods and services
    • definitions
    • evolution of governance and
    • in facilitation of collaboration
    • globalization and
    • governance of
    • government skills needed for managing
    • lead organization network
    • leadership in
    • measuring performance of
    • monitoring and evaluation and
    • mutuality and
    • overcoming challenges to good governance of
    • overview of
    • policy and delivery options available to public managers
    • political support and
    • principal-principal relationships and
    • public managers and
    • review
    • risk management
    • shared or self-governed
    • structure of
    • transitioning between public service delivery options
    • trust and
    • types of
  • New Public Governance paradigm
    • future of CSCs and
    • “new governance” (Kee and Newcomer)
  • New Public Management (NPM)
    • administrative reform
    • limitations of
    • reactions to
  • “new public service” (Denhardt and Denhardt)
  • New Zealand, adoption of NPM ideas
  • nongovernmental organizations. See also nonprofit sector
    • bias against operating in public sphere
    • defining public enterprise organizations
  • nonmarket failure (Wolf)
  • nonprofit sector
    • challenges of involving in CSC
    • comparing leadership in public and nonprofit sectors
    • comparing options for delivery of goods and services
    • competition and allocation efficiency in
    • competitive advantage in meeting some social needs
    • competitive advantage of private sector and
    • constituent responsiveness and
    • CSC roles
    • divergent interests in partnerships with government
    • legal issues related to collaboration
    • loss-of-control problem and
    • networks and
    • pragmatic rationales for CSC
    • private market vs. nonprofit solutions
    • reliance on federal funding
    • skepticism regarding CSCs
    • strategic rationales for CSC
    • transformational stewardship (Kee and Newcomer) model
  • NPM. See New Public Management (NPM)
  • NSV (N Street Village)
  • NTDs (Neglected Tropical Disease)
    • applying IPSP to
    • IPSP strengths and weaknesses and
  • nutrition, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)


  • Obama, Barrack
  • Obama, Michelle
  • Obamacare. See Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2010)
  • OEC (Oregon Environmental Council)
    • characteristics and approaches of IPSPs
    • role of IPSPs in environmental protection
  • OECD (Organization for Co-operation and Development)
  • one sector solutions, vs. multisector solutions
  • operating environment, partnerships
  • operational outcomes, in partnerships
  • operational risks
  • operations, risk identification
  • opportunistic behavior, overcoming challenges to good governance in networks
  • opportunity costs, cost-benefit analysis
  • orchestration skills, needed for New Public Governance model
  • Oregon Environmental Council (OEC)
    • characteristics and approaches of IPSPs
    • role of IPSPs in environmental protection
  • Organization for Co-operation and Development (OECD)
  • organizational capacity, assessing
  • organizational learning. See also learning, by government
  • organizational perspective, in assessing public value
  • organizational structures
    • complicated nature of government structures
    • heterarchical structures. See heterarchical structures
    • hierarchical structures. See hierarchical structures
    • horizontal relationships compared with traditional hierarchical structures
    • impact of ownership structures on employee incentive and behavior
    • networks and
    • partnerships and
  • outcome-based performance, in democratic accountability
  • outcomes (deliverables)
    • measuring performance of IPSPs
    • operational outcomes in partnerships
    • strategic objectives of CSC
  • outreach networks
    • in delivery of services for the homeless
    • types of networks
  • outsourcing, contracting compared with
  • ownership structures, impact on employee incentive and behavior
  • ownership theory (property rights theory)


  • pandemics, challenges facing governments
  • partisanship, issues facing U.S. government
  • partners in network, securing buy-in
  • partnerships. See also public-private partnerships (PPPs)
    • accountability in
    • applying to public health example
    • aspects of
    • assessing
    • attributes of
    • collaboration in
    • collaborative contracts compared with
    • comparing options for delivery of goods and services
    • contextualizing collaborative practices
    • costs and benefits of
    • evolution of governance and
    • expertise in
    • government capacity and
    • IPSPs compared with
    • issues with
    • managing divergent interests
    • measuring performance
    • networks compared with
    • operating environment and
    • organizational characteristics
    • outcomes
    • overview of
    • policy and delivery options available to public managers
    • Port of Miami Tunnel (POMT) example
    • pragmatic rationales for CSC
    • principal-principal relationships and
    • rationales for
    • review
    • risk allocation in successful
    • social and political impact of successful
    • state employment training case study
    • strengths and weaknesses
    • transitioning between public service delivery options
    • types of
  • Pathways to Health, role of IPSPs in responding to health care crisis
  • Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2010)
  • performance
    • criteria for evaluating
    • criticisms of bureaucratic model
    • evaluating contacting
    • evaluating partnerships
    • measures
    • measuring in IPSPs
    • measuring in networks
    • measuring in partnerships
    • monitoring and evaluation and
    • outcome-based
  • performance budgeting, emphasis on outcomes in public sector
  • performance contracts
  • permission, sources of influence for public managers
  • Perspectives, outreach network delivering services for homeless
  • persuasion, government skills needed for network management
  • PFI (Private Finance Initiative), in UK
  • philanthropy
  • planning and design development stage, for PPPs
  • planning programs/projects
  • policies
    • CSC advancing goals and objectives of public policy
    • government skills in setting clear
    • in network governance
  • politics
    • advantages/disadvantages of IPSPs for public managers
    • analyzing CSC options
    • elements of network governance
    • impact of successful partnerships
    • risk allocation
    • risk identification
  • pollution
    • outcome-based performance and
    • role of IPSPs in environmental protection
  • Port of Miami Tunnel (POMT)
    • outcome-based performance example
    • public-private partnership example
  • power
    • division between executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government
    • “power with” vs. “power over”
  • power sharing
    • leadership in heterarchical structures and
    • partnerships and
    • principal-principal relationships and
  • PPPs (public-private partnerships). See public-private partnerships (PPPs)
  • pragmatic rationales, for CSC
    • overview of
    • private and nonprofit perspectives
  • price vs. quality, tradeoff in contracting
  • principal-agent problem
    • contracting and
    • economic rationales for CSC
    • moving to principal-principal relationships
  • principal-principal relationships
    • moving to
    • New Public Governance paradigm and
  • private (for-profit) sector
    • agency dilemma and
    • challenges of involving in CSC
    • comparing options for delivery of goods and services
    • competition and allocation efficiency in
    • CSC roles
    • divergent interests in partnerships with government
    • legal issues related to collaboration
    • level of risk in private/public partnerships
    • loss-of-control problem and
    • neoliberalism and
    • networks and
    • pragmatic rationales for CSC
    • private market vs. nonprofit solutions
    • public-private partnership for infrastructure
    • shareholder focus
    • skepticism regarding CSCs
    • strategic rationales for CSC
  • Private Finance Initiative (PFI), in UK
  • private ownership, impact of ownership structures on employee incentive and behavior
  • privatization
    • adoption of NPM ideas and
    • efforts to reduce government role
    • neoliberalism and
    • policy and delivery options available to public managers
    • rationales for (Feigenbaum, Henig, and Hamnett)
    • of Social Security
  • productivity, shared value and
  • profit maximization, social responsibility and
  • programs/projects
    • designing
    • planning
  • prohibition, responses to market failure
  • property rights theory (ownership theory)
  • PSC (public sector comparator)
  • psychological safety, interpersonal risk taking and
  • public accountability
    • controls in
    • overview of
    • traditional
  • public administration
    • advantages of bureaucratic model
    • disadvantages of bureaucratic model
    • future of CSCs and
    • historic origins of bureaucratic model
    • need for new model for
    • network management approach
    • new governance and
    • New Public Management (NPM) reform movement
    • “new public service” (Denhardt and Denhardt)
    • reactions to New Public Management (NPM) reform movement
    • reforming bureaucratic state
    • reframing
    • review
    • transformational stewardship (Kee and Newcomer)
    • twenty-first century orientation
  • public agencies, success of bureaucratic model and
  • public engagement, skills needed by government staff
  • public goods and services
    • applying delivery options to public health example
    • comparing IPSPs with CSCs
    • comparing options for delivery of
    • contracting out
    • direct government provision
    • example of market failure
    • IPSPs
    • networks
    • partnerships
    • public service aspect of IPSPs
    • selecting amongst delivery options
    • transitioning between delivery options
  • public health. See also health care
    • applying delivery options to
    • crisis in health care
    • Global Network for Neglected Tropical Disease
    • one sector vs. multisector solutions
  • public interest considerations, analyzing CSC options
  • public managers
    • advantages/disadvantages of IPSPs for
    • applying goods and service delivery options to public health
    • challenges and dilemmas of responsibilities of
    • collaborative contracts and
    • collaborative role in relationship to private and nonprofit sectors
    • comparing options for delivery of goods and services
    • creating public value
    • heterarchies and hierarchies and
    • IPSPs and
    • multilateral networks and
    • need to understand strengths/weaknesses of CSCs
    • networks and
    • new choices available to
    • option contracting out
    • option of direct government provision
    • option of IPSPs
    • option of networking
    • option of partnering
    • as public servants
    • selecting amongst options for delivery of public goods and services
    • sources of influence
    • traditional public accountability
    • value creation by
  • public ownership, impact of ownership structures on employee incentive and behavior
  • public policy, CSC advancing goals and objectives of
  • public programs, under bureaucratic model of administration
  • public sector
    • agency dilemma and
    • comparing leadership in public and nonprofit sectors
    • competition and allocation efficiency in
    • CSC roles
    • legal issues related to collaboration
    • level of risk in private/public partnerships
    • networks and
    • social programs focused on “median voter”
    • strategic rationales for CSC
    • transformational stewardship (Kee and Newcomer) model
  • public sector comparator (PSC)
  • public services
    • future of CSCs and
    • independent providers. See independent public services providers (IPSPs)
    • networks in delivery of
    • “new public service” (Denhardt and Denhardt)
    • transitioning between public service delivery options
  • public tasks/challenges
    • case studies
    • one sector vs. multisector solutions
    • overview of
    • political factors
    • private market vs. nonprofit solutions
  • public value
    • creating
    • CSCs in creation of
    • defining
    • future of CSCs and
    • role of CSCs in supporting governments and
  • Public Values and Public Interest: Counterbalancing Economic Individualism (Bozeman)
  • public-private partnerships (PPPs). See also partnerships
    • accountability in
    • adoption of NPM ideas in UK
    • advantages/disadvantages of
    • bidding process
    • comparing trade-offs in options for delivery of goods and services
    • construction and
    • Dunford Bridge project in UK
    • evolution of governance and
    • examples
    • external consultants in
    • government skills needed for
    • improving services offered by public sector
    • for infrastructure
    • international experience with
    • issues in managing
    • learning from failures
    • monitoring and evaluation and
    • networks compared with
    • operating environment in infrastructure partnerships
    • outcome-based performance example
    • planning and design development stage for
    • Port of Miami Tunnel (POMT) example
    • Private Finance Initiative (in U.K.)
    • private market vs. nonprofit solutions
    • privatization and
    • skills needed by government staff
    • stakeholder relationships
    • trust and
    • United Way of New York City (UWNYC)
  • purchasing agreements, examples of traditional contracts


  • quality, price vs. quality tradeoff in contracting
  • quasi-governmental organizations
    • comparing IPSPs with
    • emerging structures filling void in government services
    • growth of
    • U.S. examples


  • Rainforest Alliance
    • autonomy of
    • partnership example in delivery of goods and services
    • role of IPSPs in environmental protection
    • work in forest conservation
  • rationales, for CSC
    • addressing governance challenges
    • agency dilemma and
    • competition and
    • competitive advantage in meeting some social needs
    • economic
    • governance and
    • hollowed-out government and
    • impact of ownership structures on employee incentive and behavior
    • loss-of-control problem and
    • market failure and
    • overview of
    • pragmatic examples
    • principal-principal relationships and
    • private and nonprofit perspectives
    • strategic perspectives of private sector
    • strategic perspectives of public and nonprofit sectors
  • Reagan, Ronald
  • Reagan Revolution, decline in support for federal government
  • recessions
  • reform
    • administrative. See administrative reform
    • efforts at contract reform
  • regulation
    • creation of regulatory agencies
    • CSR and
    • responses to market failure
  • relational contracting
  • relationships, managing in partnerships
  • Report Card of America’s Infrastructure
  • request for information (RFI), in contracting
  • request for proposal (RFP), in contracting
  • resources
    • advantages of IPSPs for public managers
    • advantages of networks in leveraging
    • assessing resources needs
    • decrease in resources leading to alternative financing
    • government facing lack of
    • IPSPs in sharing
    • needs and capacity analysis
    • rationale for partnerships
    • strategic objectives of CSC and
  • Rethinking Democratic Accountability (Behn)
  • RFI (request for information), in contracting
  • RFP (request for proposal), in contracting
  • rigidity (formalism), criticisms of bureaucratic model
  • risk allocation
    • advantages of IPSPs
    • analyzing CSC options
    • case analysis
    • IPSPs and
    • managing divergent interests in partnerships
    • in successful partnerships
  • risk analysis, analyzing CSC options
  • risk identification
  • risk management
  • risk sharing
  • roadways. See also transportation infrastructure
    • disaster recovery and
    • role of IPSPs in transportation infrastructure
  • roles
    • comparing heterarchies and hierarchies
    • critical elements of CSC leadership
    • hierarchical and fixed in bureaucratic model
    • leading from outside formal roles
  • Roman Empire
    • contracting in
    • partnerships with government
  • rule-based governance, vs. discretion
  • Russel, Sue
    • adapting leadership areas to CSCs
    • brief biography of work in public service
    • on building trust
    • on gaining wider perspective
    • on generating support
    • on leading outside of formal roles


  • San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE)
    • advantages of networks in cutting across silos
    • example of lead organization network
    • measuring network performance and
  • SCEIG. See Small Communities Environmental Infrastructure Group (SCEIG)
  • SEEDZ (Smart Energy Enterprise Development Zone)
  • self-directed quality, of IPSPs
  • self-governed networks
  • shared networks
  • shared value, between businesses and local community
  • short-term (one-to-one) partnerships
  • Silicon Valley, IPSP addressing collective issues of
  • silos
    • advantages of networks in cutting across
    • information exchange in hierarchical structures and
  • Small Communities Environmental Infrastructure Group (SCEIG)
    • advantages of networks in cutting across silos
    • example of network applied to public health
    • example of shared or self-governed network
  • “smart buyer” (Kettl), governments as
  • Smart Energy Enterprise Development Zone (SEEDZ)
  • social (human) services
    • contracting and
    • expanding role of nonprofits in
    • Fairfax county program for
  • social enterprise organizations, role in delivery of public goods and services
  • social entrepreneurship, advantages of IPSPs for public managers
  • social impact, of successful partnerships
  • social media
    • citizen engagement and
    • future of CSCs and
  • social problems, scale of some problems creates pragmatic need for collaboration
  • social relations
    • comparing heterarchies and hierarchies
    • government skills needed for network management
    • rationale for partnerships
  • social responsibility, of private sector. See corporate social responsibility (CSR)
  • Social Security System (US)
    • as example of success of bureaucratic model
    • one sector vs. multisector solutions
  • social trust, democratic accountability and
  • societal expectations and transformations, factors creating cross-sector imperative
  • SOEs (state-owned enterprises)
  • spillovers
    • risk allocation
    • risk identification
  • stability, disadvantages of networks
  • staff, assigning to CSC tasks
  • stakeholders
    • analyzing
    • building trust and
    • CSR and
    • multisector aspect of IPSPs
    • partnerships and
    • public employees serving diverse interests of
    • social and political involvement of
  • state employment training case study
    • accountability
    • analyzing in CSCs and
    • contracting out and
    • IPSPs and
    • leadership
    • networks and
    • overview of
    • partnerships and
  • state government
    • challenges facing
    • in definition of public sector
    • dynamics of collaboration
    • federal government shifting responsibilities to
    • foster care and adoption program example
    • legal issues related to collaboration
    • managed competition
  • state-owned enterprises (SOEs)
  • statutory procedures, contract transparency and
  • stewardship, transformational stewardship (Kee and Newcomer)
  • strategic rationales, for CSC
    • private sector and
    • public and nonprofit sectors and
  • structure, of networks
  • structures, organizational. See organizational structures
  • subsidies, responses to market failure
  • support
    • critical elements of CSC leadership
    • leaders generating
  • Supreme Court (U.S.), ruling on limits on government contracting
  • sustainability
    • Oregon Environmental Council mission
    • Rainforest Alliance work in
    • role of IPSPs in meeting challenges of
  • synthesizing skills, government skills needed for network management
  • system thinking
    • critical elements of CSC leadership
    • leader viewing issues from broad perspective
    • learning and


  • Taft Commission on Economy and Efficiency (1912)
  • tasks. See also challenges
    • analyzing nature of
    • case studies
    • one sector vs. multisector solutions
    • overview of
    • political factors
    • private market vs. nonprofit solutions
  • teams
    • developing dedicated teams for CSC projects
    • new governance model and
  • television, example of overlap of private and public sectors
  • termination
    • risk allocation
    • risk identification
  • timeliness, price vs. timeliness tradeoff in contracting
  • total quality movement (Deming)
  • tourism, Global Sustainable Tourism Council
  • traditional contracts
  • transaction costs, rationales for partnerships
  • transformational stewardship (Kee and Newcomer)
  • transit development case study
  • transparency
    • advantages of networks
    • avoiding fraud and abuses in contracting
    • building trust between partners
    • IPSPs and
  • transportation infrastructure
    • DC Capital area Hot Lanes program example
    • helping local government implement
    • monitoring and evaluation and
    • role of IPSPs in
  • trust
    • among partners
    • building
    • comparing options for delivery of goods and services
    • critical elements of CSC leadership
    • democratic accountability and
    • in effective collaboration
    • government skills needed for network management
    • leaders building
    • leadership in heterarchical structures and
    • levels of
    • network management and
    • trust but verify concept
  • “trusted partners” (Forrer et al.)
  • twenty-first century government


  • uncontrollable risks
    • allocation
    • identification
  • United Kingdom (U.K.)
    • adoption of NPM ideas
    • Dunford Bridge project
    • Neglected Tropical Disease (NTDs)
    • Private Finance Initiative (PFI)
  • United Nations Millennium Development Goals
  • United Way of New York City (UWNYC)
  • urban congestion, role of IPSPs in
  • U.S. (United States)
    • examples of quasi-governmental organizations
    • historic origins of bureaucratic model and
    • history of contracting in
    • history of partnerships with government
    • low level of confidence in government
    • Supreme Court ruling on limits on government contracting
  • US Agency for International Development (USAID), partnerships with governments
  • US Coast Guard (USCG)
    • Admiral Allen’s roles in
    • Deepwater Program
    • response to Hurricane Katrina
  • US State Department, Global Partnership Initiative
  • UWNYC (United Way of New York City)


  • value
    • best value analysis. See best-value analysis
    • creating
    • public. See public value
    • shared value
  • value-for-money analysis (VfM)
    • analysis of CSCs
    • comparing with CBA and CEA analysis
    • Florida Department of Transportation example
    • types of analytical approaches
  • values-based leadership
  • vendors, traditional contracts and
  • verify, trust but verify concept
  • vertical relationships
    • in hierarchies
    • traditional accountability and
  • Veterans Health Administration, example of direct government provision of public health
  • vision
    • negotiating motivational differences and
    • in network governance


  • Waldo, Dwight
  • Weber, Max
  • welfare state, opponents of
  • work groups, learning by doing
  • World Bank
    • adoption of NPM ideas
    • international experience with PPPs
    • partnerships with governments


  • Yuma Desert Proving Grounds, public-private partnership
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