
Note: Page numbers in italics refer to figures.

AAR. See After Action Reviews (AARs)

Absolute answers, search for,   75

Absolutely, use of word,   2

Action,   141

defined,   146

introduction to,   143

learning from,   9

operational problem solvers and,   147

readiness and,   220

stories about

Campbell’s Soup,   160

cell phones in Caracas,   154–   158

Omidyar network,   158

TerraPass,   162

Wal-Mart,   148

Wikipedia,   152

Ad hoc immersive experiences,   105,   111

Administrative waste,   42

Adversaries, learning from,   206–   207

After Action Reviews (AARs),   169–   170,   200

Agility, ambiguity and,   53,   227

Alegent Health,   122,   207,   224

Amara, Roy,   15,   19


agility and,   53,   227

for creativity,   119

learning from,   218

learning to be comfortable with,   118

as satisfying/productive experience,   101

Anderson, Chris,   34


psychological benefits of having,   78

search for absolute,   75

Anthony, Susan B.,   213

Apple Computer,   3,   137

Apprenticeships,   112,   113

Army War College, U.S.,   1,   46–   47,   55,   109

Army War College (continued)

AAR guidelines of,   203

Arquilla, John,   55

Artifacts from the future,   21

Ashoka,   212

Baby boomers

dilemmas and,   71,   82

health economy and,   40

personal empowerment and,   29

as problem solvers,   71

retirement and,   29

Baran, Paul,   168

Beane, Billy,   5

Biehl, Amy,   63

Biotech Reverse Mentoring Program (P&G),   10

Blair, Tony,   94

Blogs, defined,   174

Bogost, Ian,   117

Bottom-up participation patterns, gaming and,   32

Buying cards,   205

California Coastal Commission,   3

Campbell, Doug,   101

Campbell’s Soup,   160

Caracas, cell phones in, action story about,   154

Case studies,   106

Cell phones in Caracas, action story about,   154

Cellular churches,   170

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),   55

strategic imperatives of,   56

Change, directions of,   25

Charles River City,   116

Ciccone, Mark,   110

Citizen journalists,   209

Clarity, complexity and,   52,   55,   226

Clean Air Act (  1990),   212

Climate change,   41,   43,   94

Closed mind-sets,   80

Cloyd, Gil,   186

Comfort zones,   182

Commander’s intent,   54

Community schools, VUCA,   58

Complexity, clarity and,   52,   226

Computer connectivity,   37

Connections,   9

Consumers, engaged, behaviors of,   27

Content facilitators,   126,   129,   132

Content synthesis,   20

Corporate Athlete,   91

Corporations, get there early and,   3

Crest toothpaste,   4

Cruel   2 B Kind Self-Organizing Game,   117

Cruise lines, VUCA world and,   62–   63

Cyberspace,   33

Dalkey, Norman,   21

Darfur Is Dying,   116

Dark innovation,   39

Dark mobs,   35,   38

Data books,   22

Davis, Chip,   224,   226

Deloitte & Touche,   112,   172 use of simulation at,   114

Delphi Technique,   21

Digital youth, flexing and,   179

Dilemmas. See also Problem solving

baby boomers and,   71

characteristics of,   74

defined,   73

leadership shifts required for,   75

modern strategic, leadership and,   147

vs. problems,   73,   147

problem solving and,   69

as source of inspiration,   81

stories about,   87,   88

fitness,   90

of future collaboration for global warming,   94

parenting,   93

Silicon Valley,   89

tuning levers for,   83

words and,   71

Direct simulations,   102

Dobson, Terry,   220

Drayton, Bill,   211

Drucker, Peter,   29,   113,   218

Economies of scale,   31

Education, in VUCA world,   57

Employees, engaged,   28

Empowerment, personal,   27

Engaged employees,   28

Environment, health concerns and,   43

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),   211

Ethnography,   21,   23,   105

Expert opinion aggregation,   20

Expert workshops,   20,   22

Extended selves, creating,   40

Extreme networks,   38

Extremes, polarization of,   37,   205

Face-to-face communication,   175,   176

Feedback, flexibility and,   169

Fishnet organizations,   165,   166

Fitness dilemma story,   90

Fixed-mind sets,   79

Flexible firms

stories about

external R&D,   186

IBM,   184

for near future,   190

Walt Disney World,   187

Flexible media,   173

Flexing/flexibility,   7,   164

developing ability for,   167

digital youth and,   179

places for,   170

principles for,   196

tuning levers for,   167

feedback,   169

identity,   170

memory,   169

resources,   168

rules,   168

structure,   168

thresholds,   169

Forecast Map,   26

hot zones in,   127

storylines of

grassroots economics,   31

health insecurity,   40

personal empowerment,   27–   31

polarizing extremes,   37

smart networking,   35

Forecasts/forecasting,   16

approaches to,   19

artifacts from the future,   21

content synthesis,   20

ethnography,   21

expert opinion aggregation,   20

expert workshops,   20

historical analogy,   20

scenarios,   20

survey research,   20

visualization,   21

directions of change and,   25


developing,   8

listening and,   13

Foresight to Insight to Action Cycle, xiii,   9,   10

foresight to insight,   86

immersion experiences for

adding value to stages of,   121

Insight to Action,   142

preparing groups for,   17

putting it together and,   223

VUCA dangers and,   50

Foresight to Insight to Action Workshops,   123

chunks of provocative insights for,   127

content facilitators for,   126,   129,   132

diverse groups for,   126

graphic artists for,   129,   130,   131

ingredients for successful,   124–   127

introductions, allowing time for,   127

meeting owners for,   124

planning,   124

PowerPoint for provocation in,   136

preparing minds for successful,   132

prioritizing in,   131

target outcomes for,   125

tips/techniques for successful,   134

venue/mood of room and,   129

Fox, Joe,   148

Framing,   226

Fundamentalism,   38,   78

Galinsky, Ellen,   169

Gaming, bottom-up participation patterns and,   36

Gandhi, Mahatma,   32,   213,   214

Gee, James Paul,   118

General Motors,   205

Geoweb,   33,   36,   187

insuring against loss and,   66

Get there early,   3

for corporations,   3

defined,   3

flexibility principle of,   196

for nonprofits,   3

Gettysburg Battlefield, “staff ride”

at,   107

Gibson, William,   33

Gilmore, Jim,   62

Global warming,   41,   43,   139

story about future collaboration to address dilemma of,   94–   100

Gore, Al,   139

Grameen Bank,   50,   52,   154

Graphic artists,   129,   130,   131

Graphic game plan,   131

Graphic recording, group,   130,   131

Grassroots economics,   31

Group graphic recording,   131

Group participation,   36

Hacking,   39

Hagan, Jean, 18,   15

Health economy,   40

baby booms and,   40

effect of climate change on,   41–   42

environmental concerns and,   43

impediments to,   42

language changes and,   41

nutrition and,   42

in VUCA world,   55

Health status, determinants of,   42,   43

Helmer, Olaf,   21

Historical analogy,   20

Hock, Dee,   168,   196

Holmes, Oliver Wendell,   70

Home monitoring systems,   66

Hope,   223

IBM,   83,   184

IDEO,   146

Ignatius, David,   109

Immersion experiences,   101,   122.

See also Simulations.

for adding value to stages of Foresight to Insight to Action Cycle,   121

ad hoc immersive experiences,   105,   111

alternate-reality games,   104

case studies,   106

improvisational acting experience,   110

learning to be comfortable with ambiguity and,   118

mentoring,   105

scenarios,   104

simulation gaming,   102

theatrical improvisations,   105–   106

3-D immersive environments,   104

Immersive learning,   xiv

Improvisational acting experiences,   110

Improvisations, theatrical,   105–   106


to action (see Action)

developing,   8

leaders and,   8

Inspiration, dilemmas as source of,   81

Instant messaging (IM), defined,   174

Institute for the Future (IFTF), logo of,   15

operational principles of,   196–   199

organization chart,   198

Insurance, in VUCA world,   66

Iraq Study Group,   125

Jardine, Ed,   155

Jeffery, Lyn,   181

Jenkins, Henry,   114

Jung, Carl,   19

Kahn, Herman,   16

Kay, Alan,   202

King, David,   94

King, Martin Luther, Jr.,   72

Kirsch, Susannah,   128

Knowledge Works Foundation (KWF),   58

Kyoto Protocol,   212

Labor shortages,   30,   42

Lafley, A. G.,   10,   91,   186,   218

Lambert, Joe,   88

Lao Tzu,   15,   143,   200


insight and,   8

prepared minds and,   18

sensing and,   8


hints and hows for,   221

modern strategic dilemmas and,   147

sensing and,   122,   224

shifts in, for problems/dilemmas,   75

simulation gaming for developing,   119


from After Action Reviews,   200–   204

from ambiguity,   218

in the field

from adversaries,   206

from citizen journalists,   209–   211

from employee experiences,   208

from field locations,   207

from what people buy,   204–   206

Learning ecologies, pervasive,   59

Learning economy,   59

Learning professions, realignment of,   59

Lee, Harry,   151

Lee, Robert E.,   108

Le Guin, Ursula,   70

Leisure, in VUCA world,   62

Lightweight infrastructures,   33

Listening,   226

for stories,   88

understanding and,   52

Locative activity,   37

Long-tail economics,   34

Loyalty cards,   204

Martin, Roger,   147

McGonigal, Jane,   117


flexible,   173

networked,   34

personal,   32

Medical error,   42

Meeting owners,   124

Meetup,   208

Megacities,   39

Memory, flexibility and,   169

Mentoring,   105,   112

Microfinance,   50

Military simulations,   106

Military strategy,   145


closed,   80

fixed,   79

Mitchell, William,   177

“Moneyball” approach,   5

Morrison, Ian,   146

Muir, John,   213

Mullen, Nina,   88

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI),   19

National Training Center, U.S. Army,   106

Net warfare,   55

Network communication skills,   175

Networked media,   34

Networked organizations,   183

memory in,   169

options for communicating in,   173,   174

Networking, smart,   35

Networking IQ, factors for,   36

Networking knowledge,   36

Networks, extreme,   38

Network structures, flexibility and,   168

Nonprofits, get there early and,   3

Nutrition, health and,   42

Oakland A’s,   5

Offices, corporate,   182

Officing,   171

Omidyar, Pierre,   158

Online lifestyle,   36

Online personnas,   190

OnStar service (General Motors),   205

Open-source technology,   29

Operational problem solvers,   147–   148

Opinion aggregation techniques,   21

Organizational memory,   169

Outrage industry,   64

Oxfam,   206

Pandemics,   41,   56

Pang, Alex,   33

Parenting dilemma story,   93

Parks, Rosa,   72

Pasteur, Louis,   45

PeaceMaker,   116

Peoplecentric offices,   30,   176

Personal empowerment,   27

Personal media,   32

Personal mobile computing,   37

Pietersen, Willie,   144

Pike Place Market, fish throwers from,   217

Pine, Joe,   62

Pottery Barn rule,   109

Powell, Colin,   109

PowerPoint, for provocation in workshops,   136

Prahalad, C. K.,   154

Prediction,   16

Preparedness, disciplines of,   220

Preparing one’s mind for attending workshops,   132–   133

for sensing,   18


defined,   75

vs. dilemmas,   73

leadership shifts required for,   75

Problem solvers, operational,   147–   148

Problem solving. See also Dilemmas

cooperative models for,   83

dilemmas and,   69

language and,   71

Procter & Gamble,   4,   9,   186–   187,   206

Public education, in VUCA world,   57

Public policy strategy,   145

Pulse!!!,   118

Questionnaire results,   22

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags,   34

Raser, John,   102

Rauschenbusch, Walter,   72

Readiness, disciplines of,   220

Referral behavior,   36

Resources, flexibility and,   168

Retirement, baby boomers and,   29

Reuters,   209

Reverse mentoring,   105

Rheingold, Howard,   32,   83

Rick, the peanut vendor,   215

Role-play simulation games,   104

Rules, flexibility and,   168

SARS outbreak,   33

Satyagraha,   72

Sauers, Len,   10

Saveri, Andrea,   83

Scale thresholds, flexibility and,   169

Scenario planning,   23

Scenarios,   20,   22,   104

Schar, Mark,   128

Science, in VUCA world,   60

Scott, Lee,   149,   151

Seamless mobility,   177

defined,   174

Self-agency,   27

Self-customization,   28

Self-organization,   28

Sensing,   7

deep,   18

leaders and,   8

leadership and,   122

open mind and,   18

preparing one’s mind for,   18

requirements for,   19

true,   18

Sensor, Wayne,   122

Serious Games Initiative (SGI),   113

“Serious games” movement,   102–   103

Shadowing,   105,   112

Sharing economy,   32,   178

Shirts, R. Garry,   120

Sibbet, David,   131

Silicon Valley story,   89

Simulation and Society (Raser),   102

Simulation gaming,   102,   109,   119,   121

for business,   102

for developing leadership,   119–   121

role-play,   104

Simulations, xiv. See also


at Deloitte & Touche,   114

examples of,   113

Charles River City,   116

Cruel   2 B Kind Self-Organizing Game,   117

Darfur Is Dying,   116

PeaceMaker,   116

Pulse!!!,   119

Serious Games Initiative,   113–   114

Virtual Team Challenge,   114–   116

military,   106

Simulation Training Systems,   120

Smart mobs (swarms),   35

Smart networking,   35

Smith, Kenneth W.,   72

Social software,   35

Social Venture Network (SVN),   195

Sony,   3

Southwest Airlines,   145

Spore,   121

Sport-utility vehicles (SUVs),   43

“Staff rides,”   107

Starbucks,   182

Stata Center,   177

State Farm Insurance,   67

Stategic intent,   54

Stockton, Frank,   218

Stories,   121

about dilemmas,   87,   88

about Silicon Valley,   89

fitness dilemma,   90

of future collaboration to address global warming,   94

parenting dilemma,   93

about flexible firms

about near future job interviews and,   190

external R&D,   186

IBM,   184

Walt Disney World,   187

about learning in the field Alegent Health,   207

Environmental Protection Agency,   211

Procter & Gamble,   206

Reuters,   209

Tesco,   204

UPS,   208

about strategic foresight/insight/ action,   148

Campbell’s Soup,   160

cell phones in Caracas,   154–   158

Omidyar Network,   158

TerraPass,   162

Wal-Mart,   148

Wikipedia,   152

listening for,   88

Storytelling,   87

Strategic intent, in VUCA world,   54

Strategy,   145

military,   145

sustainability, Wal-Mart story of,   148

Structures, network, flexibility and,   168

Stuart, James Ewell Brown (Jeb),   108

Survey research,   20,   22

Sutton, Bob,   146

Swarms (smart mobs),   35

Swigart, Rob,   118,   164

Synthesis workshops,   203

Target,   64

Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre,   72

Ten-year forecasting,   13,   15

TerraPass,   162

Tesco,   204

Theatrical improvisations,   105–   106

“The Lady or the Tiger” (Stockton),   218

Theme parks, VUCA world and,   63

3-D immersive environments,   104 Thresholds, scale, flexibility and,   169

Tolkien, J.R.R.,   45

Toyota Corporation,   3

Uncertainty, understanding and,   52,   226

Understanding, uncertainty and,   52,   226

Uninsurance,   42

UPS,   4,   208

Vian, Kathi,   24,   83,   164

Video chat, defined,   174

Video gaming, xiv

Virtual Team Challenge,   114

Vision, volatility and,   51,   225–   226

Visualization,   21

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), defined,   174

Volatility, vision and,   51,   225–   226

VUCA (Vision, Understand, Clarity, and Agility)

dealing with,   224

health in,   55

insurance in,   66

leisure in,   62

opportunity in,   49

outrage industry and,   64

public education in,   57

science in,   60

strategic intent in,   54

VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity)

world, xiii,   45

dealing with,   224

health in,   55

insuring against loss in,   66

leisure in,   62

opportunity in,   49

origin of term,   1

outrage industry in,   64

public education in,   57

roots of,   46

science in,   60

story about,   47

strategic intent in,   54

Wales, Jimmy,   152

Wal-Mart,   148

Walsh, Bill,   5

Walt Disney World,   63,   187–   190


asymmetrical,   55

net,   55

War games,   107

Warren, Rick,   170

Watts, Alan,   79

Weeks, Anthony,   131

Weight Watchers International,   90

Wikipedia,   152,   169,   208

Wikis,   169

defined,   174

Win-win strategies,   83

Wisdom of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of Anxiety, The (Watts),   79


dilemmas and,   71

limitations of,   70

Workforce, future backgrounds and styles of,   175

Workforce diversity,   30,   175

Workforce shortages,   31,   42

Workshops. See Foresight to Insight to Action Workshops

World of WarCraft,   208

Wright, Will,   121

Yunus, Muhammad,   50,   52,   53,   158

Zero-sum games,   83

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