Part Four
Navigate Today's Challenges

Parts I, II, and III laid out the structure of authentic leadership. In Part IV, we address special topics of pressing interest: building inclusive organizations, leading through crisis, and moral leadership.

Chapter 11 on inclusive leadership claims that diversity is necessary but insufficient. Too many organizations focus on diversity and equity goals without doing the difficult work to build radically inclusive cultures. We profile a number of diverse leaders—many of whom want to be known more for their character (who they are) and their results (what they achieve) than their demographics (how they were born). We also address the accountability necessary to achieve equality in the workplace.

Chapter 12 addresses the constant stream of crises in the last 20 years and offers 7 practical steps leaders can take:

  • Face reality, starting with yourself.
  • Dig deep for the root cause.
  • Engage with frontline teams.
  • Never waste a good crisis.
  • Get ready for the long haul.
  • In the spotlight, follow your True North.
  • Go on offense, with a focus on winning now.

Finally, Chapter 13 is a call to exemplify moral leadership, the sum of all the concepts we discuss in the Emerging Leader Edition of True North. We profile a series of leaders who have recast their work—from making blue jeans to making software—in explicitly moral terms. At the end of our lives, we will be asked how we have treated those we love and left the world around us.

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