Chapter 5. Building an ECM Team

Your successful SharePoint ECM solution will have a large dependency on the ECM team that orchestrates its design and deployment. Up to this point, we have focused mainly on the structural and technical building blocks of the ECM solution. Equally, if not more importantly, the people who work together on the project will ultimately decide the heights of its success or the depths of its failure. If you can combine well-designed Information Architecture (IA) with solid teamwork and communication, you will be able to overcome any technical or operational change-management challenges that present themselves.

In this section, we will not only consider what it takes to make a great team but also the purpose of the team. Very often, organizations treat project teams as a checklist item on the long list of things you are “supposed to do” when executing a line-of-business application (LOB). When teams are used, they are also used more as a governance group rather than individuals looking for the best way to deploy an ECM solution. The project ends up being focused on getting SharePoint tilted up rather than the more important goals of building a solution that has longevity and is adopted readily by the user community.

Don’t go it alone

We don’t believe that ECM teams are uncommon, but their value and input on the project is commonly not what it could be. Therefore, we are suggesting that not only do you build a team, but you build one that is tactically involved in the entire implementation.

In most organizations, we encounter one of three possible scenarios that motivate ECM. The catalyst for ECM comes from IT, business users, or content managers. In some rare instances, the need for ECM is driven from the top down. In these cases, you are in a great position to achieve success. All too often, an ECM project is just another IT wish-list item and doesn’t get the kind of early visibility and support it needs from the CXO suite. Leadership is key, and the Chief Officer positions can provide support and influence to help with budget and policy change and also make sure that the project is aligned with the organization’s high-level goals and objectives. The Chief Officer should create an ECM Committee made up of key stakeholders and decision makers from the departments that will be adopting the ECM Solution. During the project the committee can address any escalation issues and operational decisions that will be needed from time to time. This takes the pressure off the core ECM Team whenever differing opinions or significant decisions are required. Often these issues center around budgetary, scheduling conflicts or operational changes that need to be addressed.

If IT has initiated the ECM project, it’s usually driven by the concern that because content is not controlled, it poses a security risk to the organization, and because the vast majority of that content is digital, it is identified as an IT security issue. The good news about ECM projects starting this way is that it means IT is already involved. The bad news is that it’s driven by a need to mitigate risk rather than better organization of content. The concepts and desire to secure content do not generally take into consideration the operational efficiencies that the business managers want or the ease of use that ultimately drives high rates of user adoption. Therefore, in most cases when this scenario is unchecked, it results in a partially built system with few ECM methodologies introduced and users that fight the system the whole way because it provides no real benefit to them. IT has a tendency to throw technology and features at the problem without considering how they interact with the user. They also tend to solve a problem and ignore what comes after the initial issue is resolved.

If a business unit, usually Legal or Operations, mandates ECM, they do so from a need both of better content security and of process efficiency. The benefit of this is that there is greater emphasis given to how the system is used and the business needs that it should address. The problem is that, without IT, they are unable to align the theory of what they want with technology. Lack of IT buy-in makes it hard to get a project started and even more difficult to bridge the communication gap between the business needs and technology.

The last scenario, where the content managers drive the ECM project, can be the best from the implementation standpoint but almost as bad as IT when it comes to adoption. Content managers don’t exist in all organizations. They are neither technology focused like the IT group nor are they engaging in the day-to-day LOB activities like the business users. However, they do share IT’s strong need for content security, and they also have a strong desire to tie ECM to business operations. Content managers have a lot to lose with a system that does not work or is not used. And the ECM system certainly improves their ability to manage content. However, they do not always understand what motivates the end user to use the system.

Typically, when ECM projects come about it’s one of the above personae (IT, content manager, or business user) that drives the project. And it’s usually related to some event. For example, IT discovers that content has left the organization. Legal just dealt with a lawsuit where they did not have all the information until the very end. Or a business user is fed up because another lost document has caused lost efforts within their team or department.

It’s great to have a strong motivation for ECM that is framed in problem/solution terms. However, because it’s usually not incorporating disparate groups, things have already gone wrong, and this threatens the success of any enterprise or organization-wide project.

This is why we know it is so important to bring in other groups as soon as ECM is an idea being proposed for your organization. Not only does a team of individuals with different goals bring in ideas to improve the way the ECM system is deployed; it also lays out most if not all the problems up front.

A team of individuals with differing goals and needs builds the most successful ECM solutions, small or large. The decision of building a team is a hard one for organizations for two reasons: time and conflict.

Time and conflict

Managers will indicate that time is a compelling reason not to allow individuals to participate in a team that distracts them from their daily responsibilities. There are many situations and ways to address this, and they are all tailored to fit the department or individual. It is important to be creative and key in on the psychology of the person or manager making the objection. For example, if a manager objects to committing resources to be involved in the project up front, you should ask them, “If you are not willing to put the time in to support the project now, are you willing to accept and use the system after it’s implemented?” The results of not putting the time in up front will likely lead to an escalation meeting that outlines a laundry list of reasons why they will not use the ECM system.

Two excellent ways of dealing with this situation are to first identify another individual who does have time and who shares the desired objectives and goals of the project. Have them be a sort of emissary to discuss the project with their peers. Often a common set of issues can be identified and the proper resources can be assigned. Second, you can also spin the time complaint and have handy examples of how they are already wasting time because of operational inefficiencies due to lack of content control. You can point to broken processes, lost documents, and so on. Show them that by committing the resources and the time now, the future results of improved efficiencies will give them more time by utilizing their content properly.

The other reason ECM teams are avoided is conflict. This is a reason that might not be explicitly called out as clearly as the time utilization will be. It is that nagging fear of conflict that might cause project sponsors to hold back on bringing anyone else into the loop. This can be deeply rooted in office politics and bad previous experiences of working on IT-related projects that span the organization. We assure you that this quiet avoidance is just minuscule early on, and you should deal with it head on. After the system is deployed, the conflict will be tenfold, although it might not be as obvious. Users of the new system will express their anger either by being vocal (you can only hope) or by building animosity toward you and your team, which you will never spot but which will reduce your ability to do your job. In the worst case scenario, they will just refuse to use the system. Early conflict is good. Identifying where the problem areas are will allow you to move past them much more quickly and possibly even adjust the system to accommodate.

Building a team will not be an easy task. There will be a time commitment, but the proper time spent will save loads of time for the entire organization after your ECM solution is in production. There will be conflict, and we encourage you to not only expect it but to embrace that conflict early on in the project. The results will be more ownership of the ECM solution by a broader audience, and it will mitigate the naysayers later on. Give everyone a chance to leave their mark, have their voices heard, and have their content management needs met. Now let’s talk about how to pick your ECM team.

Team selection

You have, either on your own or with direction from someone else, identified a need for a new or improved ECM system. Perhaps you have a few peers who also see the dire need for improved content management, and you are excited to have them join forces with you. You have also identified that the need exists for a more established team. Here are the questions you need to answer:

  1. How big should my team be?

  2. Who should be on my team?

  3. How often should my team meet?

  4. What is the depth of participation of the team?

  5. How should a meeting be conducted?

The size of the team is not exactly proportional to the size of your organization and deployment. We have found that between 5 and 7 members is the average size. However, we have seen successful teams as large as 12. The biggest problem that larger teams face is scheduling and time to value. We define time to value as the total number of calendar days you invest to complete the project before you start realizing positive results. In many cases, when you have too many people involved in the project, it is hard to form consensus and make decisions. This results in analysis paralysis, and the project never gets finished. We find that if you have too few people, say 3 or fewer, the results are more of corroboration between peers and can actually result in animosity developing inside the group due to one strong personality who tends to drive everything. This can also occur outside the group, by creating a perception that people are being left out of the loop. Who is on your team is the next important consideration.

The team should consist of many disparate groups of individuals. A good rule of thumb is to have two individuals representing the implementing group and one individual from each function, organizational unit, or department. In many organizations, this can be an individual who represents similar functions, such as sales and marketing, if they are separate departments, or operations and product. It’s important to select team members who offer the path of least resistance and whom you already know will support the cause and project. We also encourage you to add some detractors at the very beginning. This can be a challenge, and most people avoid it, but it can greatly enhance the diversity of the team. Detractors tend to be pretty vocal, and they can undermine projects by spreading rumors and finding flaws. Put it this way: If you get at least one troublemaker to be a part of the ECM team, you can both resolve their concerns and get their trust. If you accomplish this, they can become a project’s greatest advocate and have a positive impact on everyone else.

The more meetings the team has early in the project’s life cycle the better. Most organizations have a standing weekly meeting on the ECM project. Some organizations set only monthly meetings, and this is not frequent enough. We generally find that these organizations are establishing a team just because they were told to, not because of the strength that frequent meetings can provide. We recommend biweekly or weekly meetings as the normal course of business, and as things progress, you can adjust for holidays and other organizational issues. The benefit of more meetings is that they tend to be easier to consume because they cover less content and therefore take less time. Be as consistent in your meeting schedules as possible, and send reminder emails with the previous week’s meeting notes, noting all team members assigned action items from the previous week and the upcoming agenda or topics. This helps everyone maintain accountability and stay on track, especially in large projects with people who have multiple responsibilities. Other things to consider when scheduling meetings and planning the project are any planned leaves of absence due to vacation, family commitments, training, and so on.

As we said earlier, the team is not just a high-level strategy group; they should also be part of the technical implementation of the system. Implementers are the ones who do the configuration following the design of the system and IA to produce the final system from SharePoint. We know from this book that SharePoint is not an ECM system until its features are formed into one. It’s these individuals who do the work. Implementers join practitioners, who are the heavy users of the system. This will definitely include your content management team, but it should also include heavy users in each individual function.

The reason that two to three of the team members should be a part of the implementation and practitioner groups is so that they can influence and guide practical applications in the team. Teams that discuss high-level concepts are good for getting theory down, but the team needs to quickly dive into both principle and technology details. The teams should be prepared to cover all the details outlined in the ECM stack found in Chapter 2, and Chapter 3, of this book. This means building the IA and designing taxonomies, but not the implementation cases in Chapter 4. Give team members homework, and ask them to engage a subteam or key individuals in their department. Get tangible written results from your team members, and no matter how little feedback you receive, continue to encourage them to participate. We encourage you to offer rewards to encourage the right behavior and celebrate milestones, always giving credit where credit is due. We will cover this in more detail in the next chapter. This enables the team members to take ownership of a piece of the solution. For example, have each team member get a screen shot of his or her functional department’s shared folder structure. Or ask the members to evangelize the concepts of why the system is being built in their department. The bottom line is this: We recommend that you use your team members for the important tactical work of gathering information, selling the benefits of the project, and showing the results of their efforts.

Every organization will have its own meeting style and structure. We strongly encourage organizations to embrace an adaptation to the scrum meeting methodologies. Because ECM teams are less tactical and task oriented than true development scrum, the approach does not work entirely. However, what scrum teaches us is focus and consistency. ECM meetings will be longer, they won’t be held every day, and they will cover more vague and ambiguous topics than a typical scrum meeting. The adaptation we recommend is as follows:

  1. Start with opening remarks by the implementation team and giving the current status of the project.

  2. Share what each member did since the last meeting.

  3. Share what they are doing before the next meeting.

  4. Outline current impediments or issues.

You might elect to present these items as individual team members or have the project manager collect them and moderate each agenda item for the entire team. It’s really a team decision as to how this is accomplished, but we do recommend allowing each team member to take some ownership of sharing his or her own agenda items.

The early meetings will take a different, more flexible, format as the team figures out how to work together and establishes early goals and timelines. But the meetings should quickly take a routine and standard format. Remember that you want to follow standard meeting protocol by setting defined time schedules and keeping the meeting focused, but you also want to balance the meeting with a standard of open and honest communication. Each member of the team has a responsibility to share issues without the fear of being ignored or penalized. Also, be careful not to let one person take over the meetings because people will become disinterested and the project will suffer.

ECM team roles and responsibilities

For each member of the ECM team, it is important to clearly define each person’s roles and responsibilities. We start by using a traditional organizational chart to illustrate a reporting and communication structure, as shown in Figure 5-1. Your existing organizational structure might be different, and we show only one department, Accounting, as the end user. You will include the appropriate number of end user resources as you begin your ECM solution design and planning. This will be true of every distinct operational unit in the organization, just substitute Accounting for the appropriate department.

The figure shows a hierarchical structure of the ECM team.
Figure 5-1. Project team org chart.

The most important point to get across here is that the Accounting business unit and the IT Department have equal influence and access to Executive Management. It is important that the project team has both business and technical stakeholders developing the final ECM solution design and IA. Equally important is personal chemistry between these leadership roles, and in the end, they will accomplish more if they have a good dose of mutual respect for one another.

Your initial project scope is most likely focused on the operational pain points in the business. These could be driven by a need to increase revenue or to cut costs around transactional inefficiencies. When evaluating the primary project roles, you should also consider who the people are that are best suited to adopt change and have a positive influence on the project team. SharePoint is usually a high-profile technology, so it’s important to get a good track record for the platform in your organization. Consider other IT projects that have produced good results through strong teamwork. This might not be the greatest operational pain point but might be a great place to start your SharePoint ECM track record. If you can create a quick win and follow best practices for creating your IA and solution design, it will make it more attractive to other parts of the business that want to experience the same results.

Team culture

Establishing a team culture early in the project is very important. All organizations have a unique culture that helps establish a collective understanding of what the organization is chartered to strive toward and accomplish. Traditional methods of documenting an organizational culture include mission, vision, and belief statements that help people collect around a common ethos. Culture can also be promulgated less formally through direct leadership, strong personalities, and legacy business environments or specific industry norms.

Your project team will have its own culture, and it’s important to define it in common terms so that everyone on the team can reference the definitions and use them as guidelines when making key decisions and communicating with other team members. As a baseline, you should incorporate the following three elements in writing to help define your project team culture:

  • Project name, slogan, and logo

  • Team objective in 25 words or less

  • Team member agreement

Team communication

Open and frequent updates in a consistent format to each team member will help foster focus on the priority of the project and its overall status. Updates should be in the context of primary areas of interest for the whole team as well as specific to subject matter experts working on individual tasks and deliverables. We have outlined the following three common communication streams that you can use as a model for your communications plan:

  • Project blog

  • Deliverable status report

  • Distribution list

Conversations should be strategic, when strategy is needed, usually early on in the project, and specific and tactical at all other times. This is important because when conversations mix strategy with tactical, they often frustrate one or more of the team members and result in confusion and wasted time. Strategy is good when talking governance and business needs of the system, including ROI. Tactical items are very specific elements of the system that need discussion and decisions. Mixing abstract concepts with these elements will delay action and results.

Project management

The primary responsibility for delivering a successful SharePoint ECM solution lies with each member of the core project team. Depending on the nature and scope of your ECM solution, you might have one or more Project Managers (PMs). If you are using a systems integrator or other third-party resources and have multiple PMs, it is important to create an escalation plan for issues that are not resolved between PMs. For the purposes of this book, we will assume that the project is being managed internally, with no outside project or resource management.

Standard project management practices are an important component to the success of your ECM solution. We recommend that formal practices of project management be followed, as outlined by the Project Management Institute (PMI) in its Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK). PMI covers very broad uses and can be applied to everything from building bridges to IT projects, so it’s important to utilize the tools and best practices that make sense for your organization’s ECM project. Not every aspect of the PMBOK will need to be used, but every team should incorporate the following key project management items:

  • Scope of work and change control

  • Detailed project schedule

  • Deliverables-based acceptance criteria

  • Training curriculum and resources

  • Outstanding issues list

The scope of the project will need to be managed carefully so that key milestones can be met, the project budget can be managed, and any return on investment metrics are achieved. One of the critical elements of managing the scope is change due to feature or enhancement requests. It is also inevitable that operational needs will come up that were previously overlooked or unknown to the project team. You will need a method for managing the decision about whether or not to include these items. Our recommendation is to use change request documents early in the project life cycle. We talk more about this in the “Pre-Mortem” section, later in this chapter, in terms of feature sprawl and the ability to hit key milestones in the project. Momentum is very important to the CXO suite; if you hope to have their full support, you’d better have the documentation to support any schedule delays due to change requests or feature enhancements.

Subject matter expert

A subject matter expert (SME) is someone with training and experience in a specific functionality and topic area within SharePoint. They are the go-to person for their topic area. Later in the book, we will talk about super users. Super users and SMEs can be synonymous, but not always. A SME might specialize in a broader organization-wide topic, such as records management, whereas a super user is a more skilled SharePoint user in general.

For each specific element of the project, you will have SMEs responsible for managing task and deliverable completion. Their roles can be operational, technical, or project execution related. When delivering an IT-related project, you should have common roles for things like Testing/QA and Training that are used on a regular basis for executing IT projects. The other SMEs will vary depending on the operational unit you are working with. The operational SME knows why things are done a certain way and can more easily represent and document the as-is state or the current way of doing things. The technical SME knows how software systems are configured and integrated to support the business. For example, the SMEs assigned to the Coho Winery ECM SharePoint project team are described in Table 5-1 and include a SharePoint Administrator, Records Manager, and Training Manager.

Table 5-1. Subject matter experts




SharePoint Administrator

An active listener and contributor. Understands all aspects of SharePoint, key LOB systems integrations, customizations, and third-party tools. Has general IT systems knowledge of network, operating system, database, web server and workstation software components.

SharePoint platform understanding, SharePoint site administration, user security, feature configuration, testing and validation of use cases based on SharePoint capabilities

Records Manager

Highly organized and understands the process of managing physical, electronic, and archived records. Has conducted a records inventory and completed a records file plan and retention schedule.

Taxonomy, file plan, records retention, records disposition, IA

Training Manager

Understands the varying degrees of operational and technical knowledge of users within the organization. Excellent written, verbal communication, and presentation skills.

Curriculum development, end user training, training materials, training schedule and FAQ publication

Super User

Knowledge worker in specific functions that will champion the usage of ECM in their department in the way the department can benefit from it the most. Encourages peers to use the system. This individual should also check frequently the quality of content and usage in their department and report this back to the ECM team.

Site manager, understanding of the functions IA, understanding of document and content types, departmental views

Technical team

The technical team will be responsible for managing all technical aspects of the project during both design and implementation and after the ECM solution is in production. This could vary slightly for larger organizations, where the technical team might not have access or information on the SharePoint farm level but on the site collection administration level only.

Each member of the team will have specific duties and bring key elements to the overall technical design and execution of the SharePoint IA. Usually, the people on the technical team will be included during key elements of the project and might not be involved in every aspect of the project. We recommend that at least one member of the technical team be the lead person responsible for delegating and managing technical issues and tasks to the correct IT resources throughout the project. This is most often assigned to the SharePoint Administrator we described in the previous section. Some key areas of consideration include the following:

  • Datacenter and server management

  • Application management

  • Network communications

  • Database management

  • Workstation and Help Desk support

Quality control

Practice what you preach; quality control is everyone’s responsibility. In most cases, there are focused testing procedures and quality control methods used during most IT projects. However, the more each team member is on the lookout for usability issues and system design flaws, the better. It’s not always the software or technical SharePoint issues either; sometimes it’s the quality of communication or documentation that is suffering. If you create a culture of quality from the beginning and each of the team members is committed to delivering a high quality of work, the results will speak for themselves. If you have a weak link and someone is not delivering at or above expectations, deal with it early. If shortcuts are taken, it will come out in the end and the ECM solution will not deliver the best possible user experience.

For SharePoint ECM, quality control refers to quality of the delivered application and quality of its usage.

Quality control and testing of the ECM application delivered on SharePoint should incorporate considerations such as the following:

  • Does a SharePoint feature behave the way it’s expected to?

  • Do the users encounter error messages?

  • How are the error messages recorded and acted upon?

  • Do the desired interaction of features and workflows produce an acceptable result?

  • How does someone request a change in a business process? (All processes will need to be changed eventually, so plan for it.)

  • What is the change management strategy? (Change management is a critical element for quality and user adoption. You shouldn’t confuse this with change control procedures that are used to document or minimize changes in scope, also known as scope creep.)

Some organizations appoint individuals to act as content organizers in the early stages of populating new sites and libraries. The content organizers populate libraries with metadata and initiate workflows so that the content is being routed with the proper metadata and is stored in the correct library. When the processes have been well tested and the libraries are populated with accurate content and metadata, it is easier for others to follow the same structure as they add new content.

Quality control of the usage of the system considers things such as the following:

  • Are users using features, or are certain features abandoned? This includes checking site-level analytics to understand usage.

  • Is content being contributed accurately with the right amount of metadata?

  • Is the usage of metadata and IA accurate and consistent?

  • Are content types being used properly, if at all? Content types should be used to control the metadata structure and models you’re adopting and can help users when they are adding new content to SharePoint.

A good example of usage quality control would be to make sure the quality of metadata associated with a contract is always being filed in the right library with the right metadata. If you weren’t using content types, users could file a contract in the wrong library and skip the step of adding the proper metadata.

Usage quality control is a big job and requires reviewing the body of documents on a regular basis during user testing and training. This should be a role taken on by content managers. If your organization does not have content managers, super users in individual departments who have a vested interest should take on this role.


Most everyone is aware of the post-mortem strategy where, upon completion of a project or portions of a project, you discuss what went well, what went wrong, and what can we learn from it so that we don’t repeat the same mistakes. This is a great exercise to get in the habit of completing. If your organization is underwhelmed by the results of your IT projects, this can help you identify what you’re missing. Remember that if your post-mortem is not done consistently, the next project can suffer from the same errors that you were experienced in previous projects. However, if the post-mortem doesn’t happen, it does not benefit the current ECM project, and what is learned is often forgotten.

A strategy we use is pre-mortem. A pre-mortem is a projection of all the things that could and are expected to go wrong. Part of the exercise includes forecasting obvious scenarios, such as no adoption or an incomplete solution after a given date, as well as more subtle scenarios that are unique to the organization, such as inefficient business processes, lackadaisical content contribution, or projected organizational changes.


All too often, an ECM solution will incorporate manual business processes in an electronic form and not take into consideration that operations might need to change to make the most of the automation capabilities. Many have called the following statement the seven worst words in business: “We have always done it this way.” This is why it’s important to have CXO involvement so that organizational changes can be adopted from the top down, and if necessary, adoption of the changes can become an organizational requirement.

To help you prepare for the most common issues that can negatively affect the ECM project and your team, we have compiled a list of items to be prepared for. You might not encounter the following issues, but they are fairly common:

  • Organizational changes Changes in the organization most often cannot be forecasted. However, the team should be aware of what the impact could be if critical stakeholders in the ECM project are shifted around or leave the organization.

  • Feature sprawl Feature sprawl can sneak up on the ECM project team, and it is a challenging problem because we all have the tendency to favor more and more features. The effects of feature sprawl can be widespread and not only impact delivery time but also could result in a convoluted implementation that negatively impacts user adoption.

  • Other prioritized projects While many organizations give the ECM project a clear runway, there is sometimes a business need to give other competing projects a higher priority. This can cause cancellation of the ECM project or result in it not getting the attention it deserves.

  • Lack of internal support Similar to feature sprawl, where requested features and demand on functionality goes up and down with newly discovered business needs and the internal awareness of the SharePoint platform, internal support of the ECM project can grow and shrink. The greatest cause of shrinking interest in the ECM project is not hitting critical milestones or not having something to show.

Organizations not experienced with this exercise of forecasting problems before they happen will find it hard to begin. However, after it gets rolling, you will be surprised at the items that will come up and how important they can be in guiding decision making for how the project proceeds.

Be a practitioner as well as an implementer

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Eat your own dog food”? It’s critical that the team members responsible for implementing and launching the SharePoint ECM environment to the entire organization are also heavy users of the system. If you yourself are not regularly using the ECM system in the way prescribed by the ECM committee, you can’t expect your users to either.

One of the most important aspects of the team is the undying support of the project and the results of the project. This means that, whenever possible, the team members should be evangelizing ECM in general before the solution is released, and after release, they should support the adoption actively.

An example of such influence is ensuring that when the ECM idea comes up the participants should ask their peers to begin practicing good organizational behavior. All team members should be working with non-team members to sell the project through good words and leading by example. Here are a few things to consider:

  • Start by better organizing your own content.

  • Think of file shares in terms of the infrastructure design elements you will need.

  • Encourage the use of email as a transient communication tool and not as an ECM platform or document store.

  • Encourage standard and repetitive file naming techniques.

  • Encourage a single method of record for all documents saved.

All the principles covered earlier in the book can begin to be established even before the SharePoint farm stores a single document. Working on adoption from day one is a must.

During the planning stages of the project, the team should have ample opportunity to build a miniature ECM system (that is, a sandbox) where project-planning documents, IA plans, governance plans, and notes can be stored. You might even elect to use this miniature version of the broader ECM system as an example of how successful and helpful the platform can be. Because the ECM team can start eating their own dog food immediately, this also helps to encourage the quality control principles we outlined earlier. This should continue, and all members of the team should be supreme examples of ECM usage.

Earlier, we told you that we encourage you to bring naysayers on to the ECM team. During this practical use of the miniature ECM system, the tensions and challenges will become even more evident, and you will quickly learn as a team how to address them organization-wide.

Next steps

The ECM team can use the information in this chapter to establish a strong culture that will help them prepare for the difficult task of managing change and user adoption of the ECM solution. In the next chapter, we will discuss best practices for preparing your organization for the changes that will come with the implementation of your SharePoint ECM solution.

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