
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


#SPHelp, SharePoint community
80/20 rule, Workflow
“downstream” effects of document life cycle stages, The ECM stack
“Like” metadata element, Taxonomy and folksonomy
“management by the red asterisk”, Records managementPolicy, Policy, Policy
“Rating” metadata element, Taxonomy and folksonomy


ABA Rule 1.1 of Professional Conduct, Litigation support
access levels, Records managementPolicy, Security and access, Policy
to content, Consistency
with Office 365, Bandwidth and accessibility
accountability in records management, Principles and life cycle
accuracy of documentation, Source of truth
active content, vs. historical documents, Preservation
Active Directory, Repository
ad hoc capture, Document scanning
Add & Manage Sources dialog box, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePointImplementing eDiscovery in SharePoint, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint
administration functions, access to, Site administration and recycling
administrator permissions, Creating a taxonomy
administrators recycle bin, Site administration and recycling
Administrators, for site collection, Shared Information Architecture
advisory governance, Content governance
AIIM, SharePoint community
analysis paralysis, team size and, Team selection
application usage policies, example, Content governance
approval workflows, Workflow
archive approach to site disposition, Records management features in SharePoint
archive content, Preserve
archive tools, Backup and recovery
ARMA, SharePoint community
as-is state, Process
AT (after termination) date, Content types
audit documents, location for, Records management processes in SharePoint
audit tracking, Litigation support
authentication, Single Sign-On for, Microsoft Office
automation, for content load into SharePoint, Microsoft Office documents
availability, in records management, Principles and life cycle


bandwidth, for Office 365, Bandwidth and accessibilityThird-party services and tools, Third-party services and tools
bargained governance, Content governance
bargained hard line setting, for site disposition, Records management features in SharePoint
behavior, encouraging user adoption, Encourage behaviorEnforcing the plan, The change manager, Branding, Keywords and ratings, Enforcing the plan
best bets, visual, Search
best practices, documenting, Documentation
BigData, Business Intelligence and BigData, Business Intelligence and BigData, Business intelligence
black and white images, vs. color, Production scanningProduction scanning, Production scanning, Production scanning
Boolean logic, Search, Search
born-digital method of capture, Microsoft Office documents
branding, BrandingBad habits, Branding, Bad habits
creating documents in, Microsoft Office documents, Native SharePoint documents
for viewing content, Deliver, Viewing
and navigation, Browsing and navigationSite contents, Browsing and navigation, Browsing and navigation, Site contents, Site contents
vs. search, Consistency
budget, for change management, The change manager
bulk load content, File upload
bulk operations, user interface limitations on, File upload
business analyst, What is Enterprise Content Management?
business drivers
for records management, Principles and life cycleRetention schedule, Business drivers, Business drivers, Retention schedule
Business Intelligence (BI), Business Intelligence and BigData, Business Intelligence and BigData, Workflow, Business intelligence
Business Process Management (BPM), Business Process Management (BPM), Business process management
Business Productivity Online Standard (BPOS), Office 365
business unit, and ECM, Don’t go it alone


Capture stage in ECM stack, The ECM stack, Capture, Capture, Microsoft Office documents, Native SharePoint documents, Electronic form capture, Content streams
best practices, Building a solid foundationPhysical storage, Document scanning, Production scanning, Production scanning, Physical storage
content streams, Content streamsInformation Architecture, Information Architecture
file upload, File upload, File upload, File upload, File upload
native SharePoint documents, Native SharePoint documents
Office documents, Microsoft Office documents, Native SharePoint documents, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Office
case in eDiscovery, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint
home page for new, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint
multiple eDiscovery sets per, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint
site home page, Exporting content
case study, managed metadata, Managed metadata—taxonomy, Managed metadata—taxonomy, Managed metadata—taxonomy, Creating a taxonomy, Creating a taxonomy, Creating a taxonomy
Central Administration dashboard, Deployment assumptions
Manage Services Applications, Creating a taxonomy
Manage Web Applications page, Large scale
central administration isolated, Office 365 and, Office 365
centralized governance, Content governance
chain of custody, Document ID, Preservation, Litigation support
end users fear of, Consistency
support for adoption, Pre-mortem
to taxonomy, Taxonomy
change control, Change control
change management, Quality control
change manager, The change manager
change request documents, Project management
check-in | check-out document management, Microsoft Office
child term, in taxonomy, Managed metadata—taxonomy
city, Information Architecture for small, Site and library architectureSite and library architecture, Site and library architecture, Site and library architecture
CL (close, or completion), Content types
client-side applications
for viewing content, Viewing
removing from desktops, Native SharePoint documents
quantity of data, Office 365 consideration
security for, Data securityBandwidth and accessibility, Bandwidth and accessibility, Bandwidth and accessibility
service providers, Data security
vs. on-premise, Office 365
CloudShare, Tools, CloudShare
Coho Winery case study
ECM solution, Least common denominator
collaboration, What is Enterprise Content Management?
color images, vs. black and white, Production scanningProduction scanning, Production scanning, Production scanning
colors, branding with, Branding
columns in views, guidelines for, Browsing and navigation
Common law duty, Litigation support
communication by ECM team, Team communication
communication gap, What is Enterprise Content Management?
community of users, The community, The community
compatibility, Microsoft Office
completion, percentage of, Branding
with regulations, Reactive driver
Compliance Details dialog box, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint
compressed files, Information Architecture, Compression
conditional formatting, Conditional formatting
conduct statement, Content governance
confidential library, Site and library architecture
confidential records, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint
configuration blueprint for documentation, Configuration blueprint
Configure Send To Connections link, Records management features in SharePoint
Connection Permissions for ECM MMS dialog, Creating a taxonomy
consistency, Delivery of contentBrowsing and navigation, Browsing and navigation
in keywords, Keywords and ratings
in navigation, Browsing and navigation
in site collection, Site and library architecture
authoring, Native SharePoint documents
delivery, Delivery of contentPreservation, Preservation, Preservation
eDiscovery for isolating, Holds
exporting for eDiscovery, Exporting content
preservation, PreservationNext steps, Preservation, Next steps
structured vs. unstructured, How can you use information to make better decisions?
content actualization, Business Intelligence and BigData
content audits, Preparing the organization, Principles and life cycle, Records management features in SharePoint
report options, Records management features in SharePoint
content custodian, Principles and life cycle
content databases, Store, Preserve
determining number of, Logical storage/Information Architecture
estimating initial number, Physical storage
for web applications, Web applications and site collections
maximum content, Cases in Point
Content Deployment paths, Records management features in SharePoint
content enrichment, third-party tools, Content enrichment
content governance, Content governanceNext steps, Content governance, Content governance, Content governance, Content governance, Content governance, Content governance, Content governance, Content governance, Content governance, Next steps
progression for, Content governance
content life cycle
end, and content deletion, Return on investment
managing, Preservation
content management, ECM Stack: Content ControlDelivery of content, Management of content, Change opposition or support, Who manages content?, Security, Repository, Team site, Site administration and recycling, Site administration and recycling, Document, Document management, Document management, Document management, Delivery of content
repository, SecurityDocument, Repository, Team site, Site administration and recycling, Document, Document
responsibility for, Who manages content?Repository, Repository, Repository
security, Security
site administration and recycling, Site administration and recyclingDocument, Site administration and recycling, Document
team site, Team siteDocument, Site administration and recycling, Site administration and recycling, Document
Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS), Integration with LOB
content managers, Who manages content?, Don’t go it alone, Litigation support
content organizers, Quality control, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint
automating notifications with, Content routing
workflows vs., Records management features in SharePoint
content posting and editing policy, example, Content governanceContent governance, Content governance, Content governance
Content Posting Cycle, Content governance
content routing, Content routing
content streams, Content streamsInformation Architecture, Content streams, Information Architecture, Information Architecture
content type hub, Content types
order of implementing, Content types
retention schedule and, Content types
service connection linked to, Creating a taxonomy
Content Type Settings page, Creating each content type
content types, Building expectations, Creating a taxonomy, Content types, Content types, Content types, Content types, Content types, Creating each content type, Creating each content type, Creating each content type
creating, Creating each content typeShared Information Architecture, Creating each content type, Shared Information Architecture, Shared Information Architecture
defining, File upload
documenting, Content typesContent types, Content types, Content types
documenting steps to create, Documentation
for metadata, Metadata
governance for, Content governance
on-premise SharePoint vs. Office 365, Office 365
publishing, Metadata, Creating each content type
settings, Shared Information Architecture
conversion, Transformation
copiers, digital, Distributed scanning
of eDiscovery, reducing, Holds
of governance, Content governance
Create New Managed Metadata Service dialog, Creating a taxonomy
cross-functional projects, Team site
crowd sourcing, Preparing the organization
.csv (comma separated values) format, Managed metadata—taxonomy, Managed metadata—taxonomy, Managed metadata—taxonomy, Managed metadata—taxonomy
for taxonomy, Taxonomy
functional taxonomy outline, Managed metadata—taxonomyCreating a taxonomy, Managed metadata—taxonomy, Creating a taxonomy
custom content types
adding to library, Shared Information Architecture
documenting, Content types
custom solutions
potential impact, Document management
custom workflows, complications from, Workflow
CYE (current year end), Content types


for reports on user adoption, Encourage behavior
data mining, Business Intelligence and BigData
naming convention for, Deployment assumptions
SQL, Physical storage
deactivating records management, Records management features in SharePointRecords management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint
decisions, information for, How can you use information to make better decisions?, How can you use information to make better decisions?
declaring document as record, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management processes in SharePoint
deleting information, Records management features in SharePoint
Deliver stage in ECM stack, What is Enterprise Content Management?, Deliver, Editing and viewing
editing and viewing, Editing and viewing, Editing and viewing
publishing, Publishing
search, Search
department managers, in ECM project, Don’t go it alone
departmental/distributed capture, Document scanning
deploying ECM, costs of, What is Enterprise Content Management?
assumptions, Deployment assumptionsManaged metadata—taxonomy, Managed metadata—taxonomy
large-scale, Large scaleLarge scale, Large scale, Large scale, Next steps
small-scale, Small scaleSmall scale, Small scale, Small scale
client authoring tools, Native SharePoint documents
removing client-side applications from, Native SharePoint documents
diagram of information architecture, Site and library architecture
digital copiers, Distributed scanning
disaster recovery, Backup and recovery
discoverable content, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint
discovery, Principles and life cycle
procedures validation in advance, Litigation support
disposition library, Shared Information ArchitectureShared Information Architecture, Shared Information Architecture, Shared Information Architecture, Shared Information Architecture
Disposition Library Send To Connections page, Shared Information Architecture
disposition of records, Principles and life cycle, Records management features in SharePoint
disposition workflow, Disposition workflowDisposition workflow, Disposition workflow, Three-state workflow
distributed document scanning, Distributed scanning
Document base content type, Metadata
Document Center template, File upload, Microsoft Office, Deployment assumptions
Document content type, Content types
Document ID, Document ID, Document ID, Principles and life cycle
Document ID Service, Shared Information Architecture
document imaging, Document imaging
document libraries, Building expectations, Site and library architecture
adding, Shared Information Architecture
document life cycle, Preservation
document management, Document managementDelivery of content, Document management, Document management, Delivery of content
document readers, vs. creators, Viewing
document scanning, Document scanning, Document scanning, Document scanning, Distributed scanning, Production scanning, Production scanning
documentation, ECM Planning GuideSite and library architecture, Documentation, Source of truth, Source of truth, Site and library architecture
configuration blueprint, Configuration blueprint
Information Architecture, Information ArchitectureContent governance, Content types, Content types, Taxonomy, Content governance, Content governance
of content governance, Content governance
of Content Organizer, Records management features in SharePoint
of content types, Content typesContent types, Content types, Content types, Content types, Content types
of taxonomy, TaxonomyContent governance, Taxonomy, Taxonomy, Taxonomy, Content governance
purposes, ECM Planning Guide
quick tips for, Source of truth
roles and responsibilities in, Who manages content?
declaring records as, Records management processes in SharePoint
dragging between locations, Records management features in SharePoint
user actions on, DocumentDocument management, Document, Document management, Document management
dots-per-inch (dpi), for scan setting, Production scanning
draft item security, Document management
dragging documents
into SharePoint, File uploadMicrosoft Office, File upload, Microsoft Office
Drop Off library, Shared Information ArchitectureShared Information Architecture, Shared Information Architecture, Shared Information Architecture, Shared Information Architecture
creating rules for, Records management features in SharePointRecords management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint
URL for, Shared Information Architecture
duplicate records, content audit and, Preparing the organization
duplication of content, Return on investment


e-forms, Electronic form capture
early case assessment, Holds
ECM Committee, Who manages content?
ECM environment, recommended libraries, Libraries
ECM hub
site collection, Site and library architecture
ECM solution
core feature sets, What is Enterprise Content Management?
order of operation for deploying, Deployment assumptions
ECM stack, What is Enterprise Content Management?Capture, The ECM stack, Capture
ECM team
communication, Team communication
culture, Team cultureProject management, Team culture, Project management
org chart, ECM team roles and responsibilities
practitioner as implementer, Be a practitioner as well as an implementerBe a practitioner as well as an implementer, Be a practitioner as well as an implementer
pre-mortem, Pre-mortemBe a practitioner as well as an implementer, Be a practitioner as well as an implementer
time and conflict, Don’t go it aloneTime and conflict, Time and conflict, Time and conflict
transition, Preparing the organization
ECM team roles and responsibilities, ECM team roles and responsibilities, ECM team roles and responsibilities, Project management, Project management, Subject matter expert, Quality control, Pre-mortem, Pre-mortem, Be a practitioner as well as an implementer
quality control, Quality controlPre-mortem, Pre-mortem
subject matter expert, Subject matter expertTechnical team, Technical team
technical team, Technical teamQuality control, Quality control
ECM_MMS service
administrator permissions for, Creating a taxonomy
eDiscovery, eDiscovery, Reactive driver, Records management features in SharePoint, eDiscovery, Conclusion
cost reduction, Holds
holds and, HoldsOffice 365 consideration, Office 365 consideration
implementing in SharePoint, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePointNotification, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint, Exporting content, Exporting content, Exporting content, Notification, Notification
In-Place Hold option, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint
isolating content, Isolating content
litigation support, Litigation supporteDiscovery processes, Litigation support, Litigation support, eDiscovery processes
notification of content owners and consumers, NotificationNotification, Notification, Notification
Office 365, Office 365 consideration
process, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePointImplementing eDiscovery in SharePoint, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint
reasons for using, Holds
risks in not understanding, eDiscovery processes
site collection for, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePointImplementing eDiscovery in SharePoint, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint
stages, eDiscovery processesOffice 365 consideration, eDiscovery processes, Office 365 consideration
eDiscovery Center, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint
home page, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint
eDiscovery Download Manager, Exporting contentExporting content, Exporting content, Exporting content
eDiscovery set creating, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint
eDiscovery template, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint
custom lists in, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint
editing, DeliverProcess, Editing and viewing, Process
Electronic Data Reference Model (EDRM) load file format, Exporting content
electronic form capture, Electronic form capture, Electronic form capture, Electronic forms
email web application, Site and library architecture
email-based libraries, Counter ECM features
email-enabled lists, Counter ECM features
employee files, libraries for, Site and library architecture
empowered governance, Content governance
empowered owner approach to site disposition, Records management features in SharePoint
end-user recycle bin, Site administration and recycling
Enterprise CAL with the Performance Point features, Business intelligence
Enterprise Content Management (ECM), What is Enterprise Content Management?, What is Enterprise Content Management?, What is Enterprise Content Management?, What is Enterprise Content Management?, The ECM stack, Conclusion
catalyst for, Don’t go it alone
enforcing plan, Enforcing the plan
reasons for SharePoint failure, What is Enterprise Content Management?
reasons to use, Why use ECM?Reactive driver, Reactive driver, How can you use information to make better decisions?
SharePoint counter features, BrandingKeywords and ratings, Keywords and ratings, Keywords and ratings
target of, Who does ECM target?Building expectations, Building expectations
with vs. without records management, Records center vs. in-place records management
Enterprise Edition SKU of SharePoint, Shared Information Architecture
Excel spreadsheet
for audit data, Records management features in SharePoint
for taxonomy structure, Managed metadata—taxonomy
Exchange, Building expectations
exclude logical operators, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint
executive summary
in governance plan, Content governance, Content governance
expectations, Building expectations
experts, Social media
expired content, eDiscovery
determining action for, Disposition workflow
Explorer view, Microsoft Office documents, Counter ECM features
exporting content for eDiscovery, Exporting contentNotification, Exporting content, Exporting content, Exporting content, Notification
exports library, history of all exports, Exporting content
external applications, General considerations
External BLOB Storage (EBS), Physical storage
external capture applications, Document scanning
extranets, Publishing


performance, and user experience of Send To locations, Records management features in SharePoint
Favicons, branding with, Branding
feature sprawl, Pre-mortem
File Explorer view, uploading files from, File upload
file formats
best practices for, Versioning
for scanning, Production scanning
policy example, Content governance
file naming conventions, File upload
file upload, File uploadMicrosoft Office documents, File upload, Microsoft Office documents
best practices, Building a solid foundationMicrosoft Office, Microsoft Office
for eDiscovery query results, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint
for search results, Search
findability, Why use ECM?
flat hierarchy for sites, Web applications and site collections
flexible content structure, How can you use information to make better decisions?
flexible owner approach to site disposition, Records management features in SharePoint
flowcharting in Visio, Workflow
as metadata, Information Architecture
structure, Preparing the organization
structure as taxonomy, Taxonomy and folksonomy
folksonomy, Logical storage/Information Architecture, Taxonomy and folksonomy, Taxonomy and folksonomy, Taxonomy and folksonomy, Taxonomy
user generation, Managed metadata—taxonomy
form design, Electronic form capture
formatting, conditional, Conditional formatting
FRCP Rules, Litigation support
full-text search, Site contents
functional taxonomy, Taxonomy and folksonomy, Managed metadata—taxonomy
construction process, Managed metadata—taxonomyCreating a taxonomy, Creating a taxonomy, Creating a taxonomy
outline .csv file, Managed metadata—taxonomyCreating a taxonomy, Creating a taxonomy
principles for building, Managed metadata—taxonomy


iFilter, Versioning
image capture, Document scanning
Image content types, Content types
image quality, from production scanning, Production scanningProduction scanning, Production scanning, Production scanning
implementation, ECM team members and, Team selection
Import Terms, for group, Creating a taxonomy
in-place content holds, vs. moving contents, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePointImplementing eDiscovery in SharePoint, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint
in-place records declaration, Records management features in SharePointRecords management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint
in-place records management, records center vs., Records management features in SharePointRecords management processes in SharePoint, Records center vs. in-place records management, Records center vs. in-place records management, Records management processes in SharePoint
index, Site contents
index crawler, Production scanning
InfoPath, Electronic form capture, Electronic forms
gathering by team members, Team selection
management policies, Records management features in SharePointRecords management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint
rapid growth in, Physical storage
value of, How can you use information to make better decisions?
Information Architect, Who manages content?
vs. business analyst, What is Enterprise Content Management?
Information Architecture (IA), Store, Store, Information Architecture, Information Architecture, Logical storage/Information Architecture, Logical storage/Information Architecture, Logical storage/Information Architecture
application of, What is Enterprise Content Management?
beginning of document, Site and library architecture
documentation, Source of truthContent governance, Site and library architecture, Site and library architecture, Site and library architecture, Site and library architecture, Content types, Taxonomy, Taxonomy, Content governance
SharePoint components, Logical storage/Information Architecture
inheritance, Team site
intellectual property rights, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint
intelligent character recognition (ICR) software, Document imaging
internal support, lack of, Pre-mortem
Internet, security threat of, Data security
Interrogatories, Preservation
intranets, Publishing
isolated central administration, Office 365 and, Office 365
IT Governance Institute, Content governance
IT role in ECM project, Don’t go it alone
item-level security, Team site


Key Performance Indicators, Business Intelligence and BigData
keywords, Search, Keywords and ratings, Content enrichment
knowledge, Reactive driver
knowledge workers, access for those bridging departments, Logical storage/Information Architecture


landing page, Deployment assumptions
language of stakeholders, What is Enterprise Content Management?
large-scale deployment, Cases in Point
LCID (language code), Taxonomy
leadership, Don’t go it alone
by example, Be a practitioner as well as an implementer
least common denominator, user as, Least common denominatorPreparing the organization, Preparing the organization, Preparing the organization
legacy ECM applications, Native SharePoint documents
Legal Holds, Preservation
legal standards, Litigation support
legal team, Litigation support
libraries, Microsoft Office, LibrariesMetadata, Libraries, Metadata, Metadata
adding custom content types to, Shared Information Architecture
document storage in, Building a solid foundation
documenting architecture, Source of truthContent types, Site and library architecture, Content types, Content types
in-place records management for, Records management features in SharePointRecords management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint
modifying Quick Launch navigation for, Shared Information Architecture
number of, Shared Information Architecture
views for, Consistency, Browsing and navigation, Browsing and navigation
Library Record Declaration Settings dialog box, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint
Library ribbon, Shared Information Architecture
licenses for Microsoft Web App server, Viewing
line-of-business (LOB) applications, What is Enterprise Content Management?, Cases in Point
integration with, Integration with LOB, Integration with LOB
links to documents, Microsoft Office
lists in SharePoint, Microsoft Office
litigation, Building expectations
eDiscovery for, eDiscovery
eDiscovery support of, HoldseDiscovery processes, Litigation support, Litigation support, eDiscovery processes
reactive scenario in, Reactive driver
locating document, effort required, Why use ECM?
dragging documents between, Records management features in SharePoint
for audit documents, Records management processes in SharePoint
for content types, documenting, Site and library architecture
for eDiscovery set, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint
for hold and move discovery contents, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint
logical storage, Store
Lync, Building expectations


mail server, discoverable content in, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint
major versions, Versioning, Document management
Manage stage in ECM stack, What is Enterprise Content Management?, Manage, Security and access, Deliver
change control, Change control
policy, Policy
records management, ManageSecurity and access, Records management, Security and access
security and access, Security and accessPolicy, Security and access, Policy
Managed Business Objective (MBO), Who manages content?
managed metadata, Content types, Content governance
managed metadata service (MMS), Creating a taxonomy, Content types
initial configuration challenge, Creating a taxonomy
management portals, Logical storage/Information Architecture
mandatory metadata, Records management
manifest XML file, Exporting content
matter, eDiscovery
held content associated with, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint
MCM (Microsoft Certified Master), The experts
media files, Physical storage
media library, Site and library architecture
meetings of ECM team, Team selectionTeam selection, Team selection, Team selection, Team selection
metadata, The ECM stack, Logical storage/Information Architecture, MetadataDocument ID, Metadata, Metadata, Document ID
content streams and, Content streams
content types and, File upload, Content types, Content types
folders as, Information Architecture
for file upload, File upload
for records, Records management
for scanned document, Document scanning
managed, Deployment assumptionsContent types, Managed metadata—taxonomy, Creating a taxonomy, Creating a taxonomy, Creating a taxonomy, Content types
mandatory, Records management
quality control for, Quality control
standards from, Reformat
storage, Store
structured, Search
use of, Information Architecture
user actions and, Bad for adoption
workflow use of, Workflow
metadata model, Logical storage/Information Architecture
Metadata Navigation Settings dialog, Shared Information Architecture
methodology, ECM as, The ECM stack
metrics, on user adoption, Encourage behavior
Microsoft Certified Master (MCM), The experts
Microsoft Excel 2013 Web App, Native SharePoint documents
Microsoft Office
and SharePoint, Editing and viewing
for capture, Microsoft OfficeMicrosoft Office, Microsoft Office
Web Apps, Native SharePoint documents
Microsoft Partner community, What is Enterprise Content Management?
Microsoft SQL databases, Store
Microsoft Web App server, licenses for, Viewing
minor versions, Versioning, Document management
MMS (managed metadata service), Creating a taxonomy, Content types
mobile authoring, tablets and smart phones for, Native SharePoint documents
Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs), The experts
multifunction peripherals, Distributed scanning
multiple files, uploading at once, File upload
multitenant farms, Office 365
MySites, Taxonomy and folksonomy, MySites, MySites, Social


for ECM project, competition for, Encourage behavior
of holds, Holds
naming conventions, Source of truth
for database, Deployment assumptions
for files, File upload
for site names, Branding
for workflows, Workflow
in governance document, Content governance
native SharePoint documents, Native SharePoint documents, Native SharePoint documents, Native SharePoint documents, Native SharePoint documents
native SharePoint solutions, General considerationsGeneral considerations, General considerations, General considerations
natural language processing (NLP), Content enrichment
browsing and, ConsistencySite contents, Browsing and navigation, Site contents
New Site Content Type dialog box, Creating each content type
New Subsite option, Small scale
non-native SharePoint solutions, General considerationsGeneral considerations, General considerations, General considerations
nonrecord documents, Business drivers


OASIS, Integration with LOB
Office 365, Extending SharePoint 2013 ECM Solutions, Office 365, Office 365, Data security, Bandwidth and accessibility, Bandwidth and accessibility
bandwidth and accessibility, Bandwidth and accessibilityThird-party services and tools, Third-party services and tools
eDiscovery and, Office 365 consideration
file size limit, Office 365
Office documents, Microsoft Office documentsElectronic form capture, Microsoft Office documents, Electronic form capture
bar code on, Document ID
creating in SharePoint, Microsoft Office
Info portion, Microsoft OfficeMicrosoft Office, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Office
SharePoint viewers for, Process
Office Web Applications (OWA), Microsoft Office documents
on-premise solution, SharePoint as, Office 365
one-to-one relationship, for security and access levels, Security and access
optical character recognition (OCR), Document scanning, Document imaging
changes, Pre-mortem
inconsistency in following rules, Litigation support
preparing for user adoption, Preparing the organizationEncourage behavior, Preparing the organization, Encourage behavior
organization of information, Logical storage/Information Architecture
Organizational Policies and Procedures, Manage
Outlook, as viewer, Editing and viewing


paper documents, converting to digital, Production scanning
parent term, in taxonomy, Managed metadata—taxonomy
PDF file format, Information Architecture
for scanned documents, Production scanning
PDF iFilter, Production scanning
PDF/A file format, Reformat, Production scanning
peer review of documentation, Source of truth
percentage of completion, Branding
Period taxonomy outline .csv file, Managed metadata—taxonomy
period-of-time-based taxonomies, Deployment assumptions
peripherals, multifunction, Distributed scanning
physical records, policy for, Records management processes in SharePoint
physical storage, Store, Store, Physical storage, Logical storage/Information Architecture
planning, The ECM stack, Building a solid foundation, Logical storage/Information Architecture, ECM Planning Guide
documentation in, Source of truth
for records management, Principles and life cycleBusiness drivers, Business drivers
policy, Security and access
Port 80 web application, Deployment assumptions
portals, Publishing
PowerPivot add-in for Excel, Business Intelligence and BigData
predictive coding, Content enrichment
presentation layer, Logical storage/Information Architecture
preservation of content, PreservationNext steps, Preservation, Next steps
Preserve stage in ECM stack, eDiscoveryCompression, Compression
preview of eDiscovery query results, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint
proactive driver of ECM, Proactive driver
procedures, Policy
Process stage in ECM stack, The ECM stack, Editing and viewing, Process, eDiscovery, Process, Process, Process, Three-state workflow, Workflow, Workflow
best practices, Taxonomy and folksonomy
conditional formatting, Conditional formatting
workflow, WorkflowNext steps, Workflow, Next steps
organization requirements for, Process
re-engineering, Return on investment
processing fee per gigabyte, Holds
production capture, Document scanning
production farm, development and testing separate from, Web applications and site collections
production scanning, Distributed scanningPhysical storage, Production scanning, Physical storage
productivity, content access and, Preparing the organization
profile information, Branding
progress report, on implemented changes, Preparing the organization
Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK), Project managementSubject matter expert, Project management, Subject matter expert
project management, by ECM team, Project managementSubject matter expert, Project management, Subject matter expert
projects, cross-functional, Team site
protection, in records management, Principles and life cycleNext steps, Business drivers, Next steps
publishing, Publishing, Document management
purge date, for recycle bin, Site administration and recycling
putability, Why use ECM?


ratings, Keywords and ratings
reactive driver of ECM, Reactive driver
records, Records management, Records Management
confidential, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint
content preserved as, eDiscovery processes
duplication, content audit and, Preparing the organization
records center, Records management, Building expectations, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records center vs. in-place records management, Records management processes in SharePoint, Records management processes in SharePoint, Records management processes in SharePoint
vs. in-place records management, Records center vs. in-place records managementRecords management processes in SharePoint, Records center vs. in-place records management, Records management processes in SharePoint
records inventory, Physical storage, Preservation, Principles and life cycle
records life cycle, Principles and life cycleNext steps, Principles and life cycle, Business drivers, Business drivers, Retention schedule, Retention schedule, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records center vs. in-place records management, Records center vs. in-place records management, Records management processes in SharePoint, Records management processes in SharePoint, Next steps
records management, Manage, Records management, Content governance, Conclusion
business drivers for, Business driversRetention schedule, Business drivers, Retention schedule
ECM with or without, Records management features in SharePoint
planning for, Principles and life cycleBusiness drivers, Business drivers
principles and life cycle, Principles and life cycleBusiness drivers, Principles and life cycle, Business drivers
retention schedule, Retention scheduleRecords management features in SharePoint, Retention schedule, Retention schedule, Records management features in SharePoint
SharePoint features, Retention scheduleRecords center vs. in-place records management, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records center vs. in-place records management
SharePoint processes, Records center vs. in-place records managementNext steps, Records management processes in SharePoint, Records management processes in SharePoint, Next steps
records management plan, Manage
records manager, Who manages content?, Subject matter expert, Business drivers, Records center vs. in-place records management, Litigation support
access to content, Records management processes in SharePoint
Records Policy, Content types
records retention policy, Preservation
recycle bin in SharePoint, Site administration and recycling
refiners, Search, SearchViewing, Search, Viewing
reformatting content for preservation, Reformat
region taxonomy outline .csv file, Managed metadata—taxonomy
regional taxonomy, Taxonomy and folksonomy, Managed metadata—taxonomy
relationships of content types, Content types
Remote BLOB (Binary Large Objects) Storage (RBS), Preserve, Physical storage, Physical storage, Preservation
repositories, Logical storage/Information Architecture
determining factor for creating, Logical storage/Information Architecture
for Information Architecture, Store
security for, SecurityDocument, Repository, Team site, Site administration and recycling, Document, Document
Requests for Production (ROGs), Preservation
resolution, for scan setting, Production scanning
resources library, Site and library architecture
resources, manager objection to committing, Time and conflict
Retention File Plan, Content types
retention periods, and content types, Content types
retention schedule, Records management, Principles and life cycle, Retention schedule, Retention schedule, Retention schedule, Retention schedule
and content type hub, Content types
example, Retention schedule
terminology, Content typesContent types, Content types
retention, in records management, Principles and life cycleNext steps, Principles and life cycle, Business drivers, Business drivers, Retention schedule, Retention schedule, Retention schedule, Records management features in SharePoint, Next steps
return on investment (ROI), Return on investment
for business analyst, What is Enterprise Content Management?
from organization documentation, Business drivers
in not understanding eDiscovery, eDiscovery processes
roles, tying security to, Logical storage/Information Architecture
root site collection, creating for web applications, Deployment assumptions
root site, in site collection, Web applications and site collections
root web applications, Site and library architecture


scanner drivers, Document scanning
scanning documents, Document scanning, Document scanning, Document scanning, Distributed scanning, Production scanning, Production scanning
scope creep, Quality control
scope of project, Project management
screen shot, in documentation, Documentation
search, Deliver, Consistency, Site contents
Search site collection, Site and library architecture
security, Records management, Security and access, Logical storage/Information Architecture, Security, Preparing the organization
ECM principles for, Repository
for exported content, Exporting content
for form capture, Electronic form capture
for site collections, Shared Information Architecture
in cloud, Data securityBandwidth and accessibility, Data security, Bandwidth and accessibility
retention schedule criteria, Retention schedule
security groups, Site administration and recycling
security trimming, Security and access
selection of ECM team, Team selectionTeam selection, Team selection
Send To Connection Settings page, Records management features in SharePoint
Send To location
set up, Records management features in SharePointRecords management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint
service-level agreement (SLA), Bandwidth and accessibility
Seventh Circuit Principles Relating to the Discovery of Electronically Stored Information, Principle 1.02, Litigation support
shared drives, organization, What is Enterprise Content Management?, What is Enterprise Content Management?, Microsoft Office documents, Document scanning, Store, Change opposition or support
shared Information Architecture (IA), Shared Information ArchitectureShared Information Architecture, Shared Information Architecture, Shared Information Architecture, Shared Information Architecture
shared network drives, Physical storage
SharePint events, SharePoint community
SharePoint, ECM DefinedNext steps, What is Enterprise Content Management?, What is Enterprise Content Management?, What is Enterprise Content Management?, What is Enterprise Content Management?, The ECM stack, The ECM stack, File upload, File upload, Microsoft Office documents, Electronic form capture, Content streams, Store, Information Architecture, Information Architecture, Versioning, Transformation, Records management, Security and access, Change control, Editing and viewing, Editing and viewing, Workflow, Business Intelligence and BigData, eDiscovery, Compression, Why use ECM?, Who does ECM target?, Building expectations, Next steps, Next steps
as IT responsibility, Who manages content?
as Office 365 component, Office 365
as platform, Conclusion
as Save location for Office documents, Microsoft Office
documenting reasons for implementing, Documentation
eDiscovery implementation, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePointNotification, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint, Exporting content, Exporting content, Exporting content, Notification
Information Architecture components, Logical storage/Information Architecture
mapping processes to, Process
native documents, Native SharePoint documents, Microsoft Office, Native SharePoint documents, Document scanning
organization implementation, Management of content
planning for, Building a solid foundationFile upload, Building a solid foundation, File upload
reasons for ECM failure in, What is Enterprise Content Management?
records management features, Records management features in SharePointRecords center vs. in-place records management, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records center vs. in-place records management
records management processes in, Records management processes in SharePointNext steps, Records management processes in SharePoint, Records management processes in SharePoint, Next steps
uploading document to, File uploadMicrosoft Office, File upload, File upload, Microsoft Office
user interface limitation on bulk operations, File upload
viewers for Office documents, Editing and viewing
SharePoint 2007 MOSS ECM functionality in, What is Enterprise Content Management?
SharePoint 2010
functionality, What is Enterprise Content Management?
limitations in eDiscovery, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint
user interfaces, Shared Information Architecture
SharePoint 2013, What is Enterprise Content Management?
on-premise vs. Office 365, Office 365
user interfaces, Shared Information Architecture
SharePoint Administrator, Subject matter expert
SharePoint community, The community, Tools and Final Thoughts, CloudShare, SharePoint community, SharePoint community
SharePoint Designer, for visual representation, Workflow
SharePoint ECM solution, Building expectations
SharePoint experts, SharePoint community
SharePoint index crawler, Production scanning
SharePoint partner community, Building expectations
SharePoint Saturdays, SharePoint Saturdays and SharePoint user groups, SharePoint community
SharePoint timer job, for audit log details, Records management features in SharePoint
SharePoint User Groups (SPUGs), SharePoint Saturdays and SharePoint user groups, SharePoint community
single sign-on, Microsoft Office
single-server farm configuration on CloudShare, CloudShare
site, Web applications and site collections
management, Content governance
top link bar for navigating, Browsing and navigation
viewing contents, Site contents
Site Administration, Site Closure And Deletion, Records management features in SharePoint
site administrator, Site administration and recycling
site architecture, documenting, Information ArchitectureContent types, Site and library architecture, Site and library architecture, Site and library architecture, Site and library architecture, Site and library architecture, Content types
site collections, Building expectations, Web applications and site collections, Web applications and site collections, Repository, Site and library architecture
best practices, Shared Information Architecture
creating, Shared Information Architecture
creating eDiscovery set per, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint
Document library, Shared Information Architecture
for eDiscovery, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePointImplementing eDiscovery in SharePoint, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint
landing page, Shared Information Architecture
root, creating for web applications, Deployment assumptions
site permissions for, Shared Information Architecture
Site Content Types - Edit Policy page, Creating each content type
site disposition, Records management features in SharePoint
decision process for settings, Records management features in SharePointRecords management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint
site permissions, for site collection, Shared Information Architecture
site policies, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records center vs. in-place records management, Records management processes in SharePoint
site provisioning, Content governance
Site Settings - Site Features page, Shared Information Architecture
small-scale deployment, Deployment assumptions, Small scale, Small scale, Small scale
site structure, Small scale
smart phones, for mobile authoring, Native SharePoint documents
social media, Social media
third-party tools, General considerations
sprawl, Records management features in SharePoint
SQL databases, Store
SQL server, Business intelligence
stakeholders, Don’t go it alone
and taxonomy constraints, Creating a taxonomy
stamping document in SharePoint, Principles and life cycleNext steps, Principles and life cycle, Principles and life cycle, Business drivers, Retention schedule, Retention schedule, Retention schedule, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records management features in SharePoint, Records center vs. in-place records management, Records management processes in SharePoint, Records management processes in SharePoint, Next steps
standardization methods for capturing, naming and storing content, What is Enterprise Content Management?
calculating growth, Physical storage
Store stage in ECM stack, The ECM stack, Content streams, Store, Libraries
document ID, Document IDDocument ID, Document ID, Document ID
Information Architecture, Information ArchitectureInformation Architecture, Information Architecture, Information Architecture, Information Architecture
libraries, LibrariesMetadata, Libraries, Libraries, Metadata
physical storage, StoreLogical storage/Information Architecture, Logical storage/Information Architecture
taxonomy and folksonomy, Taxonomy and folksonomy, Taxonomy and folksonomy, Taxonomy and folksonomy
transformation, TransformationRecords management, Transformation, Records management
versioning, Versioning
strategy, Building a solid foundation
structured content
lists for, Libraries
structured metadata, Metadata, Search
subject matter expert, Subject matter expertTechnical team, Technical team
creating, Small scale
for content marked for hold, Implementing eDiscovery in SharePoint
super users, Who manages content?, Subject matter expert, Subject matter expert, Encourage behavior
synonyms in taxonomies, Taxonomy and folksonomy
system design flaws, responsibility for, Quality control
systems integrators, Systems integratorsSystems integrators, Systems integrators, Systems integrators


tablets, for mobile authoring, Native SharePoint documents
taxonomy, Logical storage/Information Architecture, Taxonomy and folksonomy, Taxonomy and folksonomy, Taxonomy and folksonomy
creating, Creating a taxonomy, Creating a taxonomy, Creating a taxonomy
design, Managed metadata—taxonomy
documenting, TaxonomyContent governance, Content governance
guidelines, Taxonomy and folksonomy
keywords and, Keywords and ratings
outline for .csv file, Managed metadata—taxonomy
rules, Taxonomy
steps for creating terms, TaxonomyTaxonomy, Taxonomy, Taxonomy
team site, Team site
Team Site template, File upload, Deployment assumptions
technical team, Technical teamQuality control, Quality control, Quality control
technology organization response to, ECM Stack: Content Control
templates, Web applications and site collections
term sets, size of, Creating a taxonomy
Term Store Management Tool, Creating a taxonomy
terms stores, creating, Creating a taxonomyCreating a taxonomy, Creating a taxonomy
text files, Information Architecture
third-party tools, Bandwidth and accessibilitySystems integrators, Backup and recovery, Content enrichment, Remote BLOB storage, Integration with LOB, Document imaging, Social, General considerations, General considerations, Systems integrators
business intelligence, Business intelligence
business process management, Business process managementContent enrichment, Content enrichment
content enrichment, Content enrichment
document imaging, Document imaging
evaluating, Counter ECM features
for backup and recovery, Backup and recovery, Backup and recovery
general considerations, General considerationsSystems integrators, General considerations, Systems integrators
questions for vendors, Remote BLOB storage
records management, Records management
Remote BLOB Storage (RBS), Remote BLOB storageGovernance and security, Governance and security
social media, Social, Social
three-state workflow, Three-state workflow
TIFF Group 4, Production scanning
time to value, Team selection
time-based taxonomy, Taxonomy and folksonomy
to-be state, Process
tools, Tools and Final ThoughtsConclusion, Conclusion
CloudShare, CloudShare
SharePoint community, SharePoint communityConclusion, Conclusion
top link bar, Browsing and navigation
tracking documents, Shared Information Architecture
training, Least common denominator, The change manager
Training Manager, Subject matter expert
transformation, TransformationRecords management, Transformation, Records management
transparency, in records management, Principles and life cycleNext steps, Next steps
tree view, Browsing and navigation
Twitter, Social media
Twitter hash tag, SharePoint community


unstructured content
libraries for, Libraries
vs. structured, How can you use information to make better decisions?
unstructured information, options for organizing, What is Enterprise Content Management?
unstructured metadata, Metadata
updates, consistency of, Consistency
upgrades, third-party tools and, General considerations
US (until superseded), Content types
usability issues, Quality control
usage policies, Principles and life cycle
for content types, Content types
usage quality control, Quality control
user access, usage policies example on, Content governance
user adoption, Notification
encouraging behavior, Encourage behaviorEnforcing the plan, Enforcing the plan
issues preventing, Counter ECM featuresEnforcing the plan, Counter ECM features, Enforcing the plan
preparing organization for, Least common denominatorEncourage behavior, Preparing the organization, Preparing the organization, Encourage behavior
user interface
in SharePoint 2013, What is Enterprise Content Management?
SharePoint 2010 vs. 2013, Shared Information Architecture
user permissions for control of ECM_MMS service, Creating a taxonomy
user-driven Business Intelligence, Business Intelligence and BigData
user-level security, The ideal scenario
actions on documents, Document
and library creation, Libraries
as least common denominator, Least common denominatorPreparing the organization, Preparing the organization
community, The communityThe experts, SharePoint Saturdays and SharePoint user groups, The experts
document readers vs. creators, Viewing
experts, Social media
profile information, Branding
super users, The super user
training, The change manager


waterfall workflow, Three-state workflow
web application sites, Site and library architecture
web applications, Web applications and site collections, Web applications and site collections, Repository
as root site collection, Shared Information Architecture
creating root site collection for, Deployment assumptions
for large-scale site structure, Large scale
Web Applications Companion (WAC), Native SharePoint documents
Web parts, branding with, Branding
web searches, The web
Windows Image Acquisition (WIA), Document scanning
Windows Workflow Foundation, Workflow
wisdom, How can you use information to make better decisions?
Word documents, Information Architecture
scanned documents as, Production scanning
workflow, Process, WorkflowNext steps, Workflow, Next steps
best practices, Workflow
vs. Content Organizer, Records management features in SharePoint
Workspaces in SharePoint, Microsoft Office documents, Counter ECM features
WYSIWYG administration of workflows, Workflow
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