


admin users
  copying configuration
  logging in as
administrators, creating
  cluster admins
  project admins
Allow All identity provider
annotating images, with security information
Apache Kafka
API object support.
    See native API object support.
app-cli pod
  adding persistent storage using web interface
  adding volume to
  applying limits and quotas to
  clustering with Wildfly
    build configs
    custom container images
    deployment configs
    image streams
  configuring node networks
  deployed, changing quotas for
    changing SCCs for
    exposing services with routes
    with web interface
  isolating, with kernel namespaces
    creating liveness probes
    creating readiness probes
  maintaining replicas
    configuring container storage for
  routing requests
    investigating HAProxy pods
    routing HAProxy requests to correct pods
    with HAProxy
  scheduling across nodes
  testing after adding persistent storage
    forcing pod restart
    persistent volume mounts
  testing resiliency
    replication controllers
    See stateful applications.
  accessing applications
  handling network traffic in clusters
  integrating container images
assigning user roles
authentication, changing providers
autoinstaller project
automating image promotion

  testing implementation
  with metrics
    determining expected workloads
    installing OpenShift metrics
    triggering pod autoscaling with pod metrics


best-effort deployment
blkid command
bridges, Linux
build configs2nd
builder image2nd


-c option
cat command
  configuring disk setup
  launching installer
  setting permanent configurations on servers
    general configuration tab
    IPv4 settings
  setting up networking
    hostname resolution
  starting installation
cgroups (control groups)2nd3rd

cgroups kernel feature
  confirming resource limits
    verifying container CPU limits
    verifying container memory limits
  identifying container cgroups
  limiting resources with

CI/CD pipelines
  container images with
  creating development environments
    enabling deployments with image streams
    invoking object triggers
  Jenkins as backbone of
  masking sensitive data in production environments
    config maps for environment-specific settings
    protecting sensitive data with secrets
  promoting dev images into test environments
    automating image promotion with image stream triggers
    service discovery
CIDR (classless inter-domain routing)
claims, persistent volume
cleanup of applications

  clustering applications with Wildfly
  creating cluster admins
  handling network traffic in

command lines
  adding volume to applications on
  creating new resources from
  creating persistent volume claims using
  viewing events on

config maps
  for environment-specific settings
--config parameter
ConfigChange trigger

  application node networks
  container storage for application nodes
  disk setup
  DNS resolution on both servers
  identity providers
    changing authentication providers
  master nodes
    updating inventory
    updating playbooks
  OpenShift SDN
    creating advanced network designs with ovs-networkpolicy plugins
    enabling ovs-multitenant plugins
    isolating traffic with ovs-multitenant plugins
    testing multitenant plugins
    using ovs-subnet plugins
  repositories on all servers
  SELinux on nodes
  storage for NFS
consoles, access to
container execution checks
container images
container lifecycle hooks
container platforms
container runtime2nd
  accessing root filesystems
  CPU limits, verifying
  creating with Docker
  custom images
  disadvantages of
  identifying cgroups
  images with CI/CD pipelines
  in Docker
  in OpenShift
  integrating images
  interactive shells in
  lifecycle hooks
  linking to host interfaces
  Linux and
    application isolation with kernel namespaces
    OpenShift components
  memory limits
  overview of2nd
  persistent storage vs container storage
  PIDS in
  resource utilization with
  scanning images
    changing SCCs for application deployment
    deploying image-scanning applications
    obtaining image-scanning applications
    viewing events on command lines
    viewing security scan results
  storage needs
  use cases
contexts, SELinux
continuous integration and deployment pipelines.
    See CI/CD pipelines.
controllerManagerArgs field
cookies, limitations of
CPU limits, verifying
CPU requests, setting
CrashLoopBackOff status
curl command
custom container images


DAC (discretionary access control)

  in production environments
    config maps for environment-specific settings
    protecting sensitive data with secrets
  permanent, handling requirements
    masking in production environments
    protecting with secrets
  Wildfly, verifying replication
data dominance
default groups
deny-execution annotation
  changing SCCs for
    maintaining application replicas
    managing upgrade methods
  enabling with image streams
  exposing services with routes
  managing with OpenShift
  providing consistent application access with services
  running deployment playbook
  strategies for
  with web interface
deployment configs

deterministic sequencing
  of startup, with stateful sets
Dev Build job
dev images, promoting into test environments
  automating image promotion with image stream triggers
  service discovery
development environments, creating
  enabling deployments with image streams
  invoking object triggers
display name
DNS (domain name server)
  internal, locating services with
    configuring on both servers
    in pod networks domain
    selecting hostnames
docker exec command
docker inspect2nd

Docker platform
  Docker inspect
  enabling on nodes
  getting running containers
  interactive shells in containers
  starting on nodes
docker-storage-setup application component
dockercfg secret
domain name server.
    See DNS.


EBS (Elastic Block Storage)
edit role
environment variables
environment-specific settings, config maps for
EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux)
/etc/fstab file, editing to include volume
/etc/resolv.conf file, configuring
etcd database
eth0 interface
events, viewing on command lines
exportfs command


Failed phase, pod

  accessing container root filesystems
  creating on storage disks
firewalls, setting rules to allow NFS traffic
for loop
forbidden window
FQDNs (fully qualified domain names)2nd


GCP (Google Cloud Platform)
Git Repository URL
Gogs service, triggering Jenkins from
graceful shutdowns
  container lifecycle hooks
  selecting method
  setting grace periods for application cleanup
Guaranteed setting


  routing requests to correct pods
  routing requests with
hardware, exotic
headless services, enabling
  application clustering with Wildfly
  querying OpenShift API server from pods
  use cases for direct pod access
  verifying Wildfly data replication
hostname command

  resolution in CentOS 7
HPA (horizontal pod autoscaler) objects, creating
  setting CPU requests

  creating database
httpd command
HTTPS checks
HTTPS, access to


-i option

identity providers, configuring
  changing authentication providers
IETF website
image policies
image streams2nd
  enabling deployments with
  triggers, automating image promotion with
image tags2nd
Image Uploader program

image-scanning applications

  annotating with security information
  automating promotion with image stream triggers
  container images
    with CI/CD pipelines
  custom container images
  image streams
  integrating container images
    See also dev images.
Initial Delay value
install-gogs pod

  CentOS 7
    configuring disk setup
    launching installer
    setting permanent configurations on servers
    setting up networking
    starting installation
  NFS server software
  oc OpenShift command-line utility
    confirming installation of
    installing on Linux
    installing on macOS
    installing on Windows
    creating inventory
    machine resource requirements
    prerequisites for
    running deployment playbook
  software on application-node servers
  software on master servers
integration, native
interfaces, linking containers to
internet, access to

ip a command
ip utility
IPC namespace
iptables command
IPv4 settings, in CentOS 7

  applications with kernel namespaces
    container networking
    mount namespace
    PIDS in containers
    shared memory resources
    UTS namespaces
  resources with Linux
  traffic, with ovs-multitenant plugins


jeduncan component

Jenkins server
  as backbone of CI/CD pipelines
  triggering from Gogs
Jenkinsfile, native integration with


kernel namespaces, isolating applications with
  container networking
  mount namespace
  PIDS in containers
  shared memory resources
  UTS namespaces
kubelet service


latest tag
limit ranges
LimitRange object
  applying to existing applications
  confirming cgroup resource limits
  limit ranges
  verifying container CPU limits
  verifying container memory limits

Linux OS
  containers and
    application isolation with kernel namespaces
    OpenShift components
  installing oc OpenShift command-line utility on
  isolating resources with
  limiting resources with
  managing pod capabilities
liveness probes
logging in
  as admin user
  oc command-line application
  to OpenShift web interface
logic layer
loopback interface
lsblk command2nd
lsns command
LV (logical volume)
LVM (logical volume management)


MAC (mandatory access control)
MCS (multi-category security)
MCS levels

  shared resources
  verifying container memory limits

  autoscaling with
    determining expected workloads
    installing OpenShift metrics
    triggering pod autoscaling with pod metrics
monolith applications
mount namespace
mounting storage disk at startup
  activating mountpoint
  creating mountpoint directory
  editing /etc/fstab to include volume
  storage drive block ID


-n parameter
--name parameter
nameserver parameter
NAT (Network Address Translation)
native API object support, for stateful applications with stateful sets
  consistent persistent storage mappings
  deterministic sequencing of startup and shutdown order with stateful sets
  examining a stateful set
  predictable network identity
  stateful applications without native solutions
  stateful set limitations
network design
network file system application.
    See NFS (Network File System) application.
network identity, predictable
Network namespace
network traffic, handling in clusters

  configuring application node networks
  configuring OpenShift SDN
    creating advanced network designs with ovs-networkpolicy plugins
    enabling ovs-multitenant plugins
    isolating traffic with ovs-multitenant plugins
    testing multitenant plugins
    using ovs-subnet plugins
  in CentOS 7
  installing DNS resolution in pod networks
  locating services with internal DNS
  managing OpenShift SDN
    configuring application node networks
    linking containers to host interfaces
    working with OVS
  routing application requests
    investigating HAProxy pods
    routing HAProxy requests to correct pods
    with HAProxy
NetworkManager, configuring
networkPluginName parameter
new_nodes group

NFS (network file system) application
  configuring storage for
  confirming volume
  installing server software
  starting services
  traffic, setting firewall rules to allow
nfs-utils package
NGINX domain

  configuring application node networks
  configuring container storage for
  configuring SELinux on
  enabling Docker on
  master, configuring
    updating inventory
    updating playbooks
  scheduling applications across with Kubernetes
  starting Docker on
NotBestEffort pods
NotTerminating pods
nsenter command


oadm (OpenShift administration)
object triggers, invoking
oc autoscale command
oc command-line application
oc create command2nd3rd
oc delete pod command
oc describe command2nd
oc describe resourcequota command
oc export command
oc get pod command
oc get pods command
oc get pv command
oc get quota command
oc login command
oc new-app command2nd3rd
oc new-project command
oc OpenShift command-line utility
  confirming installation of
    on Linux
    on macOS
    on Windows
oc path command
oc policy command
oc project command
oc rsh command
oc set probe command
oc set triggers command
Open vSwitch.
    See OVS.

    creating containers with Docker
    isolating and limiting resources with Linux
    scheduling applications across nodes with Kubernetes
  containers in
  installation, prerequisites for
    administrator or root access
    available systems or creating virtual machines
    communication between servers
    creating inventory
    DNS resolution
    internet access
    machine resource requirements
    networking information
    running deployment playbook
    server access
  installing metrics
    metrics stacks
  managing deployments with
  querying API server from pods
  SDN, configuring
    creating advanced network designs with ovs-networkpolicy plugins
    enabling ovs-multitenant plugins
    isolating traffic with ovs-multitenant plugins
    testing multitenant plugins
    using ovs-subnet plugins
  SDN, managing
    configuring application node networks
    linking containers to host interfaces
    working with OVS
  web interface
    logging in to
OpenShift SDN network plugin
orchestration engine

OVS (Open vSwitch)
  multitenant plugins
    isolating traffic with
  networkpolicy plugins, creating advanced network designs with
  subnet plugins


-p option
PATH variable
Pending phase, pod
persistent storage2nd
  adding to application using web interface
  adding volume to applications on command line
  consistent mappings
  container storage vs
  creating persistent volume
    creating new resources from command line
    creating physical volume
    logging in as admin user
  creating persistent volume claims
    with command line
    with web interface
  handling permanent data requirements
  mounting storage disk at startup
    activating mountpoint
    creating mountpoint directory
    editing /etc/fstab to include volume
    storage drive block ID
  NFS (Network File System)
    configuring storage for
    confirming volume
    enabling and starting
    installing server software
    setting firewall rules to allow traffic
    starting services
  testing applications after adding
    forcing pod restart
    persistent volume mounts

persistent volume
    creating with web interface
    using command line
    logging in as admin user
    new resources from command line
    physical volume
pet set
php-demo-app component
physical volume, creating
  selecting reclaim policy
  selecting storage access mode
PID (process ID)
--pid option

PIDS (process identification numbers)
  in containers
playbook code, Ansible

  running deployment playbook
pod network

  controlling user ID
  DNS resolution in networks
  forcing restart
  isolating with MCS levels
  managing Linux capabilities
  querying OpenShift API server from
  routing HAProxy requests to
  security contexts
  triggering autoscaling with pod metrics
    avoiding thrashing
    creating HPA objects
    testing autoscaling implementation
  use cases for direct access
policies, SELinux
PostStart hook
presentation layer
preStop hook
privileged option
privileged pod
process identification numbers, in containers
production environments, masking sensitive data in
  config maps for environment-specific settings
  protecting sensitive data with secrets
project admins
project quotas
projects, creating
promoteToTest tag2nd
promoting images
property accessor
ps command
PVCs (persistent volume claims)
python-pip package


QoS (quality of service)
querying OpenShift API server, from pods

  applying to existing applications
  changing for deployed applications
  creating compute quotas
  for resources


-R option
RC (replication controllers)
readiness probes, creating
reclaim policy, selecting
Recycle option
replica set
replicas, maintaining
replication controllers (RC)
repositories, configuring on servers
resiliency of applications, testing
  replication controllers
resource limit

  creating from command line
  isolating with Linux
  limit ranges
  limiting with cgroups
    confirming limits
    identifying container cgroups
  limiting with Linux
  machine resource requirements
    creating compute quotas
    creating resource quotas
restart of pods, forcing
Retain option
rolling upgrades
rollout command

  application requests
    investigating HAProxy pods
    with HAProxy
  exposing services with routes
  HAProxy requests to correct pods
routing layer
ROX (Read-only many)
runAsUser parameter
Running phase, pod
RWO (Read/Write once)
RWX (Read/Write many)


scale command
scaling applications2nd.
    See also autoscaling.
scanning container images
  changing SCCs for application deployment
  deploying image-scanning applications
  installing software on
  obtaining image-scanning applications
  viewing events on command lines
SCCs (security context constraints)
scheduling applications across nodes with Kubernetes
SDN (software-defined networking)2nd
search parameter
secrets, protecting sensitive data with
secure socket shell protocol.
    See ssh (secure socket shell) protocol.

  annotating images with security information
  pod security contexts
    controlling pod user ID
    managing pod Linux capabilities
    MCS levels
  scanning container images
    changing SCCs for an application deployment
    deploying image-scanning applications
    obtaining image-scanning applications
    viewing events on command lines
    viewing security scan results
  SELinux core concepts
    applying labels with SELinux contexts
    enforcing SELinux with policies
    isolating pods with MCS levels
    SELinux labels
security context constraints, changing for application deployment
SELinux module
  configuring on nodes
  contexts, applying labels with
  enforcing with policies
  isolating pods with MCS levels
semanage command

  access to
  application-node servers, installing software on
  communication between
  configuring DNS resolution on
    configuring /etc/resolv.conf
    configuring NetworkManager
  configuring repositories on
  master servers, installing software on
  setting permanent configurations on
service component
    environment variables
    fixing ToDo by injecting environment variables
  exposing with routes
  maintaining applications
    creating liveness probes
    creating readiness probes
  providing consistent application access with
  scaling applications
  testing application resiliency
    replication controllers
  with internal DNS, locating.
    See also headless services.
serving applications
shared storage, NFS
shells, in containers
show-all=false option
shutdown order, with stateful sets
signals, Linux
SIGTERM signal
software-deployment pipeline
ssh (secure socket shell) protocol, access to2nd
ssh-copy-id command
ssh-keygen command
startup, deterministic sequencing of

stateful applications
  demonstrating sticky sessions
  enabling headless services
    application clustering with Wildfly
    querying OpenShift API server from pods
    use cases for direct pod access
    verifying Wildfly data replication
  graceful shutdowns
    container lifecycle hooks
    selecting method
    setting grace periods for application cleanup
  native API object support for, with stateful sets
  without native solutions

stateful sets
  deterministic sequencing of startup with
  limitations of
  native API object support for stateful applications with
    consistent persistent storage mappings
    predictable network identity
    stateful applications without native solutions
  shutdown order with
stateless applications, integrating
sticky sessions
  attaching to applications, with web interface
  container storage, configuring for application nodes
  disks, creating filesystems on
  selecting access mode.
    See also persistent storage.
storage disks, mounting at startup
  activating mountpoint
  creating mountpoint directory
  editing /etc/fstab to include volume
  storage drive block ID
storage layer
Succeeded phase, pod
system users
systemctl command
systemctl-cgls command
systemd command


tar utility
TCP socket checks
Terminating pods
test environments, promoting dev images into
  automating image promotion with image stream triggers
  service discovery

  application resiliency
    replication controllers
  applications after adding persistent storage
    forcing pod restart
    persistent volume mounts
  autoscaling implementation
  ovs-multitenant plugins
thrashing, avoiding
time sharing, Unix
Timeout value
ToDo application, fixing by injecting environment variables
toggling sticky sessions
traffic, isolating with ovs-multitenant plugins
tun0 interface
type enforcement


Unix time sharing namespaces
Unknown phase, pod

upgrades, managing methods
usebuttons property
user roles
  creating administrators
    creating cluster admins
    creating project admins
  setting default
    See also admin users.
UTS (Unix time sharing) namespaces
UUID (unique identifier)


veth (virtual Ethernet interface)2nd
virtual machines2nd
VNID (VXLAN network identifier)

  adding to applications on command line
  editing /etc/fstab to include
volume claim template
VXLAN (virtual extensible local area network)


watch command

web interface
  adding persistent storage to applications
  attaching storage to applications with
  creating persistent volume claims with
  deploying applications with
  OpenShift, logging in to
webhooks, Gogs
wildcard record, DNS

Wildfly server
  clustering applications with
  verifying data replication
workloads, determining


YAML format
yum command


-Z option

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