Chapter 4. Programming Skills

This chapter deals with the skills that an Orchestrator user needs on a more or less daily basis. We will be looking at the following recipes:

  • Version control
  • Changing elements in a workflow
  • Importing and exporting Orchestrator elements
  • Working with packages
  • Workflow auto documentation
  • Resuming failed workflows
  • Using the workflow debugging function
  • Undelete workflows and actions
  • Scheduling workflows
  • Sync presentation settings
  • Locking elements


In this chapter, we will focus on using the Orchestrator Client and what one should know about it. The Orchestrator Client is a Java-based client that can be launched via the Orchestrator home page or can be locally installed. The Orchestrator Client is mainly used to create new workflows as well as to configure plugins. However, you also can use it for executing workflows. In this case, it is a good idea to configure non-administrative access to Orchestrator as shown in the User management recipe in Chapter 7, Interacting with Orchestrator.

The Orchestrator icons

The Orchestrator Client has three modes: Run, Design, and Administer. The setting can be changed by selecting the value from the top drop-down menu. You will use the Orchestrator Client mostly in the Design mode when you program. If you are a user, you probably will use the Run mode.

Let's have a quick look at all the icons of Orchestrator Client:

The Orchestrator icons


Used in recipe/chapter

What is covered?

My Orchestrator

User management recipe in Chapter 7, Interacting with Orchestrator.

Overview and non-admin access.


Scheduling workflows recipe in this chapter.

Management of scheduled workflows.


Working with policies recipe in Chapter 8, Better Workflows and Optimized Working.

A policy is basically an event trigger.


Chapter 5, Visual Programming and most of the other chapters too.

Manage everything that has to do with workflows.


Recipes in Chapter 9, Essential Plugins, Chapter 10, Built-in Plugins, and Chapter 11, Additional Plugins, as well as Chapter 12, Working with vSphere.

Shows all the objects that each plugin has access to.


Creating actions recipe in Chapter 6, Advanced Programming.

Manage everything that has to do with actions.


Working with resources recipe in Chapter 8, Better Workflows and Optimized Working.

A resource is a file that can be used from workflows.


Working with configurations recipe in Chapter 8, Better Workflows and Optimized Working.

Configurations are centrally defined attributes that are available to all workflows.


Working with packages recipe in this chapter.

A package contains workflows, actions, as well as all other elements to export and import Orchestrator solutions.

Policy templates

Working with resources recipe in Chapter 8, Better Workflows and Optimized Working.

Templates for policies.



Left over and not used today anymore (deprecated).


One of the things you need to know is that when Orchestrator asks you for something (for example, workflows) you might end up with an empty window such as this:


You need to enter something into Filter (1) and then press Enter (or just press Enter). The area below (2) will then fill up with the available options you can choose from.

Since vRO7, the search window has been introduced, which looks as follows:


You start typing in parts of the name you are looking for and if you hold the mouse on one selection you can see more details.

Auto-setup of parameters

When you add a workflow to the schema you can make it easier for you to assign all the parameters. Just click on Setup... and then assign the parameter either as an Input parameter, give it a Value, or Skip it to set it up later:

Auto-setup of parameters

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