Life cycle assessment (LCA) of food and beverage packaging

K. Verghese, S. Lockrey, S. Clune and D. Sivaraman,     RMIT University, Australia


While historically life cycle assessments (LCAs) of food and beverage packaging have focused upon comparative assessment of different packaging material formats and configurations, there is an increasing awareness that the LCA impact of the 'content' i.e., the food or beverage, has a greater impact on the overall product packaging system than the packaging materials. The growing interest among multinational brandowner companies and retailers to implement sustainable packaging strategies and systems is also driving a refinement in evaluation tools, metrics and indicators. This new direction will see the development of the need for organisations to implement action-oriented decision making using life cycle thinking to improve the design of the product packaging system.

Key words

action-oriented decision making

environmental packaging evaluation tools

food and beverage packaging

food and beverage packaging design


life cycle assessment

life cycle thinking

packaging sustainability


19.1 Introduction

As consumers shift to a more sustainable pattern of consumption, and demand for sensitivity to these principles increases, the calculation of credible environmental profiles of food and beverage products becomes an important part of not only marketing and education, but also holistic product integrity. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is the internationally recognised process with which to obtain these profiles across a range of environmental metrics, touching also on economic and social dimensions. This chapter explores the role of LCA in relation to food and beverage products and packaging and also examines the future trends and opportunities that may present themselves.

19.2 Life cycle assessment (LCA) and sustainability

LCA is the process of evaluating the potential effects that a product, process or service has on the environment over the entire period of its life cycle. The concept of LCA surfaced as early as the nineteenth century, when economist Patrick Geddes proposed efficiency improvements to the product life cycle of coal as an energy source [1]. The first half of the twentieth century saw 'life cycle analysis' focus primarily on energy balance and technologies, as oil dependence continued to grow, and alternative systems such as nuclear developed [2]. It was not until late last century that the LCA methodology and terminology became standardised, and rapidly developed to best practice within the ISO 14040 environmental standards series [3, 4]. Industry and researchers now assess broader product and service systems, where multicriteria inputs and outputs of anything from packaging, consumer goods, transport, built environments, and supply chains are observed. LCA is also becoming a larger part of the business sustainability decision-making framework, with multinationals such as WalMart [5] and Toyota [6] integrating tools within corporate systems. One of the more interesting recent developments has been The Life Cycle Initiative, where the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) have combined in an effort to enable global understanding and practice of life cycle thinking [7].

'Sustainability1' as a definition has become broad and all encompassing. Diverse groups in industry, politics, and the media have embraced the rhetoric, as events occur and campaigns gain traction on climate change, drought, economic downturn and predictions of natural catastrophes due to the western, and increasingly the developing world's, consumption. A common framework for the term combines the environmental, economic and social implications of products, services and systems, often referred to as the 'triple bottom line' (TBL). TBL derived as a common ground for sustainability, following the debate over 'sustainable development', where economic ends must be balanced with the current and future needs of society and the environment [9]. LCA fits under the sustainability umbrella, in providing some of the metrics required to satisfy TBL-based evaluations, namely detailed environmental data, limited economic data in life cycle costing (LCC), and even less social data. UNEP has conducted feasibility studies [10] in implementing social life cycle assessment (SLCA), and various propositions for and critiques of SLCA have been conducted [11, 12], although no unilateral consensus for SLCA has been reached.

19.2.1 Principles of LCA

The International Standards Organisation (ISO) has defined LCA as: '[A] Compilation and evaluation of the inputs, outputs and the potential environmental impacts of a product system throughout its lifecycle' [4, p. 2], as depicted in Fig. 19.1. The technical framework for LCA consists of four components, each having a very important role in the assessment. They are interrelated throughout the entire assessment and in accordance with the current terminology of the ISO. The components are goal and scope definition, inventory analysis, impact assessment and interpretation as illustrated in Fig. 19.2.


Fig. 19.1 Life cycle system concept.


Fig. 19.2 Main steps in the four components of LCA. (source [13], p. 200)

Once the goal and scope of an LCA have been determined, the inventory of the product or service being analysed is collected. The environmental impacts are then assessed using an impact assessment method in comparison to a functional unit, usually focusing on the most important impact categories, whether that is amongst others regionally, timely or thematically. Common indicators are included in Table 19.1.

Table 19.1

Examples of LCA environmental indicators

Indicators Unit Description
Global warming kg CO2 eq Climate change effects resulting from the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane or other global warming gases into the atmosphere - this indicator is represented in CO2 equivalents.
Photochemical oxidation kg C2H4 eq Measurement of the increased potential of photochemical smog events due to the chemical reaction between sunlight and specific gases released into the atmosphere. These gases include nitrogen oxides (NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), peroxyacyl nitrates (PANs), aldehydes and ozone.
Eutrophication kg PO43– eq Eutrophication is the release of nutrients (mainly phosphorous and nitrogen) into land and water systems, altering biotopes, and potentially increasing algal growth and causing related toxic effects.
Land use Ha*annual Total exclusive use of land for a given time for occupation by the built environment, forestry production and agricultural production processes.
Water use kL H2O Net water use. Total of all water used by the processes considered.
Solid waste kg Net solid waste generated. Total of all solid waste generated by the processes considered.
Minerals and fossil fuels MJ Surplus The additional energy required to extract the resources (both mineral and fossil) due to depletion of reserves, leaving lower quality reserves behind.

Once this assessment has been carried out, the results are interpreted, and often accompanied by sensitivity analyses to test the validity of the results under a range of different circumstances. The framework is designed so that the LCA practitioner can revisit a stage as they are progressing through the assessment, i.e. modifying the goal and scope based on relevance of the data following inventory collection.

19.2.2 Strengths and weaknesses

The real strength of LCA is the ability to combine multiple detailed environmental metrics to analyse life cycles to make informed decisions about where to concentrate on changes to product systems to reduce environmental impacts. This means that any sensitivities and change in the life cycle can be monitored across the range of indicators, where advantages and tradeoffs can be assessed on face value comparatively. In terms of the TBL, LCA excels in environmental analysis, however lacks some of the more progressive social and economic metrics, such as behavioural attitudes, cultural sensitivity, socio-economic divides, complex economic models, policy drivers and some human health-related issues.

Although LCA has evolved and been standardised, it can also fail to provide reputable results if gaps are present in the data modelled [14], or if transparency is compromised when data sources and methods are withheld.

19.2.3 Gaps from a sustainability perspective

To supplement the broader definitions of sustainability, there has been a number of 'sustainable packaging' frameworks developed globally. In 2002, the Australian-based Sustainable Packaging Alliance (SPA) proposed that sustainable packaging [15]: consider TBL; consider the entire product life-cycle; and minimise environmental impacts of the packaging whilst considering interactions between the package and the product it contains. Over this time [16, 17], SPA has refined their approach with the addition of a series of key performance indicators (KPIs) to the four pillars of a framework for packaging sustainability, namely 'effective', 'efficient', 'cyclic' and 'safe' (Fig. 19.3).


Fig. 19.3 Sustainable Packaging Alliance framework for packaging sustainability. (source [17] p. 44)

The US-based Sustainable Packaging Coalition (SPC) have more recently complemented their sustainable packaging mandate with the following criteria [18]:

• is beneficial, safe and healthy for individuals and communities throughout its life cycle;

• meets market criteria for both performance and cost;

• is sourced, manufactured, transported, and recycled using renewable energy;

• optimises the use of renewable or recycled source materials;

• is manufactured using clean production technologies and best practices;

• is made from materials healthy in all probable end-of-life scenarios;

• is physically designed to optimise materials and energy;

• is effectively recovered and utilised in biological and/or industrial closed loop cycles.

Where SPA started, SPC continued in capturing the importance of renewable energy and considering the reuse, recycling and renewable resources for materials. LCA in particular can capture the nuances of the latter, where sometimes the mantra of 'renewable is better' is not necessarily the case environmentally [2], depending on the intensity of stock production on the farm (i.e., maize, starch, etc.) compared to highly efficient polymerisation processes.

More recently, the global group The Consumer Goods Forum (members include retailers, manufacturers, service providers and other stakeholders) have developed an approach incorporating TBL principles to sustainable packaging credibility supported by tangible metrics including points such as [19]:

• designed holistically with the product in order to optimise environmental performance;

• made from responsibly sourced materials;

• able to meet market criteria for performance and cost;

• manufactured using clean production technologies;

• efficiently recoverable after use; and

• sourced, manufactured, transported and recycled using renewable energy.

LCA tends to be a subset of sustainable packaging frameworks globally, where common ground includes concepts such as life cycle evaluation, end-of-life strategies, efficiency, clean production, and renewable materials. Social implications, packaging/product interaction, detailed cost benefits, functionality and usability are some of the broader themes in global frameworks where the LCA methodology struggles to capture adequate data. Examples of these broader themes synchronising with LCA are generally when customised methodology has developed internally, such as the LCA link to cost effectiveness in the Toyota Motor Sales packaging supply chain with the development of the Environmental Packaging Impact Calculator (EPIC) [6, p. 55].

Life cycle thinking and management has derived from the methodology of LCA, and provides designers, manufacturers and other stakeholders with the ability to affect the impacts of packaging at the conceptual stage of the design process, rather than retrospectively, as with the majority of traditional LCA. By understanding where the majority of impacts occur in a streamlined fashion (or with quick tools) for particular product systems, packaging can be created that minimises the impacts effectively, before it is procured. The management of the packaging system is then aligned with the sustainability goals set out by using life cycle thinking. Various standalone tools have been developed for this, as have integrated packages for design tools such as computer aided design (CAD), computer aided manufacturing (CAM), and management systems such as distribution software and supply chain inventories.

19.3 Life cycle assessment (LCA) in the food and beverage packaging industry

19.3.1 A brief historical look at some of the factors influencing food and beverage packaging design

Packaging has played an integral role in the availability of food and beverages. The unique properties and innovations in packaging materials have enabled food items to be preserved and transported around the globe. Packaging has also increased the shelf life of products and enabled many food items to be available 'out of season'. As Risch writes: 'Demand for quality food has driven packaging innovation, and innovations in packaging have helped to create new food categories and added convenience' [20, p. 8091].

Packaging has come a long way from the days when its primary functionality was just to hold the product. As our lifestyles evolved, we not only required better quality food, but also food whose integrity had to be preserved for longer periods of time. Currently, the role of packaging is multifunctional. It ranges from containing the product; protecting the product from external gases; blocking external light to protect the food's nutrients, colour and texture; and preservation of the product by maintaining specific ambient conditions around the food inside a container [20].

Examples of some significant developments related to food and beverage packaging are discussed below, drawing from the following literature [2028]. The original packaging materials consisting of natural materials such as skins, bark, leaves and woven twigs worked marginally well as foods were preserved by drying, smoking, salting or fermenting. Deficiencies in these materials led to the development of textile, wood and ceramic/glass containers, though they also had limitations in protecting food adequately. The development of lithography in 1798 saw the rise of low cost printing and the development of labels. Canned tomatoes were introduced around the time of the American Civil War.

The introduction of heat sterilisation of perishables in metal and glass containers in the early nineteenth century was a significant step in packaging development. Following a century later was the development of frozen foods, in paperboard packages, that maintained the nutrition, taste and convenience of perishables all year-round. During the time of the industrial revolution, metal cans were predominantly used to protect pulverised tobacco from ambient moisture and maintain the flavour of the product.

The cans were later utilised to preserve food for the French army, an idea developed by Nicholas Appert in response to emperor Napoleon Bonaparte's demand. The metal cans replaced glass bottles and they protected the food better by allowing increased heat processing, which was not possible earlier due to the fragility of glass. Individual packaging was originally utilised first in the 1890 s for biscuits. Until then biscuits sat in large open containers in the market, and consumers buying them were allowed to fill their bags and take them home. However, in an attempt to maintain the colour, texture and the crispness of the biscuits, an inner liner was developed that protected the biscuits from external moisture. This was an important milestone in the history of packaging, when customised packaging was invented for a specific product. In 1892 William Painter developed the metal cork that was used in glass bottles to reduce the influx of oxygen into the container. Before this significant invention, glass bottles could not be tightly sealed.

Another influence upon food and beverage packaging was the evolution of how consumers shopped for food:

Moving forward to the 1920s the first supermarkets came in to being in the USA. The view was that goods in packages were an essential requirement to the development of packaging and in particular to the development of stores. In 1907 the 'economy store' concept was first introduced in New York and their commercial success led to the introduction of the first 'supermarket' in 1916 in what was termed the Piggly Wiggly store in Memphis, USA, where shoppers were 'directed' through a series of aisles leading eventually to the check-out. This approach to selling, where the consumer served themselves, was only achievable by providing packs which carried the essential information for them to make a choice. Customers were provided with baskets but it took another company in Houston to introduce trolleys [22].

The Second World War stimulated the development of a range of new packaging and distribution techniques. The key innovations were thin metal foils, plastic films and sheets. Mid-way through the nineteenth century, polyethylene was increasingly used as a packaging material for food and beverages. Imperial Chemical Industries patented the manufacturing of ethylene packaging material by compressing ethylene gas and heating it to a higher temperature. Single use packaging containers were introduced into the marketplace during the mid-twentieth century replacing to some extent refillable containers. This changed the dynamics of the distribution chain and introduced new issues related to resource consumption, waste generation and littering. During the 1980s and 1990s a considerable number of LCAs were conducted on beverage packaging as a result of the influx of these new packaging formats and resulting environmental impacts. Tin-plated steel cans and, later in the 1950s, aluminium cans were commonly used to package carbonated beverages. At first metal can packaging could only be opened with the use of a can opener. It was not until 1963 that the ring pull was introduced, and in 1975 a stay tab was introduced that attached the ring to the can after being opened to ensure the tab was not ingested.

The application of modified atmosphere packaging has also increased in recent times. This type of packaging increases the shelf life of the product by managing the level of oxygen in the ambiance near the food. Utilising gas such as nitrogen or carbon dioxide decreases the speed of oxidation reactions and reduces the growth of aerobic bacteria, thus extending the shelf life of the food. This form of packaging has enabled a large array of food items to be manufactured or packaged that have extended the shelf life of the product and made it easier for meals to be prepared. Single serve packaging has also grown in prominence when compared to bulk packaging in recent years. Single serve packaging serves a defined quantity of food or beverage, rather than serving food in bulk quantities. There exists a balancing act between appropriate serving size and changes in demographics and lifestyles. As households become smaller in western society and working hours outside of the home increase, manufacturers are reacting with the introduction of smaller serving sizes and ready-to-go meals. As lifestyles continue to change, packaging continues to meet the challenge of delivering the product, though with this convenience comes environmental consequences that need to be acknowledged, managed and balanced against [13]. This is resulting, though, in an array of different packaging material formats, in some cases more packaging per product unit, and packaging that cannot be reprocessed under current waste management technology.

19.3.2 Lessons from case studies

One of the main applications of LCA over the past five decades has been in food and beverage packaging. Coca Cola Amatil was the first company in 1969 to undertake such studies, at the time known as resource and environmental profile analysis (REPA). This was at the time when single use packaging containers were being introduced to the market, and Coca Cola Amatil was interested in knowing what the environmental profile of this type of packaging format had compared with refillable containers. Since this time, LCAs have been undertaken on many different packaging formats, across the globe, to better understand the dynamics of material selection, inform packaging format design, and argue for better waste management practices of used packaging. While most studies have focused on the retail packaging level, others have looked at industrial packaging (Table 19.2). What these studies do reveal is that there is no simple answer to which packaging format is better than another. It depends entirely on geographical situations, functional units, data quality, assumptions made, system boundaries selected, available waste management practices, capture rates of materials and the context of the situation.

Table 19.2

Summary of examples of food and beverage packaging LCAs


Notes: PLA – polylactic acid; PET – polyethylene terephthalate; PS – polystyrene; HDPE – high density polyethylene; LLDPE – linear low density polyethylene

Most packaging LCAs have focused on the assessment of the packaging system format itself without consideration of the product (i.e., food, beverage) contained within or the interaction between the product and packaging system. This has been due to government and consumer concerns regarding the environmental impacts of the actual packaging materials themselves, without significant attention being made to what is within the packaging [36]. As studies on agricultural and food production systems have illustrated, the greater environmental impacts of the product packaging system is the food/beverage item contained within and not the packaging materials themselves [3639].

For example, serving coffee in a single serving stick increases the overall resource efficiency of the system by decreasing the material losses in other life cycle stages of coffee production and usage. It has also been determined that the impacts associated with packaging production are significantly lower when compared to the impacts associated during the production of the product in itself. Life cycle assessment methodology provides a framework that can be utilised to evaluate the comparative impacts in producing the product and the packaging, and also the corresponding influence of using a particular packaging option on the impacts associated with the product utilisation [30].

Humbert et al. [31] investigated the comparative primary energy and greenhouse gas emission impacts of glass jars and plastic pot baby food packaging containers. With the same transportation, the plastic pot exerts 14–27% less primary energy and 28–31% less global warming potential impact than the glass option. The actual material production, packaging weight and on-site preservation parameters were identified to influence the final impacts of the two alternatives. Keoleian and Spitzley [34] compared glass, high-density polyethylene (HDPE), linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) pouches, paperboard carton and polycarbonate packaging systems for the delivery of 1,000 gallons of milk. This study identified refill-able HDPE, polycarbonate bottle and flexible pouches to exert the lowest life cycle environmental impacts among the multiple options.

Three clamshell-packaging options of polylactic acid (PLA), polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polystyrene (PS) were evaluated for their environmental impacts applying a life cycle framework. Due to the higher weight of containers, PET was determined to be the least preferred option. The resin production and transportation contributed to the environmental impact exerted by the packaging option [32]. When the environmental profile of beverage cartons was compared with alternative packaging options, the beverage cartons exerted lower climate change, cumulative energy demand, resource consumption and acidification impact categories. On the other hand, beverage cartons do consume higher land use forestry area to deliver the service [33].

Roy et al. [37] recommended utilising multiple indicators to compare the different environmental impacts of food options. Utilising a single indicator does not accurately capture all of the trade-offs associated with one specific mode of production over another. For example, when conventional and organic agricultural practices are compared based exclusively on environmental impacts of fertilisers, organic production is the preferred option. However, a more complete life cycle study must also consider the arable land usage as a metric when comparing both agricultural practices, as organic production consumes comparatively higher amounts of arable land for delivering the same service. Similarly, when investigating the comparative impacts of conventional and genetically modified agricultural practices, it is very important to consider the reduced environmental impacts of the latter due to decreased herbicide manufacturing, transport and field operations.

When compared to the energy invested in the various sectors involved in food production, the energy flows associated with packaging are low. Previous studies have reported total primary energy consumption in the range of 7.3–10 units to produce one unit of food energy in the United States [4042]. Based on conservative estimates, 9% of the total energy invested to produce food is contributed by manufacturing packaging material. Manufacturing packaging material consumes 1,000 PJ2 out of the 11,000 PJ consumed by the US food sector, on an annual basis [41]. In addition, rapid conversion of prime farmland, the political problem of illegal workers, depletion of top soil and rate of groundwater withdrawal were identified as the key parameters posing a significant risk to the long-term sustainability of the US food sector. Hence manufacturing impacts of packaging material are comparatively lower when compared to the impacts exerted by the other sectors (e.g. agricultural production, transportation, processing, household storage and preparation) involved in food production.

19.3.3 Gaps in how LCA is currently used/opportunities

As mentioned previously, the emphasis of the environmental impacts of food products has often focused on the packaging, often seeing a gap in data on the products themselves. Companies will increasingly focus LCA on both the product and the packaging; where the impacts of the entire product system are considered to determine where the greatest environmental saving can occur. By doing this, trade-offs can be assessed to reach a common sustainability goal, and the best possible result.

Given the recent technology developments in packaging, life cycle studies should potentially consider the influence of utilising different packaging options in extending the shelf life of the product. Packaging product shelf life is a metric that evaluates the product shelf life, with and without the existence of a particular packaging option. Hence the inter-link between the two life cycle stages (packaging and product usage) should be captured. The life cycle studies discussed above, and studies in the literature evaluate the environmental profile of alternative packaging options. Further, based on the relative environmental impacts, a preferred packaging option is recommended. Going forward the inter-link between utilising a particular packaging option and the increase in product shelf life must be considered. If the primary function of packaging is to protect the food without spoilage, then a packaging option that increases the shelf life of the product is indeed preferable. Hence, even if such a packaging option is marginally higher and energy intensive than an alternative low energy intensive option (which does not increase the shelf life of the good as much as the former), then the net environmental impacts must be considered during the decision-making process. The net environmental impact can be formulated by evaluating the environmental impacts of producing the packaging system, and deducting the avoided impacts due to increased product shelf life. This provides a more holistic metric for comparing the environmental profile of packaging systems. Under the proposed framework, a higher energy and carbon intensive packaging system might well be a preferred one: investing upfront energy to manufacture a more robust packaging system is preferable if it reduces significant environmental impacts down the line by increasing product shelf life.

Studying the dynamic between packaging and food is more relevant as it has been determined that the energy embodied in food is significantly higher than the energy embodied in the packaging system. Also, a constrained focus on reducing the material intensity of packaging systems must be reconsidered. From a life cycle standpoint, the packaging systems with lower material intensity become the preferred option because of their lower environmental impacts. Innventia's paradox illustrates this concept: a marginal increase in packaging (i.e. over-packaging) exerts marginally higher environmental impacts, whereas a marginal decrease in packaging potentially leads to disastrous consequences, ranging from product damage to complete spoilage of the product [38]. At the fundamental level it involves estimating the potential risks in the future, contingent on the decisions made today. Hence evaluation of packaging systems using a life cycle framework in the future must consider such inter-links between the life cycle stages, and the trade-offs involved in material and energy investment during packaging production and food protection and shelf life.

Andersson [43] discusses the implications and the limitations of applying a life cycle framework to study food products and packaging systems. The study identifies availability of environmental data as one of the primary constraints in conducting life cycle studies. Given the number of life cycle studies and data collection projects (e.g. Franklin Associates, Australian Life Cycle Inventory and Association of Plastics Manufacturers in Europe) in the past decade, the data constraint problem has been alleviated to a certain extent. It is also very challenging to interpret the results of a particular study to explore generic trends, because of the significant variations in mode and distances of transportation, agricultural practices, and the resource profile generating electricity and energy in different countries across the globe. Such variations lead to large uncertainties in the life cycle results, and are definitely a limitation that needs to be addressed in the future. Even with the existence of a number of life cycle packaging studies, utilising the specific results to interpret generic overarching trends is very challenging due to the variation in the key life cycle parameters governing the results. Identification of the key parameters in a life cycle packaging study is a potential solution to this limitation. Once such parameters are identified, sensitivity analyses can be developed for those parameters to estimate the variation in results due to different parameters in multiple geographical locations. It will also expand the applicability of the existing literature to different locations on an international scale.

19.4 Using life cycle thinking to improve the sustainability of food and beverage packaging

There is an assortment of environmental evaluation tools that have been developed to support the at times difficult decisions that need to be made in the selection, design and production of packaging system formats. With underlying life cycle thinking methodology there has been an evolution of tools that have ranged from paper-based checklists and guidelines, into interactive and web-accessible rating tools and life cycle based analytical tools [44]. A summary of available tools is provided in Table 19.3, which provides a range of packaging objectives and then classifies suitable tools to help address the objective. A brief discussion of the types of results obtained from each tool is given along with guidance on how to find more information on the specific tool. An in-depth discussion of each tool exploring features of each tool, ease of use, data sources and types, when to use the tool and tool rationale can be found in Verghese and Lockrey [44].

Table 19.3

A guide to selecting packaging evaluation tools




Source: Adapted from Verghese and Lockrey [44].

In order for these tools to be effective, it is important to have in place well-documented and communicated procedures that ensure implementation. Important requirements to consider when selecting and implementing decision support tools into the new product development process are [13]:

• the tool should facilitate a simple work flow for the user, being intuitive, logical and easy to communicate;

• it needs to be able to fit within the company culture;

• have low set up time to use the tool;

• have low data input requirements to make it easier for users to understand the benefits and features of the tool;

• clearly presented results that are in a visually appropriate format that are easy to adopt; and

• include issues that are relevant to users on a daily basis.

Some key questions to pose are presented in Fig. 19.4.


Fig. 19.4 Questions to pose when selecting which packaging tool to use. (source [55])

As presented in Table 19.3 there are resources and tool that have already been developed. Review those existing and identify which ones can be used to assess the packaging portfolio, to benchmark design and to progressively improve the sustainability of the product packaging system. Use existing frameworks and metrics to develop or refine your sustainable packaging strategy and apply life cycle thinking by embedding it progressively throughout the product design process and across the company.

The ideal time to integrate life cycle thinking within the new product development (NPD) process is when influence is highest and costs are lowest, i.e., as early in the design process as possible. Two companies operating in the fast moving consumer goods sector - Nestle in the food sector, and the Fosters Group in the beverage sector - have each approached incorporating life cycle thinking in similar ways. Nestle have been a subscriber to the Packaging Impact Quick Evaluation Tool (PIQET) since it was first developed in 2007 and have recognised the value that such a tool can have within the design team (Fig. 19.5). It is currently being used globally by over 400 of their packaging technologists, designers and marketers to understand the life cycle impacts associated with different packaging materials; to understand the actual impacts of recovery and recycling streams; to improve the environmental performance of their packaging designs over time with each new packaging format needing to have a lower environmental impact than previous designs; to identify any environmental showstoppers; and to be more consistent with communications to consumers [56].


Fig. 19.5 New product development process within Nestle. (adapted from [56])

One of the schedules to the Australian Packaging Covenant is the Sustainable Packaging Guidelines (SPG) (see Table 19.3). There are 12 design strategies that are listed in the guidelines with guiding questions for signatories to consider when reviewing existing and new packaging formats. The Fosters Group, another PIQET subscriber, have recently reviewed the SPG and identified where in their NPD process it will be considered, alongside the PIQET assessment when the packaging format concept is being approved (Fig. 19.6).


Fig. 19.6 New product development process at Foster Group. (adapted from [57])

19.4.1 Responding to supplier requests

Various suppliers are now looking at implementing sustainability initiatives through their supply chain, often translating to food manufacturers adhering to new protocols and utilising tools with which to reach these targets. Where environmental metrics are concerned, measurements are often underpinned with LCA data or methodology.

Proctor and Gamble are currently looking at sustainability as a business opportunity, and promote

'sustainable innovation products … defined as products with an improved environmental profile, where the improvements are significant and obvious. To qualify, a product needs to deliver at least a 10 percent improvement, across the lifecycle, in one of the key indicators (energy consumption, water consumption, total materials use for product or packaging, transport, or replacement of non-renewable with renewable resources) with no meaningful deterioration in any of the other indicators' [58, p. 388].

Within this definition, and a requirement now for supply chains to report on various environmental indicators through the recently introduced Supplier Environmental Sustainability Scorecard, there is a clear use of life cycle thinking to foster environmental improvements, including analysing 'trade off' of decisions so as not to degrade one indicator for the sake of another (i.e., focusing on carbon, only to see water use and land use increase).

In a further sign of proactivity, WalMart has developed a Packaging Scorecard, and more recently a software platform Package Modelling, which allows supplied groups to be ranked, and actively improve by modelling changes to designs and increase that rank in real time. These tools also integrate with WalMart's already sophisticated supply chain management systems, and utilise life cycle data, both primary and generic data throughout the ranking process.

Private sector supply chain collaborations such as those from WalMart and Proctor and Gamble, complement industry-based initiatives such as the Sustainable Packaging Coalition (SPC) in the United States and the Sustainable Packaging Alliance (SPA) in Australia. These bodies have formed guidelines and protocols that are underpinned by life cycle thinking, and provide a platform for companies through the supply chain to actively cooperate in reducing the environmental impact of food and beverage packaging products.

19.4.2 Using LCA for marketing

As corporate social responsibility (CSR) becomes ubiquitous in big business, so have environmental metrics become key communication tools in making the public aware of company values in this space. Whether this be participation in mandatory reporting schemes such as the EU Directives in Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS), or voluntary promotional labelling mechanisms such as the Carbon Trust's Carbon Reduction Label, often good design philosophies in simplicity, efficiency and 'form follows function' lead to compliance in the former and potent success in the latter. Groups are now seeing credible green marketing as a strategic advantage, to differentiate themselves from the sometimes muddy waters of 'greenwash', defined as spurious, uninformed or misleading environmental claims.

A good example is participants in the Carbon Trust Carbon Reduction scheme, such as New Zealand Wine Company (NZWC). NZWC was the first winery to achieve carbon neutral certification under the world leading carboNZeroTM programme in 2006 [59], where reducing emissions and offsetting the remainder have been embedded in the production, distribution and consumption of their wines. If anything, it makes financial sense for the group to reduce emissions, rather than just offset what was already happening, in saving on energy and resources, as well as reduced offset costs.

By default this held them in good stead to qualify for the Carbon Reduction Label procured by the Carbon Trust using the PAS2050 life cycle standard. In doing so, the narrative in the marketplace has been bolstered beyond a company vision, tied more directly to individual products they sell. These products bare the hallmark of CSR in practice with a unique label, where the environmental implications of materials, production process, operations, distribution and end-of-life are considered as part of product development, and strikingly visible with respected certification schemes and standards. More of these initiatives are predicted as consumers become more aware of sustainability in all market guises.

19.5 Future trends

The application of LCA within the packaging industry has several future challenges, largely related to its role in the transition towards a low carbon economy. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) category one scenario suggests that in order to keep the rise in global temperature between 2 and 2.4 °C, a reduction in carbon dioxide equivalent gases (CO2e) of between 50 and 85% by the year 2050 from 2000 levels is required [60, p. 15]. While there is no widespread international agreement on the target reduction levels for CO2e gases, the 'precautionary principle' has led many scientists to advocate for steeper cuts earlier, rather than delaying action [61].

The implications for the application of LCA in the packaging industry are: (1) there will be increased scrutiny to be accountable to customers and consumers of the ecological impact of packaging, (2) the application of LCA needs to continue to shift from a reflective tool to an action-orientated decision-making tool to assist packaging designers in reducing the ecological impact of packaging, and (3) the functional unit used within the packaging industry may need upscaling, to include food - due to the substantial CO2e emissions from food production and food waste mentioned earlier.

19.5.1 Increasing demands for information from customers and consumers

There is a growing trend for businesses to be accountable for their actions under the banner of corporate social responsibility. Major retail outlets such as Marks and Spencer and Wal-Mart have recently introduced sustainable packaging strategies [62]. Wal-Mart's packaging scorecard rates packaging on indicators such as CO2e/tonne, and innovation to assist in meeting their target of reducing packaging across the supply chain by 5%. Brands such as Coca-Cola and Cadbury have significant CO2e reduction targets in place, like Cadbury's 'purple Goes Green commitment' to reduce 50% of absolute carbon emissions by 2020 and to reduce packaging used per tonne of product by 10% [63, p. 10]. In addition to companies' individual CO2e targets, 92% of the retail markets in the UK are signatories to the Courtauld Commitment [64], which aims at 'improving resource efficiency and reducing the carbon and wider environmental impact of the grocery retail sector'. It supports the aim of the UK Climate Change Act 2008, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 34% by 2020 and 80% by 2050 [65, p. 1]. Such strategies require the packaging industry to be accountable for their ecological impacts - which LCA is well suited to measuring.

The packaging industry also faces increased consumer pressure to counter the image as the visible face of waste within the household. LCA has a role to communicate the worth of packaging in preserving and protecting the product. For example 'food waste in the supply chain in developing countries is between 30% and 50%, compared to 2% in Europe, where sophisticated packaging solutions are more prevalent' [62, p. 4]. The objective approach of LCA will be increasingly required to counter the consumer perceptions of particular materials and packaging types being 'sustainable', by communicating to consumers the actual environmental impacts of food packaging and food. Voluntary carbon labelling schemes for foods have been trialled in several countries [66, p. 22] including:

• United Kingdom (Carbon Trust),

• United States (Carbon Fund),

• Germany (Product Carbon Footprint pilot labelling scheme),

• Sweden (Climate Marking), the European Union (commissioned a carbon footprint measurement toolkit),

• Japan (30 companies have participated in a pilot scheme funded and coordinated by the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry),

• South Korea (CooL Label), and

• Thailand (carbon label being developed by the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organisation).

Drawing heavily on LCA, the UK's Carbon Trust label informs consumers of the CO2e across the entire life cycle of the product (including food and packaging). The four elements of the label are: 'the footprint; the carbon footprint measurement given in CO2-e terms, but expressed as CO2 for simplicity on the label; an endorsement by the Carbon Trust; and a commitment by the producer to reduce emissions or lose accreditation' [66, p. 21]. Optional elements of the scheme include an educational component to explain how the footprint is created, providing an opportunity for the packaging industry to communicate the worth of packaging.

While advantageous in providing consumers with the carbon impacts of a product's life cycle, relying on one indicator alone from a LCA perspective does not communicate the entire environmental impacts of a product (such as water use or human toxicity). It is envisioned that more sophisticated labelling schemes will continue to be developed.

19.5.2 Development/refinement of streamlined tools, decision-making tools and systems from reflection to action

LCA has traditionally been used as a reflective exercise to assess the environmental impact of the existing packaging systems placed on the market or to make environmental claims on how a packaging system format performs in relation to competitors. The glass, plastic and aluminium industry have all laid claim to the environmental credentials of their products. To make such environmental claims requires the completion of a peer reviewed ISO 14040:2006 Life Cycle Assessments [4]. Completing LCAs in such detail can be timely and expensive [67].

What is more desirable, from an ecological perspective, is to utilise the life cycle thinking inherent in LCA as an action-orientated decision-making tool to improve the design of packaging systems. Heiskanen [68] suggests that it is life cycle thinking that is the best thing to have come from LCA. Similarly Mellick's Design for Sustainability Guide suggests that it is the 'learning potential of the process rather than the outcome' [69, p. 1] that is beneficial for designers.

To utilise LCA as an action-orientated decision-making tool means that it is necessary to quickly identify the area of the life cycle with the greatest impact, and assess alternative courses of actions that lead to improved environmental outcomes. A number of streamlined tools exist to facilitate this form of decision making (see Table 19.3). For example PIQET is a streamlined LCA tool that identifies and reviews actions to reduce the environmental impact of food and beverage packaging, particularly at the design development stage. Users of PIQET are able to explore improvement options by quickly re-running evaluations with changed packaging system specifications [53].

To enable LCA and streamlined tools to be effective requires the continued development and maintenance of databases as a priority [14]. This would include the inclusion of new materials as they enter the market to enable packaging designers to make informed decisions.

19.5.3 Methodological issues - beyond packaging: upscaling the functional unit

Historically, the environmental impacts of food packaging have been assessed in isolation from the food they contain. Within Australia, food is responsible for approximately 49% of an individual's ecological footprint [70] with studies suggesting that up to 30% of the food that is purchased is thrown away [71]. Food wastage is a major ecological concern - which food and beverage packaging has a role in preventing.

As mentioned earlier, if food is included in the LCA, then packaging will account for a small percentage of the overall impact in terms of global warming impact and water use. To move towards more sustainable food and beverage packaging, the relational complexity between the role of packaging and reduced food waste needs to be included beyond just extending shelf life to consider user behaviour. The Waste and Resources Action Programme's Packaging design and food waste checklist [72] suggests resealable/ recloseable packaging, portion packaging, shelf life extension packaging and better on-pack consumer communication as a means to address food waste.

For portion packaging to be viable, any increases in packaging need to be set against the potential for food waste reduction. Bread and bakery items dry out quickly and represent a significant proportion of post-consumer food waste. The last few items in a 'family pack' may well go uneaten and end up as food waste [72, p. 2].

For LCA this would entail the modelling of various 'scenarios of use' to measure the viability of increased packaging and possible reduced food waste. To test the success of such strategies, additional fieldwork and empirical research outside the traditional boundaries of LCA may be required. For example, it is easy to compare the life cycle of a 450 ml PET bottle, against a 450 ml glass juice bottle and make an informed decision as to which has the lower ecological impact. More difficult is to assess if a reduced serving size may lead to reduced beverage wastage. A major aged care provider in Australia identified through their plate waste studies that smaller individual portion sizes reduced waste in their residential care.

The future direction of LCA will see an increase in the functional unit in LCA to include food production, potential food waste and packaging systems.

19.6 Sources of further information and advice

Key books

Boylston, S. Designing Sustainable Packaging. London: Laurence King Publishing; 2009.

Chiellini E., ed. Environmentally Compatible Food Packaging. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing, 2008.

Imhoff, D. Paper or Plastic. Searching for Solutions to an Overpackaged World. San Francisco, CA: Sierra Club Books; 2005.

Jedlicka, W.Packaging Sustainability. Tools, Systems and Strategies for Innovative Package Design. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2009.

Lewis, H., Gertsakis, J. Design + Environment – A Global Guide to Designing Greener Goods. Sheffield: Greenleaf Publishing; 2001.

Mcdonough, W., Braungart, M. Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things. New York: North Point Press; 2002.

Sterling, S. Field Guide to Sustainable Packaging. Chicago, IL: Summit Publishing; 2007.

Verghese K., Lewis H., Fitzpatrick L., eds. Packaging for Sustainability. London: Springer, 2011.

Key reports, documents and journal articles

APCCAustralian Packaging Covenant. A commitment by governments and industry to the sustainable design, use and recovery of packaging. Australian Packaging Covenant Council, 2009.

Ecr Europe andEuropen. Packaging in the Sustainability Agenda: A Guide for Corporate Decision Makers, ECR Europe and The European Organisation for Packaging and the Environment. Belgium: Brussels; 2009.

Envirowise. Packaging design for the environment: reducing costs and quantities. Didcot, Oxfordshire: Hartwel International Business Centre; 2002.

EnvirowisePackguide: A guide to packaging eco-design. Oxfordshire, 2008.

International Environmental Management Standards (ISO14000 series, including LCA) www.iso.org/iso/iso_14000_essentials

International Organisation For Stanardization (ISO) TC 122/SC 4 – Packaging and Environment, http://www.iso.org/iso/iso_technical_committee.html?commid=52082.

Murray, S. Moveable Feasts: from ancient Rome to the 21st century, the incredible journeys of the food we eat. New York: St. Martin's Press; 2007.

Sustainable Packaging Coalition. Design guidelines for sustainable packaging, Version 1. Charlottesville, VA: GreenBlue Institute; 2006.

TCGF. Packaging sustainability indicators and metrics framework, 2010. [Version 1.0, The Consumer Goods Forum.].

Verghese, K., Horne, R., Carre, A. PIQET: the design and development of an online 'streamlined' LCA tool for sustainable packaging design decision support. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. 2010; 15(6):608–620.

Verghese, K. Environmental assessment of food packaging and advanced methods for choosing the correct material. In: Chiellini E., ed. Environmentally Compatible Food Packaging. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing, 2008.

Associations, research and interest groups

• Centre for Design, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, www.rmit. edu.au/cfd

• Sustainable Packaging Alliance (SPA), Melbourne, Australia, www.sustainablepack.org

• Sustainable Packaging Coalition (SPC), Charlottesville, USA, www.sustainablepackaging.org

• The Consumer Goods Forum, Paris http://www.ciesnet.com/


• WRAP - www.wrap.org.uk

• EDIT - www.envirowise.gov.uk/uk/Our-Services/Tools/EDIT-The-Eco-Design-Indicator-Tool.html

• WalMart Scorecard - www.scorecardmodeling.com

• PIQET - www.sustainablepack.org

• COMPASS - www.design-compass.org

• SimaPro - www.pre.nl/simapro

• GaBi - www.gabi-software.com

• Green Blue. COMPASS - Comparative Packaging Assessment, 2008. Available from: www.design-compass.org (accessed 29 September 2010).


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1Often first attributed to Goldsmith and Allen [8].

2One PJ (Peta Joule) = 1015 Joules.

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