


Note: Page numbers followed by “f” refer to figures and followed by “t” refer to tables.

2-shot/2S (two-shot) 29, 29f; cutting from two-shot to 165166, 165f, 191, 192f
30-degree rule 6364, 63f, 166
180-degree rule/axis of action 6163, 62f; observing 236239, 237f, 238f, 239f
acquisition stage, editing process 89
action edits 113115, 114f; allowing subject to exit frame 193194, 193f; creating a continuous motion 177178, 178f; cutting from two-shot to two-shot 191, 192f; cutting rise as an 178180, 180f; from a long shot to a close-up of same subject 195196, 196f; maintaining screen direction 194195, 195f
action line, observing 190191, 190f, 236239
alpha channel 136, 143144
ambience 4243, 44, 91, 115; pollution 69
anti-smoking campaign 118119, 118f
assembly edits 102, 140
assembly stage, editing process 10
assistant directors 252
assistant editors 9, 243, 259
audience manipulation 67, 242243; sound and 50, 232
audio quality 6870, 69f; over-the-shoulder shot concerns 30; tricks to improve 70
audio terminology 4650; diegetic sound 49; non-diegetic sound 49; sound design 50; sound motifs 50; sync sound 4648
audio tracks: cross-fade 104, 118; editing video to beat of 213214, 214f; end of program 218; holes in 212213, 213f; J-cuts 81, 81f, 101, 139140, 175177, 176f; L-cuts 101, 139140, 175176, 176f; leading visual track at start 217218; making cuts to a loud sound on 215; organizing 152; regulating dialogue and music levels 216217, 216f; using cleanly recorded dialogue 210, 232; wiping shot 109110
automated dialogue replacement (ADR) 44, 70
axial edits 101, 167f, 168
axis of action/180-degree rule 6163, 62f; observing 236239, 237f, 238f, 239f
B-roll 71, 171, 203, 209
back-ups 150
BCU (big close-up)/choker 21, 21f
big close-up (BCU)/choker 21, 21f
blurry images 56, 57f
books, recommended 247249
boom operators 252
breaking frame 24
budget, project 5
bust shot/medium close-up (MCU) 23, 23f
butt-cut 140, 140f
camera angle 58f, 59, 8486, 85f; and dissolve 103; and making cut 100101; matching angle shots 6465, 65f; single subject and cutting to same 166168, 167f; and wipe 109
camera assistants (AC) 251252
camera movement: cutting from moving to stationary subjects 187188; selecting shots with smooth 185, 185f; shot categories and 31, 33, 34, 35, 36
camera operators 251
choker/big close-up (BCU) 21, 21f
chromakey 135136, 136f
chrominance 142
close-up (CU) shots 22, 22f; cutting to action 180181, 181f; edit in a wide shot after a series of 169170, 170f; for greatest emotional effect 173174, 173f; of new subjects in a scene 170171, 171f; sound matching size of object in 80, 80f
color balance and exposure 5960, 59f
color correction/color grading 12, 59f, 141142, 147; order of work 224225, 224f; prior to showing rough cut to client 223
combined edits 122123, 122f
complex shots 3435, 35f
composite editing 134, 134f
composition: and dissolve 103; editing shot 8284, 84f; and fade 111; and framing 5759, 58f; and making cut 100; medium close-up concerns 23; very long shot concerns 27; and wipe 109
compressed files 137
concept edits 80, 118f, 119122, 120f, 121f
continuity 8691; of action 66, 66f; of content 87, 88f; of dialogue 67, 68f; insert shots to cover gaps in 205206, 206f; and making cut 101; of movement 88, 89f; of position 89, 90f; of sound 9091; two-shot concerns 29
continuity edits see action edits
copyright 70
crab dolly shots: cutting from moving to stationary subjects 187188, 188f; selecting 185, 185f
creativity vs. technology 144145
crew members 251253
cross-cutting 131, 132f
cross-fade 104, 118
crossing the line 61, 62f, 236239, 237f, 238f, 239f; editing issues 240; of objects moving in a direction 190191, 190f
CU (close-up) shots see close-up (CU) shots
cut 13, 98102, 99f; action edits 113115, 114f; action edit from two-shot to two-shot of same people 191, 192f; allowing subject to exit frame 193194, 193f; to a close shot of a new subject in scene 170171, 171f; to a close-up of action 180181, 181f; to create a continuous motion action edit 177178, 178f; cut-to-black followed by a cut-to-full-picture 197198, 197f; matched shots in dialogue scenes 161163, 162f; matching headroom shots in dialogue scenes 157159, 158f; from moving to stationary subjects 187188, 188f; pan and tilt cuts that reverse direction at 189; pauses in fictional dialogue 207208; pauses in interviewee speech 208209, 209f; rise as an action edit 178180, 180f; to same camera angle with single subject 166168, 167f; in three-person dialogue 165166, 165f; video-editing software and 9598, 96f, 97f
cutaways 87, 88f, 205206, 206f; after subject rests look on object of interest 174175, 175f; for continuity 87, 88f; matching eye-lines and 65, 65f; motivation for 7879, 79f; pauses and 208, 209; reaction shots 207, 211; to separate medium shot and medium close-up 167
cut-ins 101, 167f, 168
data wranglers 252
defining editing 24
depth of field (DOF) 30, 162f
developing shots 3537, 36f
dialogue 42; adding music to 215216; continuity of 67, 68f; cutting three-person 165166, 165f; editing shot composition 8384, 84f; ensuring music levels do not overpower 216217, 216f; J-cuts 140; keeping it clear and clean 210, 232; looking for a cut point 101, 211212, 211f; matched shots, cutting 161163, 162f; matching angle shots 6465, 65f; matching headroom shots 157159, 158f; pauses, editing of 207208; reaction shots 206207, 211, 211f; screen position edits 116, 116f; straight cut 201, 202f; telephone conversations, editing 163164, 164f; use of dissolves 201203, 202f, 240241, 241f
diegetic sound 49
digital format, converting material into 9
digital imaging technicians 252
digital workflow 144
dip to black 111
directional edits 115116, 116f
directors 251
directors of photography (DPs/DOPs) 251
dirty single 30
dissolve 13, 102107, 104f, 106f; form edits and 117119, 117f, 118f; inappropriate use of 201203, 202f, 240241, 241f; to mask cuts in interview footage 203; match 103, 117; between simile shots 203205, 204f; video-editing software 9698, 97f
distracting objects 159160, 159f
documentaries: editing interviewee speech 208209, 209f; establishing shots 171; familiarity with all footage 71; lower thirds 220221, 221f; talking-head interviews 33, 34f, 56, 67, 174, 208, 211
dolly grips 252
dolly-ins 182, 183f
dolly-outs, without motivation 183184, 184f
dolly shots: beginning and ending on static frame 186187, 186f; visual differences between zoom and 181183, 183f
dual-system recording 4648
duplicating sequences 155
ECU/XCU (extreme close-up) 20, 20f
edit, factors that lead to making an 7594; camera angle 8486, 85f; continuity 8690, 88f, 89f, 90f; information 77, 78f; motivation 7882, 79f, 80f, 81f; right or wrong choices 91; shot composition 8284, 84f, sound 9091
edit types 112123; action edits 113115, 114f; combined edits 122123, 122f; concept edits 118f, 119122, 120f, 121f; form edits 117119, 117f, 118f; screen position edits 115116, 116f; selecting appropriate 239241, 241f
editing: creativity of 243244; creativity vs. technology 144145; deciding shot length 235, 236f; defining 24; duplicating sequences 155; feedback on 156; good and bad 241242; as manipulation 67, 242243; project type and genre affecting choices 57; reason for every edit 234; reviewing 154155; “self-aware” practices 242; stages of process 712, 11f; taking a break from 156157 see also edit, factors that lead to making an; edit types
editors 253
electrics 252
establishing shots 26, 171172, 172f
EWS/XWS (extreme wide shot)/ELS/XLS (extreme long shot) 28, 28f
exercises 15, 38, 5253, 7374, 9293, 124125, 147148, 228, 246
exposure and color balance 5960, 59f
extreme close-up (XCU/ECU) 20, 20f
extreme long shot (XLS/ELS)/extreme wide shot (XWS/EWS) 28, 28f
eye-line: close-up concerns 22; matching 6566, 65f, 8384, 84f
fade 13, 110112, 112f
feedback, obtaining 156
fine cut stage, editing process 10
finishing stage, editing process 12
flash pans 200201, 200f
flashbacks 105
focus 20, 56, 57f
Foley effects 45
font choices for titles 219220, 219f
form edits 100, 117119, 117f, 118f
frame rates 128129
frames: allowing subject to exit, prior to cutting 193194, 193f; big close-up concerns 21; blow-up or enlargement 8283; breaking 24; and composition 5759, 58f; cutting rise 178180, 180f; edges cutting off heads and bodies 160161, 160f; extreme close-up concerns 20; medium long shot concerns 25; reformatting 57, 58f
freeze frames 107
gaffers 251
graphic edits 100, 117119, 117f, 118f
grips 251, 252, 269
group shots 29, 29f; editing in a wide shot after a series of close-up shots 169170, 170f; three-person dialogue edits 165166, 165f
handles 9698, 97f; and dissolves 102, 106107, 106f
HDTV resolution 137, 137t
headroom 58f, 59; using shots with matching 157159, 158f
head shots see close-up (CU) shots
history of film editing 2
Hitchcock, Alfred 36
horizon line 28, 59
imaginary line 61, 62f; observing 190191, 190f, 236239
importing still images 142144, 222223, 222f
information: and dissolve 103; insert shots to reveal 205206; and making cut 99; new shots should contain new 233; presenting new 77, 78f; and wipe 107108
insert shots 88, 89f, 120, 205206, 206f, 237
inter-titles 220221, 221f
interviews: continuity of dialogue 67, 68f; editing out verbal pauses 208209, 209f; soft cuts to mask cuts in 203; talking-head 33, 34f, 56, 67, 174, 208, 211
J-cuts 81, 81f, 101, 139140; to smooth over transitions 175177, 176f
jump cuts 6364, 63f, 8586, 85f, 100, 166, 167, 167f, 186, 192f, 195, 240
key grips 251
keyboard shortcuts 150151, 151f
kissing black 111
Kuleshov effect 120121, 121f
L-cuts 101, 139140; to smooth over transitions 175176, 176f
lapping 101, 139140, 140f, 207
length of a shot, deciding 235, 236f
lens movement, shot categories and 31, 31f, 33, 3435, 36
lighting technicians 252
long shot/wide shot (LS/WS) 26, 26f; edit in after a series of close-up shots 169170, 170f; as an establishing shot in new scene 171172, 172f
look room/looking room 58f, 59
looping 44, 70
lower thirds 220221, 221f
LS/WS (long shot/wide shot) see long shot/wide shot (LS/WS)
luma-keys 136
luminance 141142
make-up 21
manipulation, audience 67, 242243; sound and 50, 232
master footage sequences 9
master scene technique 17, 64, 116, 210, 236
mastering and delivery stage, editing process 12
match dissolve 103, 117
matching angles 6465, 65f
medium close-up (MCU)/bust shot 23, 23f
medium long shot (MLS)/medium wide shot (MWS) 25, 25f
medium shot (MS)/waist shot/mid-shot 24, 24f
mixers 43
monologues 42, 234; and reaction shots 234, 234f
montage sequences 130
montages 105, 130, 131f; quick edit 235236
MOS 47, 47f, 274
motivation for edits 7882; dissolve 103; dollying out without any 183184, 184f; fade 111; making cut 99100; picture 7879, 79f; and a reason for every edit 234; sound 7981, 80f, 81f; time 8182; wipe 108
mount/support movement, shot categories and 3132, 33, 34, 35, 36
movement edits see action edits
MS (medium shot)/mid-shot/waist shot 24, 24f
multi-camera editing 131133, 133f
music: adding to dialogue scenes 215216; edit video tracks to beat of 213214, 214f; leading visual track at start 217218; manipulative power of 50, 232; mixing dialogue and track levels 216217, 216f; rights 70; scores 46; soundtracks 43, 45, 50, 213214, 214f, 217218; stings/stingers 46, 50; using end of, for end of program 218
MWS (medium wide shot)/MLS (medium long shot) 25, 25f
naming conventions 144
narration 44, 49, 77
natural sound (NATS) 4243, 91
natural wipes 108, 198199, 199f
noddies 208, 211212
non-diegetic sound 49
objects: action lines of moving 190191, 190f; distracting 159160, 159f; of interest 168, 169f, 174175, 175f; sound matching size of close-up of 80, 80f; unwanted 28
offline editing 812
online editing 8, 12
organization: of projects and media 9, 149150; of timeline tracks 152, 153f
over-the-shoulder shot (OTS/OSS) 30, 30f; using cleanly recorded dialogue 210
pacing: and choice of edit 8182; purpose of 235236
pan and scan 57
pan shots 35, 35f; avoiding cuts that reverse direction 189; beginning and ending on static frame 186187, 186f; cutting from moving to stationary subjects 187188, 188f; selecting 185, 185f
parallel editing 131, 132f
pauses, editing 207208, 208209, 209f
performance, editing 6667
picture-in-picture (PIP) 134, 134f
picture leading sound 139
picture lock stage, editing process 1012
picture, motivation to cut away from 7879, 79f
pixels 136137, 137t
placement edits 115116, 116f
placement issues with objects of interest 168, 169f
post-production stages 712, 11f
production designers 251
project type and genre 56
punch-in 101, 167f, 168
push-in 182
quizzes 16, 3839, 5354, 74, 9394, 125, 148, 228229, 246
reaction shots 206207, 211, 211f, 234, 234f
reformatting of video frames 57, 58f
rendering 134, 135
resources 247249
reveals 79, 79f, 99100, 174, 175f
review and selection stage, editing process 9 see also shots, selecting best
reviewing edits as they are made 154155
rights 70
rise, cutting 178180, 180f
room tone 4243, 69, 91
rough cut stage, editing process 10; keeping it long 153154
running time 154
scores, musical 46
screen direction 6061, 60f, 88, 89f; and crossing line 236237, 237f, 238239, 239f; maintaining across action edits 194195, 195f; moving objects 190191, 190f; pan and tilts and reverse direction at cut point 189
screen position edits 115116, 116f
screenwriters 251
script, practice 255256
script supervisors 252
sequences, duplicating 155
shot categories 3137; and basic components of shot creation 3133; complex shots 3435, 35f; developing shots 3537, 36f; simple shots 33, 34f
shot duration 235, 236f
shot types 1830; basic 18, 19f; big close-up (BCU)/choker 21, 21f; close-up (CU) 22, 22f; descriptions 18; extreme close-up (XCU/ECU) 20, 20f; extreme long shot (XLS/ELS)/extreme wide shot (XWS/EWS) 28, 28f; long shot/wide shot (LS/WS) 26, 26f; medium close-up (MCU)/bust shot 23, 23f; medium long shot (MLS)/medium wide shot (MWS) 25, 25f; medium shot (MS)/waist shot/mid-shot 24, 24f; over-the-shoulder shot (OTS/OSS) 30, 30f; two-shot (2-shot/2S) 29, 29f; very long shot (VLS)/very wide shot (VWS) 27, 27f
shots, selecting best 9, 5574; 30-degree rule 6364, 63f; 180-degree rule 6163, 62f; audio quality 6870, 69f; blurry images 56, 57f; continuity of action 66, 66f; continuity of dialogue 67, 68f; exposure and color balance 5960, 59f; familiarity with all footage 71; focus issues 56, 57f; framing and composition 5759, 58f; matching angles 6465, 65f; matching eye-line 6566, 65f; performance 6667; screen direction 6061, 60f
sight line see eye-line
“silence,” recorded 212
simile shots, using a dissolve between 203205, 204f
simple shots 33, 34f
slates 47, 47f, 48, 106, 106f
slop edits 102, 140
slow-motion imagery 105
smash cuts 101
soft cuts 105, 203
soft-focus shots 20, 56, 57f
sound 4154; as a component of storytelling 138140, 138f, 139f, 140f; continuity 9091; creating more “reality” than vision 232; design 50; designers 43, 50, 91; effects (SFX) 45; manipulative power of music and 50, 232; mixers 252; motifs 50; post-production gathered during 4346; production, gathered during 4243; quality 6870, 69f; recordists 43; terminology 4650; as transition motivator 7981, 80f, 81f; and vision as partners 231233
sound bridges 8081, 81f, 111, 139, 139f, 140f; to smooth over transitions 175176
sound editing 4142, 138140, 138f, 139f, 140f; adding music to dialogue scenes 215216; cross-fade 104, 118; dialogue and music track levels 216217, 216f; and dissolve 104105; editing video tracks to beat of music 213214, 214f; and fade 111; holes in audio tracks 212213, 213f; J-cuts 81, 81f, 101, 139140, 175177, 176f; L-cuts 101, 139140, 175176, 176f; making cuts at loud sound on audio tracks 215; soundtrack leading visual track at start 217218; using cleanly recorded dialogue for “off-screen” characters 210; using end of music for end of program 218; whistle 7980, 80f; and wipe 109
soundtracks 50; (music) 45; (musical) 43; edit video tracks to beat of 213214, 214f; leading visual track at start 217218
source music see soundtracks
speech, editing interviewee 208209, 209f
speed of action in close-up shots 180181, 181f
split edit 101, 139140, 140f
split-screen effects 134, 164f
spot effects 45
stages of editing process 712, 11f
standard definition 57, 83, 137, 137t
static shots: beginning and ending on 186187, 186f; cutting from action shots to 187188, 188f
still images, importing 142144, 222223, 222f
stings/stingers 46, 50
stock footage 172
storytelling: creativity vs. technology 144145; familiarity with all footage 71; sound as a component of 138140, 138f, 139f, 140f
straight cut 3f, 4, 9596, 96f, 98, 102; becoming a split edit 140, 140f; into an L-cut or J-cut 175176, 176f
subject movement, shot categories and 32, 33, 33f, 34, 35, 36
superimposition 105
sync sound 4648
talking-head interviews 33, 34f, 56, 67, 174, 208, 211
technology vs. creativity 144145
telephone conversations, editing 163164, 164f
three-person dialogue, editing 165166, 165f
tilt shots 35, 35f; avoiding cuts that reverse direction 189; beginning and ending on static frame 186187, 186f
time: deciding shot duration 235, 236f; dissolve and collapsing of 104105; dissolve duration 105; fade duration 111; insert shots to condense or expand 205206, 206f; motivation to edit shots 8182, 100; on-screen titles duration 220221, 221f; wipe and moving around 108; wipe duration 109
timecode 128130, 129f
timeline tracks organization 152, 153f
titles: font choices for 219220, 219f; on-screen durations 220221, 221f
tonal tracks 44
tools for editing 45
track-ins/truck-ins, cutting from action to static shots 187188, 188f
track-outs/truck-outs, without motivation 183184, 184f
transitions 1314, 95112; cut 98102, 99f; dissolve 102107, 104f, 106f; fade 110112, 112f; video-editing software 9598, 96f, 97f; wipe 107110, 108f
two-shot (2-shot/2S) 29, 29f; cutting from two-shot to 165166, 165f, 191, 192f
type and genre of project 56
ultra-high-definition television (UHDTV) 57, 58f, 137, 137t
“Vertigo shot” 36
very long shot (VLS)/very wide shot (VWS) 27, 27f
video-editing software 56; color correction 5960, 59f; importing still images 142144; keyboard shortcuts 150151, 151f; timecode 128130; transitions 9598; wide variety of 145
video resolution 136137, 137t
video scopes 142
vision and sound as partners 231233
VLS (very long shot)/VWS (very wide shot) 27, 27f
voice-overs 44, 49, 77
waist shot/medium shot (MS)/mid-shot 24, 24f
websites, recommended 247
whip pans 200201, 200f
wide shot/long shot (WS/LS) 26, 26f; edit in after a series of close-up shots 169170, 170f; as an establishing shot in a new scene 171172, 172f
wild sounds 43
wipe 13, 107110, 108f; taking advantage of natural 109, 198199, 199f; video-editing software 9698, 97f
workflow, digital 144
XCU/ECU (extreme close-up) 20, 20f
XLS/ELS (extreme long shot)/XWS/EWS (extreme wide shot) 28, 28f
zoom: slow 182; visual differences between dolly-in shots and 181183, 183f
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