Part II

Irregular Concatenated VLCs and Their Design

List of Symbols in Part II


fn Current video frame.
f0225-01 Quantized current video frame.
f0225-02 Reconstructed current video frame.
f0225-03 Quantized previous video frame.
f0225-04 Reconstructed previous video frame.
e Source sample frame.
ê Quantized source sample frame.
e-etilde Reconstructed source sample frame.
s Source symbol frame.
e-stilde Reconstructed source symbol frame.
u Transmission frame.
û Received transmission frame.
e-utilde Reconstructed transmission frame.
π Interleaving.
π−1 De-interleaving.
u′ Interleaved transmission frame.
v Encoded frame.
v′ Interleaved encoded frame.
La(·) A priori Logarithmic Likelihood Ratios (LLRs) pertaining to the specified bits.
Lp(·) A posteriori LLRs/logarithmic A Posteriori Probabilities (log-APPs) pertaining to the specified bits/symbols.
Le(·) Extrinsic LLRs pertaining to the specified bits/symbols.
x Channel’s input symbols.
y Channel’s output symbols.


η Effective throughput.
Ec/N0 Channel Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR).
Eb/N0 Channel SNR per bit of source information.

Video blocks(VBs)

JxMB Number of VB columns in each Macro-Block (MB).
JyMB Number of VB rows in each MB.
JMB Number of VBs in each MB.


M Number of sub-frames.
m Sub-frame index.
em Source sample sub-frame.
êm Quantized source sample sub-frame.
e-etildem Reconstructed source sample sub-frame.
um Transmission sub-frame.
e-utildem Reconstructed transmission sub-frame.
sm Source symbol sub-frame.
e-stildem Reconstructed source symbol sub-frame.

Source samplesub-frames

J Number of source samples comprising each source sample sub-frame.
Jsum Number of source samples comprising each source sample frame.
j Source sample index.
emj Source sample.
êmj Quantized source sample.
e-etildemj Reconstructed source sample.

Transmission sub-frames

I Number of bits comprising each transmission sub-frame.
Isum Number of bits comprising each transmission frame.
Imin Minimum number of bits that may comprise each transmission sub-frame.
Imax Maximum number of bits that may comprise each transmission sub-frame.
i Transmission sub-frame bit index.
umi Transmission sub-frame bit.
b Binary value.


K Number of entries in the codebook.
k Codebook entry index.

VQ codebook

VQ Vector Quantization (VQ) codebook.
VQk VQ tile.
Jk Number of VBs that comprise the VQ tile VQk.
jk VQ tile VB index.
f0226-01 VQ tile VB.

VL-coding codebook

VLC Variable-length coding (VL-coding) codebook.
VLCk Variable-length codeword.
Ik Number of bits that comprise the variable-length codeword VLCk
Ikb Number of bits in the variable-length codeword VLCk assuming a value b ∈ {0, 1}.
ik Variable-length codeword bit index.
f0227-01 Variable-length codeword bit.

VL-coding codebook parameters

E Entropy.
L(VLC) Variable-length codebook average codeword length.
R(VLC) Variable-length coding rate.
E(VLC) Variable-length-encoded bit entropy.
T(VLC) VL-coding trellis complexity.
OAPP(VLC) Average number of Add, Compare and Select (ACS) operations performed per source symbol during A Posteriori Probability (APP) Soft-Input Soft-Output (SISO) variable-length decoding.
OMAP(VLC) Average number of Add, Compare and Select (ACS) operations performed per source symbol during Maximum A posteriori Probability (MAP) VL-coding sequence estimation.
dfree(VLC) Variable-length codebook free distance.
dbmin(VLC) Variable-length codebook minimum block distance.
ddmin(VLC) Variable-length codebook minimum divergence distance.
dcmin(VLC) Variable-length codebook minimum convergence distance.
f0227-02 Variable-length codebook free distance lower bound.
D(VLC) Variable-length codebook Real-Valued Free Distance Metric (RV-FDM)

Irregular Variable-Length Codes(IrVLCs)

N Component variable-length codebook count.
n Component variable-length codebook index.
un Transmission sub-frame.
sn Source symbol sub-frame.
Cn Component variable-length codebook source symbol frame fraction.
αn Component variable-length codebook transmission frame fraction.

IrVLC codebooks

VLCn Component variable-length codebook.
VLCn,k Component variable-length codeword.
In,k Number of bits that comprise the component variable-length codeword VLCn,k.
in,k Component variable-length codeword bit index.
f0227-03 Component variable-length codeword bit.

IrregularUnity-RateCodes (IrURCs)

R Component Unity-Rate Code (URC) count.
r Component URC index.
u′r Interleaved transmission sub-frame.
vr Encoded sub-frame.
URCr Component URC.

Code parameters

R(·) Coding rate.
M(·) Number of modulation constellation points.
L(·) Coding memory.

EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) chart

Ia A priori mutual information.
Ie Extrinsic mutual information.
y Importance of seeking a reduced computational complexity during EXIT-chart matching.


ï Bit state index.
e-juml Symbol state index.
e-numl Node state index.
S(ï,e-juml) Symbol-based trellis state.
S(ï,e-numl) Bit-based trellis state.

Trellis transitions

T Trellis transition.
kT Codebook entry index associated with the symbol-based trellis transition T.
bT Bit value represented by the bit-based trellis transition T.
iT Index of bit considered by the bit-based trellis transition T.
ïT Bit state index of the trellis state from which the symbol-based trellis transition T emerges.
e-jumlT Symbol state index of the trellis state from which the symbol-based trellis transition T emerges.
e-numlT Node state index of the trellis state from which the bit-based trellis transition T emerges.

Trellis sets

en(umi) The set of all trellis transitions that encompasses the transmission sub-frame bit umi
en(umi = b) The subset of en(umi) that maps the binary value b to the transmission sub-frame bit umi.
en(f0228-01) The set of all trellis transitions that encompasses the VB f0228-01.
f0228-02 The subset of en(f0228-01) that maps the VQ tile VQkjk.
fr(S) The set of all transitions that emerge from the trellis state S.
to(S) The set of all transitions that merge to the trellis state S.
fr(T) The state from which the transition T emerges.
to(T) The state to which the transition T merges.
nr(f0228-01) The set of all VBs that immediately surround the VBf0228-01.

Viterbi algorithm

d(T) The distortion of the trellis transition T.
D(T) The minimum cumulative distortion of all trellis paths between the trellis state S(0,0) and the trellis transition T.
D(S) The minimum cumulative distortion of all trellis paths to the state S.
m(T) The Viterbi algorithm metric of the trellis transition T.
M(T) The maximum cumulative Viterbi algorithm metric of all trellis paths between the trellis state S(0,0) and the trellis transition T.
M(S) The maximum cumulative Viterbi algorithm metric of all trellis paths to the state S.

Bahl–Cocke–Jelinek–Raviv (BCJR) algorithm

Pa(umi = b) A priori probability of the transmission sub-frame bit umi taking the value b.
P(k) Probability of occurrence of the codebook entry with index k.
P(S) Probability of occurrence of the trellis state S.
P(T|fr(T)) Conditional probability of the occurrence of the trellis transition T given the occurrence of the trellis state from which it emerges.
Pp(T) A posteriori trellis transition probability.
C1 A posteriori trellis transition probability normalization factor.
γ(T) A priori trellis transition probability.
γ′(T) Weighted a priori trellis transition probability.
C2(S) A priori trellis transition probability normalization factor used for all trellis transitions that emerge from the trellis state S.
α(S) Alpha value obtained for the trellis state S.
β(S) Beta value obtained for the trellis state S.
CLa BCJR algorithm LLR pruning threshold.
Cγ BCJR algorithm a priori probability pruning threshold.
Cα BCJR algorithm forward recursion pruning threshold.
Cβ BCJR algorithm backwards recursion pruning threshold.

Genetic Algorithm (GA) for VL-coding codebook design

L List of candidate VL-coding codebooks.
Ltar Target GA list length.
M(VLC) GA VL-coding quality metric.
Dlim GA VL-coding RV-FDM limit.
Rlim GA VL-coding coding rate limit.
αD GA VL-coding RV-FDM importance.
αR GA VL-coding coding rate importance.
αE GA VL-coding bit entropy importance.
αT GA VL-coding trellis complexity importance.
βD GA VL-coding RV-FDM increase/decrease constant.
βR GA VL-coding coding rate increase/decrease constant.
Dbest Most desirable RV-FDM of VL-coding codebooks admitted to the GA list.
Rbest Most desirable coding rate of VL-coding codebooks admitted to the GA list.
Ebest Most desirable bit entropy of VL-coding codebooks admitted to the GA list.
Tbest Most desirable trellis complexity of VL-coding codebooks admitted to the GA list.
Pmax Maximum number of GA mutations.
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