
NOTE: In this index, a page number followed by the letter“t” indicates a table one or more pages long.


.. (numrange:) operator, 69--70, 168--169
* (asterisk) as wildcard, 14
- (minus) operator, 17
| (OR) operator, 18
+ (plus) operator, 15, 17
&strip=1 parameter, 98--99
@ (at) sign
   forms of, 166
   ignored, 167
%20 (hex code for a space), 23--24


Addresses, e-mail, 166--168
Administrators, searching for, 269--271
Advanced Search
+ (plus) operator, 15, 17
author operator, 3, 72--74
Boolean operators, 16--18
bphonebook: operator, 79--80
button, 4
define: operator, 78--79
group: operator, 75
insubject: operator, 75
msgid: operator, 76--77
page, 24--25
phonebook: operator, 79--81
rphonebook: operator, 79--80
stocks: operator, 77--78
See also Operators, advanced
Adwords, 219--220
AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) buddy lists, 367
all... operators, 51
allinanchor operator, 84--85
allintext operator, 57--59, 83
allintitle operator, 53, 54--57
allinurl: operator, 57--59, 84
AND operator, 16--17
AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) buddy lists, 367
Apache Web servers
default pages, 299--301, 301t
error messages, 288--296
API (application programming interface), 184--185
API clones, 185
Application error messages, 296--299
as... parameters, 25--27
Asterisk (*) as wildcard, 14
At (@) sign
forms of, 166
ignored, 167
Aura API clone, 185
author: operator, 3, 72--74
Automated grinding, 150--153
Automated searching. See Searching, automation of
Axis StorPoint servers, 327


Backup files on servers, 114, 118
Base searches, 19--20
Belkin cable/DSL routers, 326
Binary files, locating, 230--234
Black hats, 224
Bookmarked search URLs, 22--23, 46
Boolean operators, 16--18
bphonebook: operator, 79--80
Browser toolbars, 3, 12, 46--47
Browsers, choosing, 24
Buddy lists, Instant Messenger (AOL), 367
Business telephone numbers, searching for, 79--80
Businesses’ data, searching for, 77--78


C source code, 224
Cable routers, Belkin, 326
cache: operator, 69
Cached pages
anonymity problems, 94--100
searching within, 69
warning about, 283
Case sensitivity, 13--14
CGI scanning, finding exploit targets by, 257--259, 262
Chaining searches, 209--212
Characters, special, 23--24
Cisco products, locating, 327
Code, exploit. See Exploit code, locating
Code, finding exploit targets by, 238--257
Code Search
operators, 227--228
searches for vulnerable code, 229--230
Code strings, locating exploit code by, 226--227
Collecting search terms. See Search terms, collecting
Colliding operators, 81--85
Colon, separating, 51
Common code strings, locating exploit code by, 226--227
Company data, searching for, 77--78
Company telephone numbers, searching for, 79--80
Competing search engines, 185
Configuration files
description, 123
examples, 127t
search reduction, 126--127
searching for, 124--125
significance, 124
Connecting searches, 209--212
Cookies, 214, 217--218
Country codes, telephone, 172
Credit-card numbers, searching for, 361--362, 370--371
CubeCart Web site, 236--237
CuteNews software, 238--242


Dapper scraper and Dapps, 184
Data, sensitive, in log files, 132
Data center geographical locations, 211
Data mining. See Information mining
Database digging. See Digging
Database dumps, 147--148
Database support files, 137--139
Date converters, 90
daterange: operator, 70--71
Dates of publication, searching within, 70--71
Default documentation, 304--306
Default pages
Apache Web servers, 299--301, 301t
Microsoft IIS, 301t, 302
Netscape servers, 302--303
define: operator, 78--79 acquired, 6
Deleting personal data from Google, 80
Demonstration pages, finding exploit targets by, 235--238
Desktop, Google, 153--155
database dumps, 147--148
database files, 149--150
database support files, 137--139
description, 122, 134
error messages, 139--147
examples, 136t
login portals, 135
Digital forensics, 225
Directory listings of servers. See Web servers, listings of
Display language (hi variable), 6, 26, 28--29, 30t, 33
DOC files, searching for, 61
Document digging. See Digging
Documentation, default, 304--306
Documents, office, 133--134
Domains and sub-domains, parsing, 190--191
DSL routers, Belkin, 326
Dumps, database, 147--148


E-mail addresses
finding from telephone numbers, 196--199
parsing, 186--190
searching for, 166--168
Employee names, obtaining, 268
Encoding, hexadecimal, 23
Error messages
Apache Web servers, 288--296
application software, 296--299
database digging, 139--147
Microsoft IIS, 284--288, 342
phonebook operators, 81
safety in, 158
searching for, 265--266
EvilAPI API clone, 185
Evolution tool, 196--200, 212
Executable files, locating, 230--234
Explicit images, 8, 11
Exploit code, locating
by common code strings, 226--227
description, 224
malware and executables, 230--234
on public sites, 225
Exploit code targets, ways to locate
CGI scanning, 257--259, 262
demonstration pages, 235--238
source code, 238--257
vulnerability, 229--230, 234--235, 242--257, 262
Expressions, regular, 151--152
ext: operator, 63, 271--275
See also filetype: operator
Extensions. See File extensions


Feeling Lucky button, 4
file: operator, 227
File extensions
searching for, 61t, 62t
Web sites about, 157
See also ext: operator;filetype: operator
filetype: operator, 61--65, 119, 258
filter parameter, 25
Filtering, SafeSearch, 8, 11
Financial data, personal, 363--364
Finding exploit code. See Exploit code, locating
FireBug extension, 179--210
FireFox browser, 179
Forensics, digital, 225
Forums, Search Engine Hacking, 70


Geographical locations of data centers, 211
Gmail, 217--219
Golden rules of searching, 13--15
Google Desktop, 153--155
Google Groups search page, 7
Google Hacking Database, 242--257
Google Image searching, 7--8
Googleturds, 60
Grinding, automated, 150--153
group: operator, 75
Groups (newsgroups), Google. See Newsgroups


Hacker, definition of, 162
“Hacker speak”, 9
Hacking Database, Google, 242--257
Hats, white and black, 224
Header field, Host, 96
Help desks, searching for, 275
“Helper" programs, 12
Hexadecimal encoding, 23
Highlighting, 56, 99--100
hl variable (display language), 6, 26, 28--29, 30t, 33
Home page, Google, 2--3
Honey words, 219--220
Host header field, 96
HP Insight Management Agents, 326
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) TITLE tags, 54


Ignored words, 14--15
IGoogle link, 3
IIS (Microsoft)
default pages, 301t, 302
error messages, 284--288, 342
ILAN Looking Glass servers, 327
I’m Feeling Lucky button, 4
Image searching, 7--8
Images, sexually explicit, 8, 11
inanchor: operator, 68--69, 84
include files, 139, 158, 226--228
Incremental substitution, 112
“index of files, 52, 55--56
Index Server, Microsoft, 307
info: operator, 71--72
Information leakage, 158
Information mining, 162
chaining searches, 209--212
description, 162
e-mail addresses, finding, 196--199
Evolution tool, 196--200, 212
Office documents, finding URLs of, 201--209
Insight Management Agents (HP), 326
Instant Messenger (AOL) buddy lists, 367
insubject: operator, 75
Interface Language option, 8
intext operator, 57--59, 344
intitle: operator, 54--57, 265
Intranets, searching for, 275
inurl: operator, 57--59, 275


John the Ripper password cracker, 358
Julian date converters, 90


Keywords for Adwords, 219--220


lang: operator, 228
Language Tools
search screen, 11--12
translation service, 12
for display (hl variable), 6, 26, 28--29, 30t, 33
of interface, 8
list of, 13
of proxy servers, 10
restrict variable, 25, 34, 35t
restriction (lr) variable, 26, 27t, 29
translation of result page, 5--6
Lantronix Web managers, 326
Leakage of information, 158
Letters, Wheel of Fortune, 351
Libwhisker Perl library, 111
license: operator, 228
Limit of 32 words, 15
link: operator, 65--68, 85
Link text, searching within, 68--69
Links, searching for, 65--68
Listings of servers, 105--106
Locating exploit code. See Exploit code, locating
Locations of data centers, 211
Log files
description, 130
examples, 130t
sensitive data, 132
Login portals
description, 309
digging, 135
example queries, 31 It
locating, 267
Microsoft Outlook, 309, 350--351
Novell, 310
Logon link, 4
Lowercase, 13
lr (language restriction) variable, 26, 27t, 29
Lucky button, 4
Lynx Web browser, 152


Malware, locating, 230--234
maxResults parameter, 25
Message IDs, searching for, 76--77
Metadata, 122, 158
Microsoft IIS. See IIS (Microsoft)
Microsoft Index Server, 307
Microsoft Outlook login portal, 309, 350--351
Mining, information. See Information mining
Minus (-) operator, 17
Mixing operators, 81--85, 82t
Moderate SafeSearch link, 8
Moore, H.D., 233
msgid: operator, 76--77


Narrowing (reduction) techniques, 13, 18--22, 126--127
Nessus security scanner, 368
Netscape server default pages, 302--303
Network devices, Web-enabled, 326--327, 343
Network documentation examples, 328t
Network hardware, locating examples, 332t
printers, 331--332
webcams, 330--331
Network Query Tool (NQT), 321--325, 343
Network statistics via ntop program, 327--328
advanced operators, 53--54
author: operator, 72--74
authors, searching for, 3, 72--74
description, 6--7
email address searches, 150, 152
group: operator, 75
insubject: operator, 75
intext operator, 57--59, 344
intitle: operator, 54
message IDs, searching for, 76--77
msgid: operator, 76--77
operator mixing in, 82
searching for, 6--7, 75
subject lines, searching within, 75
titles, searching within, 75
Web site, 45
nikto tool, 111
NOT operator, 17--18
Novell BorderManager proxy/firewall, 326
Novell login portal, 310
NQT (Network Query Tool), 321--325, 343
nslookup command, 168
ntop program for network statistics, 327--328
credit-card, 361--362, 370--371
Social Security, 361--363, 370--371
See also Telephone numbers
Numeric ranges, searching within, 69--70
numrange: operator, 69--70, 168--169


Office documents, 133--134
Office (Microsoft) documents, finding URLs of, 201--209
Operating systems of servers, 108--110
Boolean, 16--18
Code Search, 227--228
colliding, 81--85
mixing, 81--85, 82t
new, 91--92
precedence, 18
“special”, 172
See also Operators, advanced
Operators, advanced
intitle:, 265
inurl:, 275
all... operators, 51
allinanchor, 84--85
allintext, 57--59, 83
allintitle, 53, 54--57
allinurl, 57--59, 84
author:, 3,12--1A
browsers other than Google, 91, 219
cache:, 69
daterange:, 70--71
description, 53--54
ext:, 63
filetype:, 61--65, 119, 258
inanchor:, 68--69, 84
info:, 71--72
intext, 57--59
intitle, 54--57
inurl, 57--59
link:, 65--68, 85
list of, 50
new operators, 91--92
numrange:, 69--70, 168--169
related:, 72
syntax, description of, 51--52
syntax, troubleshooting, 52--53
view:, 92
See also Operators
OR operator (&verba;), 18
Outlook login portal, 309, 350--351


Page links, searching for, 65--68
Page-scraping. See Scraping
Page text, searching within, 57--59
Parameters for searches
&strip—1 for cached pages, 98--99
description, 25, 28--29, 33--35
list of, 25t
domains and sub-domains, 190--191
e-mail addresses, 186--190
telephone numbers, 191--193
Partial telephone numbers, 199
Password cracker John the Ripper, 358
“Password”, translations of, 361
searching for, 268--269, 352--361, 352t
trivial, 371
PDF files, searching for, 61, 65
Penetration (pen) testers, 282
People, searching for, 169--170
Perl library, Lib whisker, 111
PERL script for scraping, 180--184
Personal data, removal from Google, 80
Personal financial data, 363--364
Phishing, 362--363, 370
Phone numbers, searching for, 79--81
phonebook: operator, 79--81
PHP source code, 113
Phrase search, 16
Plus (+) operator, 15, 17
Portals, login. See Login portals
Posters to newsgroups, searching for, 3, 72--74
relevance, sorting by, 193--195
results, presenting, 196
whole pages, 195--196
“Powered by" tags, 237
Precedence of operators, 18
Preferences, 4, 8--11
Previous site visits, 221
Printers, networked, 331--332
Product demonstration pages, finding exploit targets by, 235--238
translation, 6
transparent, 217
Proxy servers
anonymity, 97
language settings, 10
Public sites, locating exploit code on, 225
Publication dates, searching within, 70--71


Queries. See Searching
Quotation marks, 15


Rain Forest Puppy (RFP), 111
Reduction (narrowing) techniques, 13, 18--22, 126--127
R$eAf$eArer: header, 221
Registry, Windows, 350, 359--360
Regular expressions, 151--152
related: operator, 72
Related Web sites, searching for, 72
Relating searches, 209--212
Removing personal data from Google, 80
Rendered view, 122
Residential telephone numbers, searching for, 79--80
restrict variable, 25, 34, 35t
Restriction variable for languages (lr), 26, 27t, 29
increasing, 170--171
page of, 4--5
presenting, 196
Ripper, John the, password cracker, 358
Routers, Belkin cable/DSL, 326
rphonebook: operator, 79--80


SafeSearch filtering, 8, 11
Sample software, 307--308
SANS Top 20 list, 279
Aura and EvilAPI API clones, 184--185
Dapper scraper and Dapps, 184
description, 173--179
example, 224--225
finding URLs of Office documents, 201--209
PERL script, 180--184
Search Engine Hacking forums, 70
Search engines other than Google, 185, 219
Search term input field, 4
Search terms, collecting
Gmail, 217--219
Google study of search data, 212--213
individual collection, 214--216
previous site visits, 221
basics, 15--16
Boolean operators, 16--18
for company data by stock ticker, 77--78
for configuration files, 124--125
for links, 65--68
for newsgroup authors, 3, 72--74
for newsgroup message IDs, 76--77
for newsgroups, 6--7, 75
for related Web sites, 72
for telephone numbers, 79--81
for types of files, 61--65
golden rules, 13--15
ignored words, 14--15
limit of 32 words, 15
parameters for, 25--43, 25t
phrase search, 16
query speed, 5
quotation marks, 15
reduction (narrowing)
techniques, 13, 18--22, 126--127
search-page links and functions, 3--4
sensitivity to case, 13--14
targets, commonly successful, 264--276
warnings, 17
Web sites’ summary information, 71--72
wildcards, 14
within cached pages, 69
within link text, 68--69
within newsgroup subject lines, 75
within newsgroup titles, 75
within numeric ranges, 69--70
within page text, 57--59
within publication dates, 70--71
within specific Web sites, 59--61
within URLs, 57--59
See also Parsing; Postprocessing; Scraping; Searching, automation of
Searching, automation of
e-mail addresses, 166--168
expanding search terms, 165--172
original search term, 165--166
people, 169--170
principles, 162--165
results, increasing, 170--171
telephone numbers, 168--169
See also Scraping
Secure Socket Layer (SSL), 219
SensePost s Aura API clone, 185
Sensitive data in log files, 132
Sensitive information, 365--368, 365t
Sensitivity to case, 13--14
Separating colon, 51
Server tags, 283, 342
backup files, 114, 118
directory listings of, 105--106
operating systems of, 108--110
versions of, 103--109
Sexually explicit images, 8, 11
Sign in link, 4
site: operator, 59--61, 83--84, 171, 172, 264--265
Site, searching within, 59--61
Sniffing, 214
Social Security numbers, searching for, 361--363, 370--371
Source code
C, 224
finding exploit targets by, 238--257
listings, 226
locating, 227
PHP, 113
Space, hex code for (%20), 23--24
Special characters, 23--24
Special operators, 172
Speed of query, 5
SSL (Secure Socket Layer), 219
SSNs (Social Security numbers), searching for, 361--363, 370--371
Statistics via ntop program, 327--328
Stock ticker, searching for, 77--78
stocks: operator, 77--78
Stop words, 14
StorPoint (Axis) servers, 327
Strings, locating exploit code by, 226--227
Study of Google search data, 212--213
Subject lines, searching within, 75
Substitution, incremental, 112
Summary information for Web sites, 71--72
Support files, database, 137--139
operators, advanced, 51--53
search strings, 13--18
search URLs, 23


Tags, server, 283, 342
Targets, commonly successful, 264--276
tcpdump, 95, 97--98
Telephone numbers
finding e-mail addresses from, 196--199
parsing, 191--193
partial, 199
searching for, 79--81, 168--169
Text, searching within, 57--59
Ticker symbol, searching for, 77--78
TITLE tags in HTML, 54
Toolbars, browser, 3, 12, 46--47
Top 20 list, SANS, 279
proxies, 6
of result page, 5--6
service, 12
Transparent proxies, 217
Traversal techniques
directory listings, 110--112
extension walking, 112--115
incremental substitution, 112
Trivial passwords, 371
Types of files, searching for, 61--65


Uniform Resource Locators. See URLs
Uppercase, 13
URLs (Uniform Resource Locators)
of searches, 22--23, 46
searching within, 57--59
USENET newsgroups. See Newsgroups
User names, searching for, 268, 346--352, 347t
Utilities, Web, 321--325


Variables in search URLs, 23
Verifying e-mail addresses, 167--168
Versions of servers, 103--109
view: operator, 92
Vulnerable targets for exploit code, 229--230, 234--235, 242--257, 262


Walking extensions, 112--115
Warning messages, Google’s, 17
Web-enabled network devices, 326--327, 343
Web managers, Lantronix, 326
Web servers, listings of
description, 100--101
locating, 101--102
server tags, 283, 342
server versioning, 103--109
specific directories, 102
specific files, 103
traversal techniques, 110--115
use of, 283--284
Web servers, locating and profiling
default documentation, 304--306
default pages with Apache Web servers, 299--301, 301t
default pages with Microsoft IIS, 301t, 302
default pages with Netscape servers, 302--303
descriptions, 282--283
error messages with Apache Web servers, 288--296
error messages with application software, 296--299
error messages with Microsoft IIS, 284--288, 342
list of other servers, 304t
sample software, 307--308
See also Web servers, listings of
Web sites
Aura API clone, 185
CubeCart, 236--237
date restriction, 90 acquired, 6
EvilAPI API clone, 185
Evolution tool, 196--200, 212
exploits, locating, 261--262
file extensions, 157
FireFox, 179
Google filetypes FAQ, 90
Google preferences, 8
Julian date converters, 90
Lib whisker Perl library, 111
Microsoft on metadata, 158
Nessus security scanner, 368
newsgroup FAQs, 6
operators, advanced, 91
operators, new, 91--92
related sites, searching for, 72
SANS Top 20 list, 279
Search Engine Hacking forums, 70
searching within, 59--61
summary information for, 71--72
Web utilities, 321--325
Webalizer program, 131, 348, 349
Webcams, locating, 330--331
Wheel of Fortune letters, 351
Whisker tool, 111
White hats, 224
Wikto tool, 111
Wildcards, 14
Windows registry, 350, 359--360
Word order, 92
defining, 78--79
ignored in searches, 14--15


Yahoo advanced operators, 91


ZeitGeist page, 212
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