Docker Volumes

In this chapter, we will learn the secrets of Docker volumes. We will learn how to use folders on your workstation inside of your Docker containers, and we will learn how to create and use persistent volumes, allowing multiple containers to share data. We will learn how to clean up after unused volumes. And, to round out this chapter, we will learn how to create data-volume containers to become the source of volumes for other containers.

Approximately 675 shipping containers are lost at sea each year. In 1992, a 40 ft container full of toys actually fell into the Pacific Ocean and 10 months later some of its toys drifted ashore on the Alaskan coastline

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • What is a Docker volume?
  • Creating Docker volumes
  • Two ways to remove Docker volumes
  • Sharing data between containers with data volume containers
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