List of figures and tables


1.1. Bloom’s (revised) taxonomy of educational objectives 14

2.1. Using online discussion to explore a case study 29

2.2. The layout and nature of a chat session 30

2.3. Using automated feedback for learning in an online quiz 32

2.4. A multimedia application with automated feedback 33

2.5. Example of a blog used for a student project 40

2.6. The homepage of a student group project wiki 42

3.1. Classroom-enhanced, blended and fully online learning designs 91

3.2. An example of a digital response by a student group 104

4.1. Example of a rubric in a spreadsheet format 120

4.2. An image-based quiz question 133

5.1. The action research cycle 158

5.2. A cyclical approach to evaluation during design, development and implementation 167


1.1. Old versus new assumptions about learning 4

1.2. Verbs for writing learning objectives using Bloom’s (revised) taxonomy 14

2.1. Five principal media forms with the learning experiences they support and some examples of methods used to deliver them 23

2.2. Some specific benefits and limitations of communication tools 28

2.3. Content development – some issues and questions 36

2.4. Recent technologies – some terms, definitions and examples 37

2.5. Configuring a blog 40

2.6. Open, protected and private wikis 41

3.1. Online discussion questions for different cognitive processes based on Bloom’s (revised) taxonomy 63

3.2. Some benefits of online discussion 65

3.3. Support issues and tips for online discussion 74

3.4. Issues relating to online options 91

3.5. Development issues 93

4.1. Checklist to determine the authenticity of an online assessment strategy 116

4.2. Uses of the online environment for assessment 126

4.3. Submission of items for assessment – opportunities and challenges 130

4.4. Automated assessment – opportunities and challenges 134

4.5. Online discussion for assessment – opportunities and challenges 140

4.6. Web publishing for assessment: opportunities and challenges 144

4.7. Risks associated with online assessment 149

5.1. An integrated evaluation framework 159

5.2. Comparing some common evaluation methods 164

5.3. Designing a simple evaluation plan 172

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