Stephen D. Lapan was professor emeritus at Northern Arizona University, where he directed the Curriculum and Instruction Doctoral Program. He taught courses in statistics, tests and measurements, program evaluation, action research, introduction to research, advanced research design, and paradigms for research. He received a PhD in educational psychology from the University of Connecticut. He conducted various types of research including several program evaluations. Among his publications are three books, Survival in the Classroom (with E. House), Foundations for Research (with K. deMarrais), and Research Essentials: An Introduction to Designs and Practices (with M. T. Quartaroli). Awards include the Arizona Association for Gifted and Talented Honor Board Life Achievement Award and Northern Arizona University College of Education Distinguished Service Award for Research. He served as editor for the Excellence in Teaching Journal, as consulting editor for the Journal of Research in Childhood Education, and as a review editor for the International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.

MaryLynn T. Quartaroli has bachelor's degrees in theater, history, and geology, a master's degree in geology, and her doctorate in curriculum and instruction. Her areas of specialization include research methodologies, evaluation and assessment, science education, and Native American and adult education, as illustrated in her dissertation, An Evaluation of the American Indian Air Quality Training Program. She is the undergraduate research coordinator in the Office of the Vice President for Research at Northern Arizona University; she is also an external evaluator for programs funded by the U.S. Department of Education in projects as diverse as the Math and Science Partnerships and the Carol M. White Physical Education Program. She occasionally teaches research and curriculum classes for Northern Arizona University's Curriculum and Instruction Doctoral Program. With Stephen D. Lapan, she coedited and authored the data analysis chapters in Research Essentials: An Introduction to Designs and Practices.

Frances Julia Riemer received a PhD in educational anthropology from the University of Pennsylvania. She is currently an associate professor in the College of Education and the Women and Gender Studies Program at Northern Arizona University. She is an ethnographer who has conducted both long- and short-term ethnographic research in the United States, southern and eastern Africa, and Latin America. She has published a monograph, Working at the Margins: Moving off Welfare in America, and has had articles published in Anthropology and Education Quarterly, Practicing Anthropology, Research Methods: Current Social Work Applications, Action in Teacher Education, and Educational Technology and Society. She is currently working on We Got the Light: Botswana and Stories of African Development, based on ten years of ethnographic data collection in the southern African country of Botswana. She is the recipient of a Fulbright Scholar Award, a postdoctoral fellowship from the National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation, a dissertation fellowship from the Spencer Foundation, and an Elva Knight research grant from the International Reading Association. She has developed and taught courses in educational sociology, ethnographic research methods, qualitative data analysis, and women's studies research.

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