Praise for All Editions of Fire in the Valley

Things change over time, even when they don’t. When Fire in the Valley first came out in 1984, I was just discovering that these clunky little TVs with keyboards were better than Wite-Out, but the idea they might already have a history seemed a Warholian conceit. By the release of the second edition, they certainly had a history—and most who could operate them knew it. By then, I even had a bit part in it. Now…well, now this is a book about events that truly changed history. And it’s still pretty much the same book. What’s more, most of the millions whose worlds have been utterly transformed by bit-boxes don’t know a thing about their origins. But if you’re going to read one history book this decade, read this one. You need to know the hilarious saga of the wizards and the wing nuts and the little miracles by which they created everybody’s future.

John Perry Barlow
Peripheral Visionary executive vice president; Algae Systems cofounder; and rocking chair, Electronic Frontier Foundation

This must-read classic tale of the origins of the personal computer and its role in the evolution of Silicon Valley continues to evolve and inform. In an era when we take the personal computer for granted, we tend to forget the risk-taking and ambition that was required to shift from a hobbyist plaything to a thriving industry. The authors focus on the people and culture that helped to change the world—and continue to change the world through offshoots like smartphones and the Internet. The fire continues to grow.

John Hagel
Co-chairman, Center for the Edge, and coauthor, The Power of Pull

Fire in the Valley is the seminal story of Silicon Valley. It is the first and only biography of the place that made and continues to make innovation history. Swaine and Freiberger capture the emotions and motivations at the core of this very special place with tenderness and finesse that endure to this day.

Andy Cunningham
Founder and president, SeriesC

Fire in the Valley presents the full story: from calculating machines and military computers through the heady days of garage start-ups, the rise of the clones, the initial forays into cyberspace, and on to consolidation, commoditization, and the heightened frenzy of an all-connected world of mobile devices and cloud services that we experience today. Its theme is best summed up by the authors themselves: time and again, crazy dreamers had run up against resistance from accepted wisdom and had prevailed to realize their dreams. Babbage and his Analytical Engine, Turing’s test, von Neumann’s computer, Shockley’s transistor, Noyce’s integrated circuit, Kildall’s operating system, Roberts’s microcomputer company, Moore’s law, Gates and software, Woz and hardware, Jobs and the first truly personal computer, Kapor and the spreadsheet, Berners-Lee and the Web, Andreessen and the web browser, and all of the lesser-known and unsung heroes are here.

The authors rightly focused on the human aspects of the story: the hopes, desires, and values of the dreamers. Every student of technological innovation should treat this book as the bible of computer culture and learn its lessons.

Tony Bove
Author of iPod & iTunes for Dummies, Just Say No to Microsoft, and dozens of other technology books

Highly readable and engrossing, Fire in the Valley takes the reader behind the scenes, into the creation of the personal-computer industry and how it spawned the technology products we can’t live without today. This updated edition is as fascinating as the original book, piquing the curiosity of the reader as we wonder what new transformative technologies will come next.

Barbara Krause
Former vice president of corporate communications, Apple Computer, Inc.

Fire in the Valley is a must-read for entrepreneurs, investors, and anyone involved with technology. The entrepreneurs of the personal-computer industry made every possible mistake. Their story will save you a lot of money, time, and disappointment.

Roger McNamee
Cofounder of Elevation Partners, Silver Lake Partners, and Integral Capital Partners

Silicon Valley suffers from an extreme case of historical amnesia. Whatever its virtues, remembering its roots isn’t one. The best remedy—especially for those who treasure understanding the origins of the world’s top innovation cluster—is to read Fire in the Valley. Swaine and Freiberger brilliantly capture a bygone time, a forgotten creation story that, when first encountered, greatly enhances your appreciation of the technological marvel that Silicon Valley was, is, and likely shall remain. This is an essential volume in any reading list on the digital age.

G. Pascal Zachary
Author of Showstopper!: The Breakneck Race to Create Windows NT and the Next Generation at Microsoft and Endless Frontier: Vannevar Bush, Engineer of the American Century
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