

AAO nanoimprinting, 111
ablation techniques, 42–4
acceleration sensors, 30, 31, 157
accelerometers, 157
active microvalves, 207–10
actuation, 26, 27, 155–7, 208–10
additive processing, 74–5
adhesive microneedle backing, 258, 259
advanced microfabrication methods, 55–89
LIGA concepts, 57–8
micro-ceramic processing, 59–70
non-silicon hybrid devices, 71–4
planar lightwave circuits, 74–80
reactive ion etching, 59
silicon hybrid devices, 71–4
speciality substrates, 71
Advanced Silicon Etching (ASE), 59
agriculture, 182
Al2O3, 66–7, 170
alumina, 111, 170–1
aluminium etch, 22
aluminium support frames, 162–3
amorphous materials:
micromechanical transducers, 154
oxide nanoarrays, 123–4, 125
photostructurable glass, 36–8
planar lightwave circuits, 77
wet etching, 33–4, 35, 36
amperometry, 187, 188
anisotropic etching:
micro-mechanical actuation, 208
photostructurable glass, 36, 37
silicon micromachining, 21–2, 23, 29–31
aqueous microneedle conduits, 252
Argon ion lasers, 113
artificial oxide nanoarrays, 123–4
artificial oxygenation, 129
ASE (Advanced Silicon Etching), 59
atomic layer deposition (ALD), 170–1
atom lithography, 114
automatic pipettes, 211
automotive sensor technology, 155


bacteria, 129
bar code scanners, 166, 167
basic microsystem technologies, 13–54
non-silicon processing, 33–49
photolithography, 14–17
silicon micromachining, 21–32
thin films, 17–21
batch fabricated quartz resonators, 33, 35
batch processing of packaged sensors, 157
batch-replication, 260–1
batch-type microfluidic approaches, 202–3
bimetallic actuator structures, 209–10
bimorph strips, 156
bioceramics, 61
biochemical sensor information, 183–9
biochip technology, 191–2
bio-inspired oxide nanoarrays, 129–30
biological sensors, 179–98
application fields, 180–2
biochemical information, 183–9
cell-based types, 192–5
development methodology, 188–9
electrochemical arrays, 190–5
integrated chemFET devices, 189–90
integrated clinical diagnostics, 190–5
MST foundry service industry, 84
pH sensors, 189–90
templated nanoarrays, 110
biomedical devices (nanomaterials), 124
biomimetics/biomimickry, 92, 130
biomolecular recognition, 151–2
bio-nanoarrays, 109
bioredox, 129
bio-templated oxide nanoarrays, 129–30
glucose levels, 259, 260–1
microfluidics, 204
sensors, 181–2
BOE (buffered oxide etch), 22
bolus injections, 257
bonding-and-etchback techniques, 71
borosilicate glass, 33–4, 35
BOSCH pressure sensors, 151
Bosch processes, 29, 32
BOSCH Reutlingen facility, 151, 152
boss-features, 162
bottom antireflection coating (BARC), 117–18
bottom-up approaches, 92, 93–122, 127
Braille displays, 209
bromine-based gas mixtures, 26
buffered oxide etch (BOE), 22
bulk quartz/silicon micromachining, 28–32, 33, 34
buried oxide layers (BOX), 71


CAD (computer aided design), 16
cantilever components, 162–3
capacitive packaged sensors, 157
capillaries, 63–6, 201
see also microfluidics
capillary effect, 211, 212
capillary electrophoresis (CE), 219–28
carboxylic groups, 109
catalytic coating, 130
CE (capillary electrophoresis), 219–28
cell-based sensors, 182, 192–5
cell biology, 120
cell culture, 217
cell sorting devices, 215, 216
cement model systems, 63, 64
capillaries, 63–6
curved substrate patterning, 67–9
LIGA concepts, 62–3
micromolding, 60–2, 63–6
microneedles, 247, 248–50, 251
nanoscale resolution patterning, 69–70
oxide nanoarrays, 127–8
powder blasting, 38
processing, 59–70
soft-mold replication, 66–7
Ceraset Polysilazane (PSZ), 66–7
Cercanam (ceramic precursor), 68
cerium oxide (CeO2), 126
chemFET devices, 189–90
chemical sensors, 179–98
application fields, 180–2
biochemical information, 183–9
cell-based biosensors, 192–5
development methodology, 188–9
electrochemical arrays, 190–5
integrated chemFET devices, 189–90
integrated clinical diagnostics, 190–5
pH sensors, 189–90
chemical vapour deposition (CVD), 19–20, 169
chlorine-based gas mixtures, 26
chromium pattern transfer etch masks, 128–9
chucks (wafer dicing), 158
clamped diaphragms, 163, 164, 165
cleanroom facilities:
photolithography, 15, 16
vapor deposition techniques, 20
wet chemical etching, 22, 23, 29–30
clinical sensor diagnostics, 190–5
colloidal nanocrystals (NCs), 154
colloidal self-assembly, 112
comb-drives, 22, 167–8
complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology, 81, 192–3, 195
compliance sensor technology, 155
composite oxide nanoarrays, 124, 125
compressed air systems, 159
computer aided design (CAD), 16
computer-assisted microneedle design studies, 264
conducting metal oxides, 127
conductometry, 186–7
confined synthesis templated techniques, 112
continuous nanoarray layouts, 97, 98
couplers (micromechanical), 162–5
cryo-Deep Reactive Ion Etching, 59
crystalline oxide nanoarrays, 123, 124, 125
curved substrate ceramic patterning, 67–9
cytometers, 215, 216


damping, 163, 165
Datalogic Magellan 8500XT barcode scanners, 166
deep dry etching techniques, 21–2
Deep Reactive Ion Etching (DRIE), 59, 60
deep ultraviolet (DUV) techniques, 99, 102, 103–4, 113
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA):
micromechanical transducers, 152
sensors, 191–2
templated nanoarrays, 107, 109, 110
device level packaged sensors, 157, 158–60
device-to-world connections, 217–19
diabetes see insulin delivery
micro-mechanical actuation, 209
micromechanical couplers, 162–5
packaged sensors, 157
dielectrics, 19
die level packaged sensors, 157, 158, 159
diffusion, 210
digital projectors and displays, 166, 167
dip-coating, 78
dip-pen lithography, 107, 129
direct microneedle approaches, 257–8
direct-write photolithography strategies, 17
direct-write scanning probe lithography, 101–2
discontinuous nanoarray layouts, 97, 98
disposable cytometers, 215, 216
disposable microneedle retainers, 258, 259
dissolving polymer microneedle arrays, 245, 246
micromechanical transducers, 152
sensors, 191–2
templated nanoarrays, 107, 109, 110
dot pattern etchings, 117–18
double-side quartz etching processes, 33, 34, 35
drinking water supply networks, 184–5
drug delivery, 235–72
dry etch processes, 21–2, 24–5, 26, 75, 81
dry surface micromachining, 76
DUV (deep ultraviolet) techniques, 99, 102, 103–4, 113


e-beam lithography, 17, 99, 102, 107, 114–15
ECR (electron cyclotron resonance), 59
egg-shell membranes (ESM), 129
eigenvalues, 163, 164, 165
elastomers, 40
electrical-field assisted nanofabrication, 109
electrochemical etching, 248
electrochemical oxide nanoarray processes, 128
electrochemical sensor techniques, 185–7, 188, 190–5
electrodes, 187, 188, 212
electrodisposition batch-replication, 260–1
electrolytes, 186
electromagnetic actuators, 209
electron beam lithography, 17, 99, 102, 107, 114–15
electron cyclotron resonance (ECR), 59
electronics industry, 103–4
electro-optic substrates, 71
electroosmotic fluid flow, 212
electropherograms, 226–7
electrophoresis, 222–3
electrostatic actuation, 26, 27, 156
embossing, 46–9
emerging nanolithographic technologies, 107–12
environmental pollution, 182
epitaxial deposition, 169
epitaxial growth, 77–8
epoxy-type photoresists, 40, 41
e-reading head-set systems, 166, 167
ESM (egg-shell membranes), 129
etched-released machined gear wheels, 26, 27
etching techniques:
deep reactive ion, 59
integrated optics, 81
Laser Interference Lithography, 117–18
micro-mechanical actuation, 208
microneedle arrays, 248
non-silicon processing, 33–6
photolithography, 16
photostructurable glass, 36, 37
planar lightwave circuits, 75, 76
quartz, 33, 34, 35
silicon micromachining, 21–6, 29–31
wet chemical, 75
etch stops, 30
ethylenediamine perizine (EDP), 29, 161
excimer laser ablation, 44
extreme ultraviolet (EUV) techniques, 102, 104, 113–14


Faradic impedance spectra (FIS), 192, 193
farming, 182
femtosecond laser micromachining principle, 44
fermentation processes, 217
FIA (flow-injection analyses), 182, 213, 214
fiber-chip coupling, 169, 170
fiber couplers, 166
fiber-(electro)spinning, 154–5
FIB (focused ion beam milling), 128–9
fibroblast cells, 111
filters (diffusion), 210
fine-grained polysilicon layers, 161
fine mechanically manufactured arrays, 241
fine-mechanical microneedle approaches, 257–8
finger stick sampling, 223
FIS (Faradic impedance spectra), 192, 193
flip-flop splitter elements, 206, 207
flow-injection analyses (FIA), 182, 213, 214
FlowScope, 158–60
flow-through cells, 184–5
flow-through devices, 201
flow-through microfluidic concepts, 202–3
fluidic networks, 184–5, 187, 188
see also microfluidics
fluorescent-activated cell sorters (FACS), 215, 216
fluorine-based gas mixtures, 26, 32
fluorometric sensors, 183
focused ion beam (FIB) milling, 128–9
food sensors, 192–3, 195
Foturan glass, 36, 37, 38
foundries (microsystems), 29
foundry service industry, 83–4
free-standing microgears, 66, 67
fused glass/silica materials, 154


gallium arsenide (GaAs) substrates, 153
galvanoforming processes, 41–2
galvo-mirrors, 166–7
Bosch processes, 32
dry etch mixtures, 26, 27
etch mixtures, 26, 32
micro-mechanical actuation, 209
gear-trains, 26, 27
genotype testing, 202
geometrically constrained inorganic templates, 111
geometric nanowells, 110
Germanium-doped silica layers, 81–2
cantilever components, 162–3
micro-ceramic processing, 70
micromechanical transducers, 154
microneedles, 247
photostructurable, 36–8
planar lightwave circuits, 77
wet etching, 33–6
glass transition temperature (Tg), 45–6
glucose levels, 259, 260
glucose oxidase (GOx), 126
gold interdigital electrode arrays, 192
granular media, 105, 106
graphoepitaxy, 69, 112
guided self-assembly, 112


hafnium oxide, 130
hand-held scanners, 166, 167
head-mounted retina displays, 166, 167
H-filters, 210
high-contrast negative resists, 118, 119
highly ordered oxide films, 128
highly ordered pyrolytic graphite (HOPG), 123
high-resolution nanoarrays, 107
HIV drug resistance evaluation, 202
hollow microneedles, 245–7, 253–5
hot embossing, 46–9
hot tap drilling, 159
hybrid-integrated glass cantilever components, 162–3
hybrid materials, 17
hybrid solutions, 172
hydraulic microactuators, 206
hydrofluoric acid (HF), 34–36
hydrophobic patches, 207


ICP (inductively coupled plasma) sources, 32
immunoglobulin, 152
inductively coupled plasma (ICP) sources, 32
inductively coupled reactive ion etching, 59, 60
information storage device nanofabrication, 72
information technology (IT), 165–72
infrared (IR) plastic microfabrication, 45
injection micromolding, 48, 49
inorganic templates, 111
in-plane microneedle fabrication, 242–3, 245, 253, 254
insulin delivery, 241–4, 250, 252–66
integrated boss-features, 162
integrated chemFET devices, 189–90
integrated clinical diagnostics, 190–5
integrated fabrication (surface micromachining), 26
integrated lab-on-a-chip systems see lab-on-a-chip systems
integrated microfluidic devices, 211–12
integrated microneedle-micropump patches, 263, 264, 265
integrated microneedle skin patches, 250, 251
integrated optical devices:
fabrication, 81–3
information technology, 167–8, 169, 170, 171–2
MST foundry service industry, 83–4
silicon/non-silicon hybrid devices, 72–4
integrated wearable scanners, 166
intensive farming, 182
interdigital electrode (IDE) arrays, 192
interference lithography (IL), 100, 112–14
interferometers, 81, 82, 84, 157, 184
in vitro pharmaceutical testing, 202
in vivo insulin delivery, 254–5, 257
in vivo pharmaceutical testing, 202
ion beam techniques, 17, 107
ion lasers, 113
ion selective electrode (ISE) measurements, 222, 227
ion-sensitive field-effect transistors (ISFET), 189–90
iontophoresis, 223
IR see infrared
iron-oxide (Fe2O3), 154
ISE (ion selective electrode) measurements, 222, 227
isotropic etching, 22–3, 33–6
IT (information technology), 165–72


KOH (potassium hydroxide), 22, 29


label-free nanoarrays, 107
lab-on-a-chip systems, 199, 212–17, 241–2
Laboratory-on-a-Chip (LoaC), 199, 212–17, 241–2
large scale integration (LSI), 19
laser ablation, 42–4
laser-based planar lightwave circuits, 74–5
laser cut microneedle arrays, 245, 246, 247
Laser Interference Lithography (LIL), 95, 100, 102, 113–20
lasers (Argon ion), 113
laser scanning systems, 166–7
laser silicon/non-silicon hybrid devices, 73–4
laser stereolithography, 17
layered composite oxide nanoarrays, 124, 125
lead zirconate titanate (PZT), 156, 255
leak-tide integration, 212
Leiden/Amsterdam Center for Drug Research (LACDR), 242
lift-off processes, 15, 74–5
LIGA concepts, 41–2, 57–8, 62–3
light-emitting diode-based detectors, 184–5
light sensitive compounds, 15
Lithium Capillary Electrophoresis Total Analysis System (LICETAS), 204, 220–1, 223, 226–8, 239–40
lithium tantalate, 169
electronics industry, 103–4
LIGA concepts, 57–8
micromolding, 61
microneedle arrays, 245, 248
oxide nanoarrays, 128–9
photolithography, 14–17
plastic microfabrication, 40–2, 48–9
LoaC (Laboratory-on-a-Chip), 199, 212–17, 241–2
low-cost masks, 16
low-loss alumina waveguide fabrication, 170–1
Low Pressure Chemical Vapour Deposition (LPCVD), 19, 22, 161–2
low-shrinkage ceramic precursors, 68


Mach-Zehnder interferometers, 81, 82, 84, 184
Macroflux delivery systems, 252, 258, 259
magnetron sputtering, 170
mammalian cell-based sensors, 192–3, 195
Mapper Lithography, 99
maskless extreme ultraviolet lithography, 113–14
aligners, 14, 15, 16
excimer laser ablation, 44
glass wet etching, 33–4, 35, 36
nanolithography, 100–2
nanomaterials, 128–9
optical devices, 81–3
photolithography, 15, 16
planar lightwave circuits, 74–5
silicon micromachining, 21–2
master-based replication processes, 260–1
MATAS (Modular Assembly for (micro) Total Analysis systems), 217–19
mechanical transducers see micromechanical transducers
medical ordered oxide applications, 130–2
medical sensor array applications, 190–5
membrane-type materials, 187
MEMSCAP, 28, 168
mesa-structures, 162–3
microneedles, 253
thermal evaporation, 19
thin films, 17
nanolithography, 97
nanoscale research, 125–7
oxide metamaterials, 124–7
oxide nanoarrays, 127–30
micro-abrasive blasting, 38–9
microactuation, 155–7, 208–10
microarray sensor technology, 190–5
micro-ceramic processing, 59–70
capillaries, 63–6
curved substrate patterning, 67–9
micromolding, 60–2, 63–6
nanoscale resolution patterning, 69–70
soft-mold replication, 66–7
microchip-based cytometers, 215, 216
microchip capillary electrophoresis, 219–28
microelectronics industry, 103–4
microfluidics, 34, 35, 199–233
amperometry, 187, 188
application fields, 201–4
components, 204–10
diffusion, 210
dispensing, 211–12
laser ablation, 44
sensing, 211–12
transport, 210–12
microgears, 26, 27, 42, 66, 67
micro-hot embossing, 46–9
micromechanical actuation, 208–10
micromechanical transducers, 147–77
application fields, 150–3
information technology, 165–72
material overview, 153–4
microactuation, 155–7
packaged sensors, 157–60
resonant microdevices, 160–5
silicon, 160–5
thick/thin film hybrid materials, 154–5
micro-mirror integrated digital projectors and displays, 166, 167
micromolded ceramics, 60–2
micromolded dissolving polymer microneedle arrays, 245, 246
micromolding in capillaries (MIMIC), 63–6
micromotors, 26–7
Microneedle Array (MNA) Technology, 237–65
clinical relevance, 259–65
commercialization, 250, 252
demand, 241–4
design, 241, 245–7, 258–65
fabrication concepts, 245–7, 259–65
insulin delivery, 241, 242–4, 250, 252, 253–66
microfabrication technologies, 244–52
research, 241
microneedle-micropump patches, 263, 264, 265
Micronics microchip-based cytometers, 215, 216
Micro (Opto) Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS/MOEMS):
bulk quartz micromachining, 33, 34
information technology, 165–72
integrated optical devices, 170
microfluidic components, 206
micromechanical actuation, 209
micromechanical transducers, 163
Microneedle Array Technology, 241, 245
multiple-beamlet arrays, 107
photostructurable glass, 36
pressure sensors, 151
silicon/non-silicon hybrid devices, 73
surface micromachining, 27, 28
microplate readers, 181–2
micropump patches, 263, 264, 265
microscale aqueous microneedle conduits, 252
microstereolithography, 44–5, 60
microsystem foundries, 29
micro-Total Analysis Systems (μTAS), 203, 212, 213, 219
microvalves (valves), 204–10
MIMIC (micromolding in capillaries), 63–6
Mirkin Research Group, 101–2
mirror integrated digital projectors and displays, 166, 167
mirror projection displays, 167
mixers (microfluidics), 205
Modular Assembly for (micro) Total Analysis systems (MATAS), 217–19
mold manufacture, 46–9, 60–2
molecular recognition, 151–2
monolithic integration, 169, 171
More-than-Moore concepts, 165
Motorola WT4000 scanners, 166
mounted diaphragms, 162–3
mounted single-use chips, 228
MST foundry service industry, 83–4
multi-electrode arrays, 192, 193
multi-exposures, 115–19
multiple e-beam/ion-beam lithography, 107
multireaders, 228
multi-user MEMS processes (MUMPS), 28, 168
MyLife Technologies, 238–9, 240


nanoarrays, 95, 96–7, 98
oxide metamaterials, 124–5
templated types, 107–12
template-free lithography, 103
nanodots, 70, 111–12
nanograting pattern fidelity, 118, 119
nanohole-microarrays, 119
nanoimprint lithography (NIL), 99, 114–15
nanoimprint technology, 99, 104–7, 111, 114–15
bottom-up/top-down approaches, 94, 95–104
electronics industry, 103–4
emerging technologies, 107–12
technique, 100–2
nanomaterials, 122–32
nanoporous microneedles, 248–50
nanoscale meta-material research, 125–7
nanoscale resolution ceramic patterning, 69–70
nanotechnology, 91–146
nanowells, 110
natural oxide nanoarrays, 123–4
NCs (colloidal nanocrystals), 154
needle systems see Microneedle Array Technology
negative resists, 15, 18, 119
neural stimulation, 124
nickel microneedles, 253
NIL (nanoimprint lithography), 99, 114–15
non-CMOS compatible cantilever devices, 163
non-lithographic direct shaping methods, 17
non-silicon hybrid devices, 71–4
non-silicon processing, 33–49
glass wet etching, 33–6
photostructurable glass, 36–8
plastic microfabrication, 39–49
powder blasting, 38–9
quartz etching, 33, 34, 35
novel diagnostic nanoarrays, 131
novel product nanofabrication, 235–72
novel resist systems, 115–19


octadecyltrichlorisilane (OTS), 69
octadecyltrichlorsilane (ODTS), 130
Ohm’s law, 186
oligonucleotides, 152
on-chip fluidic networks, 185, 203
on-chip optical absorbance, 185
on-chip polymerase chain reaction, 203
OPC (Ordinary Portland Cement), 62, 63, 64
optical devices:
fabrication, 81–3
information technology, 167–72
MST foundry service industry, 83–4
sensors, 157, 181–2, 183–5
silicon/non-silicon hybrid devices, 72–4
optical films (planar lightwave circuits), 79, 80
ordered oxides, 122–3, 130–2
Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), 62, 63, 64
organic-capped iron-oxide (Fe2O3), 154
organic oxide arrays, 123
OTS (octadecyltrichlorisilane), 69
out-of-plane microneedle fabrication, 242–3, 245–6, 248, 253–5, 257–8, 263–5
out-of-plane mirror elements, 166
oxide films, 17, 128
oxide metamaterials, 124–7
oxide nanoarrays:
artificial, 123–4
background, 123–7
bio-inspired, 129–30
bio-templated, 129–30
definition, 123–7
fabrication principles, 127–30
lithographic-assisted, 128–9
natural, 123–4
oxides, 122–3
oxygenation, 129


packaged sensors, 151, 157–60
parallel electron beam techniques, 17
parallel plate plasma etching, 25
parallel templated nanoarrays, 110
partially self-dissolving microneedles, 263, 264, 265
passive microvalves, 206–7
pathogen sensors, 192–3, 195
patterned magnetic (PM) media, 105, 106
p-CAR pattern transfers, 117–18
perovskite lead zirconate titanate structures, 156
pharmaceuticals, 202
phenotype testing, 202
photo-etched devices, 36, 37
photolithography, 14–17, 61, 99
photomasks, 81–3
see also masks
photometric sensors, 183
photonic nanostructures, 130
photopolymerization, 44–5
photoresists, 18, 40, 41
photostructurable glass, 36–8
pH sensors, 189–90
physical vapour deposition (PVD), 19–20, 169
piezoelectric actuators, 209
piezoelectrical materials, 33
piezoelectric discs, 162–3
piezoelectricity, 156
piezoresistive packaged sensors, 157, 158
pipettes, 211
PI (polyimide), 43–4
planar flow-through cells, 184–5
planar lightwave circuits (PLCs), 74–80, 169
plasma deposition processes, 26
plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD):
information technology, 169, 170–1
nanomaterials, 123, 126
thin films, 19
wet chemical etching, 22
plasma etch methods, 16
plasma glucose levels, 259, 260–1
plasma polymerization, 78
plastic encapsulation, 158
plastic microfabrication, 39–49
laser ablation, 42–4
photopolymerization, 44–5
thermoplastic micromolding, 45–9
thick resist lithography, 40–2
plastic microneedles, 247
pneumatic microactuators, 206
point-of-care (PoC) microfluidics, 220
point-of-care (PoC) tests, 222
point-of-sales bar code readers, 166
polycrystalline oxide nanoarrays, 124, 125
polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), 192–3, 195
ceramic micromolding, 65, 66
curved substrate patterning, 67–9
micro-mechanical actuation, 208–9
microneedle arrays, 263–4
plastic microfabrication, 40
soft-mold replication, 66
polyetheretherketone (PEEK), 43–4
polyimide (PI), 43–4
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), 203, 206
polymeric gels, 110
polymeric organic oxide arrays, 123
polymerization, 44–5, 78
ceramic microparts, 62
laser ablation, 42–4
microneedle arrays, 245, 246, 260–1
photolithography, 15
photopolymerization, 44–5
planar lightwave circuits, 78–9
plastic microfabrication, 39–49
thermoplastic micromolding, 45–9
thick resist lithography, 40–2
thin films, 17
polymethylmetacrylate (PMMA):
laser ablation, 44
template nanoarrays, 111
polypyrrole (PPy), 123
polysilicon (PS), 22, 26–7, 253
polysulfone (PSU), 43–4
polytetrafluoroethene (PTFE), 124
polyvinylsilazane, 66
porous microneedles, 247, 248–50
portable scanning systems, 166–7
positive resists, 15, 18
potassium hydroxide (KOH), 22, 29
powder blasting, 38–9
power splitters, 168
PPy (polypyrrole), 123
precursor resins, 60
pressure-driven microvalve flows, 206, 207
pressure sensors, 151–3, 157–60
printed circuit boards (PCB):
micromechanical coupler diaphragms, 163
packaged sensors, 157, 158, 159
thermoplastic micromolding, 47, 48–9
nanoarrays, 107
templating, 110–11
transducers, 152
PSU (polysulfone), 43–4
PSZ (Ceraset Polysilazane), 66–7
PTFE (polytetrafluoroethene), 124
Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD), 20, 126–8
pulsed laser techniques, 20, 74–5, 126–8
pumps (microfluidics), 205
purpose-built materials, 127
Pyrex glass, 38, 39


quantum dots, 107, 108
quartz etching, 33, 34, 35
quartz/silicon micromachining, 28–32, 33, 34


random access memory (RAM), 106
rapid prototyping print processes, 154–5
rat models (diabetes), 259, 260, 261, 262
RCOS (Resonant Cantilever Optical Scanner), 168, 171, 172
reactive gas species, 26
reactive ion etch (RIE) processes, 59, 60
Bosch processes, 32
dry etching, 24–5
optical device fabrication, 81
planar lightwave circuits, 76
receptor-ligand binding, 152
refractive indices, 74–5, 77, 78, 79
resist systems:
Laser Interference Lithography, 115–20
nanolithography, 14, 15, 98–9, 115–20
nanotechnology, 100
photolithography, 14, 15
plastic microfabrication, 40–2
wet deposition techniques, 18
Resonant Cantilever Optical Scanner (RCOS), 168, 171, 172
resonant microdevices, 160–5
resonant mirror components, 167–8
resonant scanners, 33, 34
resonant systems (diaphragms), 163, 165
resonant tuning forks, 33, 35
retail barcode scanners, 166
retainer rings, 258, 259
retina displays, 166, 167
reusable microneedle applicators, 258, 259
Reutlingen facility, 151, 152
reverse iontophoresis, 223
rhenium oxide films, 126
rod-shaped Tobacco mosaic viruses, 130


sacrificial master-based replication, 260–1
sacrificial silica layers, 26–7
sample cassettes, 228
samples (microfluidics), 224–6
sample to chip interfaces, 224
sapphire (A2O3) substrates, 153
SBL (styrene butadiene copolymer latex), 62
scanning electron micrography (SEM), 117–18
scanning systems, 117–18, 166–7
Scotch tape, 70
selective electrochemical etching, 248
self-assembled monolayers (SAMs), 69, 70, 129
self-assembly, 92, 105, 107–8, 110, 112
self-dissolving microneedles, 263–4, 265
optical device fabrication, 81
pH sensor devices, 189–90
silicon/non-silicon hybrid devices, 73–4
thin films, 17
application fields, 180–2
biochemical information, 183–9
cell-based biosensors, 192–5
development methodology, 188–9
diffusion, 210
electrochemical arrays, 190–5
integrated chemFET devices, 189–90
integrated clinical diagnostics, 190–5
micromechanical transducers, 151–2, 155, 157–62
nanomaterials, 124
pH sensors, 189–90
resonant microdevices, 161–2
sharp-tip silicon microneedle arrays, 245, 246
signal transduction systems, 182
micromechanical transducers, 154
microneedles, 247, 253
thin films, 17
silica-on-silicon, 79
bulk micromachining, 28–32
hybrid devices, 71–4
information technology, 169–71
micromachined arrays, 241
micromachining, 21–32
micromechanical actuation, 208
micromechanical transducers, 152–3, 159–65
microneedles, 245, 246, 248
oxide nanoarrays, 130
planar lightwave circuits, 77
plastic microfabrication, 40, 41, 48–9
pressure sensors, 158
silicon carbide (SiC), 64, 66
silicon dioxide etching, 76
silicon nitride, 17
Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) speciality devices, 71
silicon oxide, 123–4
single crystal (SC) materials, 33, 77, 153–4, 161
single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), 109
single-tip pipettes, 211
single-use chips, 228
single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs), 109
sintered ceramic microgears, 66, 67
skin patches, 251, 252
slab waveguides, 75
small-molecule-releasing skin patches, 251, 252
SMD (surface mounted devices), 151
soft-bake processes, 18
soft-lithography, 48–9, 248
soft-mold replication, 66–7
SOI (Silicon-on-Insulator speciality devices), 71
sol-gels, 128, 169
solid microneedles, 245, 246, 247, 253
speciality substrates, 71
spin-coating, 15, 18
spin-on-glass processes, 169
spin-on processes, 79
splitter-type elements, 206
spot-size transformers, 169
SPR (surface plasmon resonance), 127
sputtering, 19, 169, 170
SRAM (static random access memory), 106
ssDNA (single-stranded DNA), 109
stainless steel laser cut microneedle arrays, 245, 246, 247
stand-alone readers, 228
static random access memory (SRAM), 106
steel laser cut microneedle arrays, 245, 246, 247
step-wise bioredox, 129
stereolithography, 17, 44–5
stop valves, 207
storage device nanofabrication, 72
STW project, 238, 239
styrene butadiene copolymer latex (SBL), 62
SU-8 epoxy-type photoresists, 40, 41
subtractive pattern transfers, 74–5
surface acoustic waves (SAW), 71, 106–7
surface micromachining, 25–8
information technology, 167–8
micro-mechanical actuation, 210
planar lightwave circuits, 76
surface mounted devices (SMD), 151
surface plasmon resonance (SPR), 127
surface-released machined gear wheels, 26, 27
surgery microfluidics, 220–2
SWNTs (single-wall carbon nanotubes), 109
system level packaged sensors, 157, 158–60


TBAF (tetrabutylammoniumfluoride), 66
micromechanical transducers, 156–7
plastics, 45–9
templated nanoarrays, 107–12
template fabrication, 99, 100–2
template-free lithography approaches, 103
tetrabutylammoniumfluoride (TBAF), 66
tetrahydrofuran (THF), 66
tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH), 22, 29
text-recognition systems, 166, 167
therapy (nanoarrays), 131–2
thermal evaporation, 19
thermoplastic micromolding, 45–9
thermosetting polymers, 40
THF (tetrahydrofuran), 66
thick film hybrid materials, 154–5
thick resist lithography, 40–2
thin films, 17–21
hybrid materials, 154–5
integrated optical devices, 74
magnetron sputtering, 170
micro-mechanical actuation, 208
planar lightwave circuits, 79, 80
vapor deposition techniques, 18–21
wet deposition techniques, 18
three-dimensional architectural protein templating, 110–11
three-dimensional masking, 21–2
three-dimensional microstructures, 41
three-dimensional sensor cellular networks, 194, 195
three-sides clamped diaphragms, 163, 164, 165
timed etching, 30
time-to-market transit, 105
tin oxide (SnO2), 126
titania, 111
titer plates, 203
TMAH (tetramethylammonium hydroxide), 22, 29
Tobacco mosaic viruses, 130
top-down approaches, 92, 93–122, 127
toxin sensors, 192–3, 195
transdermal insulin delivery see insulin delivery
tricalcium silicate, 62
T-sensors, 210
tuning fork resonators, 33, 35
two-photon photopolymerization approaches, 44–5


ultimate resolution, 96
ultraviolet (UV):
nanolithography, 102, 103–4, 113
photolithography, 14, 99
photopolymerization, 45
plastic microfabrication, 41–2
UV-LIGA concepts, 41–2


valves (microfluidics), 205–10
vapor deposition, 18–21, 70
venipuncture, 222
Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) electronics, 76, 104
viruses, 129, 130
visible light waveguides, 76–7
VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration), 76, 104
VPFlowScope, 158–60


wafer dicing, 158
wafer production, 151, 152
watch gears, 42
water supply networks, 184
waveguide technology, 165–8, 169, 170
wet deposition techniques, 18
wet etching processes, 21–3, 29–31, 33–6, 75
wet surface micromachining, 76
wicking paper, 210


x-ray lithography, 41, 57–8, 103


zinc oxide (ZnO), 129, 130
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