The Erlang Multirate Loss Model With Batched Poisson Arrivals

In this chapter we consider multirate loss models of batched Poisson arriving calls with fixed bandwidth requirements and fixed bandwidth allocation during service. In the batched Poisson process, simultaneous call‐arrivals (batches) occur at time‐points which follow a negative exponential distribution. A batched Poisson process can model overflow traffic.

10.1 The Erlang Multirate Loss Model with Batched Poisson Arrivals

10.1.1 The Service System

In the Erlang multirate loss model with batched Poisson arrivals (BP‐EMLM) we consider a link of capacity C b.u. that accommodates K different service‐classes under the CS policy. Calls of all service‐classes arrive in the link according to a batched Poisson process.

In the batched Poisson process, one basic principle of random arrivals, according to which no simultaneous arrivals occur (Figure 10.1a), is abolished, while another basic principle of random arrivals, according to which arrivals (the batches) occur at time‐points following a negative exponential distribution, is kept (Figure 10.1b) [14]. The batched Poisson process is important not only because in several applications calls arrive as batches (groups), but also because it can represent, in an approximate way, arrival processes that are more “peaked” and “bursty” (expressed by the peakedness factor images) than the Poisson process. The peakedness factor, images, is the ratio of the variance over the mean of the number of arrivals: if images, the arrival process is Poisson, if images, the arrival process is quasi‐random (see Chapter 6), and if images, the process is more peaked and bursty than Poisson. For example, batched Poisson processes are used to model overflow traffic (where images) [3].

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 10.1 Call arrivals according to (a) a Poisson process and (b) a batched Poisson process.

Calls of service‐class images require images b.u. to be serviced and have an exponentially distributed service time with mean images. Calls arrive to the link according to a batched Poisson process with arrival rate images and batch size distribution images, where images denotes the probability that there are images calls in an arriving batch of service‐class images.

The batch blocking discipline adopted in the BP‐EMLM is partial batch blocking. According to the partial batch blocking discipline, a part of the entire batch (one or more calls) is accepted in the link while the rest of it is discarded when the available link bandwidth is not enough to accommodate the entire batch. More precisely, if an arriving batch of service‐class images contains images calls and the available link bandwidth is images b.u., where images, then images calls will be accepted in the link (where images is the largest integer not exceeding images) and the other images calls will be blocked and lost. The complete batch blocking discipline, where the whole batch is blocked and lost, even if only one call of the batch cannot be accepted in the system, is not covered here since it results in complex and inefficient formulas for the calculation of the various performance measures [257].

Let images be the number of in‐service calls of service‐class images in the steady state and images, images. Due to the CS policy, the set images of the state space is given by (I.36). In terms of images and due to the partial batch blocking discipline (where each call is treated separately to the other calls of a batch), the CAC is identical to that of the EMLM (see Section 1.2.1).

10.1.2 The Analytical Model Steady State Probabilities

In order to analyze the service system, the first target is to determine the PFS of the steady state probability images. In the classical EMLM, the PFS of (1.30) is determined as a consequence of the LB between adjacent states. In the BP‐EMLM, the notion of LB as described in the EMLM does not hold; this is shown by the following example.

Based on (10.2) and (10.3), we have the following local flow balance equation across the level images for service‐class images calls:


The following lemma establishes the sufficiency of the flow balance across the levels images for ensuring GB for state images [ 3]:

Graphical representation of (10.13) (Example 10.3) depicted by 4 circles labeled 0, 1, 2, and 3 (left-right) linked by arrows. Vertical dashed lines labeled L(1)(1) and L(1)(2) are situated between 1 and 2 and 2 and 3.

Figure 10.3 Graphical representation of 10.13 (Example 10.3).

The PFS that satisfies (10.6) and (10.10) is given by [ 3]:


where images is the normalization constant, images, images is the state space of the system, images, and


where images is the offered traffic‐load (in erl).

An important batch size distribution is the geometric distribution, which is memoryless and a discrete equivalent of the exponential distribution. If calls of service‐class k arrive in batches of size images, where images is geometrically distributed with parameter images, i.e., images with images, then we have in (10.15), images. In that case, the average batch size for service‐class images batches will be images.

The existence of a PFS for the steady‐state probabilities leads to an accurate recursive formula for the calculation of the unnormalized link occupancy distribution, images [ 3]:


where images is the largest integer less than or equal to images and images is the complementary batch size distribution given by images.

The proof of (10.16) is similar to the proof of (1.39) and therefore is omitted.

If calls of service‐class images arrive in batches of size images, where images is given by the geometric distribution with parameter images (for all images) then the BP‐EMLM coincides with the model proposed by Delbrouck in [8], as shown in [ 1] and [ 3]. More precisely, since images, ( 10.16) takes the form:


If images for images and images for images, for all service‐classes, then we have a Poisson process and the EMLM results (i.e., the Kaufman–Roberts recursion of (1.39)). TC Probabilities, CBP, Utilization, and Mean Number of In‐service Calls

The following performance measures can be determined based on ( 10.16):

  • The TC probabilities of service‐class images, via the formula:
    where images is the normalization constant.
  • The CBP (or CC probabilities) of service‐class images, via the formula:
    where images denotes the average size of service images arriving batches and is given by images. In the case of the geometric distribution, images).
  • The mean number of in‐service calls of service‐class images, via (1.56), where the values of images can be determined via:

    where images and images if images.

    Note that (10.20) is an intermediate result for the proof of ( 10.16) [ 3]. Indeed, by multiplying both sides of ( 10.20) with images and taking the sum over all service‐classes, we have ( 10.16).

  • The link utilization, images, via (1.54).

10.2 The Erlang Multirate Loss Model with Batched Poisson Arrivals under the BR Policy

10.2.1 The Service System

In the Erlang multirate loss model with batched Poisson arrivals under the BR policy (BP‐EMLM/BR) a new service‐class images call is accepted in the link if, after its acceptance, the link has at least images b.u. available to serve calls of other service‐classes.

In terms of the system state‐space images and due to the partial batch blocking discipline, the CAC is identical to that of the EMLM/BR (see Section

10.2.2 The Analytical Model Link Occupancy Distribution

In the BP‐EMLM/BR, the unnormalized values of the link occupancy distribution, images, can be calculated in an approximate way according to either the Roberts method (see Section or the Stasiak–Glabowski method (see Section Herein we present the first method. Both methods have been investigated in [9], where the conclusions show that (i) both methods provide satisfactory results compared to simulation results, (ii) the Roberts method is preferable when only two service‐classes exist in the link or when the offered traffic‐load is low, and (iii) the Stasiak–Glabowski method can be considered when equalization of blocking probabilities is required, whereas it is preferable when more than two services exist and the offered traffic‐load is high.

Based on Roberts method, ( 10.16) takes the form [ 9]:


where images is determined via (1.65). TC Probabilities, CBP, Utilization, and Mean Number of In‐service Calls

The following performance measures can be determined based on (10.21):

  • The TC probabilities of service‐class images, via the formula:
    where images is the normalization constant.
  • The CBP (or CC probabilities) of service‐class images, via ( 10.19).
  • The mean number of in‐service calls of service‐class images, via (1.56), where the values of images can be determined via:
  • The link utilization, images, via (1.54).

10.3 The Erlang Multirate Loss Model with Batched Poisson Arrivals under the Threshold Policy

10.3.1 The Service System

In the Erlang multirate loss model with batched Poisson arrivals under the TH policy (BP‐EMLM/TH) we adopt the following TH‐type CAC to each individual call upon a batch arrival of service‐class images:

  1. Due to the TH policy, the number of in‐service calls of service‐class images, should be less than a threshold images, otherwise the new call cannot be accepted in the link.
  2. If constraint (a) is met, then if images, the call is accepted in the system, otherwise the call is blocked and lost (due to link bandwidth unavailability).

10.3.2 The Analytical Model Steady State Probabilities

In order to analyze the service system, the first target is to determine the PFS of the steady state probability images. Following the analysis of Section, it is easy to verify that the GB equation of ( 10.10) does hold for a state images, where images. It can also be proved that the PFS of the BP‐EMLM/TH is given by (10.14) and ( 10.15), where ( 10.15) holds for images [10].

To rely on ( 10.14) and ( 10.15) for determining the TC and CC probabilities or link utilization, state space enumeration and processing are required. To circumvent this problem, which is quite complex for many service‐classes and large capacity links, we present the following three‐step convolution algorithm by modifying the convolution algorithm of [11]:

c10f004 TC Probabilities, CBP, Utilization, and Mean Number of In‐service Calls

The following performance measures can be determined based on (10.25)–(10.28):

  • The TC probabilities of service‐class images, via the formula:

    The first sum in (10.29) refers to states images where there is not enough bandwidth for service‐class images calls. The other term refers to states images, where available link bandwidth exists, but nevertheless blocking occurs due to the TH policy. The normalization constant images in the second term of ( 10.29) refers to the value used in (10.28).

  • The CBP (or CC probabilities) of service‐class images, via the formula ( 10.19).
  • The mean number of in‐service calls of service‐class images, via (1.56), where the values of images can be determined via:

    where images and images if images.

    The nominator of (10.30) shows the “transfer” of the population of service‐class images calls from the previous states images to state images due to an arrival of a service‐class images batch. The normalization constant images refers to the value used in (10.28).

  • The link utilization, images, via (1.54).

10.4 Applications

An interesting application of the BP‐EMLM has been proposed in [12] for the calculation of various performance measures, including call blocking and handover failure probabilities in a LEO mobile satellite system (MSS). In [ 12], a LEO‐MSS of images contiguous “satellite‐fixed” cells is considered, each having a fixed capacity of images channels. Moreover, each cell is modeled as a rectangle of length images (e.g., images km in the case of the iridium LEO‐MSS [13]) that forms a strip of contiguous coverage on the region of the Earth. Next, a few common assumptions are made. LEO satellite orbits are polar and circular. MUs are uniformly distributed on the Earth surface, while they are considered as fixed. This assumption is valid as long as the rotation of the Earth and the speed of a MU are negligible compared to the subsatellite point speed on the Earth [14]. Moreover, either beam handovers, within a particular footprint, or handovers between adjacent satellites of the same orbit plane may occur. The system of these images cells accommodates MUs that generate calls of images service‐classes with different QoS requirements. Each service‐class images call requires a fixed number of images channels for its whole duration in the system. New service‐class images calls arrive in the system according to a batched Poisson process with arrival rate images and batch size distribution images. Due to the uniform MUs distribution, new calls may arrive in any cell with equal probability. The cell that a new call originates is the source cell. Due to the call arrival process of new service‐class images calls, we model the arrival process of handover calls of service‐class images via a batched Poisson process with arrival rate images and batch size distribution images. The arrival of handover calls in a cell is as follows. Handover calls cross the source cell's boundaries to the adjacent right cell having a constant velocity of images, where images (approx. 26600 km/h in the iridium constellation) is the subsatellite point speed. An in‐service call that departs from the last cell (cell images) will request a handover in cell 1, thus having a continuous cellular network (Figure 10.9).

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 10.9 A rectangular cell model for the LEO‐MSS network.

Based on the above, let images be the dwell time of a call in a cell (i.e., the time that a call remains in the cell). Then, images is (i) uniformly distributed in images for new calls in their source cell and (ii) deterministically equal to images for handover calls that traverse any adjacent cell from border to border. Based on (ii), images expresses the interarrival time for all handovers subsequent to the first one. As far as the duration of a service‐class images call (new or handover) in the system and the channel holding time in a cell are concerned, they are exponentially distributed with mean images and images, respectively.

To determine formulas for the handover arrival rate images and the channel holding time with mean images of service‐class images calls, we define:

  1. The parameter images as the ratio between the mean duration of a service‐class images call in the system and the dwell time of a call in a cell [ 14]:
  2. The time images as the interval from the arrival of a new service‐class images call in the source cell to the instant of the first handover. images is uniformly distributed in images with pdf images [15]:
  3. The probabilities images and images express the handover probability for a service‐class images call in the source and in a transit cell, respectively. These probabilities are different due to the different distances covered by a MU in the source cell and in the transit cells. More precisely, images is defined as:

    where images is the service‐class images call duration time (exponentially distributed with mean images).

    The residual service time of a service‐class images call after a successful handover request has the same pdf as images (due to the memoryless property of the exponential distribution). It follows then that images can be expressed by:


The handover arrival rate images can be related to images by assuming that in each cell there exists a flow equilibrium between MUs entering and leaving the cell. In that case, we may write the following flow equilibrium equation (MUs entering the cell = MUs leaving the cell):


where images refers to the CBP of new service‐class images calls in the source cell and images refers to the handover failure probability of service‐class images calls in transit cells. The LHS of (10.35) refers to new and handover service‐class images calls that are accepted in the cell with probability images and images, respectively. The RHS of ( 10.35) refers to (i) service‐class images calls that are handed over to the transit cell (depicted by images), (ii) new calls that complete their service in the source cell without requesting a handover (depicted by images), and (iii) handover calls that do not handover to the transit cell (depicted by images).

Equation ( 10.35) can be rewritten as:


To derive a formula for the channel holding time of service‐class images calls, note that channels are occupied in a cell by either new or handover calls. Furthermore, channels are occupied either until the end of service of a call or until a call is handed over to a transit cell. Since the channel holding time is expressed as images in the case of the source cell and images in the case of a transit cell, then the mean value of images for images is given by:


Now let images and images be the probabilities that a channel is occupied by a new and a handover service‐class images call, respectively. Then:


Based on (10.37) and (10.38), the channel holding time of service‐class images calls (either new or handover) is approximated by an exponential distribution whose mean images is the weighted sum of ( 10.37) (for images) multiplied by the corresponding probabilities images (for images) and images (for images):


Having determined the various input traffic parameters, we can analyze the LEO‐MSS via the BP‐EMLM assuming that each cell is modeled as a multirate loss system, where all calls compete for the available channels under the CS policy. To facilitate the description of the analytical model in [ 12], we distinguish new from handover calls and assume that each cell accommodates calls of images service‐classes. A service‐class images is new if images and handover if images.

10.5 Further Reading

Due to the close relationship between the models of this chapter and the EMLM, the EMLM/BR, and the EMLM/TH, the interested reader may refer to the corresponding section of Chapter 1 . In addition, due to the fact that the BP‐EMLM can be used for the analysis of overflow traffic, it may be a candidate analytical model for various multirate loss systems that carry overflow traffic (e.g., [1619]). Other extensions of the BP‐EMLM that show the applicability of the model in wireless networks appear in [2022]. In [ 20], the BP‐EMLM is used for the CBP determination in the X2 link of LTE networks. In [21], the BP‐EMLM is extended to include multiple access interference, both the notion of local (soft) and hard blocking, the user's activity, as well as interference cancellation for the calculation of congestion probabilities in CDMA networks. An extension of [ 21] that incorporates the BP‐EMLM/BR is proposed in [ 22].


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