
Welcome to HTML5 & CSS3 for the Real World. We’re glad you’ve decided to join us on this journey of discovering some of the latest and the greatest in front-end website building technology.

If you’ve picked up a copy of this book, it’s likely that you’ve dabbled to some degree in HTML and CSS. You might even be a bit of a seasoned pro in certain areas of markup, styling, or scripting, and now want to extend those skills further by dipping into the new features and technologies associated with HTML5 and CSS3.

Learning a new task can be difficult. You may have limited time to invest in poring over the official documentation and specifications for these web-based languages. You also might be turned off by some of the overly technical books that work well as references but provide little in the way of real-world, practical examples.

To that end, our goal with this book is to help you learn through hands-on, practical instruction that will assist you to tackle the real-world problems you face in building websites today—with a specific focus on HTML5 and CSS3.

But this is more than just a step-by-step tutorial. Along the way, we’ll provide plenty of theory and technical information to help fill in any gaps in your understanding—the whys and hows of these new technologies—while doing our best not to overwhelm you with the sheer volume of cool new stuff. So let’s get started!

Who Should Read This Book

This book is aimed at web designers and front-end developers who want to learn about the latest generation of browser-based technologies. You should already have at least intermediate knowledge of HTML and CSS, as we won’t be spending any time covering the basics of markup and styles. Instead, we’ll focus on teaching you what new powers are available to you in the form of HTML5 and CSS3.

The final two chapters of this book cover some of the new JavaScript APIs that have come to be associated with HTML5. These chapters, of course, require some basic familiarity with JavaScript—but they’re not critical to the rest of the book. If you’re unfamiliar with JavaScript, there’s no harm in skipping over them for now, returning later when you’re better acquainted with it.

What’s in This Book

This book comprises eleven chapters and three appendices. Most chapters follow on from each other, so you’ll probably get the most benefit reading them in sequence, but you can certainly skip around if you only need a refresher on a particular topic.

Chapter 1: Introducing HTML5 and CSS3

Before we tackle the hands-on stuff, we’ll present you with a little bit of history, along with some compelling reasons to start using HTML5 and CSS3 today. We’ll also look at the current state of affairs in terms of browser support, and argue that a great deal of these new technologies are ready to be used today—so long as they’re used wisely.

Chapter 2: Markup, HTML5 Style

In this chapter, we’ll show you some of the new structural and semantic elements that are new in HTML5. We’ll also be introducing The HTML5 Herald, a demo site we’ll be working on throughout the rest of the book. Think divs are boring? So do we. Good thing HTML5 now provides an assortment of options: article, section, nav, footer, aside, and header!

Chapter 3: More HTML5 Semantics

Continuing on from the previous chapter, we turn our attention to the new way in which HTML5 constructs document outlines. Then we look at a plethora of other semantic elements that let you be a little more expressive with your markup.

Chapter 4: HTML5 Forms

Some of the most useful and currently applicable features in HTML5 pertain to forms. A number of browsers now support native validation on email types like emails and URLs, and some browsers even support native date pickers, sliders, and spinner boxes. It’s almost enough to make you enjoy coding forms! This chapter covers everything you need to know to be up to speed writing HTML5 forms, and provides scripted fallbacks for older browsers.

Chapter 5: HTML5 Audio and Video

HTML5 is often touted as a contender for the online multimedia content crown, long held by Flash. The new audio and video elements are the reason—they provide native, scriptable containers for your media without relying on a third-party plugin like Flash. In this chapter, you’ll learn all the ins and outs of putting these new elements to work.

Chapter 6: Introducing CSS3

Now that we’ve covered just about all of HTML5, it’s time to move onto its close relative CSS3. We’ll start our tour of CSS3 by looking at some of the new selectors that let you target elements on the page with unprecedented flexibility. Then we’ll follow up with a look at some new ways of specifying color in CSS3, including transparency. We’ll close the chapter with a few quick wins—cool CSS3 features that can be added to your site with a minimum of work: text shadows, drop shadows, and rounded corners.

Chapter 7: CSS3 Gradients and Multiple Backgrounds

When was the last time you worked on a site that didn’t have a gradient or a background image on it? CSS3 provides some overdue support to developers spending far too much time wrangling with Photoshop, trying to create the perfect background gradients and images without breaking the bandwidth bank. Now you can specify linear or radial gradients right in your CSS without images, and you can give an element any number of background images. Time to ditch all those spare divs you’ve been lugging around.

Chapter 8: CSS3 Transforms and Transitions

Animation has long been seen as the purview of JavaScript, but CSS3 lets you offload some of the heavy lifting to the browser. Transforms let you rotate, flip, skew, and otherwise throw your elements around. Transitions can add some subtlety to the otherwise jarring all-on or all-off state changes we see on our sites. We wrap up this chapter with a glimpse of the future; while CSS keyframe animations still lack widespread support, we think you’ll agree they’re pretty sweet.

Chapter 9: Embedded Fonts and Multicolumn Layouts

Do you prefer Arial or Verdana? Georgia or Times? How about none of those? In this chapter, we’ll look at how we can move past the “web-safe” fonts of yesteryear and embed any fonts right into our pages for visitors to download along with our stylesheets and images. We’ll also look at a promising new CSS feature that allows us to lay out content across multiple columns without using extra markup or the dreaded float.

Chapter 10: Geolocation, Offline Web Apps, and Web Storage

The latest generation of browsers come equipped with a wide selection of new standard JavaScript APIs. Many of these are specifically geared towards mobile browsers, but still carry benefits for desktop users. In this chapter, we’ll look at three of the most exciting: Geolocation, Offline Web Apps, and Web Storage. We’ll also touch briefly on some of the APIs that we won’t be covering in detail—either because they’re poorly supported, or have limited use cases—and give you some pointers should you want to investigate further.

Chapter 11: Canvas, SVG, and Drag and Drop

We devote the book’s final chapter to, first of all, covering two somewhat competing technologies for drawing and displaying graphics. Canvas is new to HTML5, and provides a pixel surface and a JavaScript API for drawing shapes to it. SVG, on the other hand, has been around for years, but is now achieving very good levels of browser support, so it’s an increasingly viable alternative. Finally, we’ll cover one more new JavaScript API—Drag and Drop—which provides native handling of drag-and-drop interfaces.

Appendix A: Modernizr

A key tool in any HTML5 superhero’s utility belt, Modernizr is a nifty little JavaScript library that detects support for just about every HTML5 and CSS3 feature, allowing you to selectively style your site or apply fallback strategies. We’ve included a quick primer on how to use Modernizr in this appendix, even though Modernizr is used throughout the book. This way, you have a ready reference available in one place, while the other chapters focus on the meat of HTML5 and CSS3.

Appendix B: WAI-ARIA

A separate specification that’s often mentioned in the same breath as HTML5, WAI-ARIA is the latest set of tools to help make sophisticated web applications accessible to users of assistive technology. While a whole book could be devoted to WAI-ARIA, we thought it beneficial to include a quick summary of what it is, as well as some pointers to places where you can learn more.

Appendix C: Microdata

Microdata is part of the HTML5 specification that deals with annotating markup with machine-readable labels. It’s still somewhat in flux, but we thought it was worthwhile to get you up to speed with a few examples.

Where to Find Help

SitePoint has a thriving community of web designers and developers ready and waiting to help you out if you run into trouble. We also maintain a list of known errata for the book, which you can consult for the latest updates.

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The Book’s Website

Located at, the website that supports this book will give you access to the following facilities:

The Code Archive

As you progress through this book, you’ll note a number of references to the code archive. This is a downloadable ZIP archive that contains every line of example source code printed in this book. If you want to cheat (or save yourself from carpal tunnel syndrome), go ahead and download the archive.

Updates and Errata

No book is perfect, and we expect that watchful readers will be able to spot at least one or two mistakes before the end of this one. The Errata page on the book’s website will always have the latest information about known typographical and code errors.

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If you’re unable to find an answer through the forums, or if you wish to contact us for any other reason, the best place to write is . We have a well-staffed email support system set up to track your inquiries, and if our support team members can’t answer your question, they’ll send it straight to us. Suggestions for improvements, as well as notices of any mistakes you may find, are especially welcome.


Alexis Goldstein

Thank you to Lisa Lang, Russ Weakley, and Louis Simoneau. Your attention to detail, responsiveness, and impressive technical expertise made this book an absolute joy to work on. Thank you to my co-authors, Louis and Estelle, who never failed to impress me with their deep knowledge, vast experience, and uncanny ability to find bugs in the latest browsers. A special thank you to Estelle for the encouragement, for which I am deeply grateful. Finally, thank you to my girlfriend Tabatha, who now knows more about HTML5’s JavaScript APIs than most of my nerdy friends. Thank you for your patience, your feedback, and all your support. You help me take things less seriously, which, as anyone who knows me knows, is a monumental task. Thank you for always making me laugh.

Louis Lazaris

Thank you to my wife for putting up with my odd work hours while I took part in this great project. Thanks to my talented co-authors, Estelle and Alexis, for gracing me with the privilege of having my name alongside theirs, and, of course, to our expert reviewer Russ for his great technical insight during the writing process. And special thanks to the talented staff at SitePoint for their super-professional handling of this project and everything that goes along with such an endeavor.

Estelle Weyl

Thank you to the entire open source community. With the option to “view source,” I have learned from every developer who opted for markup rather than plugins. I would especially like to thank Jen Mei Wu and Sandi Watkins, who helped point me in the right direction when I began my career. Thank you to Dave Gregory and Laurie Voss who have always been there to help me find the words when they escaped me. Thank you to Stephanie Sullivan for brainstorming over code into the wee hours of the morning. And thank you to my developer friends at Opera, Mozilla, and Google for creating awesome browsers, providing us with the opportunity to not just play with HTML5 and CSS, but also to write this book.

Conventions Used in This Book

You’ll notice that we’ve used certain typographic and layout styles throughout the book to signify different types of information. Look out for the following items:

Code Samples

Code in this book will be displayed using a fixed-width font, like so:

<h1>A Perfect Summer's Day</h1>
<p>It was a lovely day for a walk in the park. The birds 
were singing and the kids were all back at school.</p>

If the code is to be found in the book’s code archive, the name of the file will appear at the top of the program listing, like this:

.footer {
  background-color: #CCC;
  border-top: 1px solid #333;

If only part of the file is displayed, this is indicated by the word excerpt:

example.css (excerpt)
  border-top: 1px solid #333;

If additional code is to be inserted into an existing example, the new code will be displayed in bold:

function animate() {
  new_variable = "Hello";

Where existing code is required for context, rather than repeat all the code, a vertical ellipsis will be displayed:

function animate() {
  return new_variable;

Some lines of code are intended to be entered on one line, but we’ve had to wrap them because of page constraints. A ↵ indicates a line break that exists for formatting purposes only, and should be ignored:"

Tips, Notes, and Warnings

Tip: Hey, You!

Tips will give you helpful little pointers.

Note: Ahem, Excuse Me …

Notes are useful asides that are related—but not critical—to the topic at hand. Think of them as extra tidbits of information.

Important: Make Sure You Always …

… pay attention to these important points.

Warning: Watch Out!

Warnings will highlight any gotchas that are likely to trip you up along the way.

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