

  • acceleration coefficients 77
  • ACO‐Partitioned 243
  • adaptive ACO algorithm 243
  • adaptive discrete PSO strategy with genetic algorithm operators (ADPSOGA) 227
  • adaptive learning approach 22
  • adaptive mQSO (AmQSO) 177
  • adaptive mutation (AM) 107, 112–117
  • adaptive number of populations, methods with 177–178
  • aerospace design 169
  • ant and bee colony‐based algorithms 243–245
  • ant clusters 25
  • ant colonies 16
  • ant colony algorithm (ACA) 22
  • ant colony optimization (ACO) 12, 16, 37–38 see also job‐shop scheduling (JSP)
    • ant colony system (ACS) 46
    • applications 18, 59–60
    • approach 40–43
    • auto control ACO with lazy ant 55–56
    • beam‐ACO 50–52
    • behavior 38–40
    • best‐worst AS 47–48
    • elitism ant system 45
    • evaporation model 21–22
    • exploitation 43
    • healthcare scheduling in 60–69
    • implementation procedure of 19–22
    • inspiration of 16–17
    • intensification/diversification mechanism in 43–44
    • max‐min ant system (MMAS) 47
    • metaheuristic 17
    • Pareto enveloped selection ant system (PESAS) 62–64
    • pheromone updating model 21
    • population‐based ACO (P‐ACO) 48–50
    • probability transition matrix 20–21
    • pseudo code of 41–43
    • rank‐based AS (ASrank) 46–47
    • real ant characteristics 18
    • to solve JSP objective function 22–27
    • suitable for JSP 19
    • termination model 22
    • transition rule equation of 44
    • two‐level 52–55
  • ant colony search algorithm (ACSA) 301
  • ant colony system (ACS) 26, 46
  • anti‐convergence operator 172
  • ant system (AS) 26
  • artificial ants searching 39
  • artificial bee colony (ABC) 23
  • autonomous robot path planning 169


  • base station (BS)
    • bandwidth/transmit power 105
    • DSP units 112
    • encoding 106
    • hardware implementation 105
  • beam‐ACO 50–52, 99
  • beam search (BS) 50–52
  • bee colony optimization algorithm (BCOA) 301
  • Bees algorithm (BA)
    • basic 270–271
    • enhanced discrete Bees algorithm 271–275
    • improved multi‐objective discrete Bees algorithm 275–280
  • benchmark problems 18, 22, 27–29
  • best‐fit (BF), PSO, and the tabu‐search (TS) algorithms 225
  • best known solutions (BKS) 28
  • best‐worst AS 47–48
  • BGA see binary genetic algorithm (BGA)
  • BHDPSO see binary heap DPSO (BHDPSO)
  • BHT see binary heap tree (BHT)
  • bidirectional optimization GA (BOGA) 233
  • binary genetic algorithm (BGA) 107
    • CUAS scheme
      • CMA computations 118
      • elitism and AM 112–117
      • methodology 112–114
      • user combinations evaluation 112
  • binary heap DPSO (BHDPSO)
    • Lbest particles 86, 87
    • max‐heap property 85
    • min‐heap property 85
    • procedure and illustrative 85–86
    • Pseudo code for 87
    • sample traffic structure 99, 101
    • traffic cycle program 99
    • vehicles count 99
  • binary heap tree (BHT) 74
    • construction of 85, 86
    • DPSO‐BHT algorithm 87
    • Lbest particle 85, 87
  • binary particle swarm optimization (BPSO)
    • low complex solution 110
    • MIMO systems
      • JTRAS in single‐user 126–128
      • JUSRAS 128–131
  • binary PSO (BPSO) 224
  • binary tree 74
  • binomial crossover 192
  • bi‐objective job scheduling optimization model 224
  • bi‐objective surgical case scheduling (BOSCS) 62
  • biogeography based optimization (BBO) algorithm 228
  • bio‐inspired meta‐heuristic algorithm 246
  • bi‐population hybrid algorithm 174
  • BPSO see binary particle swarm optimization (BPSO)
  • brainstorming 59
  • branch‐and‐bound algorithm 139
  • broadcast channel (BC) 106
  • bus voltages 299


  • Catfish PSO (C‐PSO) 226
  • cat‐swarm‐based multi‐objective optimization approach 246
  • CellularDE 177
  • cellular PSO 176
  • cellular system 106
  • channel state information (CSI) 105, 107, 108, 129, 132
  • chaotic ant swarm algorithm (GA‐CAS) 233
  • checkpointed league championship algorithm (CPLCA) 233
  • chicken swarm optimization (CSO) 246
  • CHPED see combined heat and economic dispatch (CHPED)
  • CHPS see combined heat and power scheduling (CHPS)
  • CHPUC models see CHP Unit Commitment (CHPUC) models
  • CHP Unit Commitment (CHPUC) models 300, 301
  • civilized swarm optimization (CSO) 301
  • cloud environments
    • ant and BCO 236, 242–245
    • cloud objects and their relations 214
    • computationally intensive jobs 215
    • data‐intensive jobs 215
    • genetic algorithms 228, 232–241
    • job execution phase 215
    • matchmaking phase 215
    • other evolutionary algorithms 246
    • particle swarm optimization 224–231
    • physical topology of cloud 216–217
      • cloud middleware and components 219–220
      • cloud resources 217–219
      • jobs and tasks 220–221
      • multi‐objective task scheduling 221
      • resource utilization 219
      • virtual cluster 221
    • research gaps and future directions 246
      • evaluation tools 247
      • objective functions 247
    • research methodology 222–223
    • resource discovery phase 215
  • cloud middleware and components 219–220
  • cloud resources
    • logical resources 218–219
    • physical resources 217–218
  • CloudSim 225
  • clustering PSO (CPSO) 176
  • collaborative evolutionary‐swarm optimization (CESO) 173
  • colored scout ants 243
  • combined heat and economic dispatch (CHPED) 301, 305
  • combined heat and power (CHP) production
    • advantage 300
    • CSO 301
    • electricity and heat generation 309
    • FORs 300, 307–309
    • power generation 312
  • combined heat and power scheduling (CHPS)
    • ACSA 301
    • CHPED problem 305
    • CO 2 emissions 300
    • ESS 300
    • fireworks algorithm (see fireworks algorithm)
    • generation scheduling problem 313–315
    • genetic algorithm 301
    • HSA 301
    • IGA‐MU 301
    • industrial customers 300
    • modified fireworks algorithm 319, 322
    • network busses 300
    • non‐linear optimization problem 305
    • optimal operating points 300
    • particle swarm optimization (PSO) 301
    • published documents
      • by affiliation 303
      • by author 303
      • by country 304
      • by source 302
      • by subject area 304, 305
      • by type 304
      • by year 302
  • combined user and antenna scheduling (CUAS) scheme 107
    • computational complexity for 118–119
    • using genetic algorithm
      • elitism and AM 112–117
      • methodology 112–114, 119–120
      • user combinations evaluation 112
  • competitive population evaluation (CPE) 183–184
  • complex multiplications and additions (CMAs) 118, 119
  • computationally intensive jobs 215
  • converged swarms 177
  • convex FOR 307, 308, 310
  • cooperative multi‐task scheduling based on ACO (CMSACO) 243
  • cost‐time aware genetic scheduling algorithm (CTaG) 232
  • cross‐dock scheduling problem 137–139, 142, 145
  • cross‐layer scheduling 106
  • crowding distance computation 278–279
  • crowding population‐based ant colony optimization (CPACO) 57
  • CSI at the transmitter (CSIT) 107
  • CUAS scheme see combined user and antenna scheduling (CUAS) scheme


  • data‐intensive jobs 215
  • deadline‐constrained GA 232
  • delay 219
  • DE/rand‐to‐best/1/bin scheme 177
  • difference‐vector‐based mutation 191–192
  • differential evolution (DE) 139, 190–191
    • crossover 192
    • difference‐vector‐based mutation 191–192
    • initialization of vectors 191
    • optimal receiving and shipping trucks sequence 139
  • digital signal processing (DSP) units 112
  • Dijkstra’s algorithm 74
  • directed acyclic graph (DAG) 102, 220
  • dirty paper coding (DPC) scheme
    • data transfer by BS 105
    • extensive search scheme 105, 107, 115, 118
    • interference pre‐cancelation technique 106
    • ordered selections 106
  • disassembly model
    • interference matrix analysis 261–263
    • space interference matrix 260–261
  • disassembly points (DPs) 258
  • discrete particle swarm optimization (DPSO) 73
    • benchmark ETC instances 89–91
    • cognitive and social coefficients 91
    • DPSO‐binary tree root vs. DPSO‐binary tree best 92, 94, 95
    • DPSO‐Mesh and DPSO‐BHT algorithms 95, 98–100
    • DPSO‐star hub vs. DPSO‐star best 91–93
    • fitness function 87–88
    • hypothesis test 89
    • inertia weight 91
    • MIMO radar tasks 111
    • with neighborhood communication
      • dynamic topology 84–87, 93, 94, 96, 97
      • Gbest model 78, 79
      • local best model (Lbest) 78–84
      • static topology 84, 93, 94, 96, 97
    • resource utilization (RU) 89, 95, 97, 98
    • RPD 88
    • with static and dynamic topologies
    • swarm size and iteration count 91
    • weights in the fitness 91
  • discrete symbiotic organism search (DSOS) algorithm 246
  • diversity loss 169
  • DPC scheme see dirty paper coding (DPC) scheme
  • DPSO see discrete particle swarm optimization (DPSO)
  • dual‐mode CHP 300
  • dynamic JSP (DJSP) 22
  • dynamic load balancing 169
  • dynamic modified multipopulation artificial fish swarm algorithm 177
  • dynamic optimization problems (DOPs) 169
  • dynamic population differential evolution (DynPopDE) 178
  • dynamic programming 139
  • dynamic regrouping‐based dynamic programing‐relaxation and sequential commitment (DRDP‐RSC) 301
  • dynamic schedule technique 22
  • dynamic shortest path routing in MANETs 169
  • dynamic topology 74, 84–87
  • dynamic traveling salesman problem 169
  • dynamic vehicle routing in transportation logistics 169
  • DynDE 172, 192–193
    • Brownian individuals 193–194
    • detection and response to the changes 194
    • exclusion 194
    • normal individuals 193
    • repair operator 193


  • economic load dispatch (ELD)
    • generation scheduling problem 313–315
    • modified fireworks algorithm 318–321
    • optimal operating point 300
    • published documents 302
  • EDBA see enhanced discrete Bees algorithm (EDBA)
  • EDBA without mutation operator (EDBA‐WMO) 283
  • efficient non‐dominated Pareto sorting method (ENS) 275, 293–295
  • efficient tune‐in of resources (GA‐ETI) 234
  • ELD see Economic Load Dispatch (ELD)
  • electric storage system (ESS) 300
  • elitism 107, 112–117
  • elitism ant system 45
  • end‐effector’s moving time 263–264
  • energy‐centric scheduling with a threshold 235
  • enhanced discrete Bees algorithm (EDBA) 271
    • flowchart of 272–273
    • global search strategy 275
    • mutation operator 272, 275
    • representation of bees 272–273
    • robotic disassembly sequence planning 283–286
  • enhanced evolutionary algorithm 24
  • E‐PAGA 233
  • epsilon‐fuzzy dominance based on a composite discrete artificial bee colony (EDCABC) 243
  • equivalent loss matrix 300
  • ETC matrix see Expected Time to Compute (ETC) matrix
  • evolutionary computation (EC) techniques 169
  • evolutionary multi‐objective computations (EMC) 2
  • expected time to compute (ETC) matrix 74
  • exponential crossover 192
  • extensive search scheme (ESS) 105, 107


  • fast multi‐swarm algorithm for DOPs 175
  • fast simulated annealing (FSA) 23, 24
  • favored populations DE 173
  • feasible operating region (FOR)
  • finder swarm 175
  • fireworks algorithm
    • modified fireworks algorithm
      • crossover operator 317
      • explosion sparks 317
      • local search 317
      • mutation sparks 317–318
      • selection 318
    • optimization algorithms
      • initialization 315
      • local search 315–316
      • selection 316
  • fixed structure learning automaton (FSLA) 180, 186–188
  • flexible job shop scheduling (FJS) 15, 52
  • flexible JSP (FJSP) 13
  • flow‐shop machine scheduling problem 139
  • flow shop scheduling (FSS) 15
  • FOR see feasible operating region (FOR)
  • four‐bit quantization process 108
  • fractional grey wolf optimizer (FGWO) 233
  • free swarms 177
  • function minimization 185


  • GA see genetic algorithm (GA)
  • GA‐based methods 236–241
  • GAHEFT 233
  • Gbest model see global best model (Gbest model)
  • Generation Companies (GENCOs) 300
  • generation scheduling problem 313–315
  • genetic algorithm (GA) 24, 228, 232–241 see also binary genetic algorithm (BGA)
  • for MU MIMO‐OFDM systems 122–126
  • for MU MIMO systems 108, 109, 119–122
  • genetic algorithm based on a chaotic ant swarm (GACAS) algorithm 226
  • genetic algorithm with precedence preserve crossover (GA‐PPX) 283
  • genetic and group search optimization (GGSO) algorithm 236
  • genetic heuristic algorithm 22
  • genetic simulated annealing (GSA) 226
  • genome/chromosome 191
  • global best model (Gbest model) 73, 78, 79, 176
  • graph theory 73
  • greedy‐ant algorithm 242
  • greedyPSO (G&PSO) algorithm 226
  • green cloud task scheduling algorithm (GCTA) 224
  • grey wolf optimizer (GWO) 233
  • grid scheduling problem (GSP) 55
  • groundwater contaminant source identification 169
  • group search optimization (GSO) algorithm 236
  • GSA‐based PSO 228


  • harmony search algorithm (HSA) 301
  • heterogeneous earliest finish time (HEFT) algorithm 225
  • heuristic information 40, 44
  • heuristics/meta‐heuristic methods 73
  • HGVP 234
  • hibernating multi‐swarm optimization algorithm 175
  • hill climbing algorithm 228
  • hill‐climbing local search 174
  • Hub particle 91–93
  • hybrid adaptive PSO (HAPSO) algorithm 227
  • hybrid biogeography‐based optimization (HBBO) 23
  • hybrid GA‐PSO algorithm 235
  • hybrid job shop scheduling (HJSP) 15, 27
  • hybrid PSO with simulated annealing (HPSO‐SA) algorithms 226
  • hypervisor 219–220


  • IMODBA see improved multi‐objective discrete Bees algorithm (IMODBA)
  • imperialist competitive algorithm and neighborhood search 24
  • imperialistic competitive algorithm (ICA) 142, 149, 158, 160
  • improved ACO (IACO) 27
  • improved auto‐controlled ant colony optimization (IAC‐ACO) 55
  • improved efficient‐artificial bee colony (IE‐ABC) 243
  • improved evolutionary direction operator (IEDO) 301
  • improved genetic algorithm with multiple updating (IGA‐MU) 301
  • improved multi‐objective discrete Bees algorithm (IMODBA) 287
    • crowding distance computation 278–279
    • crowding‐distance method 275–276
    • efficient non‐dominated Pareto sorting method 275
    • flowchart of 275–276
    • Pareto optimal solution 277
    • Pareto sorting 277–278
    • RDLBP 286–292
    • representation of bees 277
  • improved PSO (IPSO) 224
  • industrial customers 300
  • information technology (IT) 138
  • integer bi‐level programming model 232
  • intelligent scheduling system 243
  • interference matrix analysis 261–263



  • k‐means clustering method 176
  • krill herd optimization (KHO) 23, 28
  • Kron’s loss formula 300
  • kth nearest neighbor (KNN) method 58
  • l
  • Lagrange function 301
  • Lagrangian relaxation (LR) method 301
  • learning automata theory 179–180
    • fixed structure learning automaton 180
    • variable structure learning automaton 181
  • learning automaton 179
  • least significant difference (LSD) 162
  • Levy flight, scheduling MIMO radar tasks 111
  • local best model (Lbest) 73, 78
    • ring topology 80, 81
    • star topology 79, 80
    • tree topology 82–84
    • VN topology 82, 83
  • logical resources 218–219


  • makespan‐centric scheduling with a threshold 235
  • makespan (MS), DPSO
    • binary tree model 94
    • ETC instances 94, 96
    • fitness function 88
    • improvements of 94
    • star model 92
  • makespan time 14
  • male RDs 150
  • manual disassembly line balancing problem (MDLBP) 258
  • manual disassembly sequence planning (MDSP) 258
  • market‐oriented hierarchical scheduling strategy 236
  • Matlab software 318
  • max‐min ant system (MMAS) 47
  • mCPSO 171
  • mean flow time (MFT)
    • binary tree model 94
    • ETC instances 94, 96
    • fitness function 88
    • improvement 94
    • star model 93
  • metaheuristic ACO 17
  • metaheuristic algorithm L‐ACO 242
  • metaheuristic scheduling 2
  • MIMO systems see multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) systems
  • MODBA 287
  • modified ant colony optimization (MACO) 26
  • modified cuckoo search algorithm 178
  • modified fireworks algorithm
    • crossover operator 317
    • explosion sparks 317
    • local search 317
    • mutation sparks 317–318
    • selection 318
  • modified fractional gray wolf optimizer for multi‐objective task scheduling (MFGMTS) 233
  • modified RDA (MRDA) 153–154, 158, 160
  • moving peaks benchmark (MPB) 195
  • mQSO 171–172
  • multi‐antenna communication systems 106
  • multi‐objective optimization problem (MOOP) 221
  • multi‐cloud partial critical paths with pretreatment (MCPCPP) 227
  • multi‐door truck scheduling problem 139
  • multi‐objective ant colony optimization (MOACO) 57–58
  • multi‐objective ant colony system 242
  • multi‐objective artificial bees colony (MOABC) 287
  • multi‐objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) 287
  • multi‐objective load balancing (MO‐LB) system 226
  • multi‐objective meta‐heuristic algorithms 139
  • multi‐objective optimization model using PSO (MOPSO) 225
  • multi‐objective PSO (MOPSO) 246
  • multi‐objective task scheduling 221
  • multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) systems
    • BPSO
      • JTRAS in single‐user 126–128
      • JUSRAS in MU‐MIMO Systems 128–131
    • closed‐loop MIMO channel 110
    • OFDM 109
    • spatial multiplexing 105
  • multiplier updating (MU) tool 301
  • multi‐population differential evolution (DE) algorithm 172
  • multi‐population evolutionary dynamic optimization
    • application of the SPS algorithms 189–190
      • differential evolution 190–192
      • DynDE 192–195
    • computational experiments 194
      • dynamic test function 195–197
      • experimental settings 196–205
      • performance measure 196
    • methods based on population clustering 176
    • methods based on space partitioning 176–177
    • methods with an adaptive number of populations 177–178
    • methods with a parent population and variable number of child populations 174–175
    • multi‐population methods with a fix number of populations 171–174
    • problem statement 178–179
    • scheduling algorithms 181–182
      • pure‐chance two action SPS 183
      • random SPS 182–183
      • round robin SPS 182
      • SPS based on competitive population evaluation 183–184
      • SPS based on FSLA 186–188
      • SPS based on performance index 184–185
      • SPS based on STAR automaton 188–189
      • SPS based on VSLA 185–186
    • theory of learning automata 179–180
      • fixed structure learning automaton 180
      • variable structure learning automaton 181
  • multi‐population genetic algorithm 174
  • multi‐population methods with a fix number of populations 171–174
  • multi‐user diversity (MUD) 106
  • multi‐user multiple‐input multiple‐output (MU‐MIMO) systems
    • advantages of 109
    • AM and elitism 118
    • base station (BS) 105
    • BGA 112
    • BPSO 111
    • broadcasting scenario of 107
    • cross‐layer scheduling 106
    • CUAS scheme for 107
    • ESS DPC for 107
    • MUD 106
    • OFDM system 109–110
    • optimum quantization thresholds using GA 109, 119–122
    • scheduling users and antenna 106
    • SINR value 108
  • MU‐MIMO systems see multi‐user multiple‐input multiple‐output (MU‐MIMO) systems


  • neighborhood search strategy
    • enhanced discrete Bees algorithm 272, 274
    • improved multi‐objective discrete Bees algorithm 279–280
  • network bandwidth 218
  • new bi‐level GA 233
  • niched Pareto GA (NPGA) 233
  • No Free Lunch guarantees 142
  • non‐convex FOR 300, 307–312, 322
  • nondeterministic polynomial time (NP) hard problem 73
  • non‐dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA‐II) 139, 234
  • non‐stationary random environment 180
  • NP‐hard optimization problem 215
  • network throughput 218
  • null hypothesis 89


  • offline error 196
  • one‐bit quantization process 107
  • one‐point crossover operator 234
  • operating systems 218
  • oppositional teaching learning based optimization (OTLBO) 319
  • optimal power flow (OPF) 299
  • optimal power flow problem 169
  • optimum quantization threshold
    • for MU MIMO‐OFDM systems using GA 122–126
    • for MU‐MIMO systems using GA 119–122
  • orthogonal‐frequency‐division multiplexing (OFDM) technique 109
  • orthogonal Taguchi‐based cat swarm optimization (OTB‐CSO) 226
  • outdated memory 169


  • parent population and variable number of child populations, methods with a 174–175
  • Pareto enveloped selection ant system (PESAS) 58, 62–64
  • Pareto evolutionary algorithm (SPEA‐II) 58
  • Pareto front 221
  • particle swarm optimization (PSO) 73, 139, 171, 224–231
  • percentage deviation from optimal (PDFO) 114
  • performance index (PI) 184–185
  • physical hosts (PMs) 217
  • physical resources 217–218
  • P‐model environment 180
  • pollution control 169
  • population‐based ACO (P‐ACO) 48–50, 57
  • population‐based algorithms 1
  • population‐based incremental learning (PBIL) 47
  • population clustering, methods based on 176
  • Power Flow (PF) 299
  • PRISMA 222
  • Processor Queue (PQ) 75–76
  • productive child swarms 175
  • profit maximization algorithm (PMA) 227
  • ProLiS 242
  • PSO see particle swarm optimization (PSO)
  • PSO‐based methods 228–231
  • PSO‐GA‐HEFT 225
  • PSO‐VNS 224
  • PSO with GA operators (PSOGA) 227
  • PSO with linear descending inertia weight (PSO‐LDIW) 226
  • pure‐chance (PC) two action SPS 183


  • QBROKAGE 233
  • Q‐model environment 180
  • QUEST population 174


  • radio frequency (RF) chain 110
  • ramp‐down (RD) limits 314
  • ramp‐up (RU) limit 314
  • Random‐Key (RK) 151
  • random (RND) SPS 182–183
  • rank‐based AS (ASrank) 46–47
  • raven roosting optimization (RRO) 246
  • RDA see Red Deer Algorithm (RDA)
  • RDLBP see robotic disassembly line balancing problem (RDLBP)
  • real coded genetic algorithm (RCGA) 301
  • Red Deer (RD) 150
  • Red Deer algorithm (RDA)
    • applied metaheuristics, results of 158, 160
    • batch transferring 149
    • breeding season 149, 150
    • encoding and decoding of 150–153
    • evolutionary algorithms 149, 150
    • exploitation and exploration phases 150
    • flowchart of 150, 151
    • Keshtel Algorithm (KA) 149
    • MRDA 153–154
    • pseudo‐code 150, 152
    • Random Key (RK) 151
  • redundancy 218
  • re‐initialization midpoint check (RMC) 172
  • relative deviation index (RDI) 162
  • relative percentage deviation (RPD) 88
  • reliability cost (RC) 88
  • resource crowd‐funding model 234
  • resource management mechanism 173
  • resource utilization (RU) 89, 95, 97, 98, 219
  • ring‐based Lbest model 79, 80
  • robotic disassembly cells (RDCs) 257
  • robotic disassembly line balancing problem (RDLBP) 257
    • optimization objectives of 267–270
    • using IMODBA 286–292
  • robotic disassembly lines (RDLs) 257
  • robotic disassembly scheduling
    • ant colony algorithm 259
    • Bees algorithm
      • basic 270–271
      • enhanced discrete Bees algorithm 271–275
      • improved multi‐objective discrete Bees algorithm 275–280
    • branch and bound algorithm 259
    • brute‐force method 258
    • case study 280–282
    • co‐evolutionary algorithm 258
    • cognitive robotics 257
    • disassembly line balancing problem 258
    • disassembly model
      • interference matrix analysis 261–263
      • space interference matrix 260–261
    • disassembly sequence planning 258
    • end‐effector’s moving time 259
    • environmental pollution 257
    • genetic algorithm 258
    • machine vises 260
    • optimization objective
      • end‐effector’s moving time 263–264
      • of RDLBP 267–270
      • of RDSP 264–267
    • performance analysis
      • RDLBP using IMODBA 286–292
      • RDSP using EDBA 283–286
    • profit oriented partial DLBP 260
    • sequence‐dependent DLBP 259
    • U‐shaped disassembly line 260
  • robotic disassembly sequence planning (RDSP) 257
    • EDBA 283–286
    • optimization objectives of 264–267
  • round robin (RR) SPS 182


  • scheduler model 75–76
  • schedulers 220
  • scheduling algorithms 181–182
    • pure‐chance two action SPS 183
    • random SPS 182–183
    • round robin SPS 182
    • SPS based on competitive population evaluation 183–184
    • SPS based on FSLA 186–188
    • SPS based on performance index 184–185
    • SPS based on STAR automaton 188–189
    • SPS based on VSLA 185–186
  • scheduling decision support system 235
  • scientometric analysis
    • co‐author analysis 4–6
    • co‐citation analysis 6
    • countries/organizations analysis 3–4
    • journal network analysis 6
    • keywords analysis 3
  • Scopus 223
  • search area of child population 174
  • security and cost‐aware scheduling (SCAS) algorithm 225
  • self‐adaptive real‐coded GA (SARGA) 301
  • self‐adaptive simplified swarm optimization (SASSO) 283
  • self‐organizing scouts (SOS) 174
  • set‐based PSO (S‐PSO) method 225
  • set covering problem (SCP) tree search method 225
  • ship navigation at sea 169
  • shipping trucks
    • deadline for 145, 155
    • departure time of 145, 146
    • differential evolution 139
    • genetic algorithm 139
    • imperishable products 145
    • mathematical model 143–144
    • optimal sequence of 138
    • perishable products 145–147
    • tardiness and earliness of 146, 148
    • time window 142, 155
    • uniform distribution 155
  • shuffled frog leaping algorithm (SFLA) 226
  • signal‐to‐interference‐plus‐noise ratio (SINR) 107–109, 111, 122, 123
  • simple GA (SGA) 234
  • simulated annealing (SA) 139, 159, 161
  • simulated annealing PSO (SAPSO) 227
  • simulated binary crossover (SBX) 301
  • single‐antenna systems 105
  • single objective makespan‐based method 235
  • single‐user MIMO systems 110
  • S‐model environment 180
  • social insect societies 16
  • space interference matrix 260–261
  • space partitioning, methods based on 176–177
  • STAR automaton 188–189
  • star‐based Lbest model 79, 80
  • static topology 84
  • stationary random environment 180
  • stochastic 1
  • stochastic local search (SLS) method 38
  • sub‐population scheduling (SPS)
    • based on competitive population evaluation 183–184
    • based on FSLA 186–188
    • based on performance index 184–185
    • based on STAR automaton 188–189
    • based on VSLA 185–186
  • sub‐population scheduling (SPS) algorithms 171
  • swarm control mechanism 173
  • swarm intelligence (SI) 1, 2
    • self‐organization 76
  • symbiotic organism search (SOS) 246
  • System Operators (SOs) 300


  • Taguchi method 155
  • TARGET population 174
  • task queue (TQ) 75–76
  • task scheduling (TS) problem
  • TDMin‐Min algorithm 226
  • teaching learning‐based optimization (TLBO) 23, 319
  • temporal task scheduling algorithm (TTSA) 227
  • temporary storage 139
  • Texas Instruments DSP processor series 66AK2Ex 119
  • theory of learning automata 179–180
    • fixed structure learning automaton 180
    • variable structure learning automaton 181
  • thermal storage system (TSS) 300
  • time‐varying acceleration coefficients PSO (TVAC‐PSO) 301
  • total weighted tardiness 14
  • total workload 14
  • tracker swarm 175
  • traveling salesman problem (TSP) 37
  • tree‐based Lbest model 82–84
  • truck scheduling problem
    • computational results
      • instances 155
      • metaheuristics 158–162
      • parameter tuning 156–158
    • cross‐docking system 137, 138
    • developed mathematical model
      • assumptions 145
      • continuous variables 146
      • imperishable products 145–147
      • parameters 146
      • perishable products 145–149
    • flow‐shop machine 139
    • imperialistic competitive algorithm (ICA) 142
    • Keshtel Algorithm (KA) 142
    • metaheuristic algorithms 141
    • modeling and solution approach 139–141
    • perishable and imperishable 141
    • proposed mathematical model
      • binary variables 144–145
      • continuous variables 143
      • indices 143
      • integer variable 143
      • parameters 143
    • RDA (see Red Deer Algorithm (RDA))
    • receiving door and shipping door 138
    • scheduling model 142
    • social engineering optimizer (SEO) 142
    • stochastic fractal search (SFS) 142
    • time window 141
  • trust‐based scheduling algorithm (TBHSA) 225
  • TS problem see Task Scheduling (TS) problem
  • Tuba Search (TS) 301
  • two‐level ant colony optimization 52–55
  • two‐phase GA‐based job scheduling model 232
  • two‐state automaton 180
  • u
  • unproductive child swarms 175
  • user equipment (UE) 106


  • variable neighborhood search (VNS) technique 149, 224
  • variable structure learning automaton (VSLA) 181
  • virtual cluster 221
  • virtualization techniques 216–217
  • virtual machine monitor (VMM) 219
  • virtual machines (VMs) 214
  • VMware‐vSphere private cloud 234
  • Von Neumann (VN)‐based Lbest model 73, 82, 83
  • von Neumann’s acceptance‐rejection method 172
  • VSLA 185–186


  • water wave optimization (WWO) 149
  • Wilcoxon signed‐rank test 89, 90, 95, 98, 99
  • workflow scheduling algorithm 242
  • workflow scheduling with PSO (WPSO) 227


  • Xiang algorithm 62
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