Data Tables, Reports, and Scripts
JMP data are organized as rows and columns of a grid referred to as a data table. The columns have names and the rows are numbered. An open data table is kept in memory and displays a data grid with panels of information about the data table. You can open as many data tables in a JMP session as memory allows.
People often ask about the largest data table that JMP can handle. In general, the largest data table JMP should process is one that is about half the size as the actual memory resident in the machine. For example, if a machine has 4 GB of memory, JMP could comfortably manage a data table that is (approximately) 2 GB.
Commands in the File, Edit, Tables, Rows, and Cols menus give you a broad range of data handling operations and file management tasks, such as data entry, data validation, text editing, and extensive table manipulation. The Edit menu contains the Run Script command, used for executing JSL (JMP Scripting Language) scripts.
The Tables menu commands perform a wide variety of data management tasks on JMP data tables. You can also create summary tables for group processing and summary statistics, and dynamically summarize data using Tabulate.
The purpose of this chapter is to tell you about JMP data tables and show hands-on examples to help you get comfortable handling table operations and scripts.
Note: To open the sample data tables used in the examples, use Help > Sample Data. On the Sample data page, click either Open the Sample Data Directory or See an Alphabetical List of all Sample Data Files.
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