
  • Page numbers followed by f refer to figures.
  • A
    • AbbVie, 270
    • Acceptance:
      • creating culture of, 231–233
      • self, 94
      • of your shadow side, 85
    • Accountability:
      • as Asymmetric Holdings value, 116
      • measuring for, 238–240
    • Active listening, 215
    • Adaptability, 246
    • Aetna, 96, 216
    • Ahrendts, Angela, 87–88
    • AIG, 245
    • Algorta, Pedro, 49–50
    • Alignment:
      • of moral and organizational values, 110–111
      • of organizations around purpose, 183–186
      • of personal and organization purposes, 177, 198
      • to unite people around common vision, 201f, 209–212
    • Alive (movie), 49
    • Alliance of Alliances, 229
    • Altitude, for coaching, 215–216
    • Amazon, 245
    • American Red Cross, 170
    • Amgen, 130–131, 212–213
    • Amritanandamayi, Mata, 271
    • Anthem, 277
    • Apple, 62, 88, 114, 170–171, 270
    • Archetypes of derailing, 64–73, 65f
      • glory seekers, 65f, 69–70
      • imposters, 64–66, 65f
      • loners, 65f, 70–71
      • rationalizers, 65f, 66–69
      • shooting stars, 65f, 71–73
    • Ariel Investments, 239
    • Aristotle, 263
    • Aronson, Dan, 157
    • Aronson, Martha Goldberg, 156–158
    • Artificial intelligence, 6
    • Aspire Health, 277
    • Asymmetric Holdings, 115–116
    • Authenticity:
      • of integrated leaders, 144–145
      • of moral leaders, 263, 265
      • openness to all life offers for, 155
      • peeling back the onion for, 91–94, 91f
      • self‐acceptance for, 94
      • self‐awareness as foundation of, 81 (See also Self‐awareness)
    • Authentic leaders:
      • characteristics of, 5–8
      • impact of, 2
      • imperfection of, 3
      • support team for, 145
    • Authentic leadership. (See also specific topics)
      • Generativity (Phase III), 28–29
      • leadership style as manifestation of, 217
      • Peak Leadership (Phase II), 28
      • phases of, 26–30, 27f
      • Preparing for Leadership (Phase I), 27
      • rise of, 5–6
      • as servant leadership, 167
  • B
    • Ballmer, Steve, 81–82
    • Banking, ethical, 274–275
    • Barcott, Rye, xiv, 194–196, 196f
    • Barday, Kabir, 16–18, 72
    • Barra, Mary, 201–205
    • Barry, Corie, 255–256
    • Barth, John, 19
    • Bastian, Ed, 114
    • Belonging, fostering, 235–236
    • Benioff, Marc, 263, 270–273
    • Bennis, Warren, xi, xii
      • active listening by, 215
      • on crucibles, 37, 40–41
      • on denial and projection, 67
      • learning from, 147
      • as moral leader, 278
      • on neoteny, 28–29
    • Bergh, Chip, 264–267
    • Berkshire Hathaway, 121–122, 126, 135–136
    • Best Buy, 112, 178–180, 255–256
    • Beta Bionics, 157
    • Beyah, Raheem, 235–236
    • Bezos, Jeff, 200
    • Binder, Gordon, 131
    • BlackRock, 96, 270
    • Blankfein, Lloyd, 104, 255
    • Blind spots, 90, 97
    • Bloomberg, Mike, 127–129
    • Bloomberg Terminal, 128
    • Blooming where you're planted, 88–89
    • Board Diversity Action Alliance, 228
    • Body, creating well‐being in, 152–154
    • Boeing, 1, 112
    • Bonton community, South Dallas, Texas, 48–49
    • Bonton Farms, 49
    • Bosworth, Andrew, 60–61
    • Boundaries:
      • around work decisions, 158 (See also Work–life balance)
      • ethical, 107, 107f, 111–112
    • Bower, Marvin, 188
    • Bowles, Erskine, 29–30
    • BPRs (business performance reviews), 208–209
    • Brennan, Jack, 26
    • Brooks, David, 42, 134
    • Brooks, Peter, xiv
    • Brown, Eliot, 65–66
    • Browne, Lord John, 233
    • BRT (Business Roundtable), 267–268
    • Bryant, John Hope, 92–94
    • Buffett, Warren, 121–123, 125–127, 135, 248, 255
    • Burberry, 88
    • Burke, James, 59, 185
    • Burns, Ursula, 226–229
    • Burton, Claude, xiv
    • Burt's Bees, 187
    • Bush, George W., 250
    • Business performance reviews (BPRs), 208–209
    • Business Roundtable (BRT), 267–268
  • C
    • Cambridge Analytica, 61
    • Campbell, Bill, 200
    • Candor, 204
    • Capitalism:
      • making capitalism work for everyone, 271–273
      • stakeholder, 267–269, 269f
    • Career maps, 26
    • Caring:
      • as Asymmetric Holdings value, 116
      • to build understanding and trust, 201f, 204–206
      • human gestures of, 43
    • Carlson (company), 205–206
    • Carlson, Curtis, 205
    • Carlson Companies, 178
    • Carlson‐Wagonlit Travel (CWT), 178
    • Carter, Jimmy, 105
    • Catmull, Ed, 171
    • Celebrating success, 214–215
    • CFK, 194
    • Challenge(s). (See also Crises)
      • denial as, 90
      • of leadership, 80f
      • navigating (See Navigating today's challenges)
      • staying true to values as, 103
      • as stressors, 85
      • to summon people's best, 201f, 212–213
      • transparency about, 261
      • to values, 113
    • Chan, Stephen, xiv
    • Chapek, Bob, 270
    • Character, 3–4
      • crucibles as test of, 41
      • formation of, 16
      • of leaders, as indicator of organization's values, 110
      • power as corrupter of, 133
      • in Preparing for Leadership phase, 27
    • Charisma, confusing leadership and, 111
    • Charles Schwab, 90
    • Chase, Truddi, 44–45
    • Chenault, Ken, 106
    • Children's HeartLink, 192
    • Christensen, Matt, 212
    • Churchill, Winston, 245, 263
    • Ciba‐Geigy, 43–44
    • Cisco, 245
    • Citi, 113–114
    • Citigroup, 245
    • Clayton, Zach, 9–12, 31–34, 147
    • Climate change, 1, 246
    • Clinton, Bill, 29, 93, 107, 109
    • Coaches:
      • best, qualities of, 200
      • on your support team, 146–148
    • COACH framework, 201, 201f, 221
      • Align in, 209–212
      • Care in, 204–206
      • Challenge in, 212–213
      • at Compass, 218
      • at General Motors, 203–204
      • Bill George on, 219–220
      • Help in, 214–215
      • at Medtronic, 219
      • Organize in, 207–209
    • Coaching, 199–221, 201f
      • Align, to unite people around common vision, 201f, 209–212
      • Mary Barra, 201–205
      • Bill Campbell, 200
      • Care, to build understanding and trust, 201f, 204–206
      • Challenge, to summon people's best, 201f, 212–213
      • defined, 199–200
      • Anson Dorrance, 212
      • by engaged leaders, 200–201
      • Bill George, 219–220
      • Help, to solve problems and celebrate success, 201f, 214–215
      • and leadership style, 217
      • Levels of Involvement in, 216, 216f
      • Alan Mulally, 208–209
      • Marilyn Carlson Nelson, 205–206
      • Organize, to get people to play as a team, 201f, 207–209
      • Robert Reffkin, 217–218
      • at the right altitude, 215–216
      • and servant leadership, 205–206
      • Kevin Sharer, 212–213
      • Roy Vagelos, 214–215
      • Jack Welch, 213–214
      • Jim Whitehurst, 215–216
    • Coca‐Cola, 248–249
    • Cogburn, Max, 70
    • Cohen, Gary, 254–255
    • Cohen, Stephanie, 231
    • Coleman, John, xiv
    • Collaboration, 5, 206
    • Collins, Art, 117, 157
    • Command‐and‐control leadership, 3–4, 7
    • Common vision, uniting people around, 209–212
    • Community(‐ies):
      • inclusive, 236–238, 275–276
      • service to, 29–30, 160
      • on your support team, 149
    • Compartmentalizing, 158–159
    • Compass, 217–218
    • Compassion, human gestures of, 43
    • Competencies, 5
    • Competency‐based models, 3–4
    • Confidence, created by vulnerability, 146
    • Confronting your shadow sides, 87
    • Constructive failure, 54
    • Cook, Ian, 248–249
    • Cook, Scott, 200
    • Cook, Tim, 238
      • Ahrendts recruited by, 88
      • and Apple's privacy protection, 114–115
      • and Apple's success, 171
      • user privacy advocated by, 62
      • on work, 177
    • Cool, Tracy Britt, 135–136
    • Corker, Bob, 276
    • Cotopaxi, 98–99
    • Courageous leaders, 260. (See also Moral leaders)
    • Covey, Stephen M. R., 8, 205, 246
    • COVID‐19 pandemic, 1, 6
      • inclusive leadership during, 228–229
      • integrated life during, 149, 151–153, 155
      • leading during, 245–246, 255–256, 258–259
      • moral leadership during, 264–265, 275–277
      • North Star during, 185, 189
    • Cowles Media, 132
    • Cox, Chris, 71
    • Cox, Dave, 132
    • Craving for success, 64
    • Crises, 1
    • Crucibles, 37–58
      • addressing, 41–42
      • Pedro Algorta, 49–50
      • Daron Babcock, 47–49
      • Zach Clayton, 32–33
      • consequences of denying or repressing, 59–60
      • Abby Falik, 54–55
      • Chad Foster, 52–53
      • Ping Fu, 38–40
      • Harry, Duke of Sussex, 46–47
      • Valerie Keller, 50–52
      • Satya Nadella, 82–83
      • North Star emanating from, 181
      • in Peak Leadership phase, 28
      • posttraumatic growth from, 49–54
      • reframing, 44–49, 85
      • refusing to face, 37
      • for reorienting life to service, 40–49
      • resilience in emerging from, 37–40
      • using, to help people and transform organizations, 50–54
      • Dan Vasella, 42–44
      • Oprah Winfrey, 44–46
    • The Crucible (Miller), 40
    • Crystal Dynamics, 87
    • Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 124
    • The Cult of We (Brown and Farrell), 65–66
    • Cummings, 272
    • CWT (Carlson‐Wagonlit Travel), 178
  • D
    • Dante, 136
    • Davis, Richard, 271, 274–275
    • Delegation, learning, 170
    • Delta Air Lines, 114, 210
    • Denial:
      • as our biggest challenge, 90
      • of responsibility, 66–67
    • Department of Human Services, Minnesota (DHS), 133–134
    • Derailing:
    • Developing yourself, 79–80, 79f, 80f. (See also individual topics)
      • finding your sweet spot, 121–138
      • leading an integrated life, 139–160
      • living your values, 103–119
      • self‐awareness, 81–101
      • taking responsibility for, 9
    • DHS (Minnesota Department of Human Services), 133–134
    • Diana, Princess of Wales, 46–47
    • Dillon, Dave, 97–98, 184–185
    • Dillon, Mary, 151
    • Dillon, Terry, 151
    • Dimon, Jamie, 154, 255, 267–268
    • Directive leadership style, 5
    • Discovering yourself, 13, 138. (See also individual topics)
      • crucibles, 37–58
      • leading without True North, 59–78
      • life story, 15–36
    • The Divine Comedy (Dante), 136
    • Donahoe, Eileen, 140–144
    • Donahoe, John, 139–144
    • Dorrance, Anson, 212
    • Double Time, 195
    • Drucker, Peter, xi, xii
    • Dual careers, managing, 150–152
    • Dunn, Brian, 112
    • Dunn, Debra, 124
    • Dweck, Carol, 50, 83
  • E
    • Easterbrook, Steve, 112
    • eBay, 143
    • Ebbers, Bernie, 245
    • Ecolab, 157, 169
    • EDS France, 177
    • Effectiveness:
      • inventory of your, 138
      • leadership style in maximizing, 217
      • measure of your, 161
    • Eli Lilly, 272
    • Ellevest, 114
    • Elliott, Brian, xiv
    • Emerging generations, 5–6
    • Emerging leaders, 1–3. (See also Individual leaders)
      • characteristics of, 5–6
      • most frequent question of, 139
      • Zach's message to, 10–12
    • Emotions:
      • burying, 46–47
      • regulating, 94
      • sharing, 150
    • Emotional intelligence, 5, 278
    • Empathy, 82, 84, 204–205
    • Empowerment, 5, 207. (See also Coaching)
    • Engaged leaders, 200–201, 212–216
    • Enron, 5, 111, 245
    • Environment, sustaining, 273–274
    • Ernst & Young (EY), 51–52
    • Ethical banking, 274–275
    • Ethical boundaries, establishing, 107, 107f, 111–112
    • Extrinsic motivations, 63, 123–129, 123f, 125f, 132–133
    • EY (Ernst & Young), 51–52
    • Eyewitness to Power (Gergen), 215
  • F
    • Facebook, 60–62, 114–115
    • “The Facebook Files,” 61–62
    • Facing reality, during crises, 250–251
    • Failure:
      • constructive, 54
      • fear of, 63–64
    • Faith‐based advocacy, 192–194
    • Falik, Abby, 54–55
    • Fame:
      • fleeting nature of, 132–133
      • as goal of glory seekers, 69
    • Farrell, Maureen, 65–66
    • Fear(s):
      • acting despite, 53
      • of failure, 63–64
    • Feedback:
      • asking for, 101
      • business performance reviews for, 208–209
      • for developing self‐awareness, 96–98, 97f
      • from employees, in reframing purpose, 280
      • loners' rejection of, 70–71
      • unexpected, 169
      • on your leadership, 175
    • Fields, Mark, 209
    • Finding your sweet spot, 121–138
      • by avoiding focus on extrinsic motivations, 132–133
      • Mike Bloomberg, 127–129
      • Warren Buffett, 121–123, 125–127
      • Tracy Britt Cool, 135–136
      • Dave Cox, 132
      • Debra Dunn, 124
      • Bill George, 136–137
      • Jodi Harpstead, 133–134
      • Alan Horn, 124
      • and intrinsic and extrinsic motivations, 123–129, 123f, 125f
      • Ann Moore, 132
      • and operating in your sweet spot, 133–134, 134f
      • recalibrating your motivations for, 129–131
      • Kevin Sharer, 129–131
      • and success vs. significance, 134
    • Flexibility:
      • in dual‐career families, 151
      • in leadership style, 217
      • of work, 6
      • workplace, 155–156
    • Floyd, George, murder, 1
      • community in aftermath of, 149
      • hope for shifts resulting from, 228
      • problems revealed by, 229–230
      • reactions to, 225, 266, 276
    • Focus on winning, during crises, 257–259
    • A Force for Change (Kotter), 199
    • Ford, Beth, 231–233
    • Ford, Gerald, 107, 109
    • Ford Motor Company, 208–209
    • Forgiveness, human gestures of, 43
    • Foster, Chad, 52–53
    • Fostering belonging, 235–236
    • Frazier, Ken, 103–106, 270
    • Freeman, Hobart, 51
    • Friedman, Milton, 267
    • Friends:
    • Frist, Bill, 277
    • Frontline teams, in crises, 253–254
    • Fu, Ping, 38–40
    • Fuld, Dick, 71
  • G
    • Gandhi, Mahatma, 163, 263
    • Gardner, John, 16
    • GE Capital, 250
    • General Electric (GE), 1, 4, 129, 191, 250, 267
    • General Mills, 95–96
    • General Motors (GM), 201–204
    • Generativity (Phase III), 28–29
    • Gen X, 1, 5–6, 186
    • Gen Z, 1, 5–6, 186
    • Geomagic, 38–40
    • George, Bill, 9, 197
      • on acting against discrimination, 241–242
      • on aligning work and North Star, 197
      • on applying COACH framework, 219–220
      • Clayton on, 31, 33–34
      • on coping with tragedy, 55–57
      • on crisis as real test for leaders, 259–260
      • on feeling good in his skin, 99–100
      • on finding sweet spot, 136–137
      • on importance of leadership, 278–279
      • on journey from I to We, 173–174
      • on knocking down artificial walls, 158–159
      • life story of, 34–35
      • mentoring by, 147–148
      • on moral compass in leadership, 76
      • on testing his values, 117–118
      • True North groups for, 148–149
    • George, Penny, 57, 76, 100, 148, 158–159, 254
    • Georgia Tech, 235–236
    • Gergen, David, 1, 107–109, 215
    • Gibran, Kahlil, 178
    • Gingrich, Newt, 29
    • Global Citizen Year, 55
    • Global Citizen Year Academy, 55
    • Global financial meltdown (2008), 1, 4, 113–114
    • Global Fund, 67
    • Glory seekers, 65f, 69–70
    • GM (General Motors), 201–204
    • Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 121–122
    • Going on the offense, during crises, 257–259
    • Goldman Sachs, 67–68, 96, 128, 231, 254–255
    • Goldsmith, Marshall, 148
    • Google, 96, 114–115
    • Gorsky, Alex, 185, 268
    • Graham, Peter, 146
    • Greenleaf, Robert, 163
    • Grounding yourself:
      • self‐awareness for, 87–90
      • for well‐being, 18
    • Ground rules, for leading an integrated life, 144–145
    • Growth, from crucibles, 49–54
    • Growth mindset, 83
    • Guinness Beer, 187
    • Gunderson, Glen, 271, 275–276
    • Gupta, Rajat, 67–69
    • Gutfreund, John, 127
  • H
    • Hamm, Mia, 212
    • Hang, MayKao, 233–234
    • Happiness, purpose leading to, 30
    • Harpstead, Jodi, 133–134
    • Harry, Duke of Sussex, 46–47
    • Haugen, Frances, 61
    • Hawking, Stephen, 214
    • Health:
      • managing well‐being for, 17–18
      • sacrificing, 89–90
    • Health care, reimagining, 276–277
    • Heart qualities, 6, 100
    • Hearts Touched by Fire (Gergen), 107, 109
    • Helping:
      • to solve problems and celebrate success, 201f, 214–215
      • using crucibles for, 50–54
    • Herndon, Herschel, 231
    • Hero's journey, leader's journey vs., 166–171, 168f
    • Hewlett‐Packard, 112
    • Hierarchical leadership, 4–5
    • Hill‐Rom, 157
    • Hit Refresh (Nadella), 82
    • Hobson, Mellody, 239–240
    • Holmes, Elizabeth, 74–76
    • Home Care Week, 69
    • Honeywell, 88, 117, 136–137, 159
    • Hooper, Michele, 235
    • Horn, Alan, 124
    • How (Seidman), 6
    • Hubris, 82–83
    • Huffington, Arianna, 89–90
    • Huntsman, Jon, 109
    • Hurd, Mark, 112
    • Hyman, Jenn, 257–259
  • I
    • IBM, 111, 210
    • Iger, Bob, 270
    • I leaders, 168f
    • IMAGINE, 52, 274
    • Immelt, Jeff, 250, 267
    • Imperfections, acknowledging your, 90–91. (See also Authenticity)
    • Imposters, 64–66, 65f
    • Inclusive communities, 236–238, 275–276
    • Inclusive leadership, 225–243, 226f
      • acting against discrimination in, 241–242
      • Raheem Beyah, 235–236
      • beyond diversity initiatives, 225, 230–231
      • building inclusive communities in, 236–238
      • Ursula Burns, 226–229
      • creating culture of acceptance in, 231–233
      • Beth Ford, 231–233
      • fostering belonging in, 235–236
      • Bill George, 241–242
      • MayKao Hang, 233–234
      • Herschel Herndon, 231
      • Mellody Hobson, 239–240
      • measuring for accountability in, 238–240
      • providing opportunities in, 233–234
      • Murisiku Raifu, 240–241
      • Charles Scharf, 230
      • Marnita Schroedl, 236–238
      • David Solomon, 231
      • Tim Welsh, 229
  • J
    • Jackson, Jesse, 93
    • James, William, 3
    • Jewell, Sally, 21–23
    • J&J (Johnson & Johnson), 183–184, 270
    • Jobs, Steve, 73, 170–171, 200
    • Johari window, 96, 97f
    • Johnson, Kevin, 257
    • Johnson, Robert Wood, 184
    • Johnson & Johnson (J&J), 183–184, 270
    • Joly, Hubert, 148, 177–180, 180f, 269
    • Jope, Alan, 185
    • Journaling, 266
    • J.P. Morgan, 238, 255
    • Jung, Andrea, 182
    • Jung, Carl, 85
  • K
    • Kabat‐Zinn, Jon, 95–96
    • Kalanick, Travis, 72–73
    • Kanbrick, 136
    • Kashkari, Neel, 25
    • Keller, Valerie, 50–52, 274
    • Kelly, Jonathan Lee, xiii, 115–116
    • Khosrowshahi, Dara, 73
    • King, Martin Luther, Jr., 263
    • King, Reatha Clark, 25
    • King, Rodney, 93, 237
    • Kissinger, Henry, 74
    • Knowing yourself, 2
    • Komisar, Randy, 27, 87
    • Kopp, Wendy, 23
    • Kotter, John, 199
    • Kozlowski, Dennis, 245
    • Krawcheck, Sallie, 113–114
    • Kroger, 184
    • Kruythoff, Kees, 185–186
    • Krzanich, Brian, 112
    • Krzyzewski, Mike, 212
  • L
    • Leadership principles, defining your, 107, 107f
    • Leadership style, 5, 217
    • Leader's journey, 26–30, 27f, 145–146, 166–171, 168f
    • Leading an integrated life, 139–160
      • Martha Goldberg Aronson, 156–158
      • Zach Clayton, 147
      • by creating well‐being in mind, body, and spirit, 152–155
      • Mary Dillon, 151
      • Terry Dillon, 151
      • Jamie Dimon, 154
      • John Donahoe, 140–144
      • elements of, 139, 140f
      • flexible workplace for, 155–156
      • Bill George, 158–159
      • Peter Graham, 146
      • Ben Lundin, 152
      • managing dual careers, 150–152
      • Annika McCrea, 151–152
      • Phil McCrea, 151–152
      • Anne Mulcahy, 151
      • Joe Mulcahy, 151
      • Tad Piper, 149–150
      • Howard Schultz, 147
      • setting ground rules for, 144–145
      • support team for, 145–150
      • True North Groups for, 148–149
    • Leading in crisis, 245–261
      • Corie Barry, 255–256
      • Lloyd Blankfein, 255
      • Gary Cohen, 254–255
      • digging deep for root cause, 251–253
      • engaging with frontline teams, 253–254
      • facing reality, starting with yourself, 250–251
      • following True North when in the spotlight, 256–257
      • Bill George, 259–260
      • getting ready for the long haul, 255–256
      • going on the offense, and focus on winning now, 257–259
      • Jenn Hyman, 257–259
      • Jeff Immelt, 250
      • Kevin Johnson, 257
      • lessons for, 249–259, 249f
      • Anne Mulcahy, 251–253
      • and never wasting a good crisis, 254–255
      • Indra Nooyi, 247–250
      • performance with purpose, 247–249
      • Peter Pisters, 253–254
      • qualities for, 246, 246f
      • Howard Schultz, 256–257
    • Leading without True North, 59–78
      • archetypes of derailing in, 64–73, 65f
      • Kabir Barday, 72
      • derailing, 63–64
      • from fear of failure and craving for success, 63–64
      • Dick Fuld, 71
      • Bill George on, 76
      • Rajat Gupta, 67–69
      • Elizabeth Holmes, 74–76
      • Travis Kalanick, 72–73
      • Greg Lindberg, 69–70
      • and loneliness of leaders, 73–74
      • Adam Neumann, 65–66
      • reasons for, 62–63
      • Mark Zuckerberg, 60–62
    • Learning from mistakes, 72
    • Lehman Brothers, 71, 245, 254
    • Levels of Involvement, in coaching, 216, 216f
    • Leverhulme, Lord, 273–274
    • Levi Strauss, 264–267
    • Life:
      • being open to, 155
      • deeper meaning in, 56–57
    • “Lifeline,” charting, 36
    • Life story, 15–36
      • Daron Babcock, 47–49
      • Rye Barcott, 194–195
      • Kabir Barday, 16–18
      • Mary Barra, 201
      • Raheem Beyah, 235
      • Mike Bloomberg, 127–128
      • Erskine Bowles, 29–30
      • Ursula Bruns, 226–227
      • John Hope Bryant, 92–93
      • Warren Buffett, 121–122, 125–127
      • Zach Clayton, 31–34
      • consequences of denying or repressing, 59–60
      • Tracy Britt Cool, 135
      • Dave Dillon, 97–98
      • Mary Dillon, 151
      • John Donahoe, 140–144
      • Abby Falik, 54–55
      • Beth Ford, 231–232
      • Chad Foster, 52–53
      • Ken Frazier, 103–104
      • Ping Fu, 38–39
      • Bill George, 34–35
      • David Gergen, 107–109
      • MayKao Hang, 233–234
      • interpreting, 19
      • Omar Ishrak, 190
      • Sally Jewell, 21–23
      • Valerie Keller, 50–51
      • Jonathan Lee Kelly, 115–116
      • Greg Lindberg, 69
      • Nelson Mandela, 163–166
      • Annika McCrea, 151–152
      • Anne Mulcahy, 151
      • Satya Nadella, 82–83
      • Indra Nooyi, 247
      • North Star emanating from, 181
      • Alan Page, 24–25
      • and phases of authentic leadership, 26–30, 27f
      • Tad Piper, 149–150
      • Dave Pottruck, 90
      • Muri Raifu, 240–241
      • reframing your, 18–25
      • John Replogle, 186–187
      • Marnita Schroedl, 237
      • Howard Schultz, 19–21
      • Kevin Sharer, 129
      • Davis Smith, 98
      • Anjali Sud, 171–172
      • understanding your, 85
      • Dan Vasella, 42–44
      • Jim Wallis, 192–193
      • Tim Welsh, 188–189
      • Oprah Winfrey, 45
      • as your foundation, 13
    • Lincoln, Abraham, 63, 65, 263
    • Lindberg, Greg, 69–70
    • Listening, active, 215
    • Litton, 76, 88, 117, 144
    • LiveKindly Collective, 185
    • Living your values, 103–119
      • alignment of moral and organizational values, 110–111
      • Ed Bastian, 114
      • Tim Cook, 114–115
      • defining your leadership principles for, 107, 107f
      • defining your values for, 106–107, 107f
      • Brian Dunn, 112
      • Steve Easterbook, 112
      • establishing ethical boundaries for, 107, 107f, 111–112
      • Ken Frazier, 103–106
      • Bill George, 117–118
      • David Gergen, 107–109
      • Mark Hurd, 112
      • Jonathan Lee Kelly, 115–116
      • Sallie Krawcheck, 113–114
      • Brian Krzanich, 112
      • Ken Lay, 111
      • Narayana Murthy, 110
      • Sam Palmisano, 111
      • Jeff Skilling, 111
      • Harry Stonecipher, 112
      • testing values under pressure, 112–115
    • Liz Claiborne, 87–88
    • Lombardi, Vince, 200
    • Loneliness of leaders, 73–74, 145
    • Loners, 65f, 70–71
    • Long Walk to Freedom (Mandela), 163
    • Losing your way, 62–63. (See also Leading without True North)
    • Louvet, Patrice, 7
    • Love Leadership (Bryant), 92–93
    • Loyola, Ignatius de, 178
    • Lundin, Ben, 152
    • Lutheran Social Services, 134
  • M
    • McCrea, Annika, 151–152
    • McCrea, Phil, 151–152
    • McCready, Dan, 195
    • McDonald's, 112, 270
    • McGovern, Gail, 170
    • Mackey, John, 171
    • McKinsey, 67, 177, 188–189
    • McLaughlin, Steve, 235, 236
    • Make‐A‐Wish Foundation, 275
    • Managerial skills, 5
    • Mandela, Nelson, 163–166, 263
    • Mao Zedong, 38–39
    • Markham, Edwin, 237
    • Marnita's Table, 237–238
    • Martha, Geoff, 197
    • Maslow, Abraham, 37, 87
    • Mattis, Jim, 74
    • May, Gary, 235
    • MCI, 129–130
    • Measure:
      • for accountability, 238–240
      • of life, service as, 29
    • Meditation, 87, 95–96, 100, 143
    • Medtronic:
      • Aronson at, 156–157
      • George at, 3, 117, 137, 197, 219, 278
      • Harpstead at, 134
      • Ishrak at, 190–191
      • leadership model of, 4
      • Mission and Medallion Ceremony of, 210
    • Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, 47
    • Mental acuity, developing, 153–154
    • Mentors, 146–148, 160
    • Merck:
      • Frazier at, 105–106
      • report on diversity, equity, and inclusion at, 238–239
      • Vagelos at, 182–183, 214–215
    • Merck, George, 182
    • Merrill Lynch, 245
    • Microsoft, 81–84
    • Millennials, 1, 5–6, 186
    • Miller, Arthur, 40
    • Mind, creating well‐being in, 152–154
    • Mindfulness, for self‐awareness, 84, 94–96
    • Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS), 133–134
    • Mission (See Purpose)
    • Mistakes, learning from, 72
    • Modelez, 248
    • Money:
      • Erskine on, 30
      • as Facebook's goal, 61–62
      • as glory seekers' goal, 69
      • as rationalizers' goal, 68–69
    • Moore, Ann, 132, 182
    • Moral compass (See True North)
    • Moral leaders, 263–280
      • approaches of, 269
      • Marc Benioff, 271–273
      • Chip Bergh, 264–267
      • Bob Chapek, 270
      • Richard Davis, 274–275
      • Jamie Dimon, 267–268
      • examples of, 263
      • Bill George on, 278–279
      • Alex Gorsky, 268
      • Glen Gunderson, 275–276
      • and new stakeholder capitalism, 267–269, 269f
      • Paul Polman, 273–274
      • public issues confronted by, 269–277
      • Brad Smith, 276–277
    • Moulton, Seth, xiii
    • Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust, 23
    • Mulally, Alan, 148, 208–209, 227–228
    • Mulcahy, Anne, 151, 251–253
    • Mulcahy, Joe, 151
    • Murthy, Narayana (N. R.), 103, 110
  • N
    • Nadella, Satya, 5, 81–84, 153
    • Nadella, Zain, 82
    • Narendra, Divya, 60
    • Navigating today's challenges, 223–224. (See also individual topics)
      • inclusive leadership, 225–243, 226f
      • leading in crisis, 245–261
      • moral leaders, 263–280
    • Nelson, Marilyn Carlson, 205–206
    • Neoteny, 28–29
    • Net Positive (Polman), 274
    • Neumann, Adam, 65–66
    • New York‐Presbyterian Hospital, 240–241
    • New York Times magazine, 68
    • Nhâ´t Ha.nh, Thích, 100
    • Nike, 140, 143
    • Nixon, Richard, 107–108
    • The No Asshole Rule (Sutton), 167
    • Noble purpose, 179
    • No One Succeeds Alone (Reffkin), 218
    • Nooyi, Indra, 247–250
    • North Star, 177–198
      • aligning organizations around purpose, 183–186
      • Rye Barcott, 194–196, 196f
      • Jim Burke, 185
      • defined, 2
      • Dave Dillon, 184–185
      • Bill George, 197
      • Omar Ishrak, 190–192, 196f
      • at Johnson & Johnson, 183–184
      • Hubert Joly, 177–180, 180f
      • Andrea Jung, 182
      • Kees Kruythoff, 185–186
      • making purpose real, 186–194
      • pursuing a transformational purpose, 185–186
      • pursuing your, 181–183
      • John Replogle, 186–188, 196f
      • Roy Vagelos, 182–183
      • Jim Wallis, 192–194
      • Tim Welsh, 188–190
    • Noseworthy, John, 148
    • Novartis, 44
  • O
    • Obama, Barack, 23, 275
    • OneTen initiative, 106
    • OneTrust, 16, 18
    • Operating in your sweet spot, 133–134, 134f
    • Operation HOPE, 93
    • Opportunities:
      • in America, Ishrak on, 190
      • for diverse people, providing, 233–234
      • for inclusion, 243
      • that motivate you and use your abilities, 125
    • Oracle, 271
    • Organizations:
      • aligned around purpose, 183–186
      • CEOs as curators of culture in, 83
      • high trust, 8
      • Joly on, 180
    • Organizational values, alignment of moral values and, 110–111
    • Organize, to get people to play as a team, 201f, 207–209
    • Ownership, as a value, 116
  • P
    • Page, Alan, 24–25
    • Page, Diane, 25
    • Page, Larry, 200
    • Page Education Foundation, 25
    • Palmisano, Sam, 111
    • Pandit, Vikram, 113–114
    • Partner, on your support team, 146
    • Paulson, Hank, 71
    • “Pause principle,” 266
    • Peak Leadership (Phase II), 28
    • Peeling back the onion, 91–94, 91f
    • Pelosi, Nancy, 61
    • Peltz, Nelson, 248–249
    • Pence, Mike, 272
    • PepsiCo, 247–250, 270
    • Pereverzev, Vitaliy, 122–123
    • Performance with purpose, during crises, 247–249
    • Personality tests, 138
    • Personal leadership development plan, 175
    • Phases of authentic leadership:
      • Bowles' navigation of, 29–30
      • Generativity (Phase III), 28–29
      • Peak Leadership (Phase II), 28
      • Preparing for Leadership (Phase I), 27
    • Phibro, 127
    • Pichai, Sundar, 225
    • Piper, Tad, 149–150
    • Piper Jaffray, 149
    • Pisters, Peter, 253–254
    • Pixar, 171
    • The Poetry of Self Compassion (Whyte), 94
    • Polman, Paul, 52, 185, 270, 273–274
    • Posttraumatic growth, crucibles as foundation for, 38–40, 49–54
    • Pottruck, Dave, 90–91
    • Power:
      • as corrupter, 133
      • as goal of glory seekers, 69
      • Lincoln on, 65
      • sharing, 170–171
      • vulnerability as, 92–94
    • Prayer, 96, 99
    • Preparing for Leadership (Phase I), 27
    • President's Council on American Manufacturing, 106, 270
    • Pressure, testing values under, 112–115
    • Profit, purpose that transcends, 210–212
    • Providing opportunities, 233–234
    • Public issues, taking on, 269–277
    • Purpose:
      • aligning organizations around, 183–186
      • defining your, 181
      • employee feedback in reframing, 280
      • for happiness in life, 30
      • noble, 179
      • North Star as, 177 (See also North Star)
      • performance with, during crises, 247–249
      • personal illness leading to, 42–44
      • reflecting on, 55
      • Smith on, 99
      • that transcends profit, 210–212
      • transformational, 185–186
      • translated into action, 186–194
    • Putin, Vladimir, 270
  • R
    • Raifu, Murisiku (“Muri”), 240–241
    • Rajaratnam, Raj, 67–68
    • Ralph Lauren, 7
    • Rationalizers, 65f, 66–69
    • Read, Piers Paul, 49
    • Reagan, Ronald, 107, 109
    • Reality in crises, facing, 250–251
    • Recalibrating your motivations, 129–131
    • Recreational Equipment Inc. (REI), 23
    • Red Hat, 210–212
    • Reffkin, Robert, 217–218
    • Reflection:
      • and intensity, 90
      • for mindfulness, 95
      • on purpose, 55
      • Smith on, 99
      • taking time for, 153–154
      • on time allocations in your life, 160
    • Reframing:
      • of crucibles, 44–49, 85
      • of organizational purpose, 280
      • of your life story, 18–25
    • Regeneron, 183
    • REI (Recreational Equipment Inc.), 23
    • Reimagining health care, 276–277
    • Rent the Runway (RTR), 257–259
    • Reorienting life to service, crucibles for, 40–49
    • Replogle, John, 96, 186–188, 196f
    • Resilience, 37–40, 93
    • Respect, as a value, 116
    • Responsibility:
      • and loneliness of leaders, 73
      • in Peak Leadership phase, 28
      • rationalizers' denial of, 66–67
      • for your life, 46
      • for your own development, 9
    • Reuss, Mark, 203
    • Rick, Nate, xiv
    • The Road to Character (Brooks), 134
    • Rohr, Richard, 181
    • Rothschild, Steve, 183
    • RTR (Rent the Runway), 257–259
    • Ryan, Bob, 230
  • S
    • St. Thomas, 234
    • Salesforce, 271–272
    • Salomon Brothers, 127
    • Sandberg, Sheryl, 26
    • Sandoz, 43–44
    • Scharf, Charles, 230
    • Schmidt, Eric, 200
    • Schroedl, Marnita, 236–238
    • Schultz, Howard, 15, 19–21, 147, 256–257
    • Schwab, Chuck, 129
    • Schwab, Klaus, 276
    • Scully, John, 170
    • The Second Mountain (Brooks), 42
    • Seidman, Dov, 5, 263–264
    • Self (See Yourself)
    • Self‐acceptance, 53
      • in developing self‐compassion, 94
      • journey to, 85–86, 86f
    • Self‐actualization, 37, 86–87, 86f
    • Self‐awareness, 5, 81–101
      • from acknowledging your imperfections, 90–91
      • Angela Ahrendts, 87–88
      • John Hope Bryant, 92–94
      • confronting your shadow sides for, 85–87
      • Dave Dillon, 97–98
      • Bill George, 99–100
      • to ground yourself, 87–90
      • Arianna Huffington, 89–90
      • imposters' lack of, 65
      • journey to, 84–91, 86f
      • Jon Kabat‐Zinn, 95–96
      • Randy Komisar, 87
      • by moral leaders, 278
      • Satya Nadella, 81–84
      • peeling back the onion for, 91–94, 91f
      • Dave Pottruck, 90–91
      • John Replogle, 96
      • seeking honest feedback for, 96–98, 97f
      • and self‐compassion, 94–98, 97f
      • Davis Smith, 98–99
      • on True North compass, 79f
      • and vulnerability as power, 92–94
    • Self‐compassion:
      • developing, 94–98, 97f
      • journey to, 85–86, 86f
    • Self‐forgiveness, 18
    • September 11, 2001 attack, 1, 245
    • “The Servant as Leader” (Greenleaf), 163
    • Servant leaders, 5, 7
    • Servant leadership, 163–175
      • Doug Baker Jr., 169
      • and coaching, 205–206
      • Bill George, 173–174
      • Steve Jobs, 170–171
      • learning how to delegate, 170
      • Nelson Mandela, 163–166
      • Gail McGovern, 170
      • moving from hero's journey to leader's journey, 166–171, 168f
      • moving from I to We in, 166–171, 168f
      • sharing power, 170–171
      • Anjali Sud, 171–173
    • Service:
      • as measure of life, 29
      • using crucibles for reorienting life to, 40–49
      • to your community, 149
    • ServiceNow, 143
    • Seventh Generation, 187
    • Severin, Eduardo, 60
    • Shadow side, 59–60
      • accepting your, 85
      • acknowledging your, 94
      • confronting your, 85–87
    • Sharer, Kevin, 129–131, 212–213
    • Shooting stars, 65f, 71–73
    • Shultz, George, 74
    • Significance, success vs., 134
    • Skilling, Jeff, 5, 111, 245
    • Smith, Brad, 271, 276–277
    • Smith, Davis, 98–99
    • Smith, Dean, 199
    • The Social Network (movie), 60
    • Sojourners, 192–193
    • Solomon, David, 231
    • Solving problems, helping others in, 214–215
    • Son, Masayoshi, 65–66
    • “Spear‐in‐the‐chest” moment, 186–188
    • Spencer, Ed, 117
    • Spirit, creating well‐being in, 152–155
    • Spouse, on your support team, 146
    • Stakeholder capitalism, 267–269, 269f
    • Starbucks, 19–21, 147, 239, 256–257, 270
    • Stonecipher, Harry, 112
    • Strengths:
      • discovering your, 138
      • in organizing cohesive teams, 207
      • of team members, 175
    • Success:
      • being enamored with rewards of, 132–133
      • craving for, 64
      • external, 123
      • measuring and grading your, 160
      • seeking mastery instead of, 126
      • shooting stars' focus on, 72–73
      • significance vs., 134
      • unlocking personal potential for, 127
    • Sud, Anjali, 171–173
    • Sullivan, Julie, 234
    • Sullivan, Maura, xiii
    • Summoning people's best, 212–213
    • Support team, 145–150, 160
      • friends and community, 149
      • mentors and coaches, 146–148
      • navigating challenges with, 149–150
      • spouse or partner, 146
      • True North groups, 148–149
    • Sura, Aarti, 169–170
    • Sustainability, environmental, 273–274
    • Sutton, Bob, 167
    • Sweeney, Mike, 44
    • Sweet spot(s):
  • T
    • Tabitha, 194–195
    • Tait, Richard, 82
    • Talamus Health, 241
    • Tan, Chade‐Meng, 96
    • Team(s):
      • authentic connection with, 199
      • frontline, engaging with during crises, 253–254
      • getting people to play as a, 207–209
      • motivations of members on, 175
      • support team, 145–150, 160
      • unlocking full potential of (See Coaching)
    • Teresa, Mother, 263
    • Testing values under pressure, 112–115
    • Theranos, 74–75
    • 30–30–30–10 model, 219
    • Three Ships, 31–33, 169
    • Thrive (Huffington), 89
    • Thrivent Financial, 231
    • Tierney, Tom, 142
    • Time, 132
    • Transformational purpose, pursuing a, 185–186
    • Transformative experiences, crucibles as, 41, 50
    • Transforming organizations:
      • using crises for, 261
      • using crucibles for, 50–54
    • Transparency:
      • of 20th vs. 21st century leaders, 8
      • about challenges, 261
      • of authentic leaders, 5–6
      • during COVID‐19 pandemic, 258
    • Trials, 50. (See also Crucibles)
    • Trillion Dollar Coach (Schmidt), 200
    • True North, 2–3
      • compass for, 79f, 80
      • defined, 2
      • developing clear sense of, 107, 107f
      • discovering your, 9
      • for effective leadership, 161
      • leading without (See Leading without True North)
      • and North Star, 198
      • reorienting yourself to, 3
      • when you're in the spotlight, 256–257
    • True North Groups, 148–149
    • True North Groups (George and Baker), 148
    • Trump, Donald, 106
    • Trust:
      • and 20th vs. 21st century leadership, 8
      • in business leaders, 4
      • caring, to build, 204–206
      • created by vulnerability, 146
      • earned, during COVID‐19 pandemic, 258
    • Truth‐telling, 7–8
    • Tyco, 245
  • U
    • Uber, 72–73
    • Ukraine invasion, 1, 246, 270
    • Ulta Beauty, 151
    • Understanding, caring in order to build, 204–206
    • Unilever, 185, 187, 273–274
    • Uniting people, around common vision, 209–212
    • The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, 253–254
    • U.S. Bank, 188–190, 229, 274–275
  • V
    • Vagelos, Roy, 105, 182–183, 214–215
    • Values:
      • defining your, 106–107, 107f
      • in evaluating your life, 49
      • living your (See Living your values)
      • of Medtronic, 3
      • moral and organizational, alignment of, 110–111
      • prioritizing and evaluating, 119
      • testing, under pressure, 112–115
      • on True North compass, 79f
      • upholding (See Moral leaders)
    • Valukas, Anton, 202
    • Vasella, Dan, 42–44, 64
    • Vimeo, 172–173
    • Vision, common, 209–212
    • Vivendi, 177
    • VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity), 246, 246f
    • VUCA 2.0: Vision, Understanding, Courage, and Adaptability, 246–247, 246f
    • Vulnerability:
      • as power, 92–94
      • promoting, 101
      • trust and confidence created by, 146
  • W
    • Wagoner, Rick, 201
    • Wallis, Jim, 192–194, 278
    • Wall Street Journal, 61, 66
    • Wall Street Journal test, 112, 119
    • Watson, Thomas, 111
    • Weaknesses:
      • acknowledging your, 90–91
      • Buffett's avoidance of, 126
      • in organizing cohesive teams, 207
      • of team members, 175
    • Weinberger, Mark, 51–52
    • Welch, Jack, 4
      • Clayton's planning meetings with, 32
      • on Ishrak, 191
      • leadership qualities of, 214
      • and Sharer, 130
      • Sharer's work with, 213
    • We leaders, 168f
    • Well‐being:
      • capacity for, 89
      • creating, 152–155
      • defined, 152
      • developing mental acuity, 153–154
      • managing, 17–18
      • nurturing your spirit, 154–155
      • sacrificing your, 89–90
      • taking care of your body, 154
    • Wells Fargo, 230
    • Welsh, Tim, 188–190, 229
    • “We Need a New Capitalism” (Benioff), 273
    • WeWork, 65–66
    • What you are, who you are vs., 226f
    • Whitehurst, Jim, 215–216
    • Who you are, what you are vs., 226f
    • Whyte, David, 94
    • Wilder Foundation, 234
    • Williams, Ron, 216
    • Winfrey, Oprah, 44–46
    • Winklevoss, Cameron, 60
    • Winklevoss, Tyler, 60
    • Winning, as focus during crises, 257–259
    • With Honor, 195
    • Wooden, John, 200
    • Work ethic, 115–116
    • Work–life balance, 6, 73, 139–140, 140f. (See also Leading an integrated life)
    • WorldCom, 1, 245
    • Worldview, 153
  • Z
    • Zuckerberg, Mark, 60–62
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