
As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.

--update-goldens flag 224

adaptive design 192, 193

Ahem 227

Android-specific UI

building, with MaterialApp 91-103


implicit animations 172

working with 172

animations package

implicit animations, building with 180-185

code coverage 233, 234

Contacts application

complex forms, building with Form/FormField widgets 155-159

custom form validation, performing 159-166

forms, building in manual way 143-155

project, setting up 140-143

counter app

counter widget 12-15

creating 8-10

history widget 15-17

title widget 10-12

widget, caching manually 17-19

widget, making constant 20-24


used, for building iOS-specific UI 79-91


sharing, in Flutter application 52-54

Element object 3

element tree 2

Excuses application

setting up 170-172

Firebase console

URL 107

Flutter app

golden tests, writing 220-229

project, setting up 6-8

tests, writing 217-219

unit tests, writing 219, 220

widget, writing 220-229

Flutter application

dependencies, sharing 52-54

Flutter framework

elements 3

widgets 2

Flutter project

custom font, adding 31-33

internationalization 26-30

localization 26-30

routes management 30, 31

setting up 26, 216, 217

FormField widgets 155

Form widget 155

fundamental concepts

reviewing 2-5

GitHub actions

exploring 229

GitHub repository quality

exploring 229

GitHub workflow file

creating 229-232

golden tests

about 222

writing, for Flutter app 220-229


used, for simplifying Navigator 2.0 134, 136

Hacker News application

building, with Navigator 1.0 116-128

building, with Navigator 2.0 128-134

screens 107

setting up 106-108

URL 107

HomePage widget, race standings app

creating 35, 36

drivers’ standings tab 41-44

results tab 36-41

implicit animations

about 172

building 177-180

building, with animations package 180-185

working 172-177

InheritedWidget, for state management

InheritedNotifier, creating 61-65

property passing, starting with 57-60

TodosController, providing in widget tree 66

iOS-specific UI

building, with CupertinoApp 79-91

Last In First Out (LIFO) 108


used, for building Android-specific UI 91-103

mobile-first layout 193

navigation 108-115

Navigator 1.0

used, for building Hacker News application 116-128

Navigator 2.0

simplifying, with GoRouter 134, 136

used, for building Hacker News application 128-134

Navigator widget 108

NextRaces widget, race standings app 45-49

Notes application

REST endpoints, creating for 206-213

platform-specific UI

building 75-79

property forwarding 52


information, obtaining from TodosController 67, 68

installing 67

TodosController, providing in widget tree 69, 70

race standings app

creating 33-35

HomePage widget 35, 36

NextRaces widget 45-49

RenderObject 5

render object tree 2

responsive app

adaptive design, creating 198-206

creating 194-197

setting up 188-191

responsive design 192-194

REST endpoints

creating, for Notes application 206-213

Settings application

setting up 73-75

single-responsibility principle (SRP) 5

smoke test 218

stack 108

State class methods

void didChangeDependencies() 3

void didUpdateWidget(covariant T oldWidget) 3

void dispose() 3

void initState() 3

StatefulWidget 3

StatelessWidget 2

tester.pumpAndSettle() 222


writing, for Flutter app 217-219

writing, reasons 232

TextField widgets 155

Todo application

creating 57

InheritedWidget, for state management 57

Provider, refactoring with 66

setting up 55-57

unit tests

writing, for Flutter app 219, 220

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) 1


about 2, 72, 73

advantages 5

StatefulWidget 2

StatelessWidget 2

testing, guideline 229

writing, for Flutter app 220-229

widget tree 2

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