
1-click editing, 224–225

2-up trimming preview, 216

3D effects, 312

3-frame dissolves, 407

3-point editing, 154, 156, 163–165


AAF export applications, 485

action-safe zones, 61

Activation checkbox, 288

Add Cross Dissolve command, 398

Add Keyframe button, 271, 443, 444, 448

Add Subrole button, 200

Adobe, 15, 486

ADR, 143

Advanced Video Codec High Definition format, 14. See also AVCHD format

After Effects, 485, 486

aliases, 119

alpha channels, 299

alternate clips, 248–249, 250, 258

alternate dialogue replacement, 143

Amount slider, 288

Analysis Keyword icon, 42, 43

Analysis keyword indicators, 128

analysis keywords

color-coding for, 41

deleting clips based on, 68

displaying clips based on, 31

filtering clips based on, 192

for imported video image problems, 128

“Anatomy” sections

Event Browser, 41–43

Event Library, 30

Project Library, 100

Timeline, 148–150

Viewer window, 52–53

animated titles, 421, 431


crop effects, 311, 442

distortions, 313, 442

effects, 440–459 (See also keyframing)

transformations, 305, 442–444

Animation Editor, 457

Aperture, 137–138

Append Edit button, 151, 152, 153, 154

append edits, 153, 154, 205


applications, importing from, 137–138

App Store, 20

FCP Resources page, 485

FCP Technical Specification page, 16

Final Cut Pro X manual, 8

iLife, 463

iWork, 463

Logic plug-ins, 293

QuickTime (See QuickTime)

Support site, 481

Apple Devices window, 15, 465

Apple TV, 465

Apply Crop button, 307, 442

Apply Distortion button, 312, 442, 445, 446

Apply Transformation button, 300, 442

Archive Progress indicator, 124

archives, camera, 123–124

Arrange Clips By command, 50

Arrange sorting method, 49

Assign Role command, 198


analyzing/fixing problems with, 132

channels (See audio channels)

clips (See audio clips)

crossfades, 417–418

detaching, 239–240

distortion, 262

editing (See audio editing)

effects (See audio effects)

equalization, 290–292

exporting, 475–478

fades, 267–272, 417–418

files (See audio files)

filters, 293–296

importing, 139–140, 143–146

keyframes, 269–271

levels (See audio levels)

meters, 262, 263–264

pan settings, 273–280

pitch preservation, 396

recording live, 143–146, 297–298

roles (See audio roles)

sample rates, 110, 363

skimming, 56, 57

stems, 15, 476–478

stereo vs. surround, 273–274

tracks (See audio tracks)

transitions, 417–420

waveforms, 46, 353, 354, 356

Audio Animation Editor, 454

audio channels

configuring, 281

enabling/disabling specific, 282

previewing, 282

separating, 240

Audio Channels setting, 110, 274

Audio Clip icon, 42, 43

audio clips. See also audio

adding transitions to, 420

adjusting audio levels for multiple, 372–373

viewing/marking edits points in, 10

audio editing, 261–282

adding fades, 267–268

adjusting audio levels, 265–266

and channel configurations, 281–282

importance of, 261

keyframing audio levels, 269–271

and pan settings, 273–280

subframe, 272

audio editors, 197

audio effects, 283–298

applying, 295

audio equalization, 290–292

automatic audio enhancements, 284–289

deleting, 296

disabling, 296

finding specific, 294

modifying, 295–296

previewing, 295

recording live audio, 297–298

Audio Enhancements Inspector, 132, 285–289

Audio Fade handles, 267, 268

Audio Fade pointer, 267

audio files. See also audio

analyzing during/after import, 132, 284–285

applying enhancements to, 285–287

exporting, 476–478

identifying tracks in, 132

organizing/accessing, 9, 29, 40

recording, 143

transferring to computer, 18

Audio Inspector, 132, 265, 281, 290–291

audio levels, 262–266

adjusting, 265–266

and distortion, 262

keyframing, 269

measuring, 262

recommended, 262, 266

audio-only edits, 162, 235, 238

audio roles, 197–202

assigning, 198

controlling clips with, 201–202

creating, 199–200

deleting, 200

ways of using, 197

Audio Sample Rate field, 110, 363

audio tracks. See also audio

adding fades to, 267, 417

analyzing/fixing problems in, 132

editing, 272

expanding, 417

increasing vertical height of, 267

removing silent channels from, 132

viewing in Timeline, 11

Audition Clip icon, 42, 43

Audition icon, 250, 251

auditioning clips, 251–252

auditions, 245–260

adding clips to, 256–258

creating, 247–250

effects and, 253–255

finalizing, 260

purpose of, 245

removing clips from, 259

and Replace drop-down menu, 159

ways of using, 246, 253

Audition window, 251–252

Auto Enhancement menu, 285

automatic compressor, 288

Automatic Duck, 486

automatic saving, 26, 27

Available Media command, 399, 400

AVCHD format, 1, 14, 17, 18, 19

Avid, 485, 486


Back button, Timeline history, 209

background noise removal, 288–289

backgrounds, 433

Background Tasks indicator, 396

backtiming edits, 159, 160–161, 165

backups, 27, 123–124

Balance Color setting, 130

Batch Export option, 462

Blade tool, 178

blend modes, 317–318

blue markers, 75, 79

Blu-Ray Discs, 461, 467–469

Break Apart Clip Items command, 207, 240, 365

brightness levels, 354

B-roll shots, 203

Browser window

in Filmstrip view, 41

icons, 43

in List view, 42

rearranging columns in, 48

resizing columns in, 48

showing/hiding columns in, 48

Bulletin Board effect, 412

burning DVDs, 467–468


camera archives, 123–124

Camera Archives list, 124

Camera Import window, 115, 120, 133


backing up footage from, 123–124

importing from file-based, 114–118

importing from live, 120–124

importing from tape-based, 120–124

Cameras list, 114, 115, 121

Canon cameras, 114, 133

capture utilities, 122

capturing options, 14, 121


alpha, 299

audio (See audio channels)

silent, 132

video, 60

Clear Search icon, 94

Clip Appearance slider, 150

clipboard contents, pasting, 180–181

Clip Height slider, 46, 150

Clip icon, 42, 43

clip metadata, 84–90

creating new field for, 85

defined, 34

entering, 84

examples of, 84

value of, 91

clip-rating system, 66–69

clips. See also audio clips

adding dissolves to, 398

adding keywords to, 70–74

adding to auditions, 256–258

adding to projects, 147, 151–159

adjusting color for, 339–341 (See also color correction)

adjusting opacity of, 314–316

analyzing/fixing, 284–285

annotating, 40

appending, 154

applying effects to, 254–255, 321

arranging, 50

assigning blend modes to, 317–318

assigning roles to, 197–198

auditioning, 251–252 (See also auditions)

changing appearance/height of, 150

changing position of, 302

changing scale of, 300–301

collapsing, 201, 202, 236–237

compound (See compound clips)

connecting, 157, 160–161

controlling with roles, 201–202

copying and pasting, 179–181, 194

copying from one project to another, 105

copying into different events, 37

cropping, 307–311

defined, 4

deleting, 67, 166

detaching audio from, 239–240

disabling, 202

distorting, 312–313

duplicating, 250, 258

editing (See editing)

expanding, 233–238

fading in/out, 317

and FCP X’s organizing framework, 101

grouping, 50

highlighting, 201

importing, 119 (See also importing)

inserting, 154–155

inserting gaps between, 169

marking, 63–90 (See also marking clips)

matching project settings to, 165

minimizing, 202

moving connected, 172–173

moving in Timeline, 168–176

moving into different events, 38

organizing, 32, 73–74

overwriting, 156, 160, 173

positioning, 174–175

previewing, 40

rating/unrating, 66–69

removing from auditions, 259

removing keywords from, 72

replacing, 158–159

replacing with gap, 167

rewinding, 389

rippling, 214–215, 230–231, 414–415

scaling, 305–306

searching for, 91–95

selecting, 49

skimming, 40, 41, 51, 56–57, 153

sliding, 243–244

slipping, 241–242

sorting, 49, 50

splitting, 178

stabilizing, 129

viewing, 51–61

where FCP stores, 101

Clips pane, Timeline Index, 191

CNN iReport, 470

collapsing clips, 201, 202

color balance settings, 130

Color Board, 325, 341

color casts, 354


of markers, 75

in Retime Editor, 379

in Timeline, 149

color correction, 325–356

color balance, 326–328

manual, 334–343

matching shot’s color, 329–330

presets, 331–333

secondary, 344–352

and video scopes, 60, 353–356

color wheel, 341

columns, Browser window, 48

comblike effect, 61

Comic Book effect, 412

Command Editor window, 23–24

Command list, 24

complex transformations, 371–372

compositing, 299–318

and connected clips, 303

crop effects, 307–311

defined, 299

distortion, 312–313

examples of, 299

and layer order, 303

transformations, 300–306

Compositing controls, 53, 314–318

compositions, 149

Compound Clip icon, 42, 43, 364

compound clips, 357–374

advanced uses for, 369–374

breaking apart, 365

creating, 360–362

customizing settings for, 362–363

defined, 99, 358

editing, 364–365

examples of, 358–359

lengthening, 366, 367

modifying, 359

naming, 362

navigating up/down levels in, 107

purpose of, 359, 366

shortening, 366, 368

and sort order, 361

and Timeline History feature, 107

updating duration of, 368

viewing, 364–365

Compressor, 462, 480–484

compressor effect, 288

computer displays, 18, 21–22

computer hardware requirements, 16–19

Conform Speed command, 392

connected clips

and compositing, 303

moving, 172–173

overwriting, 173

pasting selections as, 181

and transition effects, 207, 404, 420

and trimming, 227

Connect Edit button, 153, 157

connect edits, 157, 160–161

connection lines, 149, 150

Consolidate Project Media feature, 111–112

contrast levels, 354

Copy command, 179

copying and pasting

as connected clip, 181

how it works, 179

as inserts, 180–181

keyboard shortcuts, 181

multiple clips, 180

in Timeline Index, 194

vs. cutting and pasting, 179

Copy Marker command, 80

Copy Referenced Events option, 112

Copy Used Clips Only option, 112

Create New Project icon, 151

Create Optimized Media checkbox, 126

Create Proxy Media checkbox, 126

Crop button, 308

crop effects, 307–311, 442–444

Crop-Fit mode, 308–309

cross dissolves, 317, 398–400, 401, 411

crossfades, 417–418

Current Frame indicator, 163, 185, 186, 187

Current Speed indicator, 379, 380

Current Timecode indicator, 182, 184, 408


compound clip settings, 362–363

Event Browser display, 44–47

keyboard layouts, 22–23

keyboard shortcuts, 24–25

timing effects, 382

transition effects, 407–412

Viewer window, 52

workspace, 21–25

cutaways, 163

Cut command, 179

cut edits, 397, 399

Cut Marker command, 80


Date search option, 93

Default Event field, Properties window, 110

Delete Keyframe button, 446

Delete Marker command, 77

Detach Audio command, 239

device control buttons, 121

dialogue, 143, 197, 199, 263, 266

digital audio, 17, 19. See also audio

digital editing technology, 4, 40

Digital Rebellion, 28

digital video formats, 1

disabling clips, 201, 202

disc images, 467–469

dissolves, 397, 398, 407. See also cross dissolves

distort effect, animating, 442–444

Distortion audio filters, 293

Distort mode, 312–313

DSLR cameras, 114

Duplicate as Audition command, 250, 258

Duplicate Event window, 39

Duplicate from Original command, 250

Duplicate Project command, 103


animated text, 431

clip, 376, 381

filmstrip, 46

freeze frame, 384

transition effect, 407, 408–409

Duration slider, 41, 46

DVCPro HD format, 1, 128

DVD export options, 467–469

DV format, 1, 16, 113, 120, 128

dynamic range, 288


Ease interpolation methods, 459

Echo audio filters, 293

editing, 147–244

adding clips to projects, 151–159

adjusting edits, 212–221

audio (See audio editing)

audio-only, 162

with compound clips, 366–368

controlling edits, 160–166

copying/pasting clips, 179–181

detaching audio, 239–240

expanding clips, 233–238

fine-tuning (See fine-tuning edits)

gapless, 168

keyboard shortcuts, 161

moving clips in Timeline, 168–176

navigating in Timeline, 182–189

nondestructive, 4, 40, 364

one-click, 224–225

with Precision Editor, 228–232

previewing edits, 218–221

removing clips from projects, 166–167

in secondary storylines, 204–205

sliding clips, 243–244

slipping clips, 241–242

splitting clips, 178

three-point, 154, 156, 163–165

trimming from keyboard, 222–227

types of, 153–159

undoing, 26

video-only, 161–162

Editing pane, 400

Edit Roles command, 199

effects. See also filters; generators

animating, 440–459 (See also keyframing)

applying to multiple clips, 369–370

audio, 283–298 (See also audio effects)

auditions and, 253–255

compositing, 314–318

controlling render order for, 373–374

modifying, 322–324

previewing, 321

reordering, 323, 324

timing, 375–396 (See also timing effects)

transition, 397–420 (See also transition effects)

video, 319–324

Effects Browser

applying effects with, 254, 255, 321

and audio effects, 293–295

finding effects in, 294, 320–321

opening, 293, 320

previewing effects in, 295, 321

purpose of, 12

and video effects, 320–321

e-mail, sharing projects via, 103

EQ audio filters, 293

EQ setting, 290–292

equalization, 290–292

Event Browser, 40–50

anatomy of, 41–43

arranging items in, 50

assigning audio roles in, 198

changing text display size in, 45

combining audition with new clips in, 256–257

creating auditions in, 247

creating compound clips in, 361–362

customizing, 44–47

filtering, 91–95

finding markers in, 81

grouping items in, 50

icons, 43

purpose of, 9, 29, 40

rearranging columns in, 48

resizing columns in, 48

restricting view by rating in, 69

selecting items in, 49

showing/hiding clip information overlays in, 45–46

showing/hiding columns in, 48

showing on second display, 22

sorting items in, 50

and source media files, 9, 31

event folders, 34–39

copying files to, 125

customizing, 34

deleting, 33

displaying contents of, 29, 30

displaying list of, 30

reorganizing clips into, 30

splitting events into multiple, 36

Event Library

anatomy of, 30

creating folders in, 96

creating new events in, 32–33

displaying, 6, 30

merging multiple events in, 36

and nondestructive editing, 4

purpose of, 9, 29, 101

showing/hiding dates in, 35

showing on second display, 22

sorting event folder listings in, 35

and source media files, 9, 31

events, 29–50

copying clips into different, 37

copying to different hard disk, 39

creating, 32–33

defined, 9, 29

deleting, 33

deleting clips from, 67

duplicating, 39, 104

and FCP X’s organizing framework, 101

grouping, 35

merging multiple, 36

moving clips into different, 38

recording live audio to, 143–144

renaming, 33

splitting into multiple folders, 36

where FCP stores, 101

Expand/Collapse Graph button, 455

expanding clips, 233–238

exporting, 461–486

to Compressor, 480–484

as DVD or disc image, 467–469

to Media Browser, 463–464

for playback on Apple devices, 465–466

in QuickTime media format, 472–474

to Vimeo, 470–471

to Web, 470–471

XML, 485–486

Export Media option, 472, 475–478, 484

export options, 15, 462. See also exporting

Export XML command, 486

Extend Edit command, 224, 225

external speakers, 18

Extract function, 166


Facebook, 470

FaceTime cameras, 122–123, 143

facial recognition technology, 130–131

fades, 267–272, 317, 441

Fade Shape pop-up menu, 268

fast-motion effect, 378

Favorite, marking clip as, 66

Favorite icon, 42, 43

Favorite tool, 40

FCP 1, 16


color wheel, 341

and transition effects, 399, 400, 409

and XML, 485


and Color Board, 341

customizing, 21–25

downloading from App Store, 20

and file-based cameras, 114

import options, 114, 119 (See also importing)

installing/setting up, 16–20

and keyframing, 444

Magnetic Timeline feature, 168

new organizing framework, 101

system requirements, 16

and transition effects, 399

undoing changes in, 26

user manual, 8

and XML, 485

file-based cameras, importing from, 114–118

file formats, 1


accidentally deleting, 9, 31

archiving, 103, 104

backing up, 27

consolidating, 111–112

dragging/dropping from Finder, 135

duplicating, 126

exporting, 476–478

importing, 133–136

sharing via e-mail, 103

storing, 27

filmstrip icons, 40

Filmstrip view, 41, 45–46


Event Browser, 69, 91–95

Timeline Index, 192

Filter pop-up menu, 69


audio, 293–296

video, 319–324

Filter window, 92–95

Final Cut Pro. See also FCP; specific versions

customizing workspace for, 21–25

file formats supported by, 1

hardware configurations, 17–19

installing, 16–20

interface, 5–8

main program windows, 5

output options, 461–486

performance tips, 27–28

project roadmap, 2–3

purpose of, 1, 299

and QuickTime, 15

Resources page, 485

restoring default preferences for, 28

setting up, 16–20

system requirements, 16

User Manual, 8

vs. other software, 113

Final Cut Pro 1, 16

Final Cut Pro 7. See FCP 7

Final Cut Pro X. See FCP X

finalizing auditions, 260

Finder, dragging/dropping files from, 135

Find People setting, 130–131

fine-tuning edits, 211–244

adjusting edits, 212–221

defined, 211

detaching audio, 239–240

expanding clips, 233–238

in Precision Editor, 228–232

sliding clips, 243–244

slipping clips, 241–242

trimming from keyboard, 222–227

FireWire, 115, 120, 122

folders. See also event folders

adding items to, 97

creating, 96, 108

deleting, 97

removing items from, 97

types of, 32

foley, 297

footage. See also clips

analyzing/fixing, 284–285

backing up, 123–124

importing, 113

marking, 45, 63 (See also marking clips)

mixing/matching from different sources, 165

organizing, 34

previewing, 45

rating, 66–69

tagging with keywords, 34

footage analysis data, 30

Format Info search option, 93

Forward button, Timeline history, 210

Frame Blending option, 394

frame-rate conversion, 128, 392

frames. See also keyframes

exporting still, 479

finding, 57

freezing, 383–384

moving playhead specific number of, 185–186

moving playhead to precise, 185

sliding clips by specific number of, 244

slipping clips by specific number of, 242

trimming, 222, 223

freeze frames, 383–384

frequency control, 291

frequency map, 292

Full Overlap option, 399, 400, 405

Full-Screen Playback button, 53, 55

full-screen playback option, 21–22


gapless editing, 168

gaps, 167, 169

GarageBand, 463, 464

generators, 433–438

adding to projects, 436

changing attributes for, 437–438

defined, 433

examples of, 169, 421

finding specific, 434–435

previewing, 435

third-party, 433

Generators Browser, 434–436

Graphic Equalizer window, 291

Graphic icon, 42, 43

graphs, keyframe, 455

green check mark icon, 287

green markers, 75

Group Clips By command, 50

Group sorting method, 49


H.264 format, 1

Hand tool, 59, 189

hard drives

for AVCHD setups, 18

copying events to different, 39

importing files from, 133–136

moving projects to different, 106

hardware configurations

basic, 17–18

recommended, 18–19

HDV format, 1, 113, 120

headphones, 297

Hide Column command, 48

Hide Imported Clips checkbox, 117

highlighting clips, 201

high-pass filter, 290

Histogram, 353, 354, 356

Hold command, 383, 384

hum removal, 289, 290


iLife, 463

iMacs, 120

images, importing, 137–138

Image Stabilization control, 129

iMovie, 29, 139, 141–142, 399, 400

Import Files command, 125

Import Files window, 133

Import from Camera button, 115, 120

Import from Camera command, 115

Import iMovie Events command, 141

Import iMovie Project window, 142

importing, 113–146

analyzing audio problems during/after, 284–285

FCP X innovations for, 114, 119

from file-based cameras, 114–118

from iMovie, 141–142

from iTunes, 139–140

live audio, 143–146

from live cameras, 120–124

from other Apple applications, 137–138

setting preferences for, 136

from tape-based devices, 120–124

import options, 15

Import settings, 125–132

Import Settings sheet, 116, 121, 123

Import window, 14

In and Out points, 151, 163–165

incoming clips, 213, 215

Incoming Trim handle, 415

Info Inspector, 84, 86

Insert Edit button, 153

insert edits, 153, 154–155, 205

Insert Gap command, 169

Insert Placeholder command, 170

Inspector window

adding audio keyframes in, 271

changing audio levels in, 265

cropping clips in, 311

keyframing in, 448–452

purpose of, 13

installing program, 16–20

Instant Replay effect, 375, 390–391

interchange applications, 485, 486

interlacing, 60, 61

interpolation, 380, 395, 441, 459

iPad, 465

iPhone, 465

iPhoto, 137–138

iPod, 465

iReport, 470

iSight cameras, 122–123, 143


exporting to, 465

importing from, 139–140

playlists, 4, 139–140

iWork, 463


Ken Burns mode, 309–310, 442


changing audio levels from, 266

customizing layout of, 22–23

making selection from, 65

playing back video from, 54

shortcuts (See keyboard shortcuts)

sliding clips from, 244

slipping clips from, 242

trimming from, 222–226

keyboard shortcuts

for basic editing, 161

for changing audio levels, 266

for common roles, 198

for copying and pasting, 181

creating custom, 24–25

for playback controls, 54, 55, 182

purpose of, 7

reassigning, 25

for Timeline navigation, 183

for trimming, 222–226

keyframe graphs, 455


adding, 443, 446, 452, 458

controlling interpolation of, 459

modifying, 457

navigating between, 445, 451

removing, 446, 447, 452

keyframing, 440–459

audio levels, 269–271

defined, 440

FCP version considerations, 444

in Inspector, 448–452

in Timeline, 453–459

transformations, 442–444

in Viewer, 442–447

Keynote, 463

Keyword Collections, 73–74, 125

Keyword Editor, 70–71, 73

Keyword icon, 42, 43

keywords, 70–74. See also analysis keywords

adding, 70–71

copying, 73

purpose of, 40

removing, 72

saving as presets, 71

searching for, 93

as technique for organizing clips, 73–74

ways of using, 70

Keywords search option, 93


lap dissolves, 407

levels. See audio levels

Levels audio filters, 293

Library folder, 28

Lift function, 167, 174

linear interpolation, 459

List view, 41, 44, 47

List window, 42

Logic plug-ins, 293

Loop Playback button, 53, 55

Loop Playback setting, 219

Loudness setting, 288

lower thirds, 421

low-pass filter, 290


MacBook Pros, 120

MacBooks, 120


FCP hardware configurations, 17–19

surround-capable speakers, 274

Mac OS Lion, 28

Mac OS X, 49, 293

Magic Mouse, 189

Magnetic Timeline feature, 168

Marker icon, 42, 43

markers, 75–83

adding, 76

adding/modifying text for, 76

color-coding of, 75

defined, 75

deleting, 77

duplicating, 80

finding, 81–83

jumping from one to another, 83

moving, 79–80

navigating to, 81

ways of using, 75, 78

Mark Favorite button, 66

marking clips, 63–90

adding keywords, 70–74

defined, 63

as favorites, 66

making selection, 64–65

with markers, 75–83

with metadata, 84–90

purpose of, 63

as rejected, 67

Mark Rejected button, 67

master shot, 153

Media Browser, 12, 463–464

media files

accidentally deleting, 9, 31

consolidating, 111–112

duplicating, 126

media stems, 476–478

Media Type search option, 92

Merge Events window, 36

metadata, 84–90

creating new field for, 85

defined, 34

entering, 84

examples of, 84

value of, 91

metadata views, 86–90

Modify Marker window, 76, 77

Modulation audio filters, 293

Monitor Gain slider, 145

monitors, using two, 18, 21–22

mono tracks, 132

Motion application, 3, 433

motion path, 444

mouse, making selection with, 64

Move Project command, 106

Move Project to Trash command, 107

Move Referenced Events option, 112

movies. See also iMovie

exporting clips/projects as, 15

hardware required for making, 17

Movies folder, 103, 119, 124, 142

music files, importing, 139–140



compound clips, 362

events, 33

projects, 101, 110

navigation shortcuts, 183

nested sequences, 101, 358. See also compound clips

Nest Items command, 358

New Compound Clip command, 360, 363

New Event Name field, 112

New Folder button, 108

New Folder command, 96, 108

New Project window, 101, 151

New Smart Collection button, 95

noise, background, 288–289

nondestructive editing, 4, 40, 364

nonprogressive video, 60

notch filter, 290

numerical trimming, 223


Offline Clip icon, 42, 43

Offline Media warning, 127

OMF export applications, 485

one-click edits, 224–225

on-screen help, 8

Opacity slider, 314

Optical Flow option, 395–396

option-dragging, 37

OTS shots, 246

outgoing clips, 212, 215

Outgoing Trim handle, 415

Out point. See In and Out points

output options, 461–486

over-the-shoulder shots, 246

overwrite edits, 153, 156, 160, 205


Pan Amount slider, 275, 277, 279, 280

Pan Mode pop-up menu, 277


defined, 273

presets, 279–280

for stereo, 275–276

for surround, 277

pan settings, 273–280

presets for, 279–280

purpose of, 273

resetting, 279

for stereo, 275–276

stereo vs. surround, 273–274

for surround, 277

Parameter Graph pop-up menu, 456

parent project, 364

Paste command, 179

pasting clips, 180–181

peak indicators, 264

peaking, 262

People search option, 93, 130–131

performance tips, 27–28

Photo Booth, 137–138

photos, importing, 137–138

Photoshop files, 15

placeholders, 169, 170

Play Around option, 219


altering speed of, 375 (See also timing effects)

controls, 53, 54, 182

full-screen, 21–22

reverse, 388

shortcuts, 55, 182


jumping frames with timecode values, 184

jumping from edit to edit, 183

jumping to new location, 183

moving edit to, 225

moving specific number of frames, 185–186

moving to precise frame, 185

skimmer vs., 153

Play Selection option, 219, 220

Play to End option, 219, 221

Position tool, 156, 168, 174–175, 176, 205

post-roll settings, 219, 220, 252

Precision Editor, 228–232

navigating between edits in, 232

opening/closing, 229

purpose of, 228

and transition effects, 416

trimming in, 230–232

Preference Manager, Digital Rebellion, 28


Current Frame indicator, 187

import, 136

restoring default, 28

Time Display, 186–187

transition effects, 400, 409

trashing, 28

pre-roll settings, 219, 220, 252

Preserve Pitch settings, 394, 396


media stem output, 476–477

text style, 428–429

Preset Speeds pop-up menu, 381

Preset Style pop-up menu, 428


audio channels, 282

audio effects, 295

clips, 40

edits, 218–221

footage, 45

generators, 435

titles, 423

transition effects, 402

video effects, 321

primary storyline

adding transition effects to, 403

attaching selected clip to, 157

attaching video-clip on top of, 149

audio transitions on, 417–418

changing order of objects in, 171

connecting title to, 424

lifting clips out of, 174

location in Timeline, 11

moving connected clips into/out of, 173

purpose of, 11, 148

progress pie indicators, 119

project files. See also projects

archiving, 103, 104

backing up, 27

sharing via e-mail, 103

storing, 27

Project Library, 100–112

anatomy of, 100

changing project properties in, 109–110

consolidating project’s media files in, 111–112

copying clips between projects in, 105

creating new folders in, 108

creating new projects in, 101–102

deleting projects in, 107

displaying, 100

duplicating projects in, 103–104

opening projects in, 102

purpose of, 100

vs. Event Library, 40

Project Properties dialog, 274

project roadmap, 2–3

projects, 99–112. See also project files

adding clips to, 147, 151–159

adding generators to, 436

adding titles to, 423–425

changing properties for, 109–110

consolidating media files for, 111–112

copying clips from one to another, 105

creating new, 101–102

defined, 4, 99, 101

deleting, 107

duplicating, 103–104

editing (See editing)

ensuring consistent style for, 433

exporting (See exporting)

and FCP X’s organizing framework, 101

finding most recently revised version of, 100

managing, 103–108

moving between, 209–210

naming, 101, 110

opening for editing, 102

organizing media elements in, 9

posting on Web, 470–471

removing clips from, 166–167

reverting to earlier versions of, 26

roadmap for typical, 2–3

sending to Media Browser, 463–464

sharing via e-mail, 103

stereo vs. surround, 273–274

switching between, 107

time stamps for, 100

undoing changes in, 26

viewing list of items in, 190

ways of using text in, 421 (See also titles)

where FCP X stores, 40, 100

project settings, 101, 109, 165, 362

Projects folder, 103

Properties button, 109

Properties window, 109–110

ProRes formats, 126

Pro Tools, 197, 199, 485, 486

proxy media, 126–128

Publish option, 464



formats/codecs, 481

import/export options, 15, 472–474, 476


RAM, 16

ramp speed effects, 375, 385–387

Range Select tool, 166, 180, 221

Ratings search option, 92

rating tools, 40, 66–69

Record Audio window, 143, 297–298

recording, live audio, 143–146, 297–298

recording equipment, consumer vs. professional, 132

RED cameras, 118

red markers, 75, 78

Redo command, 26

Reject button, 67

Reject icon, 42, 43

Reject tool, 40

Remove All Keywords command, 72

Remove Criteria button, 94

render files, duplicating, 104

Render Format field, 110

render order, 373–374

replace edits, 153, 158–159, 169

Replace from End edits, 159

Replace from Start edits, 158

Replace with Gap command, 167

Reset Speed command, 393

Resources page, Final Cut Pro, 485

Retime Editor

applying custom speed in, 380

color-coding in, 379

hiding, 382

opening, 379

Retime submenu, 377

retiming video, 375, 376. See also timing effects

Reverse Clip command, 388

reverse playback, 388

Rewind effect, 375, 389

Rich XML, 485

Ripple Delete function, 166

Ripple Incoming tool, 214, 215

Ripple Incoming Trim handle, 414

Ripple Outgoing tool, 214, 215

Ripple Outgoing Trim handle, 414

rippling edits, 213, 214–215, 230–231, 414–415

Role Editor window, 199, 200

roles, 197–202

assigning, 198

controlling clips with, 201–202

creating, 199–200

deleting, 200

exporting, 476–477

and Export Media feature, 472

managing, 199–200

purpose of, 197, 476

types of, 198

Roles pane, Timeline Index, 191, 201, 202

Roles search option, 93

rolling edits, 213, 217–218, 232, 413–414

Rolling Shutter control, 129

Roll Transition handle, 414

Rotate handle, 303

rough cut, 2, 3, 211


safety copies, 104

sample rates, 110, 363

saving, automatic, 26, 27

scaling clips, 305–306

scopes. See video scopes

screen-capture files, 113


for audio effects, 294

for clips, 91–95

for generators, 434–435

for keywords, 93

for markers, 81–83

for most recent version of project, 100

for titles, 422–423

for transition effects, 402

for video effects, 320–321

secondary storylines, 203–208

breaking apart, 207

creating, 203–204

deconstructing, 206–208

deleting, 208

dragging clips into, 205

editing in, 204–205

purpose of, 203

removing clips from, 206

selection techniques, 64–65

Send to Compressor command, 462, 480–484

sequences. See also projects

highlighting clips in, 201

jumping to beginning of, 183

matching color for scenes in, 329

nested, 101, 358

and replace edits, 158

and ripple edits, 214

scrubbing through, 11

sending to Compressor, 480

shortening/lengthening, 158

undoing changes to, 26

where FCP X stores, 40

Share menu, 462

Share window

exporting in QuickTime media format from, 472–474

exporting project’s audio from, 475–478

exporting projects for Apple devices from, 465–466

exporting still frames from, 479

exporting to DVD/disc image from, 467–469

posting projects to Web from, 470–471

purpose of, 15, 462

sending projects to Compressor from, 480–484

sending projects to Media Browser from, 463–464

sharing, 462. See also exporting; Share window

shortcut menus, 7


for basic editing, 161

for changing audio levels, 266

for common roles, 198

for copying and pasting, 181

creating custom, 24–25

for playback controls, 54, 55, 182

reassigning, 25

for Timeline navigation, 183

for trimming, 222–226

Show Audio Meters command, 263

Show Both Fields option, 61

Show Connections checkbox, 150

Show Generators Browser button, 434

Show Keyword Editor button, 70

Show Photos Browsers button, 137

Show Themes Browser button, 440

Show Title/Action Safe Zones option, 61

Show Titles Browser button, 422

Show Video Animation command, 453

Show Waveforms option, 46

silent channels, 132

Skimmer Info window, 71

skimmer vs. playhead, 153

skimming clips, 40, 41, 51, 56–57, 153

sliding clips, 243–244

slipping clips, 241–242

slow-motion effect, 377, 380, 394, 395–396

smart collections, 30, 95, 131

snapping, 175–176

soft cuts, 407

Solo Animation command, 456, 457

Sony XDCAM cameras, 118

Sound and Music Browser, 139

sound editing. See audio editing

sound files, importing, 139–140

Soundtrack Pro, 197

Source Control pop-up menu, 153

source media files, accidentally deleting, 9, 31

Spaces audio filters, 293

spatial conformations, 305–306

speakers, 18, 274, 277

Specialized audio filters, 293

Speed indicator, 379, 380

speed ramp effects, 385–387

speed segments

changing beginning/end of, 387

modifying playback rate for, 386

purpose of, 385

selecting, 386

speed settings, 376–381

split edits, 234–235, 238

splitting clips, 178

Stabilization search option, 93

Starting Timecode field, 102, 110

stems, audio, 15, 476–478

stereo projects, 263, 273–276

stereo tracks, 132

still frames, exporting, 479

storylines. See primary storyline; secondary storylines

straight cuts, 238

stuttery effect, 394

subframe audio editing, 272

subroles, 199, 200

sub-sequences, 358

subtitles, 197, 358, 421. See also titles

surround-capable speakers, 274

Surround Panner, 277–280

surround projects, 263, 273–274, 277

system requirements, 16


Tags pane, Timeline Index, 82, 191, 195

tape-based devices

creating archives from, 124

importing from, 120–124

target clips, 158–159

text. See also titles

generators, 3

for markers, 76

superimposing over video, 421

Text Inspector, 427–428

Text search option, 92

textures, 433

themed titles, 433, 439

themes, 433, 439–440

Themes Browser, 439–440

third-party software

audio filters, 293

capture utilities, 122

generators, 433

XML export for use in, 485–486

three-frame dissolves, 407

three-point editing, 154, 156, 163–165


defined, 186

entry rules, 186

entry shortcuts, 7, 186

navigating in Timeline with, 184

and transition effects, 408

Timecode Display field, 110

Time Display settings, 186–187


adding/adjusting audio keyframes in, 269

adjusting clip opacity in, 315–316

anatomy of, 148–150

changing audio levels in, 265

color-coding in, 149

creating auditions in, 248–250

creating compound clips in, 360

deleting footage from, 166

deselecting everything in, 184

finding markers in, 82–83

inserting gaps in, 169

inserting placeholders in, 170

keyframing in, 453–459

modifying pan keyframes in, 276

moving clips in, 168–176

navigating in, 182–189

navigation shortcuts, 183

positioning objects in, 175–176

purpose of, 11, 148

rearranging shots in, 171

recording live audio to, 145–146

scrubbing through projects in, 183

viewing/editing compound clips in, 364–365

view options, 150

zooming in/out in, 188

Timeline History feature, 107, 209–210, 365

Timeline Index, 190–196

copying/pasting clips in, 194

and To Do Items, 195–196

filtering, 192

navigating within, 193

purpose of, 190

searching for markers in, 82–83

showing, 190

view options, 191

time stamps, project, 100

timing effects, 375–396

and clip duration, 376

conform speed, 392

constant timing changes, 377–382

controlling application of, 394–396

customizing, 382

fast-motion, 378

freeze frames, 383–384

instant replay, 390–391

and playback speed, 376

removing, 393

rewind, 389

slow-motion, 377

speed ramp, 385–387

title/action-safe zones, 61

Title Inspector, 426–427

titles, 421–431

adding to projects, 423–425

animated, 421, 431, 441

entering custom text in, 425

finding specific, 422–423

modifying, 426–431

previewing, 423

shortening, 431

Titles Browser, 422–425

To Do items, 78–79, 195–196

Tool palette, 7

tooltips, 7

trackpads, 189


adding fades to, 267, 417

analyzing/fixing problems in, 132

editing, 272

expanding, 417

identifying, 132

increasing vertical height of, 267

removing silent channels from, 132

viewing in Timeline, 11

Transcode Media command, 126

Transcoding settings, 126

transformations, 300–306

animating, 305

applying complex, 371–372

defined, 300

keyframing, 442–444

and layer order, 303

resetting defaults for, 304

transition effects, 397–420

adding to primary storyline, 404

audio, 417–420

changing duration of, 407, 408–409

and connected clips, 207, 404, 420

cross dissolves, 317, 398–400, 401, 411

FCP-style vs. iMovie, 399

finding specific, 402

modifying settings for, 407–412

previewing, 402

removing, 405

replacing, 406

rolling, 413–414

setting preferences for, 400

theme-based, 412, 433, 439

trimming edits under, 413–416

ways of handling, 399

Transition Inspector, 410, 411

Transitions Browser, 401–406

transparency, 60, 299, 314

“Trash Your Prefs” technique, 28

Trim End command, 225, 226


and connected clips, 227

defined, 212

from keyboard, 222–226

numerical, 223

one frame at a time, 222

in Precision Editor, 230–232

previewing edits when, 218–221

and source footage, 213

under transition effects, 413–416

viewing detailed feedback on, 216

Trim mode, 307–308

Trim Start command, 224, 225

Trim tool, 218, 241–242, 408

Trim to Selection command, 225, 226

troubleshooting, 27–28

two-up trimming preview, 216


underscanned displays, 60

Undo command, 26

Unrate button, 68

User Manual, Final Cut Pro, 8

User Movies folder, 119


Vectorscope, 353, 354, 356

video. See also clips

altering playback speed of, 375 (See also timing effects)

capture utilities, 122

channels, 60

effects (See video effects)

importing (See importing)

playing back, 54–55

roles, 198

scopes (See video scopes)

skimming, 56–57

superimposing text over, 421

transitions, 439 (See also transition effects)

Video Analysis settings, 128–131

Video Animation Editor, 315–317, 453

video capture, 14, 122

Video Codec settings, 473

video effects, 319–324

applying, 321

deleting, 324

disabling, 324

examples of, 319

finding, 320–321

modifying, 322–324

previewing, 321

Video Inspector, 314, 322–324, 447

video-only edits, 161–162, 234, 238

video-plus-audio edits, 163

Video Properties field, 110

Video Quality settings, 394–395

video scopes, 353–356

descriptions of specific, 353–354

displaying, 60, 355

purpose of, 353

switching between, 355

Viewer Display Options menu, 52, 53, 60–61

Viewer window, 52–61

anatomy of, 52–53

changing position of clips in, 302

changing rotation of clips in, 302–303

changing scale of clips in, 300–301

customizing, 52

display options, 60–61

identifying controls in, 7

keyframing in, 442–447

playing back video in, 54–55

purpose of, 10, 52

showing on second display, 22

viewing trimming in, 216

zoom controls, 58–59, 304

Viewer Zoom menu, 52, 53, 58

Vimeo, 470–471

voice-overs, 143, 297

Voices audio filters, 293


Waveform Monitor, 353, 354, 356

waveforms, showing/hiding, 46

Web, sharing projects on, 470–471

webcams, importing from, 120

windows, showing/hiding, 6


XDCAM cameras, 118


yellow hazard icon, 287

yellow lines, 61

YouTube option, 462, 470


Zoom commands, 188, 189

Zoom menu, 304

Zoom Scroll handle, 59

Zoom slider, 188, 189

Zoom tool, 58, 188

Zoom to Samples setting, 272

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