Scrap your boilerplate

Scrap your boilerplate (SYB) is another early approach to datatype-generic programming, that is, it provides a way to define generic functions over a "universal" type representation.

SYB differs from the other two approaches we have explored in that the type representation is obfuscated from the user.

Earlier versions of the SYB approach had a strong focus on generic traversals over complex nested data structures, for example:

data Book     = Book     Title [Chapter]
data Chapter   = Chapter Title [Section]
data Section   = Section Title [Para]
type Title     = String; type Para = String

haskellDP = Book "Haskell Design Patterns" chapters

chapters  = [Chapter "The building blocks" sections1, 
             Chapter "IO Patterns" sections2] 
sections1 = [Section "1.1" ["Lorem lorem"],  
             Section "1.2" ["Lorem lorem", "Lorem lorem"]] 
sections2 = [Section "2.1" ["Ipsum Ipsum"], 
             Section "2.2" ["Ipsum Ipsum", "Ipsum Ipsum"]] 

Suppose we have a function, fSection, which we want to apply to all sections embedded in a Book. This would be a great job for the Lens library, which can precisely deliver a function to elements in a complex structure, but we will follow a different route here:

fSection (Section t lines') = Section "!!!" lines'

main = print $ fSection (Section "1.1" ["S1"])

Our strategy will be to morph our function into one that can be applied to all parts of the data structure (Book). The new function should simply ignore elements for which it was not intended.

Type-safe cast with Typeable

To make type-safe cast possible, we will have to do a type comparison to check whether an element of a book is in fact a section.

The Data.Typeable type-class has what we need in the form of the type-safe cast function. We can autoderive Typeable for our types (in fact, since GHC 7.8, the compiler does not allow us to implement Typeable ourselves). For this, we need to add a language pragma for DeriveDataTypeable:

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
import Data.Typeable

data Book     = Book    Title [Chapter]
  deriving(Show, Typeable)
data Chapter   = Chapter Title [Section]
  deriving(Show, Typeable)
data Section   = Section Title [Para]
  deriving(Show, Typeable)

type Title = String; type Para = String

Let's get to know the Typeable.cast function:

ghci> cast 'a' :: Maybe Char
      -> Just 'a'
ghci> cast 'a' :: Maybe Int
      -> Nothing

If the value type matches with the type inside Maybe, we get a Just value, otherwise we get Nothing:

ghci> (cast (Section "t" ["s1", "s2"])) :: Maybe Section
   -> (Just (Section "title" ["line1", "line2"]))

ghci> (cast (Book "title" [])) :: Maybe Section
  -> Nothing

Since functions are also just types, we can cast them too!

ghci> cast (++ "a") :: Maybe String
  -> Nothing 
ghci> cast (++ "a") :: Maybe (String -> String)
  -> Just (++ "a")

Type-safe function application

Let's write a higher order function to enable type-safe function application:

typesafeF :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => 
                        (b -> b) -> a -> a

typesafeF f 
 = case (cast f) of
        Just f' -> f'
        Nothing -> id

Consider the following example:

ghci> typesafeF (+1) 3 
  -> 4
ghci> typesafeF (+1) "3" 
  -> "3"

By lifting fSection into a type-safe function, we can apply it to any part of the Book type (or any Typeable type, for that matter):

main = do
  print $ (typesafeF fSection) aSection
  print $ (typesafeF fSection) aBook
    aSection = (Section "1.1" ["s1", "s2])
    aBook = (Book "title" [])

The function (typesafeF fSection) leaves all values not targeted by the fSection function. For example, in the first call in the preceding code, typesafeF will apply fSection to Section. In the second call, typesafeF applies id to Book.

Shallow traversal and the Data type-class

In both the sum of products and origami styles of generic programming, we encountered shallow recursion in crucial parts of the formulation.

Let's explore how we might traverse a Book data structure with a function, again favoring a shallow approach. As a first attempt, let’s write a traversal for Chapter data structures:

gmap f (Chapter title sections) 
  = Chapter (f title) (f sections)

We quickly run into trouble! The function cannot span all the different types it is being applied to. This is why we need to resort to Rank2Types so that we can define a gmap function that accepts a generic mapping function.

We also make gmap a part of the Data' type-class to be implemented by all the types we plan to traverse over:

{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}

-- Data' inherits from Typeable
class Typeable a => Data' a where
  gmap :: (forall b. Data' b => b -> b) -> a -> a

–- note the shallow recursion in gmap implementations...

instance Data' Book where
  gmap f (Book title chapters) 
    = Book (f title) (f chapters)

instance Data' Chapter where
  gmap f (Chapter title sections) 
    = Chapter (f title) (f sections)

instance Data' Section where
  gmap f (Section title paras) 
    = Section (f title) (f paras)

instance Data' a => Data' [a] where
  gmap f []     = []
  gmap f (x:xs) = f x : f xs

instance Data' Char where
  gmap f c = c

main = do
  print $ gmap (typesafeF fSection) chapter
  print $ gmap (typesafeF fSection) sections1
  where chapter = (Chapter "The building blocks" sections1)

If we traverse a chapter with the fSection function, the sections are not reached by the traversal. When we traverse a list of sections, only the first is affected by fSection, while the subsequent sections are ignored by the fSection function:

gmap f (section1: sections)
–-   = f section1 : f sections
–-    f sections = f sections
–-               = f [Section]
--               = id [Section]

This shallow traversal of the gmap function can seem a bit pointless, but the big advantage it brings is that we can mold it into different kinds of recursion, for example:

-- bottom-up traversal: traverse x before applying f
traverse :: Data' a =>(forall b . Data' b => b->b) -> a -> a
traverse f x = f (gmap (traverse f) x)

-- vs top-down traversal: apply f x then traverse

traverse' :: Data' a =>(forall b . Data' b => b->b) -> a -> a
traverse' f x = gmap (traverse' f) (f x)

main = do
  -- this time our traversal is reaching all Sections...
  print $ traverse (typesafeF fSection) chapter
  print $ traverse (typesafeF fSection) sections1
  print $ traverse' (typesafeF fBook) haskellDP
    chapter = (Chapter "The building blocks" sections1)
    fBook (Book t chapters) = Book "!!!" chapters

Together, the gmap and typesafeF functions enable us to deliver type-specific functions deeply into nested structures.


"Recursive traversal in two steps — first define a one-layer map, and then tie the recursive knot separately — is well-known folk lore in the functional programming community. For lack of better-established terminology we call it 'the non-recursive map trick'"

 --Lammel and Peyton Jones, 2003, Scrap your Boilerplate: A Practical Design Pattern for Generic Programming

Typeable and data

Our Data' type-class mimics the Haskell Data type-class, which is based on the more general gfoldl (as opposed to our gmap).

The SYB approach relies on the compiler to auto-generate instances of Typeable and Data. This is a purposeful obfuscation of the underlying structure of datatypes and contrasts with the sum of products and origami styles, which involve the programmer directly in the translation to and from the relevant type representation.

In SYB, the programming interface consists of generic combinators based on Typeable and Data. This is why it is said that Typeable provides the backend of SYB and Data provides the frontend.

Even though we are not directly engaged with the type representation, we are still dealing with the generic functions defined in the abstract data shape, where Data provides the abstraction over shapes made of Typeable's.

Scrap your boilerplate in context

We have just scratched the surface of this technique. In the above referenced paper, Lammel and Peyton Jones cover the following points:

  • Generalizing to traversals that transform the shape of a data structure ("queries")
  • Generalizing to traversal of Monads
  • Unifying all of the preceding techniques with a generic fold

In further work, SYB was extended to allow for extensibility, in the sense of being able to override generic behavior for a given type.

SYB was an early approach that strongly influenced the development of datatype-generic programming in Haskell.

For example, the Uniplate library represents a simplified (and less powerful) phrasing of SYB. The Uniplate library has since been embedded in the Lens library.

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