Part Three
Lead People

Part I looked inward as you explored your life journey and development as an authentic leader. In Part II, we used a compass to capture the idea of True North and bring together the practices of cultivating self‐awareness, developing values, finding your sweet spot, and integrating your life. These practices help you stay grounded and serve as essential preparation for making the journey from I to We, or from self‐centeredness to other‐centeredness.

In Part III, the focus shifts outward. As a well‐developed leader, how will you apply your energies to meeting the needs of society? The real measure of your effectiveness as a leader is your ability to use your True North to lead a group of people in solving challenging problems that truly impact the world.

By shifting your focus from yourself to others, you make the transformation from I to We (Chapter 8). Fundamentally, this is about adopting a servant leadership approach.

Then you are prepared to discern your personal purpose, what we call North Star, in leading others. When you bring your North Star into alignment with your organization’s purpose, you unleash tremendous passion (Chapter 9).

Having this clarity enables you to COACH your teammates instead of using traditional top‐down managerial techniques. To bring this idea to life, we propose a framework of Caring, Organizing, Aligning, Challenging, and Helping (Chapter 10).

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