Sending a Voluntary Termination Hint to a Direct Report


“You can't fire me,” legions of sitcom stars have shouted, “I quit!” How often managers wish this cliché could be reality. There are those times that no matter what efforts everyone has made to the contrary, an employee just doesn't fit. Attitude, performance, attendance, and all else combine to make it clear that an individual just isn't going to make it. The goal of this script is to help you to bring about the voluntary termination of such a direct report by hinting at its desirability. By presenting evidence of work incompatibility in an understanding, non‐threatening manner, soliciting the individual's reflection upon that evidence, and indicating the advantages of voluntary termination, hints may become a reality.


  • Attitude: Expect to feel a bit awkward. As difficult as terminating an employee is, it's still straightforward and businesslike. Hinting to a subordinate that they leave is often uncomfortable because it's so indirect and usually involves a “nice person, poor worker” scenario. Knowing your actions are driven by doing what's best for all should help.
  • Preparation: Have specific actions and activities that indicate the poor working relationship. Be personally clear on what the advantages of resigning are so you can present them. Finally, carefully prepare and practice the script.
    Flow diagram depicting a course of action for 74. Sending a Voluntary Termination Hint to a Direct Report with an opening statement, situations, and responses.
    Flow diagram depicting a course of action for 74. Sending a Voluntary Termination Hint to a Direct Report with situations and responses.
  • Timing: Meet at least four days before the day you'd actually terminate the individual. Schedule the meeting at the end of the work day to allow an overnight think‐over and avoid all‐day co‐worker commiseration that will disrupt the workplace. If your hinting has been successfully “read,” or your relationship with the individual has allowed you to be direct, meet immediately the next morning to implement the plan.
  • Behavior: Be controlled and low‐key. Since hinting at a course of action is involved, expect questions and confusion, real or feigned, about your position. Even if the message is received, expect being pressed to deliver it more directly. If your rapport with the individual allows it, move to being absolutely direct and to the point.


This script can be modified to:

  • Hint that a direct report voluntarily relinquishes a supervisory role or give up job responsibilities.


  • Be prepared to give examples of the individual's attitude and actions that support your decision.
  • Provide enough time before any termination is planned for the individual to decide.
  • Carefully prepare and rehearse what you are going to say.
  • Remain low‐key but in control and businesslike.
  • If the relationship supports it, abandon any hints and be absolutely direct.
  • Be clear on your expected timeline for action.
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