Chapter 16. Editing and Formatting Presentations


After you create a presentation, you’ll most likely want to modify its appearance. Fortunately, modifying and organizing slides, content, and presentations in PowerPoint is easy using automated tools, the Slide Sorter, and slide masters.

When you finish with your presentation, you can print it for a final review or create handouts from your slides.

PowerPoint Design Options


Applying a New Slide Layout

If you don’t like the slide layout you applied to a slide—or you selected the wrong layout—you can apply a new layout easily.


Image Click the Home tab.

Image Click the Layout button.

Image Select a slide layout from the gallery.

Image PowerPoint applies the new layout to your slide.


Image Tip: Slide Size

In addition to changing the slide layout, you can change the slide size. In PowerPoint 2016, the default slide size is widescreen (16:9) to match the dimensions of most computers and projectors. If you prefer, you can change your slide size to 4:3 by clicking the Slide Size button on the Design tab. Image

Applying a New Theme

When you create a presentation, PowerPoint automatically applies a theme: a coordinated set of colors, fonts, and effects. However, you can easily change the existing theme in a matter of seconds.


Image Click the Design tab.

Image Click one of the themes in the Themes group.

Image If none of the themes in the Themes group suit your needs, click the down arrow on the right side of the Themes box to display a gallery of additional themes.


Image Select the theme you want to use.

Image Select a variant to apply to your theme.

Image PowerPoint applies this new theme and its color variant to your presentation.


Image Tip: Preview a Theme

Pause your mouse over each theme to preview it in your presentation. Image

Formatting a Slide’s Background

You can further customize your theme by applying, removing, and modifying its background. In addition to specific color backgrounds, you can also add special effects such as shading, patterns, textures, and pictures.


Image Click the Design tab.

Image Click the Format Background button.

Image Click the Fill icon to make changes to your background fill color, such as applying a solid, gradient, picture, texture, or pattern fill.

Image Specify the kind of fill you want to apply—such as a solid, gradient, or pattern—and select from the options that display at the bottom of the pane.


Image Tip: Make the Right Changes

The Format Background pane includes numerous options for customizing your background’s fill, effects, and pictures. Before making changes, be sure to review all the available options and make changes that truly enhance your presentation. Image

Image Note: Format Effects and Pictures

You can also click the Effects icon or Picture icon to make additional background changes. Be aware that these formatting options are available for some, but not all, backgrounds. Image

Image Select the Hide background graphics check box to hide the graphics included with your presentation theme. PowerPoint removes these objects but retains the original colors.

Image PowerPoint previews your changes in the Slide pane.

Image Click Apply to All if you want to apply this format to all slides in your presentation.

Image Click the Close button to close the Format Background pane.


Image Tip: Starting Over

If you don’t like the formatting options you applied, click the Reset Background button to start again. Image

Organizing Your Presentation with Slide Sorter View

Slide Sorter view displays smaller versions of your slides in several rows and columns. If you have a lot of reorganization to do, it’s usually easier to accomplish this task in Slide Sorter view than in Normal view.


Image Click the Slide Sorter button on the lower-right corner of the PowerPoint window.

Image Select a slide you want to move. PowerPoint displays a red border around it.

Image Drag the slide to its new location.


Image Tip: View Slide Detail

To view a particular slide in more detail, double-click it to open it in Normal view. Image


Image PowerPoint displays the slide in its new location.


Image Tip: Deleting Slides

To delete a slide, select it and press the Delete key on your keyboard. Image

Image Tip: Delete Multiple Slides

To select multiple slides to delete, press Ctrl, select the slides, and then press the Delete key. Image

Copying and Moving Slides from One Presentation to Another

Using Slide Sorter view, you can copy or move slides from one presentation to another.


Image Open both the source and destination presentations in Slide Sorter view.

Image In one of the presentations, click the Arrange All button on the View tab.


Image Note: Presentation Themes

If each presentation uses a different theme, moving a slide changes its formatting to that of the new presentation, and the Paste Options button displays. To retain the formatting of the source presentation, click the down arrow to the right of the Paste Options button and choose Keep Source Formatting. Remember, however, that the best presentations use a consistent theme throughout. Image

Image PowerPoint displays both presentations in different window panes in Slide Sorter view.

Image Drag and drop slides between presentations to copy them.

Image Click the Save button for any presentation you changed.

Image Click the Close button in the upper-right corner of the presentation you no longer want to view.

Image Click the Maximize button in the upper-right corner of the presentation you want to keep active.


Image Tip: Move a Slide

To move a slide, select it, press Ctrl+X on your keyboard, position the mouse in the new destination location, and press Ctrl+V. The slide is removed from the source presentation and inserted into the destination presentation. Image

Deleting a Slide

If you no longer need a slide or make a mistake and want to start again, you can delete it.


Image Click the Normal button in the lower-right corner of the window if you aren’t already using Normal view.

Image Select the slide you want to delete, and press the Delete key on your keyboard.


Image Tip: Delete Multiple Slides

To delete multiple consecutive slides, press the Shift key on your keyboard, select the first and last slides in the range, and press the Delete key. To delete multiple nonconsecutive slides, hold the Ctrl key, select the slides, and press the Delete key. Image

Image Note: Other Deletion Options

You can also delete slides in Slide Sorter view or Outline view. You can access these views on the View tab. Image

Using Slide Masters

Slide masters help you achieve uniformity by storing data about a presentation’s theme and slide layouts, such as colors, fonts, effects, background, placeholders, and positioning—and applying it consistently throughout your presentation.


Image Click the View tab.

Image Click the Slide Master button.

Image If you want to change the entire presentation’s design, click the slide master thumbnail.

Image If you want to edit the master for a specific slide layout, click the thumbnail for that layout.

Image PowerPoint displays the Slide Master contextual tab by default, where you can change the theme, colors, fonts, effects, and background styles.

Image Click the slide master editing screen.

Image Click the Format tab to makes changes to shapes and WordArt.

Image Click the Close Master View button on the Slide Master tab to save your changes and return to your presentation.


Image Note: Slide Masters

Each presentation contains at least one slide master. Editing a slide master is optional and suited to experienced users. One popular reason to edit a slide master is to add your company logo to all slides. Image

Inserting a Hyperlink to the Web

Inserting hyperlinks to external websites is a common use of PowerPoint’s hyperlink feature. Inserting a hyperlink makes it easy to open a specific website or page during a presentation without having to manually enter its URL. You can add a hyperlink to text or to an object such as an image or shape.


Image On the Slide pane in Normal view, select the text or object you want to link.

Image Click the Insert tab.

Image Click the Hyperlink button.

Image Type the URL into the Address field.

Image Click the OK button.


Image Tip: Insert Hyperlink Shortcut

Pressing Ctrl+K is another way to open the Insert Hyperlink dialog box. Image

Image Caution: URL Tips

Be sure to type the URL exactly as it appears, including uppercase and lowercase letters and all special characters (such as the tilde [~]). If you can, go to the site, copy the URL from the Address field in your browser, and paste it into this field. Image

Inserting a Hyperlink to Another Slide in Your Presentation

In addition to linking to websites, you can also link to other slides in your presentation. Creating links to other slides helps you customize your slideshow so that you can move quickly to the slides you need.


Image In Normal view, select the text or object on the slide you want to link.

Image Click the Insert tab.

Image Click the Hyperlink button.

Image Click the Place in This Document button.

Image Select the slide to which you want to link.

Image Click the OK button.


Image Tip: Removing Hyperlinks

After inserting a hyperlink, you might decide that you don’t want it or that you need to link a different object instead. To remove a hyperlink, right-click it and select Remove Hyperlink. Image

Image Tip: Testing Hyperlinks

Before you present to an audience, test all your hyperlinks to make sure that you set them up correctly. The last thing you want during your presentation is a surprise when you click a hyperlink. Image

Adding Headers and Footers

If you plan to print your presentation—or create a PDF to distribute to participants—you can add headers and footers to your slides, notes, and handouts.


Image Click the Insert tab.

Image Click the Header & Footer button.

Image Click the Notes and Handouts tab on the Header and Footer dialog box.

Image Click the Date and time check box to print the date and/or time on each page, and select a formatting option from the drop-down list.

Image Click the Page number check box to print a page number on the lower-right corner of each page.


Image Click the Header check box to print a header on the upper-left corner of the page.

Image Click the Footer check box to print a footer on the lower-left corner of the page.

Image Click the Apply to All button to close the dialog box.


Image Tip: Preview Headers and Footers

You can preview your changes on the right side of the Header and Footer dialog box. Image


Creating Handouts in Microsoft Word

You can export the slides and notes from your PowerPoint presentation to Microsoft Word, where you can use Word’s formatting to create more sophisticated handouts.


Image Click the File tab.

Image Click Export.

Image Click Create Handouts.

Image Click the Create Handouts button.


Image Select a page layout option for your handouts.

Image Select the Paste option button if you want to paste the slides into your Word document.

Image Select the Paste link option button if you want to update your Word document whenever you make changes in PowerPoint.

Image Click the OK button to open a Microsoft Word document in the layout you specified.


Image Note: Preview Handout Layouts

The Send to Microsoft Word dialog box displays preview images of each page layout. Image


Printing Your Presentation

PowerPoint enables you to print more than just slides. You can also print notes to remind yourself of what you want to say while presenting, handouts to give to your audience, and outlines to help you proof your content. PowerPoint also includes numerous customization options for printing auxiliary materials.


Image Click the File tab.

Image Click Print.

Image Select the number of Copies you want to print.

Image Select your Printer from the drop-down list.


Image Tip: Green Printing Alternatives

Consider a greener alternative to printing your presentation by saving it as a PDF and distributing it to your audience on the Web or on a company file-sharing site. Learn more at “Saving as a PDF or an XPS Document” on page 22. That way, you need to print only for personal review, not wide distribution. Image

Image Tip: Scroll and Zoom

Below the slide, you can click the left and right arrows to scroll through the presentation. You can also use the zoom control to reduce or enlarge the size of the slides. Image

Image Select the slides you want to print. Your options include Print All Slides, Print Selection, Print Current Slide, or Custom Range.

Image Select the print layout you want to use. Options include Full Page Slides, Notes Pages, Outline, or nine Handout layouts.

Image Specify whether you want to collate your printouts (print in consecutive order). This option is valid only if you choose to print more than one copy of your presentation.

Image Specify color options for your printed presentation. You can print in color, grayscale, or pure black and white.

Image Click the Print button to print your formatted presentation to the printer you selected.


Image Note: Print Preview

Preview the way your presentation will display when printed on the right side of the Print window. Any changes you make to your presentation settings are reflected in this view, so you can verify before printing whether the choices you make work for you. Image

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